MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 716 I always feel something is wrong.

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At the top of the endless mountains, a fine gap appeared, and the bright light was revealed from the gap, just like the light of dawn.


A figure came out of thin air and emerged from the gap.


"Is this the world?"

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.


At this moment, a terrifying breath came, and the figure's eyes suddenly widened, and it was incredible to watch his body gradually dissipate.

"this is……"

"The world's self-healing?"

The figure was frightened.


These gaps are simply not enough to arouse world rules ...

Could it be which country has invaded?

No, it's impossible! No country is so stupid! If it is really an invasion war, it must be a full-scale offensive, going to the deepest part of the world, instead of rubbing in the gaps as it is now, causing the world to be alert!

Here ... what the **** happened?


Countless light particles escape.

The body that had just been condensed was gone.

for a long time.

An old man passed by from here, and he stopped suddenly, staring at the light gap for a long time.


"It always feels that the gap is tighter ..."


And now.

Somewhere in the mountains.

Two extremely powerful cardmakers are negotiating plans.

"Lu Ming has set off."

"Very well, so we can execute the plan."

"I heard Lu Ming was kind ..."

"Do you believe it?"

"Do not believe……"

"That's not right, except for the priests such as the Pastor Association, no one believes."

"But evaluation ..."

"These are all false. The Teaching Director of the First Academy and the Minister of Operation of the Tiandu City are also praising Lu Ming, saying that Lu Ming is kind and good-natured. Ming ... the meaning of this is your taste, your details. "


"So, don't care about what you evaluate. It's all set by people. I sleep with dozens of disciples every night. Isn't the set of people outside also hardworking and willing to do?"


"Understood? Lu Ming kindness ...... Everyone talks about it, that is, the group of priests of the Priest Association really believe it. What do you say in that sentence? When the pastor looks at people, he always speculates with the best kindness ... Oh, a group of cerebral palsy. "


The card maker did not speak.

Because he always feels like he has been scolded, after all, they see others as idiots, according to this logic ...

for a long time.

He just said, "Do we really want to do this?"

"Yes, there is not much time left for us. Through this ruin, we can see whether Lu Ming is really a star, see through his true strength, and then-kill him!"

The big brother is very sure.

Lu Mingshan is not kind, he does not know, anyway, they are too kind.

What age is this?

The era of cultivation!

Respect for the strong!

Now that Lu Ming's threat is so huge, the best way is to kill Ya directly! Do not give him any chance to rise!

In the past, they missed many opportunities and made Lu Ming too powerful.

but now……


Behind him.

In that endless magma.

A cultivator who bathed in lava slowly walked out. His eyes were like fire, and all his body was composed of magma, just like a sun.

"Heaven's world is already open, it's time for you to shoot."

The big brother said lightly.


A buzz.

The glory of the sun faded away, and he became an ordinary young man again.

Very simply.

Very pure.

The realm of six-star peak.

His name is Sun.

He is a being born in the artificial lava sun.

"Day, you go this time, using the places I bought on the black market. Remember, everything about you has nothing to do with the Association of Cardmakers, and you have nothing to do with the Association of Cardmakers."

Big Brother said.


Respectfully said, "I only belong to you, not the Cardmakers Association."


Brother is very satisfied, "Go, Japan."


Light and shadow disappear.

The sun disappeared in the sight of the two.

for a long time.

The card maker next to him couldn't help it, "Who made his name?"

"Of course it is me."

The big brother proudly said, "Sun, on behalf of the sun, on behalf of the supreme existence, I gave him the name that gave him the goal he pursued for life."

In his identity, the name naturally contains supreme meaning.


The card maker sighed, "Aren't you going online?"

"do not know much."

Big brother nodded.

He is over a hundred years old, and he really doesn't use the technology of the new era.

Cardmaker: "..."

"what happened?"

Big brother confused.

Is there any problem with the name of Japan?


The card maker sighed, "This matter will start from the chrysanthemum was originally a flower ..."



Lu Ming was already on his way to heaven and earth.


Our classmate Lu Ming was a little helpless, because he had just received news from Li Haoran that the Salt Crisp Chicken had been arrested, and now Li Haoran was leading someone in the past.


Lu Ming was confused.

That kid of salt crisp chicken can still be caught?


"It's nothing."

Li Haoran scratched his head, "The boy with salt crisp chicken saw someone on the Internet spraying your hypocrisy and hypocrisy, and sprayed it back in one go."


"Then the other side is very arrogant, saying that he is in Tiandu City, there is a kind to come to fight, or come to be a grandson. This we can bear? The address is not far away, so the salt crisp chicken went, and the other party called the police ..."


Lu Ming rolled his eyes.

and many more.

This routine ...

I'm waiting for you at xx. If you don't come, you will be your grandson. I will call the police when you come.

Very familiar.

"do not worry."

Li Haoran was very calm, "it's all small things."


Lu Ming hung up the communication.

"Are you ok?"

Asked the priest who led the way.

"It's okay, the kids are just making fun."

Lu Ming smiled, "How far are we?"


The priest smiled slightly.


Under the leadership of this priest, they skillfully walked through the teleportation array-cloud iron-car-wooden boat, and began a mountain climbing journey again.

"Can't it be transmitted directly to the ruins?"

Lu Ming sighed.

"no way."

The pastor who led the road was embarrassed, "In order to prevent the enemy from directly killing the ruins, you can only set a few transfers in the middle, and each transfer needs to be checked and verified."


Lu Ming understood.

The priest is weak in combat, which is afraid of being stolen by a wave of crystals from the enemy.

In short.

After a few minutes of turnover, they finally reached the entrance of the ruins.


On the mountainside halfway between the mountains, there is a very large mountain villa, the golden gate plaque with the words "Heaven on Earth" written on it.

Lu Ming :? ? ?

He confirmed it very carefully, and determined that the second word was "Tang", not "Shang".

"This is to give everyone a break."

The priest said, "It's mainly because it's too far away. The time for everyone to come is not uniform. If you come early, you can rest here for a day or two."

"The cottage is just the entrance."

"The ruins are still in the small world."

The priest explained.


Lu Ming breathed a sigh of relief and scared the individual. He thought he had gone to a place he shouldn't.

so far so good.

"You can also rest first."

The priest said, "We provide a variety of services here, so that you can reach the peak mentally, psychologically and physiologically before stepping into the ruins."

Lu Ming :? ? ?

and many more.

This? Isn't it still the sky x the world? !

Damn it!

Pastor ...

"Would you like to take a break?"

The priest asked.

"of course."

Lu Ming was indignant.

He has n’t seen it before, and he ’s naturally not qualified to talk nonsense, so he decided to see it for himself. If it ’s really the kind of disharmony, he must be criticized.


No problem.


Lu Ming led the room to the pastor.


Just halfway through, the pastor received the news-everyone, all arrived.

"Senior Lu."


The priest scratched his head. "It seems that it can only be done next time. If you want to rest, you can come back and experience it when you come out."


Lu Ming is very sorry.

It seems.

Only such sinful things can survive for a while.

As for coming out to experience ...

He was very skeptical that when he came out, this place was still not there.




Lights and shadows emerged.

Lu Ming also followed the pastor to the square of the villa, where there were more than a dozen cultivators, each of which is the realm of a six-star peak.


The priest reverently said, "You have arrived, and the juniors will go back first."

"it is good."

Lu Ming nodded slightly, but looking at the pastor's slightly anxious look, he still asked, "Is there any other work?"


The pastor was a little embarrassed, "Part-time for a wedding, I'm almost late ..."


Lu Ming was dumb, "Go ahead."

"Thank you."

The pastor gave Lu Ming a grateful glance and slipped away quickly.

of course.

The pastor here does not mean the kind who only speaks.

I heard that some children will be baptized at birth or blessed for smoother cultivation in the future. This requires the profession of the pastor.

"It's a good business."

Lu Ming smiled slightly and stepped into the square.


Almost everyone's eyes were swept over at this moment, and the original coquettish square was momentarily still.

one star……

Everyone's eyes were a little surprised.

It is absolutely impossible for a star to appear in this place! They felt a bit overwhelmed along the way, even one star could not climb up ...

This only shows that they cannot see through this person's realm!

and many more.

This value ...

"Lu Ming !?"

"Senior Lu?"

Everyone's heart was shocked, which could make them unable to see through Xiu Wei, and only the legendary Lu Ming, who had a hard **** on the front with Jiuxing.


Lu Ming greeted.

"Senior Lu is good!"

The practitioners straightened their waists.

"You Xin ..."

Lu Ming subconsciously took a half sentence, and then dared not speak.


"This ruin, let's work hard together."

Lu Ming said calmly.


The practitioners are very excited.

For them, Lu Ming is also a legendary existence.

What's more, Lu Ming's combat effectiveness has already surpassed everyone and stepped into the ranks of nine stars. These people naturally have no jealous thoughts.

"It seems that we will be very smooth this time."

Little Sword is pleased.

It's tired of fighting every time. You see, everyone is in harmony, it's not good to explore the ruins together happily?

To this.

Lu Ming just smiled slightly.


Ha ha.

In the corner of the square, there are several young people who are not the same. They sit cross-legged, just waiting quietly, even if Lu Ming appears, they are too lazy to take a look.

It's very delicate.

for a long time.

Under the operation of an elderly priest, a gap appeared, and everyone turned into light and shadow, and stepped into a new small world in a flash.

Paradise on earth officially opened!

The cultivators stepped into the heaven and earth with expectation.


They haven't said that everyone sees heaven ... not the same.


Heaven on earth.

During the exploration of a ruined element, a dead man elementary encounters a cute priest with two ponytails wearing a small skirt. For him who has been indulging in practice, watching and watching movies every day for twenty or thirty years, this is simply a dream-like plot.


He fell.

When he broke through, he had become a qualified seven-star priest.

The priest association genius +1.



It's just the beginning.

Almost everyone has entered a script created by the Pastor Association. In the script, you experience life and death, and finally see through the red dust.

Are you empathetic?


Just let you owe graciousness, and finally join the pastor association.

The priest association genius +1.

Do you like money?


The ruins teach you pastors various ways to make money, from baptism to ceremonies, everything, every skill is precious and rare money-making skills.

Are you coming?

The priest association genius +1.

As such.

Even though there are failures, the conversion rate of the ruins is bound to increase this time.

of course.

When Lu Ming arrived ...

Naturally, it is a tailored copy of the collapse.

Anyway, the relics that Lu Ming visited often collapsed, so the Pastor Association did not hesitate to give Lu Ming a heavenly collapsed plot.

In their settings.

The ruins of heaven and earth collapsed. At the time of crisis, the priests continued to sacrifice for Lu Ming and protected him with his life. Eventually, before his death, he wished that the association of priests would become stronger.

in this way.

Lu Ming will join the Pastor Association.

You look at it, this script at first glance is almost the same as Lu Ming's previous experience! Certainly will not be doubted, they still have this confidence.


The script is officially launched.


Lu Ming entered the heaven and earth.


Some less powerful enemies appear, suggesting that there is a problem in heaven.

"What's wrong again?"

Lu Ming frowned.

He felt that none of the ruins he went to were normal.

It's so ridiculous.

"Be careful."

Xiao Xiaojian was also alert, and it also felt dangerous.


Lu Ming nodded slightly.

This feeling……

"Can you find where the dark holy water is?"

Lu Ming whispered.

"Not found."

Xiaojian shook his head, "Sense shielding, can't reach out too far."


Lu Ming was alert.

The place is still peaceful on the surface. The green water and green mountains and the beautiful scenery are really like heaven. But somehow, he felt unknown.

He has already broken through something.

Now that there is another problem, go back to the dark holy water.

Lu Ming is very simple.

The dark holy water is generally located in the deepest part of heaven and earth. I heard that there is a two-color pool with the legendary dark holy water and life spring water.


Lu Ming went straight to the deepest point.


Yuka flight.

The wheels of the hot wheels are running wildly.

Lu Ming flew away very quickly, and at this speed, it would not take long for him to reach the deepest part of heaven.


at this time.



Suddenly cracks appeared in the sky of the world, a fiery red magma slowly overflowed from the cracks, and pools of pools remained to condense into a new figure.

"you are……"

Lu Ming's pupil shrank suddenly.

This person is really a six-star peak cultivator he saw in the Villa Plaza!

and many more.

Since all come to participate in the ruins ...

How did he come in from outside the world?

That gap ...

Somehow, Lu Ming felt a little bad.

"Lu Ming ..."

The figure slowly opened his eyes.

Binocular like fire.

"who are you?"

Lu Ming remained vigilant.


Said the figure.

? ? ?

Lu Ming's face was black.

Gan Li Niang!

How can anyone scold someone?

of course.

This is not important. What is important is that with the appearance of this person, Lu Ming can obviously feel the surrounding air is burning, and a terrible force slowly emerges.

This temperature ...


"You are Lu Ming."

Sun's eyes swept over Lu Ming, "Although I don't know what happened to you, obviously, you no longer have the fighting power of Jiuxing ..."


"The killing plan is executed!"

Said indifferently.

If Lu Ming still has nine stars, he may need to die together in order to complete the mission, but if Lu Ming is less than nine stars, it can be destroyed.


He raised his hand.

call out!

A touch of red awn emerged from both eyes, instantly locking Lu Ming's core.

"not good!"

Lu Ming's face changed slightly.

This lock ...

He felt a breath that did not belong to this world.


Zero breath.

His fellow is a six-star cultivator, but his physique is too special, so he only accommodated the power that is not at this stage! ! !

"Little sword ?!"

"Can't get rid of it."

Xiao Xiaojian's face was ugly, "I can't hide even when I reach the sea of ​​consciousness. This is not the power of this world. This guy is probably a string of two world people."

"What about then?"

Lu Ming whispered.

"Dry him!"

Xiao Xiaojian said, "His power is physically stored in the body and cannot be recovered. As long as he is completely squeezed out, he will become an ordinary six star."


Lu Ming rolled his eyes.

Nonsense? !

This? Need to be able to squeeze dry?

"You can't hide it."

Sun said indifferently, "I have studied all of your powers and cards. In this special small world, your tokens cannot be used and your cards are invalid. Whether you are a one-star or six-star power, in front of me It ’s all a joke, if we do n’t do it ... "

"Since this shot, it is impossible for you to go back alive."

Sun said so.


Lu Ming was silent.

He could feel the extreme power.

Very strong.


Once hit, the professional core is bound to be destroyed, when the time comes ...

It's really cool.

"Brother Cat ..."


"It seems to run away ..."

Lu Ming sighed.

If it is possible, he definitely does not want Brother Cat to do it. After all, he may be alert to the Eternal Kingdom at any time, but now ...

There seems to be no way.

This enemy ...

Appeared too abruptly!

The fighting power is amazing!

Jumping through the dark world is his last path.



Lu Ming was ready to leave.

call out!

The red awn flashes.

The power stored in the body detonated in an instant.


The terrifying power penetrated toward the landing Ming. Lu Ming urged several defensive cards, all of which were penetrated. Seeing helplessly preparing to jump ...


A figure suddenly appeared in front of Lu Ming.


Red light enters.

The figure spurted blood, and the energy core burst instantly.

? ? ?

Suddenly, Lu Ming looked at it, and found in horror that the person who shot was actually a priest, a seven-star priest who had just broken through, now ...

Actually completely abolished!

"Senior Lu Ming ..."

"This is heaven and earth. We should take responsibility for the problems here. We cannot let them hurt you."

The priest said weakly.

Lu Ming: "..."

He was moved.


He knew that the pastors were nagging and kind, but he never thought that the pastor was so good and so self-denying.

Too great! ! !

You glance.

What is the heart of Chi Zi?

This is the real heart of Chi Zi!

after all……

He owes a kindness to these people.

And opposite.

Sun looked at his own killing blow, and saw that some energy had been consumed in his body, and he couldn't believe it.

Not scientific!

Is the pastor profession so great? !

He had surveyed this profession before he came. Although the pastor is kind, he is not a fool and will not die in vain. Now, these pastors ...

This is no longer kind, is this the Virgin?

The kind that was sprayed to death in the book!

How can it be?

Never mind.

It doesn't matter.

At most wasted his own strength.


He shot again.


The red light flashed.

Seeing that the red light was about to penetrate Lu Ming, another priest appeared, blocking the damage for Lu Ming, and the seven-star core broke apart.

Another pastor, it's useless.

"I will never allow you to hurt Lu Ming."

The pastor said firmly.

Lu Ming :? ? ?

day:? ? ?


What is the situation?

A little flustered, really.

Although these two pastors can be killed at any time, but now the energy in the body is not easy for him to waste, especially in this case ...

He must cherish energy.


He shot again, locking Lu Ming.

call out!

The red light flashed, and a priest flew.

call out!

The red light flashed, and another priest flew.


In the end ~ ~ When the power of the body was almost exhausted, and when the power of the mysterious lava was used up, there were nine priests who had abandoned the core of the profession.

Neat and tidy, like a family.


"It won't let you hurt Lu Ming."

Said the priests.

in spite of……

They can't stand up.

day:? ? ?


what's going on?

I always feel something is wrong.


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