MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 728 Who has n’t been young yet?

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Sword Card Masters Association.

early morning.

Bright sunshine.


"Get up now."

Xiaobai called him the bed as usual.

"it is good."

Lu Ming stretched his lazy waist and calmed down the uprising.


The beautiful day started again.

Things in the endless waters come to an end temporarily.


After all it's cold ...

If you aren't done, you will be forced to do it!

In short, now, everyone ’s attention is now on the deep-sea kingdom.


No one thought.

The first group of creatures exploring the deep-sea kingdom encountered a terrible 'True Incense Incident'.


What is the Incense Incident?

It was when a certain country gathered a group of deep-sea crab crabs into the deep-sea country for the first time, but they were cooked in high pressure and high temperature in just two minutes ...

Although they used their strength to escape the first time.


Only the body escaped ...

When they passed through the void, returned to their own country, fell from the sky, and directly fell to a hotel, they were sprinkled with cumin and served on the table.

It is a pity.

Even their king had no time to save ...

I was eaten cool.


On this day, they called it the "True Incense Incident" to honor the dead warriors and the thousands of dead river crab beasts.


Although it's really fragrant.

In short.

The deep-sea kingdom has temporarily become a forbidden place for all creatures.

after all……

too hot.

Before solving the high temperature and high pressure there, before the temperature of the collapsed deep-sea country drops, we can only watch it for the time being.

and so.

For the time being, don't worry.


"Master ~"

"Have you eaten ~"

Xiao Bainuo's voice came.

"it is good."

Lu Ming went to dinner.

Familiar Liangpi package.


Lu Ming stood up and wanted to **** back ...


Xiao Bai's tender little hands directly covered Lu Ming's mouth and said angrily, "Master, don't allow it!"

Lu Ming: "..."

Xiaobai's hand speed is faster than before ...

Is it ...

Is puberty coming?


Lu Ming thought deeply, so it seems that the use of dark holy water to lift the fountain of life can improve the agenda.


Xiaobai put Liangpi back on the table.


Lu Ming coughed and ate it honestly, "How about Xiaoyousheng and Xiaomingsheng?"

"Go to class."

Xiaobai said.


Lu Ming looked at the date, "Isn't it because of the danger, and I will be online at home for the time being. This is about to go on vacation. Is this time to go to class?"


Xiaobai blinked, "The teacher said it, and it's a holiday if he doesn't go to class, so hurry up to class."


Lu Ming was silent.

The teacher's words are logical, and not unreasonable.

Never mind.

Let them go.

In today's human world, Lu Ming does not worry about danger.

As he became a member of the Nine Star Alliance, the presidents of those associations gave them a hundred guts and did not dare to shoot themselves.


You let those associations try to assassinate ...

The majestic nine-star card maker is all cold, where else dare!


Lu Ming is truly a foothold in this world!

No one dares to mess!

for a long time.

After a meal.

Xiaobai went to work in the laboratory again.

When Lu Ming was about to work, she saw the door open, and Ms. Tian walked in. First, she glanced inside, "Sister Xiaobai is not here?"

Lu Ming: "..."

What your sister called is true ...

"What's the matter?"

Lu Ming sighed, "If it's a business matter, just say it directly, if it's a private matter, don't say it."

"Official business! Official business!"

Tian girl said quickly.

"The project you applied for?"

Lu Ming glanced at her, "I'm right."


Girl Tian said embarrassedly, "President, you see, the association was developed by you, and you are also a pillar that the association cannot lack."

"and so?"

Lu Ming looked at her suspiciously.

"and so."


Tian Tianzheng said, "The saying is good, the country cannot be ruled for a day, it is not very good for you to go out and explore the ruins like this, but can't you go right?"

"and so?"

Lu Ming wondered.

"and so……"

Tian Tian replied shyly, "Are you supposed to set up a prince ..."

Lu Ming :? ? ?


Prince? !

"I know not now."

"Look, Xiao Yousheng and Xiao Mingsheng are not interested in this."

Tian Tian ’s face was ruddy, “So I brought all the tools, you see, this is a fertility herb, guaranteed once, this is folic acid ...”

"this is……"

"of course."

"I also asked Old Man Time to help, if it is fast, maybe it will be born in three months."

"of course."

"The first child must be surnamed Lu, but the second child, I hope he can surname Tian ..."

Tian Tian was excited.

Lu Ming :? ? ?

What is this about? !

"Go out!"

Lu Ming's face was black.


Girl Tian went wrong with her and went out.


Why did it fail again?

I said clearly that I am very rigorous ... where is the problem?


It must be because of Xiao Mingsheng.

The president still cares about the two children. Hey, it seems that I can bring a contract next time and write about taking good care of Xiaoyousheng and Xiaomingsheng again.


No problem.


And now.

Lu Ming was expressionless.

He is only 17 years old, and he is about to become a prince? !

are you crazy!

Miss Tian's brain hole ...

Never mind.

It may be that the palace fighting drama is much watched.


Lu Ming recovered.

right now.

He was too lazy to care about the association.

He Lu Ming is now a big brother, and his vision has grown from the small pattern of the association to the pattern of the world, which is naturally more majestic.


at the moment.

Things in the deep-sea kingdom are good things for human beings. During this time, human beings can just improve their strength and wait to explore the deep sea!

How to resist high temperature ...

How to resist high pressure ...

to this end.

The Nine Star Alliance arrested tens of thousands of sea crabs and river crabs for research. After a few days, the results did not show much, and people all became a bit fat.

Lu Ming: → _ →




The deep-sea kingdom is absolutely not allowed!

right now.

The deep-sea kingdom is the partition between the human world and the seven nations. The seven nations not only want to step into the deep-sea kingdom to **** resources, but also step into the human world through the deep-sea kingdom!

very dangerous!


Human beings must not relax.


Lu Ming was at a loss.

When did the deep-sea kingdom become a springboard?

"That passage."

The summoner pulled Lu Ming into a private chat, "Aren't you been there?"

"You mean that channel?"

Lu Ming scratched his head.


The summoner looks dignified.


Lu Ming was puzzled, "I remember that other countries should have access?"

such as--

Eternal kingdom.

Didn't both 0 and 1 come quietly? !


The summoner nodded. "But those channels are the basis for maintaining the connection between the two worlds. They are very narrow and compact. They can only accommodate one person at a time."

"Forcibly passing will only increase the instability of the small world and cause casualties!"


"Every channel is guarded!"

Summoner Shen said.

The eight nations, built on the human world, how can they ignore it?


Entrance to every country.

Near every country, there are strong guards.

Therefore, the talents of the eight major nations did not appear in the human world on a large scale, and only those special cultivators with hidden means could slip in.

such as--

0 and 1.

They want to send someone in without the guards, is it not easy, as for large-scale invasion? He was killed before he realized it.

apart from……

The deep-sea kingdom now! ! !

The deep-sea kingdom has collapsed, and it doesn't need to care about stability at all.

Therefore, even if the gap is gone, once those countries occupy the deep-sea country, they can forcefully open the entrance of the deep-sea country!


Lu Ming scratched his head, "But ... nobody in the deep-sea country is guarded."

He is very sure.

At that time, he sent 0 breath, no one was found.


The summoner remained silent for a long time.


He said quietly, "It used to be, but because of the shift change, the disaster management team was temporarily put on top ..."

Lu Ming :? ? ?

Change shift?

and many more.

Disaster management team ...


Lu Ming pointed at himself in disbelief.


The Summoner smiled slightly, "The channel is within your jurisdiction, so I will let you take care of it for the time being, anyway, it will be a disaster."


Lu Ming was in a trance.

So, he has always been a half-guard? !

Gan Li Niang.

Are you saving too much? !

I haven't seen you pay me two wages ...

"What about the real guardian?"

Lu Ming rolled his eyes, "Why did you go?"

"Handle some private matters."

The summoner shrugged.

"Spicy chicken!"

Lu Ming despised.

I don't love dedication at all.

What does it mean to defend the world, to defend mankind, how can we give up such an important responsibility for a little private matter, and what is the qualification to be called a defender!

Think about it.

If these guys conspired out a few months in advance ...

Isn't he cold? !

It's too ugly!

"Which **** is the guardian?"

Lu Ming was indignant.

The summoner glanced at Lu Ming, his tone quiet, "Your dad."

"Lao Lu?"

Lu Ming's anger suddenly solidified.

"Then his private business ..."

Lu Ming asked cautiously.

"Go to your mother."

The summoner pouted.

Lu Ming: "..."

It sounds like a curse.

"and many more."

"Is my dad not a disaster management team?"

Lu Ming recovered.

"Part-time job."

The summoner smiled, "Your father has always been a guardian, but because of some mistakes, he was removed from his post, so he was transferred to the endless sea and let him be a guardian in a part-time manner.


Lu Ming frowned.


Therefore, no one looked at the entrance to the deep-sea kingdom because his father managed it, and later Lu Ming temporarily managed it, so Lu Ming let him in easily.


The question is coming ...

"What mistake did my dad get fired?"

Lu Ming was curious.


The summoner paused and glanced at Lu Ming. "It seems that your father has complied with the confidentiality treaty and did not elaborate with you, but your current identity ..."

"It doesn't matter anymore."

"Lu Ming."

"Do you know which of the eight great countries are?"


Lu Ming nodded slightly.

He also did this investigation.

In addition to the already-cooled deep-sea kingdom and eternal kingdom, there are several other special kingdoms, such as what Yuzhi Kingdom, Yunyi Kingdom and the like.

Each one is very powerful.

"Your father ..."

The summoner sighed, "Once was the caretaker of the Yuzhi Kingdom."

"Yuzhi ..."

Lu Ming thoughtfully.

He really read the country information.

Yuzhi Kingdom. The cultivators of this country have extremely strong combat power. They can evolve their wings, just like the name of Yuzhi. This is a powerful country that condenses power into the wings and thus opens up new world rules. Extremely amazing!

His father actually guarded here!

in this way.

The father's strength is obvious, but this error ...

"What did my dad do?"

Lu Ming wondered.

"You shouldn't ask what your dad did."

The summoner glanced at him with a faint look, "You should ask, who did your dad do."


Lu Ming's face was dumbfounded, what?

"you know too."

"Even if the guards are stronger, some people in these countries will always find a way to sneak in ..."

The summoner paused, "So, one day, a cultivator of the Yuzhi Kingdom stepped into the human world in a special way ..."


"Your dad guarded against theft."


Lu Ming was silent for a long time, a long time, and then sighed, "Do n’t tell me, the special method used by those practitioners is to turn into a phoenix ..."


The Summoner smiled slightly, "So your dad was removed from office."


Lu Ming was in a trance.

He knew there must be a story behind his parents' story ...


In any case, he could not think that his mother was actually a cultivator of Yuzhi Kingdom! And his father was actually the caretaker of the Yuzhi Kingdom!


No wonder sister and he are so special too!

It turns out that their bloodline is a combination of two worlds!


Is this considered an espionage against an enemy country? !


The words of the world should be, fornication against the world?

"and many more."

"In this case……"

Lu Ming suddenly thought of Lao Jiangtou, "Jiang Feng ..."

"Don't mention that bastard!"

The summoner suddenly became very angry. "If your father only happened because of love, Jiang Feng's **** ..."

"Don't let me catch him!"

"This bastard!"

The summoner was furious.

Lu Ming :? ? ?

Foggy grass.

What did Lao Jiangtou do to make this the strongest human being like this? !


"I'm so mad!"

It took a long time for the Summoner to calm down and look at Lu Ming ’s curious look, and then he said slowly, “At that time, your father and Jiang Feng were both arrogant and the best talents. I hope they can step into the nine stars ... "


"I didn't expect your father to make a mistake first ..."

"of course."

"Who hasn't been young yet?"

"and so……"

"We can still accept it."

"But Jiang Feng ..."

When the summoner said here, his fists clenched, and another murderous appearance emerged, "This kid is too strong and does not want to lose to your father ..."

"But because of your father's business, we have already strengthened the control!"

"Never allow private contact with outsiders!"

"Again ..."

"Where is it so easy to meet people from other countries flowing out in private?"

The summoner said slowly, "At that time, it was also time for an old man's summoning beast and old friend to die. The old man tried to summon a powerful partner again. Therefore, I exhausted a hundred years of hard work and summoned one from Yunyi Kingdom. An extremely powerful fire dragon, then ... "

"Ridden by Jiang Feng's king **** !!!"

The summoner says this, gritting his teeth.


Lu Ming was dumbfounded.



Lao Jiangtou's wife, the fire dragon, was actually summoned by the summoner ...

At the beginning, my father only told himself that Lao Jiangtou traveled all over the world, traveled thousands of mountains and rivers, and finally found his favorite girl, but did not say it was robbed ...

Still summoned ...

Cow batch!

What can he say?

Lao Jiangtou was really a wolf!

and many more.

In this case……

"People who chase Jiang Feng ..."

Lu Ming whispered bb.

"Ha ha."

The Summoner smiled slightly and was good at merit and fame.

Lu Ming: "..."

He suddenly felt that it was really not easy for Lao Jiangtou to live to the present ...

and so……


Xiaobai ’s mother is actually the fire dragon of Yun Yi Kingdom ...

"Yun Yi Kingdom is the Dragon Kingdom?"

Lu Ming recovered.


The Summoner nodded slightly and glanced at him, "Because they live in the cloud, they call it the Yunyi Kingdom. Why, you didn't know before?"


Lu Ming scratched his head, "I thought it was a kingdom of chess."

Summoner:? ? ?

In short.

Xiaobai's life story is clear.

"Don't worry about him anymore."

Lu Ming smiled bitterly, "He has been miserable all these years."

"I'm too lazy to take care of him."

The Summoner sneered, "But he took my fire dragon, and naturally even the pot was carried away together, so Yun Yi Kingdom will not let him go."

"If I guess right."

"The Dragon Clan of Yun Yi Kingdom has already sought him many times ..."

"It's not easy for him to live to this day."

The summoner is gloating.


Lu Ming is frightened, the Dragon Clan of Yun Yi Kingdom?

Looking for a door? !

"That fire dragon's identity is unusual?"

Lu Ming was careful.

"of course."

The summoner sneered, "The old man only summoned a partner for thousands of years, naturally the best, the most powerful, and the most talented ..."

"and so."

"I am calling the princess of Yunyi Kingdom."

The Summoner said proudly.


Lu Ming was silent.

No wonder they are trying to attack the human world ...

Co-operating with you, I flicked the princess to the human world, and the other was even more ruthless, and directly left others with children ...


Laojiangtou is a ruthless man.

and many more.

Lu Ming quickly recovered, and so on, according to this logic, he was suddenly horrified, "Senior, my mother will not be the princess of Yuzhi Kingdom?"

"that is not."

The summoner couldn't help crying, "Where are so many princesses."


Lu Ming was relieved.

That is not bad.

Fortunately ~ ~ It seems that his father is still not as good as Lao Jiangtou.

"Your mother is not a princess."

The summoner glanced at him, "Your mother is a princess who was raised by the old king of the Kingdom of Yuzhi. On the eve of the wedding, because of curiosity, she glanced at the human world, but your father cut off Hu ..."

? ? ?

The expression on Lu Ming's face suddenly solidified.

Gan Li Niang!

This, this dog blood plot ...

Thousands of words in his heart, he didn't know how to say, in the end, all the words condensed into his mouth and turned into a simple character.



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