MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 744 Lu Mingyong Motive!

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Perpetual motion machine.

This is the codename of Lu Ming today.

Because of the special reason of his identity, he can now output six-star energy in one-star realm, and then part of the energy from the six-star energy output to satisfy himself.





What kind of external energy is needed?


Since the appearance of the BUG in the realm, Lu Ming's current energy is really endless! It's like a card with unlimited traffic!

right now.

What limits him is the download rate...


Energy transfer rate.

"Are you sure?"

Elemental masters are full of doubts.

He doubted the existence of a perpetual motion machine from his bones, hum, how is it possible! The perpetual motion machines in those small movies are deceptive!


Lu Ming is very sure.


He performed on the spot, and the big brothers were amazed.


Elemental master is silent.

for a long time.

He has a complex look, "If I knew this..."

"To shut up!"

Everyone suddenly turned black.

Elementalist: "..."

In short.

The energy problem is solved.

In Lu Ming's body, energy can perfectly circulate, and there is no need to even be linked to the outside world, and naturally it will not be disturbed.

The shadow can even exist independently indefinitely!

"Is this science?"

Wu Jiu was confused.

Although he is not a scientific staff member, it seems that it does not conform to the law of energy.

"This is the cultivation world."

The summoner said coldly.

Looking for science in the practice world, you are really capable.

Wu Jiu: →_→

He just felt weird.

In this case, Lu Ming, if I had to describe it... talent? Bloodline?

"Maybe from your mother."

Summoner reminder.


Everyone nodded slightly.

If it comes from the blood of the wind spirit, there is something mutated, so the talent [Endless Energy] was born, it seems that it does not exist.

Lu Ming: "..."

He also had some doubts.

Is it...

Was it because of that situation that activated the unique blood talent? But he remembered clearly...Forget it, the big brothers found a reasonable explanation, and he didn't think about it.


It's like a blood talent.

No problem.

in this way.

The problem of absolute freezing was solved from a theoretical level. Next, Lu Ming personally verified whether it was really feasible.


It's still unreliable to let him go...

Lu Ming is still very afraid of this ability that only exists in rumors. If it freezes to death, it will be really cold.

"Absolutely frozen..."

Lu Ming pondered for a moment.

After thinking about it, he decided to learn more about the frozen data.


He called the Green Dragon.



"I remember you still have Ice Dragon Bloodline?"


Lulu is pretty sure.

He is a string of ice, fire and dragon!

"How much can you resist at least?"

"Ninety degrees below zero."


Lu Ming has some doubts, is this?

"Probably because of the fire dragon bloodline."

Lulu scratched her head, "Under that kind of ultra-low temperature, my body will become very sensitive. If it exceeds minus 90 degrees, I can't hold on for a few seconds."

Lu Ming: "..."

What kind of junk blood you are!

"Can't you get bigger?"

Lu Ming said in a deep voice.

"This is the case of getting bigger."

Lulu is also very distressed.

"It doesn't make it less effective."

"It's bigger and too sensitive."


Lvlu sighed.

Full of melancholy about future life.

? ? ?

Lu Ming frowned, always feeling that this was unusual.

Never mind.

This is not the point.

Lu Ming continued to ask, "Is the Fire Dragon not the blood of the royal family? Do you have it?"

"Of course!"

Lulu said proudly, and then he was downcast again, "But this is already the thing of the previous generation. They think that the fire dragon's bloodline has long been defiled and it is not recognized at all."


Lu Ming understood.

So, the green that came back with him is really a waste wood.


Very wasteful kind.

It seems that it is better to send it to the Dior department for shipment as soon as possible, to play the waste heat. It is still useful to study a dragon whip and a keel in case.

Lu Ming thought so.


Green Dragon seemed to feel Lu Ming's malicious intentions, and quickly said, "Master, I, I still have a little effect! I can function now!"


Lu Ming glanced at him sideways.


Lulu said firmly, "I have a good relationship with the king of Yuzhi Kingdom now!"


Lu Ming paused, Yu Zhiguo?

and many more.



Lulu respectfully opened their chat history.


Lu Ming glanced at it, and immediately sucked in Mipi.


What are you talking about? !


Lu Ming black powder group.

Boy in white: "Xiao Pu, who do you like?"

Bunker Boy: "???

Boy in white: "It's very simple. You see, since everyone hates Lu Ming, and because of this, they must have a special relationship with Lu Ming.

like me.

I used to hate Lu Ming because my lovely Yun'er became his...

Although it was later found to be a misunderstanding.


During that time, it was my most entangled time. I felt like a knife every day and looked at the silhouette of the interaction between the two of them...

It hurts. "

Red Boy: "Yes, for example, I like girls Gao Xiaoqing and Lu Ming's girlfriend."

Bunker Boy: "???

Ziyi teenager: "The girl I like is Lu Ming's sister."

Blue Boy: "The girl I like is Lu Ming's fiancee."

Boy in black: "...Li Haoran?"

Green Boy: "...Master Xiaobai?"


The bunker boy paused. Did everyone have this relationship?


Even so, there is nothing to hide.


He wrote truthfully: "I like Lu Ming's mother."


The chat group suddenly became quiet.

This quietness was only a few hours. For a long time, someone in the group finally spoke.

The boy in white: "I thought green and green were already cruel enough..."

Red Boy: "Yeah, so, you will be our captain in the future."

Blue Boy: "I think it's feasible. People like bunker boys... have a strong taste and are cruel to themselves, so they are eligible to be Lu Ming's black fans..."

Purple Boy: "Upstairs +1"

Black Boy: "Upstairs +1"


After their unanimous discussion, in the end, the bunker boy became the head.

Although there was a delay of a few tens of minutes, it was not a problem for everyone in the Rainbow Boys. They quickly formed a friendship.


Also re-established the name.

The bunker boy was officially renamed-Emerald Boy.

Seven people, all.

What they discuss every day...

From NTR to tauren, from takeaway to sister nurse...

Lu Ming:? ? ?


It's nice to be young.

Moreover, the most shocking thing is that after instilling various ideas, this emerald boy seems to be less obsessive about marrying Lu Ming's mother...

Boy in white: "You don't like her anymore?"


Emerald Boy: "She is my favorite sister, but I think that if it is true love, it seems that it is not necessary to marry home."

other people:? ? ?

Lu Ming:? ? ?

This one is growing a little bit faster...

In short.

Lu Ming glanced at it and continued to develop at this rhythm. He may not need to save his mother. This man might send his mother back...

? ? ?

This is not the same as the script of Shen Xiang's mother rescue...


"how about it?"

Green Dragon is full of expectations.


Lu Ming glanced approvingly, "Your greening work is doing well."

"That is."

Lulu said proudly.

Who is he?

Green Dragon!

You let him do something else, let him do the greening...

Hey, this is just the beginning. Their Rainbow Boys Group has decided to transfer this Emerald Boy to Dacheng.

"keep it up."

Lu Ming gave him an encouraging look.

"Yes, grown up."

Lvlu left excitedly.

Lu Ming: "..."

Life is really mysterious.

That being the case, do we need to establish a communication chip...


Lu Ming thought about it, it was still necessary.

The brainwashing activity of His Majesty the King was also due to the communication chip. Besides, there is only one Yuzhi Kingdom, which is still a lot worse.


Speaking of freezing...

Little Fox even took the initiative.


"I know that place!"

Little Fox is excited, "The birthplace of the frozen fox!"

It remembers the birth of the frozen fox, that is, it was frozen and then unsealed, and then this special species was born, that is its birthplace!


Lu Ming glanced at it suspiciously.

"Little Fox."


"That place is indeed the birthplace of the frozen fox."


"But what does it have to do with you?"

Lu Ming rolled his eyes, "If I remember correctly, you and I made Xiaoba in the laboratory through ordinary fox spirits..."

Little Fox: "→_→"


That's right.

Never mind where the origin of the frozen fox is.

Little fox himself, anyway, is Lu Ming's way of washing babies, mutated babies born out of life! It has nothing to do with the extreme north!

"Am I not adding something to the introduction."

Little Fox smiled, "I will grow up, Lord, you see, even the little sword is an ancient sword, and I can't be an ordinary fox..."

"Even the new greens are giant dragons..."

Little Fox is wronged.


Lu Ming sighed, "Understood, I will say that you came back from the North Pole, and you will be there in the future."

"Thank you, President."

Little Fox is excited.


This product changed its own association introduction and went to the head of the bathroom, the spirit of the bathroom, the toilet brush of the bathroom and other spirits.

Lu Ming: →_→

What can he say?

The business life of spirits is very rich.


for a long time.

After finishing things about the extreme north, Lu Ming decided to go to the extreme north. Some things are better investigated on the spot.


Lu Ming passed directly through the teleportation array.

And at this time.

Xiaobai came to Lu Ming's room.


Full of doubts.


Xiaobai was a little confused. Where did she put the noodles, rice noodles, cold noodles, and jelly for the test? !

Doesn’t Master like these?

She couldn't tell clearly.


She bought it all in one go, and wanted to see what the difference between these various skins and powders was. How could you go out for a while? !


And now.

The extreme north.

Under the influence of the teleportation array, Lu Ming quickly arrived here.


Lu Yan flew, as always, light.


Lu Ming smiled slightly.

The meeting between the sister and brother is always so plain and harmonious.

of course.

The premise is-Senior Qiu is not here.

"Little Luming~"

Qiu Shuyi happily brought a hug.



Oh open!

Lu Ming: ヾ(?°?°?)??

Senior is so polite...

"I haven't seen you in a long time."

Qiu Shuyi's eyes were full of smiles, "My little fiance is still so handsome."

Lu Ming: →_→


He is still very unhappy with the title of Senior Qiu.


"I am not small!"

Lu Ming said in a deep voice.

He is now the president of the Daggers and Cards Association, who is seventeen or something, who cares? !


Qiu Shuyi also recovered, and secretly smiled, "Is it more accurate, it should be said, the big fiance in the morning, the little fiance in the day?"

Lu Ming:? ? ?

End mess.

Senior Qiu changed.


What did you two do in the extreme north? !

And this time.


There was a crunch.

Lu Yan really couldn't see, and Qiu Shuyi gave a white glance, "Don't bully my brother, business matters."


Qiu Shuyi gave Lu Ming a smirk, and the meaning was meaningful. "It is really not good to bully the younger brother. It will be more troublesome if you vomit."

Lu Yan: "..."

Lu Ming: "..."


Lu Ming quietly pulled Lu Yan aside, "What happened to Senior Qiu?"

"Watching TV."

Lu Yan sighed, "Recently she watched a TV in the x-ai study room, and it looks like this for the time being... Don't worry about her, it's a matter of business."

"it is good."

Lu Ming expressed his understanding.


A group of people went to the deepest part of the extreme north.



"A few people in the Qiu family..."

"Tool people, don't worry about them."


Lu Ming nodded.

for a long time.

They reached that mysterious place.

Lu Ming also saw the entire ice-blue world for the first time. That mysterious world, ice sealed off everything that exists in the world.

of course.

In addition to light...

Light cannot be frozen, otherwise they will not see the world at all. Since there is no problem with light, the shadow that exists because of light...

Lu Ming glanced.


As the light changes, some frozen existence will have shadows.

It's very delicate.

"I went to see?"

Lu Ming whispered.

"Be careful."

Lu Yan worried.

"rest assured."

"I just let the shadow pass."

Lu Ming nodded slightly.


The light and shadow escaped from The shadow at the foot of Lu Ming suddenly appeared, and then step by step approached the frozen land, just at the moment when it just touched the absolute ice...


There was a crunch.

A black thing was just frozen...


The shadow came back embarrassed with its legs.

Lu Ming:? ? ?

and many more.

what happened? !


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