MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 704 Lu Ming's fighting power!

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Sword Card Masters Association.

Lu Ming started fighting again for his happy future.

"Chong Chong Chong!"

The little sword is also high-spirited.

It's finally time for my rise. Once the breeding plan is launched, at least half of the 2020 linked salted fish will have to be eliminated!

What kind of Ye Liangfei, Li Ergou ...

Is there a place for them?


By the time.

All turned into talents at this level of Lu Yan!

As long as Lu Ming is motivated, it is no problem to have 2020 cubs!


Rise is just around the corner!

Don't talk about the seven-star film at that time, even the nine-star will pierce you!

of course.

before this.

They want to know heaven in detail ... cough, heaven and earth.

In the world of heaven, there is no doubt that listening to the name knows that it is the name of the priests of the Pastor Association, which is full of gifts of gods.


That's right.

The gift of gods ...

That is also a special small world.

But in the eyes of the pastor association, this is a gift from the gods.

The more religious you are, the more favored the gods are, and the better your treatment will be when you return. If you are not religious enough, you can't break through ...

Outsiders can naturally go.

They will also send one or two places to outsiders each time, but whether they can break through depends on themselves.

"Pious ..."

Lu Ming fell into contemplation.

This stuff ...


He has not been very interested in these nagging things. Until now, the only believer he knew was the cult of Wu Hongfei ’s fooling students in class yesterday ...

Simply shrimp.

"Little sword."


"Piece this thing, understand?"

"No idea."

Xiaojian thought for a moment, "There is nothing about piety in the memory. Although there were many believers in ancient times, I did not participate."

"That's trouble."

Lu Ming fell into contemplation.

Piety ...

Check their information first.


Lu Ming opened the pastor's history and saw a legend.

One year, one month, and one day, he experienced an epiphany at a wedding and has since transformed.

In a certain year and a certain month, he founded the Pastor Association.

One year, one month and one day, he stepped into the ruins and rescued countless people and water and fire. Although the ruins later disappeared, no one forgot his kindness.

In a certain year, month, and day, a city was in crisis. He personally rescued him. Although the city was gone, no one forgot his kindness.

Some year, month, and day, a certain association suffered, and he personally rescued it. Although the association was gone, no one forgot his kindness.


and many more.

Behind is basically the guru, the nine stars, and the creation of the small world. After the death, the **** has become the true **** in the hearts of all pastors.

Very legendary.

But I don't know why, Lu Ming feels strange.

very familiar……

"Isn't this you?"

Little sword bb whispered.

People transformed at the wedding, and Lu Ming transformed at Yueying Island.

Others created a pastor association, and Lu Ming created a sword card division association.


There is also that characteristic-where to go where to harm.


Lu Ming repeatedly denied.

What a joke!

Is he that kind of disaster star? !

After careful calculation, he has been out of Tiandu City, Qingming City, Moon Shadow Island, Donghai, the First Academy, Moon Shadow Remains, Energy Warrior Remains, Wizard Relics, and a mountain village until now Then a little trivial matter.

Say again.

Basically nothing to do with him.

Little Sword: "..."


You are right.



They also understand why those people are so devout ...

after all.

This is a pastor.

In countless crises, he saved countless lives.

Therefore, after those cities disappeared, and the ruins disappeared, the disciples who were rescued eventually chose to join the pastor association.


After his death.

With his supreme power, he turned into a world-heaven and earth.


If anyone is as kind as he is, he can inherit his heritage and strength ...


It is a pity.

For thousands of years, no one has this honor.

And heaven and earth have gradually become a copy that people must go to.

Although everyone is not eligible for inheritance, as long as piety is enough, you can also get enough rewards and upgrades in heaven!


People have stepped into heaven and earth.

Countless people felt the power of that man, infected by that man, and chose to join the Pastor Association ...

That's right!

This is the reason why the pastor associations give away extra names.

The geniuses of your other associations want to come to us to break through, and we also want your geniuses, maybe you will be influenced ...

This year.

What matters is a game.

According to the data, after entering the heaven and earth, the probability of being influenced is as full as 30%!

Horrible numbers!

in this way.

Only now has the huge pastor association!

In the case where there is already a water treatment elementalist, the pastor association is still attacking in a short period of time, surpassing all the healing associations, surpassing the water elementalist and successfully reaching the summit!

From then on.

The water treatment elementalist can only be regarded as an auxiliary occupation.

And the priest ...

Is the real therapeutic profession.


Lu Ming marveled.

This one is still amazing.

Although he later became cold, his death laid the priest's status.

From not knowing pastor associations, to understanding pastor associations, to viewing the history of pastor associations, to stepping into heaven and being influenced, interlocking ...


I do n’t know why, Lu Ming still feels familiar ...


Xiao Xiaojian didn't speak.

This? Isn't that the sword card division association's routine for recruiting disciples ...


Otherwise, how do you think the geniuses of Sword Master?

As an outsider, it is almost certain that this big man who used to be a pastor's association must be an old silver coin like Lu Ming! ! !

"Are you saying bad things about me?"

Lu Ming glanced at it suddenly.


Xiao Jianjian laughed twice, "I said you two are great."


Lu Ming was too lazy to take care of it.


A spirit body is a spirit body, and its vision is too narrow.

As for piety ...

He understood.

Like the disciples of the Sword and Card Masters Association, the deeper the contact, the more religious they are, such as Li Haoran and Salted Chicken

These children must be very religious.


and this……

The better the relationship and the more intimate, the more religious it is naturally.

"Negative distance?"

Little Sword is curious.


Lu Ming turned black and ignored it.

In short.

Piousness is probably how much feedback you can get after you have read the information of the Pastor Association and how much you worship and respect the legendary big brother.

and so.

The Cardmakers Association flickered about their purpose ...

"They may shoot."

Little Sword whispered, "The toilet elf said that the undercover seemed very proud, even peeing was like a shower."


Lu Ming rubbed his head, "I think about it."

He decided to go through the matter first.


The Cardmakers Association let themselves go to the Priest Association.

If you do n’t go—

Then it must be 1 star, and they dare not go, and then they can play black hands.

If you go by yourself-

Then it may be 1 star, which needs to be restored through this ruin. After all, in theory, there are almost no casualties in this group of safe pastors.


They can observe in secret and find opportunities to start.

As for the Pastor Association ...

Their idea is simple, it is estimated that they want to influence themselves.

If at ordinary times, Lu Ming really refused, pretending to be 1 star, and staying in the association pit card maker for a wave, but unfortunately, he must go this time!

Dark holy water ...

For your own happiness!

For Xiaobai's future!

Red duck!


That day.

Lu Ming and the Pastor Association reached a consensus and set off three days later.


It is said that there are also super geniuses from several other associations.

"Are you just for holy water?"

Little Sword was curious, "Don't consider a breakthrough?"

"Is it useful to consider?"

Lu Ming is already a Buddha.


Originally hanging at the limit of six stars can also break through ...

right now.


It's just 1 star, which is a breakthrough! He can't understand his realm at all now ... what realm is he now?

Six stars forty-nine realms?


Lu Ming decided to reassess his combat effectiveness in the past two days.


That night.

Lu Ming and Senior Xi Yin started fighting.



Punch into the meat.

There was a muffled noise from the training room.

Occasionally, a disciple passed by and glanced inside, and his heart was suddenly shocked, and the grown-up and the senior Yin Xi fought so fiercely.


After dozens of battles, under Lu Ming's almost collapsed situation, Senior Yin finally finally evaluated his ultimate fighting ability-Qixing Elementary.


That's right.

After several upgrades of the ruins, Lu Ming has reached the initial stage of Seven Stars, even without the need to lift table cards, simply increase the sun and moon stars, and simply fight the ability!

A horrible number!


"Fighting power is seven stars?"

Lu Ming was shocked himself.

Seven stars!

It is so different from Six Stars.

Under ordinary circumstances, six stars can't beat seven stars at all, even if you are in the 20th and 30th realm, even Lu Ming never expected it.


Every time I face the master, I raise the table (╯ ‵ □ ′) ╯︵┻┻.

Never thought about it.

Now he really has seven-star combat power!


Xi Yin is very sure.

Several attempts to disarm Lu Ming failed.


After exhausting Qixing's full strength, Lu Ming squeezed it dry, causing him to lose his physical strength, and then barely won.

So fighting ...

Xi Yin was horrified to think about it.

Before reaching Seven Stars, he has the power of Seven Stars. Once Lu Ming breaks through and steps into Seven Stars, his power and consciousness will be transformed into a comprehensive one. How powerful should it be then? !


Lu Ming never let her down ...

of course.

She is even more puzzled about Lu Ming's state ...

"Your breath is so hidden!"

Xi Yin exclaimed, "The usual means of concealment will reveal the real breath once you fight. Your energy will be disguised as a star even in battle."

Lu Ming: → _ →

Because this is originally a star.


for a long time.

The two gradually recovered their strength.

"Come again?"

Xi Yin was eager to try.

"No need."

Lu Ming smiled bitterly.

He just came to test his strength.

"Why useless?"

Pi Yin said, "You have to face a lot of seven stars in the future, you have to fight more to be stronger, so you not only have to fight me, but Xiaobai ..."


The fighting broke out again.

for a long time.

Xi Yin was tired and rested, and Xiaobai got on again.

The next day.

Lu Ming walked tremblingly out of the training room. His face was pale and his legs were soft, with a huge dark eye, and he looked at the greenish sun.


It's dawn ...

"Master is so good ~"

"Hehe ~"

"I'm going to experiment."

Xiaobai's spirit was a hundred times, and he bounced away.

"Not bad!"

Pi Yin was also very satisfied, patting Lu Ming on the shoulder, "Your condition is longer than I thought, I don't need to worry about you about this ruin again."


She also drifted away.

Lu Ming: "..."

Although this night was very tiring, but through this battle, I determined that my combat effectiveness was also excellent.

Seven stars ...

Lu Ming clenched his fists.


Somewhat weak.

It seems that this night is huge ...


Lu Ming simply rested for a whole day, just ready to prepare the cards.

He also made preparations for the situation that may be encountered in this ruin, and also prepared a lot of Sun Moon Star cards to ensure his seven-star combat effectiveness.

"Hao Ran."


"How is the energy card of the card manufacturing department prepared?"

"It's ready."


Lu Ming was very satisfied. He prepared more energy cards and had more confidence when fighting.


What he did not expect was that when trying to use six-star cards, there was a problem. Those ordinary six-star cards he couldn't absorb!

? ? ?

How can it be? !

Lu Ming was shocked, what happened? !

Card problem?

Lu Ming has replaced a few photos-still not working.

"I'll try."

Li Haoran tried it.


Light streamer surging.

The card dissipated in Li Haoran's hands without any problems.

"Cards are no problem."

Li Haoran was puzzled.


Lu Ming frowned.

"Is it because you have a seven-star fighting power, and the demand for cards is also high?"

Little Sword is curious.


Lu Ming's mind moved slightly.


He changed a seven-star card, the highest energy card in the card making department, but-still overturned, he still could not absorb energy!


Lu Ming's face changed slightly.

Why can he keep flipping the table and keep skipping the challenge? !

Because of energy cards!

He can use it unscrupulously!

He can explode unscrupulously!


Once there is no energy card, how is his current energy different from other people? Sword card division pure combat is not even as good as other professions!


Just at this time

A strange look suddenly appeared on Lu Ming's face, because he thought of a possibility ... a very incredible, yet possible possibility.


He brought a one-star card with him.


Streamer escapes.


Lu Ming stared at him, all the energy of one star poured into his body and became his own energy, the purest kind of one-star energy.


Lu Ming trembles.

This world's perception of him is really 'One Star Realm'.

But combat power ...


Lu Ming swung with a punch, and the sky was falling apart. It was still Qixing Power! ! !


Lu Ming's eyes widened.

Gan Li Niang!


What's going on?

He felt ridiculous.


So now he only needs to absorb one star of energy to release the effect of seven stars? ! This even violates the law of conservation of energy ...

Totally impossible!

Even if it is a 100% energy conversion ~ ~ without a middleman to earn the difference, it is impossible to change from one star to six stars or even seven stars!

this world……

This rule ...

Lu Ming suddenly understood what.

He looked out the window.

This mysterious world of cultivation is still so beautiful, just like when I first arrived, I couldn't help but say HELLOWORLD from my heart.


right now.

The world is still that world.


But it seems to be a bug.


PS: Boom.