MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 757 Full illustrated book!

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Foggy grass!

Let it be said...

Lu Ming's excited expression gradually fell silent.


Forgot this.

Last time, because the comet XX passed through the planet, it exploded into a superpower.

If not? !

If it is really a planet that has been summoned and prepared to come over...

Lu Ming looked at the distance between the major planets, and suddenly felt that Xiao Xiaojian might be right. When they came, it was estimated that the daylily was cold...

This is the moment.

Lu Ming also knows why such a super card has only eight stars.

Ha ha ha ha.

This is the kind of card that can be used in the next life by releasing skills in this life.

what is this?

Shake before casting?

Do not.

This is a skill delay! Delay time: a lifetime.

Spicy chicken! ! !

of course.

As for the nine stars...

Lu Ming sighed.

The top of the summoning series, the rumored nine-star super card, does not need to be predicted, and Lu Ming can also guess its function.


Nine Star Legend Card-Stellar Card.

Its role is probably to summon stars...

Ha ha ha ha.

Do you feel that if the person above you that dries you every day is getting closer and closer to you under the summoning of the stellar card...Did you eat small fish?

You will soon become like that.



The power of these cards is endless!


This is what they call the seven-star, eight-star, and nine-star golden legendary cards, but otherwise, their effect is really...


Sigh again.

Lu Ming thought about it for a long time, and put these cards into a high cabinet.


Seven-star cards may still be useful.

Even if the eight-star card is delayed.

Don't think about the delay of the nine-star card, just name the annihilation card. If the goods are really called, no one wants to run...

The planet is gone.

and so……

no doubt.

These golden legendary cards are all scrap cards!

Equivalent to a whole row of fawn boys...

What can he say?


So far.

Summon card series, has graduated completely!

Summoning series——

Two-star energy creeps.

Samsung grave head warrior.

Four-star moonlight card.

Five-star daylight card.

Six stars card.

Seven Star Meteorite Card.

Eight star planet card.

Nine star stellar card. (prediction)


"Is this a complete picture book of summon cards?"

Lu Ming sighed.


He now has a sense of gratification in the future...

Not because of the full illustrated book, but because the latter cards are too spicy... Forget it, look for other cards...

after all.

He still has more cards!

such as--

Bull head series!

With the lightning integration into the Seven Stars now, Lu Ming feels that all his series of cards will be upgraded and can be transformed!


of course.

Each one needs to be tested and researched.

after all.

Blind chickens merge, and ghosts know what will happen. If they are like meteorite planetary cards, you can merge and use whatever you want...


After countless years.

A devastating disaster may have come.


For the so-called'Golden Legend' cards, Lu Ming maintains a high degree of vigilance. This level of cards is too devilish and too BT!


Lu Ming arrived at the laboratory again.

This time, he merged six-star Newton cards!

Newton cards, six-star cards with sharp heads! At the six-star stage, one of the most complete functions finally appeared-Super Gravity! !

Lu Ming is still very satisfied with the Newton Card.

Unlike the cards demolished by blind chickens, Newton cards are very practical.



and many more.

Newton cards are useful wherever there is gravity.


Lu Ming likes this card very much.

Therefore, for the fusion of seven Newton cards, Lu Ming is still full of expectations.


He is not demanding.

As long as a stronger... ordinary card, green.


When seven Newton cards go down.


Card metamorphosis.

A touch of golden light flashed...

"Wow, the golden legend!"

Little Sword was excited.


Lu Ming was expressionless.


It's golden again.

After seeing two gold saga cards in a row, he was a little scared of it now.


For the Niutou series cards...


The golden light flashes.

The card surface is transformed.

A brand new card was born.

Lu Ming walked over carefully, and suddenly looked awkward, what is this? !

Card surface.

There is only one bull head, the cow opens its mouth slightly, and a sound wave form spreads...



? ? ?

Lu Ming scratched his head, what does that mean?

Bull cry?

"Isn't it, this card means that the cow will roar, and it will release a huge shock wave, which will cause a lot of damage to the enemy..."

Said the little sword mechanism.


Lu Ming nodded slightly.

From the picture, this is indeed the case.


According to the pit father legend of the Niutou series, Lu Ming doesn't quite believe...

"I think it is possible."

"After all, there is no similar attack card."

Xiao Xiaojian was excited, "If it's really a sonic attack, I even thought of the name, it's called Niu Moo, what do you say?"


Lu Ming rolled his eyes.

This broken name, I don't know if I thought you were taking drugs/drugs.



What does the card do...



Lu Ming once again reached the endless sea.


The card is released.


The ground flashed a golden light.

Lu Ming could clearly feel a shocking power flash, and then... the world was calm, nothing happened.


Lu Ming was in a trance.


and many more?

This class is half a day.

Lu Ming looked at the calm endless waters and finally gave up.

of course.

Taking into account the possibility of pit fathers in the past, Lu Ming still put some monitoring here, but unfortunately, nothing happened.

Lu Ming: "..."

What strange cards are there? !

Lu Ming was a little embarrassed.

Never mind.

Record it first.

Seven Star Cow x Card: Unknown.

His future enemies are all nine stars, so for Lu Ming, the most important thing is the limit he can make now-eight star cards! ! !


Qixing's role is unknown and it's nothing.


Lu Ming skipped this step and began to merge directly.

With the N-day efforts of the disciple of the Sword and Card Division, this unknown cattle x card was once again announced to be cracked, and Lu Ming successfully produced it!


A new fusion has begun.

"Purple purple!"

"Blue blue!"

"White is fine."

"It really doesn't work, green is green..."

Lu Ming prayed.

His demand is really not high.


at this time.

The familiar golden light flashed.

Lu Ming: "..."

Gan Li Niang.

Co-authored Seven Star cards are legendary cards? !

Never mind.

Gold is gold.

Anyway, powerful!

As long as there is a traditional attack card that can play an attack role, he can seconds in seconds!


Lu Ming looked forward with some expectation.


Silence again.

Here, an ordinary card surface appears. On the card surface, there is no bull head, but a beautiful girl.

Lu Ming:? ? ?

Lu Ming's cards in the Ngau Tau series have never expected other functions to appear. After all, the basic cards in this series are the impact of the cattle.


Niu's words...

Could it be...

This is the legendary Mrs. Niu? ? ?

Xiao Tian Tian? ?

and also……

The most important thing is how do you use the cards? !

Lu Ming stared at the eyes for a long time, and still didn't understand that it was related to the cow...girl...what is this broken gold eight-star card...

Never mind.

give up.

Lu Ming had a headache.


The Ngau Tau test ended early.


The whole book is no need to think about it.

Seven Stars: Unknown.

Eight stars: unknown.

Nine stars: unknown.

Even the deduction cannot be deduced.


Lu Ming gave up directly.


Lu Ming is ready to choose a card to start again.


at this time.

Suddenly he received news from the undercover that a high-level government in XX was about to attack Lu Ming.


Lu Ming sank in his heart.

at last……

Still coming?


For the time being, he put down his card research and invited several old friends from the Nine Star Alliance to come to help. Everyone was waiting for the enemy to come over in the Sword and Card Division.


This class...

It was three days.

For three days, he didn't fall asleep with Xiaobai in order to maintain his energy and keep his spirit... This **** enemy didn't come? !



The gangsters of the Nine Star Alliance couldn't squat, they left, and the enemy didn't come!

Lu Ming:? ? ?

What about a good offense? !

"Will the enemy find the Nine Star Alliance here..."


Lu Ming was awe-inspiring.


He secretly prepared again.

This preparation is another few days.


Still not coming.

"What are you doing to tease me?"

Lu Ming sent a message to the undercover.


Undercover silence.

He understood it again, and was very sure, "The enemy is indeed planning to attack, but it seems to be stranded because of their king..."


Lu Ming wondered.


He was very strange, what the **** happened to make the king give up? !



A country.

Between the sky.

Countless powerful beings kneel down to the ground.

"Wang, this is a sinister strategy of mankind. I suspect that Lu Ming just knew that we were all online, so he developed such a sinister world and abolished our determination!"

"Yeah, Wang, we can't wait and die, if we go on like this, we will slowly be eaten up by Lu Ming!"

"Wang! For our country! For the people!"

"We need to do something."


"Chen also agreed."

Shen Sheng said.



Above the throne, there was silence.

for a long time.

Then came a dazed voice: "No hurry, let me finish this round first."

The courtiers: "???



Sword Card Masters Association.

Lu Ming didn't wait for the enemy until Huaer had thanked him.

The card fusion is temporarily suspended, because the fused cards are basically incomprehensible, requiring a lot of outing tests and experiments...

If it gets messed up at this time...

too dangerous.

of course.

He hasn't been idle these days.

Although the research on the cards stopped temporarily, he didn't stop the rest...


All possibilities to increase strength.

such as--

Three Thousand Cores of Hundred Flowers Array! !

In the past few days, the girls at Baihuamen have applied for a brand-new project, a project research on three thousand cores.


Increase the number of!

They want to turn three thousand cores into a stronger presence.

such as--

Three thousand one core.

Three thousand two cores.

Three thousand six cores.

and many more.

Lu Ming glanced, and his eyes lit up.

You don’t have to say, now that there are more and more disciples in the Sword and Card Division, Lu Ming really needs to increase the strength of Baihua’s core, so as to enhance his combat effectiveness.

after all.

With the current three thousand cores, Lu Ming's combat power can definitely rise to a new level.


If more...


Lu Ming approved without hesitation and increased the budget by ten times!


Li Haoran was a little ignorant.

"That one……"


Li Haoran wiped his sweat, "Is this budget a bit too much? I'm afraid the girls at Baihuamen can't bear your pride."


Lu Ming's face was black.


Hao Ran has learned to lift the bar...

"speak politely."

Lu Ming said angrily.


Li Haoran scratched his head, "Master, it's really a bit much. According to the final goal of 3,600 they set up, it doesn't need so much money."

"Who said three thousand six?"

Lu Ming sneered.


"this thing……"

Lu Ming thought about it and added a series of zeros to the back.

Li Haoran:? ? ?

"Let them work hard for me to develop!"

Lu Ming said in a deep voice, "Three thousand six is ​​simply not enough! The ultimate goal of Hundred Flowers Array needs five thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, and even one million!!"


Li Haoran is at a loss, millions?


This person cannot be put together!

"You don't have to worry about this."

Lu Ming said in a deep voice, "Hao Ran, this experiment, the highest priority, you come to urge, in a short time, I must see the results!"


Li Haoran was amazed.

It seems.

This matter involves Master’s plan again!


He ordered to retreat.

And at this time.

Our little sword is also a bit ignorant, "What are you doing with so many people?"

"Become stronger!"

Lu Ming said coldly.


Do you really think you can't get stronger if you can't break through?


For Lu Ming, this is not a problem at all!

Now, with Lu Ming's prestige, as Lu Ming's identity, and with Lu Ming's power, borrowing the professional core of the disciples should not be a problem.

and so.

Once three thousand cores are borrowed, Lu Ming's combat power surges!


What if more?


Think about it.

Lu Ming ascended, borrowed tens of thousands of cores, the construction of Hundred Flowers Array was completed, and the increase of the Sun and Moon Stars, Lu Ming's fighting power was not nine stars better than nine stars! ! !

"how is this possible?"

Xiao Xiaojian couldn't help crying and laughing, "The Hundred Flowers Array consumes so much, the more people consume, the more..."


Suddenly Xiao Xiaojian paused.


What a joke? !

Lu Ming has a BUG with infinite energy on his body!

That's it.

No energy consumption is a problem!

if so……


Xiaojian was surprised.

Don’t even mention that, even if Heaven blocked the road that broke through the seven-star film, Lu Ming still developed a dry road by himself...

How do you say that?

There is no way in the world. When there are many people walking, it becomes a way.

What dry road waterway.


As long as there are many people walking, that is the way!


Many people have done this, and now our Lu Ming classmates have done it.

just now.

There are only two factors that limit Lu Ming's strength-

First, the upper limit of the number of Baihuazhen.

Second, the quality of these professional cores.

The number of Hundred Flowers Array is handed over to the Hundred Flowers Girls for research. As for the quality, with the development of deep-sea research, the fighting power of the disciples is improving!

Continuous improvement!

According to incomplete statistics, this week there are several sword card division breakthrough seven stars!


Three thousand guru cores are just around the corner!

By that time...

Hey hey.

Lu Ming thought that he would feel utterly disturbed here.

How many countries?


Fear of a bird!

however. UU reading books

As Lu Ming imagined a better future, the old man of Time suddenly pushed the door and walked in, with a dignified look, "President, I found a big wave..."


Lu Ming's eyes lit up, "Senior Autumn is here?"


The old man added the second half of the sentence blankly, "I found a big fluctuation..."


Lu Ming was a little disappointed, it turned out that the enemy was coming.


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