MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 726 Endless waters (below)

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"I understand."

Wu Jiu looked solemn, "I need to communicate with them."


Yi Shen said.


Wu Jiu nodded slightly.


He and Lu Ming went further, separated, and sent a message to the others in the Nine Star Alliance.

"The news is true."

The summoning master said in a deep voice, "I did feel some fluctuations a few days ago, and when I was ready to pass, that person's breath had disappeared.

"Do you have the exact address?"

"No, it's too short, I only have a general direction."

"Then what do you mean ..."


"But we don't have zeros."


The big brothers are silent.

Zero died at the Sword Card Masters Association. They all knew that they even helped Lu Ming erase all the information about zero. How to save a dead person?

"If it can be saved?"

Lu Ming asked suddenly.

"That would be very easy to handle."

Wu Jiu smiled coldly.


for a long time.

The deal is settled.

Lu Ming, representing the Nine Star Alliance, went to the deep-sea kingdom to save zero.

"This is the route."

"Brought back by 11 and 8."

Yi gave everything to Lu Ming.

"11 and 8?"

Lu Ming was stunned.


"We went to find the two team members who returned from zero."

Zero said.

Lu Ming: "..."

If you ca n’t save people, do n’t talk about it.

At a glance, the Eternal Kingdom is a very serious country. You can see it just by looking at the name of the partner. 1 and 0, 11 and 8, are very rigorous.


No problem.

"Are you really okay?"

Wu Jiu was a little worried about Lu Ming.

Originally he was going, but Lu Ming didn't expect that he would grab himself. Thinking of Lu Ming's going to a mysterious country, he was still worried.

"rest assured."

Lu Ming smiled, "Don't forget my fighting strength, if I go, it won't attract anyone's attention."

There is only one star on his face, and no one will pay attention to him.

"Not bad."

Yi is also very satisfied, "This little brother's hidden strength is so strong that I can't even see through it."


"You take it."

Wu Jiu gave Lu Ming a special communicator, "With this thing, even in the deep-sea kingdom, we can sense your breath."


Lu Ming marveled.

Now that operators are so bullish?

Has the business expanded to other countries? He took a look at the newsletter, and a familiar name appeared in the corner—produced by the Jianxiu Association and produced by Lu Yan.

Lu Ming: "..."


Sister carries forward the signal tower business!

for a long time.

Lu Ming embarked on a journey.

According to the route provided by ①, he went from the depths of the endless waters to the deep-sea kingdom and finally reached his destination.


The big guys in the deep-sea country are negotiating with other countries and are still preparing for the invasion, so Lu Ming came in easily.

Then he quickly found a zero position.

very smooth.

after all……

This is what he got in.

This is why Lu Ming must come by himself.

Even Wu Jiu did not know that the zero in this cottage was simply made by Lu Ming himself! This war was also secretly provoked by the cat brother!

and so.

To find zero is simply too easy.

for a long time.

Lu Ming found the zero position.

of course.

It's that cottage parallel.

It gave Lu Ming an aggrieved look, and Lu Ming was stuffed into the sea of ​​consciousness, and the cat brother shot again, separating the goods from zero breath.

That moment.

The breath of zero becomes transparent and pure.

And through that special communication instrument, those who are in the endless sea also feel the special breath of zero.

"It's zero!"

"It's really his breath!"

Yi excited is difficult to extricate himself.

This feeling reminded him that when he first met with Zero, it was also difficult to extricate himself.



He got the news.


The special communicator flashed, and Lu Ming's message appeared again, "He is dead. Only the breath is kept, like a bait.-Lu Ming."


One was shocked.


He knew it all.

Why would the deep-sea kingdom suddenly start a war!

Why is the deep-sea kingdom so tyrannical!

Why are they reluctant to surrender zero, because zero is dead long ago, he is the bait for the deep-sea kingdom to wage war, he is just an excuse!

If it weren't for this time, the world gap suddenly appeared ...

Deep Sea Kingdom ...

Thinking of this, Yi is full of hate.


The special communication instrument vibrates, "Zero breath does not survive much, I will find a way to bring the breath back, do you need it?-Lu Ming."


Yi felt the familiar breath from the communicator, with tears in his eyes, "This idiot! I know that he will be unlucky sooner or later ..."

"Lu Ming ..."

"Bring his breath back ..."

"Even if ..."

"Not complete enough."

"I want to let this group of people from the deep-sea kingdom bury him for him!"

"that time……"

"I hope zero can watch."

I said one word at a time.

"it is good."

There is no nonsense across.

for a long time.

Endless waters float.

Lu Ming returned with a ball of light.

That is zero.


In the past, the trembling took the ball of light.


It's really a breath of zero.

Zero really died, died in the deep-sea kingdom, and was hung up after the death, attracting the eternal kingdom to continue to die!

If it weren't for this gap ...

I am afraid that 8 and 11 will die?

Think of here.

One is full of hate.

"Deep Sea Kingdom ..."

He clenched his fists.


Lu Ming sighed.

"Thank you."

One slowly calmed down his killing intentions.

for a long time.

He just said, "I want to add a request-help me hit the deep sea kingdom !!!"


Wu Jiu looked ugly, "It's not a good habit to sit on the ground and raise prices."

"Do not."

Yi shook his head, "This is not a floor price, this is a new transaction-because of this universal gap, their point of attack is in this endless sea!"


Wu Jiu's face changed slightly, "Here?"


Yiwei nodded slightly, "This gap is the biggest gap we have encountered in so many years, and it is also the reason why the eight major countries suddenly joined hands this time!"

"In the past, only a few people were allowed, a group of people, and even at most a country came in, but this time ..."


"Even the war can stop instantly."

"Because this is the best opportunity!"

"Not to be missed!"


One waved his hand.


A thunder flashed suddenly.

In the deepest part of the endless sea, the light shimmered, like a huge eye.

It looks like ...

A gap.

It actually spread to most of the sea!

"how come……"

Wu Jiu was shocked.

He has been in the Nine Star Alliance for so long, never seen such a big gap!


This shouldn't appear!

"Do you understand now?"

One sneer.

"What is your new deal?"

Wu Jiu looked at him.

He is interested in One's new deal.

"Revenge is zero."

Yi Yi said lightly, "This gap is in the endless sea, and the people of the seven countries also appeared in the deep sea country, so ...

"If this time, the gap suddenly closes ..."


"Guess what will happen?"


There is a gap in it. People from deep-sea countries will be the mainstay of this operation. But once the gap disappears, angry people will use the deep sea kingdom to vent their anger.

"shut down……"

Wu Jiu pondered for a moment and sent a message to the summoning master.

"Senior, look at this gap ... can you fill it up?"

The opposite side was silent for a long time.

long time.


"too big."

"I am not satisfied."

The summoning master was also shocked.

He can easily fill the gaps in the past, but this ... he suddenly understands what is going on with the toothpick on the Internet ...

This is too big!

"Gap ..."

"Not just one-way."

Yi suddenly said.

"We can't call back."

Wu Jiu glanced at him, "You should know that our only advantage is the rules of the world, and once you enter your world, you will be slain."

"No need to call."

Yi said indifferently, "Just throw the attack in."

"How can it be?"

Wu Jiu couldn't help crying, "The gap is too narrow."

"I know."

Yi said faintly, "What if ... if I hold up the gap?"


Wu Jiu was shocked.

Hold it up? !


The gap is propped up like an open door, and the skill can be thrown away, but at the same time, the skill can be thrown over the opposite side ...

and also.

the most important is--

The one in the middle will definitely die!

"I said."

"I will avenge zero."

Yi smiled slightly, but actually a little calm.

Lu Ming: → _ →

for a long time.

Wu Jiu finalized the tactics.

Everyone in the Nine Star Alliance gathers to summon their most powerful attack. At a certain moment, the moment the gap is opened, the sword attack is thrown away!

"Is it possible?"

Nine Star Alliance Group Chat is also being discussed.


"If the gap is the origin, when the gap opens, all skills will detonate there, our attack, the opposite attack ..."

"This is a tug of war."

"If the center point erupts on our side, we will be affected, but if the center point erupts on the opposite side, the deep sea country will suffer."

"We have few people."

"But the other party didn't know about it, did they?"



The tactics are completely finalized.

The time is set.

According to Yi's observation, this gap will reach its weakest time in three days. At that time, it is the best opportunity for attack, and he can support it the most.


Wu Jiu Shen said, what the biggest attack ...

They all have people in the Nine Star Alliance, so they estimated in advance how much everyone will release the biggest attack ...


You can also rub against the door.

? ? ?

One doubt, "Your biggest attack, can't even hit the door ?!"

Damn it!

He is all supported by life!

As a result, the human nine-star alliance can only go a few meters deep!

Too weak!

How could you shove your attack directly into the deepest part of the deep-sea kingdom before detonating it? ! What happened when the door burst just now? !

"Thank you early?"

Lu Ming said subconsciously.


Everyone looked at it.


Wu Jiu coughed, "You can't blame us for this, you think about it, which of your eight great nations is so strong, which time it penetrated into the hinterland of the human world?"

"after all……"

"World rules limit."

"and also……"

"We just died a nine star ..."

Wu Jiu sighed.

"How did you die?"

One stunned.

"Slain by him."

Wu Jiuyi refers to Lu Ming.


One doubt, "Wouldn't he just replace that one?"


"This is not a play, nor a game."

Wu Jiu couldn't help crying, "Doesn't this world have [Friends Free from Injuries]? Understand? It took us several decades to release the biggest attack together. When we forcibly crushed the gap last time! If you take a shot, it will cause a counter-effect. "

"This is fine."

One said clearly, "You think only you are thinking about this, and we have also considered this when we attacked the human world."

Speaking of which.

One, this super-existent comparable to the nine-star, finally expressed his ability-absolute delay, he can delay all attacks.

Unlimited strength!

Unlimited range!

"You just release."

"I will postpone all of your attacks, and wait for the moment of opening ..."

Yi coldly smiled.

of course.

Speaking of which, he glanced at Wu Jiu, "This was originally a plan for your world, and I am the executor of this plan ..."


Wu Jiu took a breath.

Gan Li Niang.

Think about it.

All the attacks of the eight major nations were suspended by One, and they were thrown in when the gap opened ... I am afraid that most of the world will be destroyed!

Fortunately ...

He has now betrayed.

"Good job."

Wu Jiu patted Lu Ming on the shoulder, sighing.

Lu Ming: "..."

one:? ? ?



All plans are finalized.

With One's absolute slowness, everything will be much smoother.

Under the effect of absolute slowness, even the gangsters who prepared the meditation tactics can make another attack to make the attack deeper.

"Lu Ming."


"What is your strongest attack?"


Lu Ming froze.

He did not expect that this action really counted himself in. After all, there is such a big nine-star boss, he thought he just followed soy sauce ...

The strongest attack ...

He thought about it, the sun and moon star swordsmanship?

No way.

Maybe there are some effects in the face of seven stars and eight stars, but in the face of nine stars?

Too salty fish!


The only powerful thing is the meteorite?


Looking at the endless waters, Lu Ming estimated that even if it was a meteorite, it might have no effect. After all, this time the enemy is a kingdom!

"It's okay."

Wu Jiu patted him on the shoulder. "Don't worry too much. There is an absolute delay of 1. We have enough time to release the skills a few times."

"This action ..."

"How strong we attack, the world will get a long buffer."

"You only need to play normally."

Wu Jiu said.


Lu Ming nodded.


Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

of course.

"It would be nice if he was still ..."

Jian Xiu sighed with emotion.

If the nine-star card maker is still present, it will definitely play a great auxiliary role in this battle. This time it may be able to hit all the enemies!


"No problem."

Wu Jiu said lightly, "This opportunity is also considered by Lu Ming."

"That's true."

"Hope this child grows up soon ..."


"He has good potential, but the ability to turn the table is useless here ..."

Big brothers sighed.

It seems ...

This time it is really desperate.


Three days later.

Endless waters.

When all the members of the Nine Star Alliance arrived, the huge gap that swept across the sea was now shining brightly.

after all……

About to appear.


Lu Ming rubbed the card in place.

He took out the small schoolbag. In the innermost of Xiaobai's small schoolbag, Xiaoqing girl installed a small teleportation array, which could transfer the cards.

These three days, he has been rubbing the card ...

Keep rubbing ...

How many sheets have you rubbed?

He didn't know it himself.

Last time, under the influence of a large number of energy cards + star cards, Lu Ming destroyed the East China Sea.

The effect is spectacular.

And this time ...

Lu Ming also wanted to try it.


Compared to the endless waters, the East China Sea is too small! ! !

Even now that the Sword Card Masters Association is growing, the Star Card can be made a lot, but it is compared with the volume of the endless sea.

Too weak.


Not to mention, this time the enemy is a whole country! ! !


at the moment.

This is Lu Ming's only way.

Therefore, even if it can play a little weak role, he wants to try. Therefore, in these three days, Lu Ming has been struggling to rub the cards.

If it's usual, don't say cards, but Lu Ming can't withstand energy consumption!

Fortunately, Lu Ming now has only one star, and the energy consumption is extremely low ... A six-star card + high star to low star can create countless energy.


Lu Ming easily made one of the six-star cards and then reversed the output.

Do you know what this is called?

Perpetual motion machine.

Because of some mysterious BUG, ​​the energy available to Lu Ming is endless ...

and so.

Hundreds of thousands of brushes were thrown away, as long as the Sword Card Masters Association can make them, there will be no cards that Lu Ming can't use!


Not only is the number of star cards, but the most important thing is that the energy consumption of each star card is unlimited ...


No effect.

His original plan was to come to a skyfall meteorite ... let One's slowness be given, and when the gap opens, it can explode, but unfortunately ...

It didn't appear at the end.

"It seems there are no meteorite nearby."

Lu Ming sighed.

after all……

Still failed.

It seems.

This time I really can only make soy sauce.


"Are you ready?"


"Then start."

Yi said coldly.

In front of him, he took out the breath of zero, took a deep look, then stepped forward, walked to the gap, and used his own strength.

The bosses of the Nine Star Alliance released their strongest attack.


Those attacks condense in absolute delay.


The big brothers came again.


Yi slowly opened the gap.


All attacks detonated at this instant, traversing the cracks, and hit the faces of the eight great nations. The terrible attack destroyed everything.


at this time.

The counterattacks of the eight major nations also appeared.


A beam of light came.

The terrifying brilliance and the attack of the Nine Star Alliance impacted together, just like a tug of war, pushing the center point into the gap.

"How can it be?!"

Yi complexion changed slightly.

"Ha ha."

A cold drink came across, "Three days missing, are you stupid ?! Since you are standing opposite, just wait to die ..."


Spit blood in one bite.



All attacks detonated at the gap, and the most terrifying thing is that the gap is still expanding, and finally, it bursts!


The dense creatures, like little tadpoles, emerged from the gaps and stepped into the endless sea,

"We are here ha ha ha ha!"

"Is this the human world ?! All water ..."

"They don't deserve this ..."

"Kill kill!"

The excited voices of the creatures came.

Everyone in the Nine Star Alliance looked at each other, sneered, and took out their weapons silently, invading something, killing it, just ...

This time I need to work hard.


The summoner stretched out, "I haven't been active for a long time, Lu Ming, be careful."


Lu Ming looked solemn.


Just when everyone is going to desperately.


at this time.

The sky suddenly turned black, and everyone raised their heads and suddenly found in horror, that distant sky, a stream of light burst through the sky.

"What is this?"

Wu Jiu thrilled.

Have the eight great powers mastered such a powerful attack? !

"Do not."

"this is not."

"this is……"

The pupil of the president of the Elementalist Association shrank suddenly, "Lu Ming, did you use the star card?"


Lu Ming was also a little embarrassed, "But generally it's just meteorite, this thing ..."


Everyone was sweating.



Light and shadow condense.

Without any hesitation.

The president of the Elementalist Association took everyone, it was a super long-distance transmission, and instantly left the endless sea area and escaped far.

"this is……"


"Close the gap!"

The vanguards who had just passed through the cracks also said in horror. They fled back in horror. The thing fell slowly, leaving them time to escape.

Not only they, but the entire endless sea, found that the situation was wrong, and fled the first time.


Fortunately, humans can escape from the endless sea.

These creatures ...

What about running away?


One is still there.


One already understood.


"Human, you haven't let me down."

A big laugh.


At the moment when the shadow is about to fall,

He rushed to the gap and opened the gap again.


Think beautiful.


Those creatures are frightened.

They attacked one crazy.



One attack after another will penetrate one, but one just smiles and stretches the gap with his body, watching the shadow coming ...

It dragged its long tail ...

call out!

In the terrified eyes of all creatures, they smashed into the endless sea.


The earthquake shook.

The endless heat wave was tossing and steaming in the air.

On the other hand, with a smile on his face, he watched the endless glory pierce himself through the gaps and rushed to the deepest part of the deep-sea kingdom ...

It rushed to the place with the strongest defense and the softest place, the place where the most noble people in the deep sea survive ...


The heat wave detonated completely, and the deep-sea kingdom rose.


Did you see it?

Your hatred, I'll help you.



The heat wave swept.

One's figure is completely annihilated.

The world is incandescent, all the creatures stepping into the endless sea, UU reading is completely destroyed, the entire endless sea is also completely evaporated at this moment ...

for a long time.

When Bai Mang disappears, where can there be endless seas, then there are East Sea, West Sea, North Sea ...



There is only one abyss.

as well as……

Endless fiery.


PS: Sober today, the code words went smoothly. Not only did I finish the two chapters, but I also had a 11-character manuscript. Please show it to everyone in advance.

Chapter 727, The End of Ecology!


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