MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 7 Mental breakdown

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The next day.

Lu Ming opened the shop early.

的 The first thing he did was pay back the loan company's money first.

Although it is still a long time before the repayment time, but Lu Ming is ready to make a profit of 100,000 yuan, what can they say?


What a caring customer!

You know, I do n’t know how much I can earn when I loan this money out!

Women's fruit photos are completely destroyed!

Transfer of 100,000 cash on the spot!

The loan company handles these processes very well.

的 The flower arm man sent by their company this time is very satisfied with the transaction.

Although I started to be deceived and the process was a bit tortuous, the ending was good. It's just that his look at Lu Ming is always weird.

The look is not like a threat, it is a bit weird.

是 Is it because my dress is too beautiful?

Lu Luming thought so.

"Hey boy, you need to contact me anytime."

Flower arm man left after finishing the photo.


Lu Ming also relieved.

结束 Ending today is the best choice.

On the surface, these companies are still very disciplined.

连 Even the so-called fruit photo, the title on the bright side, is also called credit loan. As long as the money is in place, the fruit photo or whatever will be destroyed. Xiao Luming also inquired about several nearby loan companies at first, and found that this one had a good reputation and hadn't had any troubles, so he took the loan.


Lu Ming is very clear that these are just superficial.

Once a certain unruly benefit is far greater than this bag company in front of them, they will not hesitate to get a big ticket, and then change places and reopen a company.

What apple loan, banana loan, durian loan may be opened by one person!

他们 "They didn't know that the fruit ninja made it by themselves."

所以 "So the deal ended happily."

Lu Ming knew.

The photos have been destroyed, and Xiao Luming's concerns are completely resolved. Ha ha, if these guys come to trouble again in the future, then don't blame yourself for calling the police directly.

The problem of the Loan Loan is solved, and the following is the market.

He is not demanding. Those shops eat meat and drink some soup by himself. After all, his card making speed is not fast, and the demand is high, and he cannot keep up.

However, he thought too much.

With one night's brewing, the fruit Ninja fever broke out completely!

He went online to check the relevant news, and now Fruit Ninja has set off a wave. It seems that there are some shops that specialize in marketing. Now everyone in Qingming City is talking about this card.

反应 The response of each store is also very fast.

It's not just the downtown area, the entire city of Qingming is covered by fruit ninja cards.

Is there a similar practice?


But mostly boring.

And fruit ninja ...

修 Cultivation in the game brings more fun. Many people, even many children, are more willing to practice!

I said.

Even a headmaster of a middle school looked at it and thought it was a very good thing. It may be proposed in the near future to apply this thing to the popular science practice in the school.

And now.

In all the shops in downtown, almost all fruit ninja cards are provided, and the price is even cheaper!

One eighty at a time!

五十 50 at a time!

Twenty at a time!

A family is lower than one!

Even, in the end everyone simply unified to 20 yuan once!

Moreover, the illusion they produced is more realistic and more vivid, much better than his here. Because of the lower production costs, their profits are still very objective.

"Sure enough."

Lu Ming did not have any accidents.

盗 Piracy in this world is really unbridled!

In the previous life, although those game companies were rampant, they were almost sold by the players, and here, no one cares.

Because most precious cards have strong encryption technology!

If you can crack ...

That can only show you awesome!

"That being the case, don't blame me."

Lu Ming stretched.

He just wants tens of thousands of yuan of initial capital. Since he can't get it, no one wants to make money. Thinking of this, Lu Ming called Zhang Xiao fat.

"Fat, come here, you have something big to do."


Zhang Xiao fat wondered.

"Lift the table."

Lu Ming laughed.

Uh ...

And now.

Qian Qiansheng was sitting in the office and was in a very happy mood.

Although I was disturbed by someone yesterday and unhappy all night, but today I look at the market and look at the sales. How can he not be pleased?

Because the above review has passed!

right now--

He is responsible for the trial operation of Qingming City.

The above also knows that time is critical, so he was given one morning time, as long as the morning profit and profit model, no problem, it will be promoted in all branches!

What a pity? !!

How much credit!

As for profit?

He's not worried at all.

Twenty yuan at a time is enough to make them crazy!

As for Lu Ming?

Ha ha.

Little children.

哪 How can they participate in this war?

Looking at more and more people coming to experience, he can already imagine the picture of his promotion, and he can leave here soon ...


A scream came from outside.

"what happened?"

Qian Qiansheng was upset that his dream was broken.

"Boss, something serious!"

Panic staff panicked, pointing to news on the Internet.

"What's panic ?!"

Qian Qiansheng didn't wait to see these interns. He was panicking about small things. He became a system. "As the staff of the flagship store, we must be calm ..."

He said as he looked at the trend, his face suddenly changed, "Dried pear lady!"

Uh ...

Pure goods shop.

Zhang Zhangchun was also slowly watching profits soar.

I have to say that this fruit ninja card is really good, it has a certain addictiveness, so that everyone can not help but keep trying!

Go and keep improving!

连 Even he tried more than ten times to break through a hundred seconds!

如何 How can such a card not fire?

The price of twenty yuan was jointly formulated by them. The blind price is meaningless. It is a good thing for everyone to make money. Of course, old money and him are the biggest sales.

As for Lu Ming?

Is out of their consideration at all.

What about the founder?

The moment he was successful in the cottage, he was worthless.

For today's sales activity, he hired hundreds of card makers overnight and made a large number of fruit ninja cards!

To be now!

Lu Ming's little bit of trouble, they don't look at it at all.


"It's time to try to expand the store."

Zhang Zhangchun thought.

I just.

这个 At this time, he suddenly saw a push message from the Card Makers Association.

He is not the same as Qian Shengcai, because he is a card maker, so this shop was built by himself, and he is also a member of the Card Makers Association.

Card Makers Association!

This is where all cardmakers learn and communicate.

Everyone is here to exchange card manufacturing technology, from basic textures to high-end core technologies, and even various material transactions, as well as academic discussions.

Here is the home of the cardmaker.

Zhang Changchun is also often active here, following a lot of news from the association.

However the news ...


Zhang Chun glanced into a cold body-"Fruit Ninja-a necessary training card for everyone!" 》

怎么 How can this thing appear!

Zhang Zhangchun panicked.

Although the fruit ninja is hot now, although the heat is explosive, it is only limited to Qingming City! Elsewhere, I don't even know this card!

But if you only know it ...

The issue is!

Where this post appears!

**** it!

的 The place he pays attention to is the design area!

In other words, this **** thesis is about the fruit ninja design. If translated, it is the fruit ninja design.

Sure enough.

He opened it, and the first paragraph in the eye was a design drawing!

This is the design drawing of Fruit Ninja!

No need for illusionist, no need to build illusion, when the design appears, all cardmakers can make it as long as they do it.

Zhang Zhang was panicked.

But he calmed down quickly.

"It's ok."

"Can still make some money."

"After all, we have a first-mover advantage for a day, we ..."

Zhang Chun had not finished comforting, and saw the second half of the dissertation, and she was sweating.

In the thesis, the role of Fruit Ninja was introduced in detail, and I told you that this is the 2.0 version of Fruit Ninja. In addition to the original basic design, it also contains the following content.


1. Integral design—Reasonably change the time mode to the integral mode.

2. Fun design-Added bonus points for consecutive cuts and bonus points for clearance.

3. Variety increase-a large number of fruit types have been added.

4. Bomb design-Add a bomb clearance system, and mix a necrotic bomb in the fruit. Do not touch it.

5. Life design-change the original mortal design into three lives, let you experience longer and better control of rhythm.

6. Weapon selection-add more weapons.



Zhang Chun collapsed.

what is this?

Fruit Ninja Upgrade!

More comprehensive!

More powerful!

More efficient!

Instantly put down all the cards they made overnight.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the design drawings are fully publicized. There is no need for any illusionist. You only need a cardmaker to make it easily!

Price is transparent!

Who will come here to spend money?

才 They are not blamed for being scolded!

As for scolding Lu Ming?

Ha ha.

Although Lu Ming sold many times one hundred times yesterday, at the end of the thesis, they also explained the reason for the open design.

"It was originally intended for commercial sales, but I heard that many educators were interested in this card, so after it was perfected, I decided to make it public!"

孩子 "Children, the future strong."

他们 "They should have better physical fitness."

他们 "They should have a better cultivation illusion."

"These ones."

"It's a gift I gave them."

"——The founder of Fruit Ninja, Lu Ming."

did you see?

For these growing children!

If you guys are soaked up, then you are secretly happy. What qualifications are there to blame someone? !!

"In the shop ..."

Zhang Chun hurried out of the office.

Sure enough ...

The crowded traffic was empty for a moment!

Everyone is not a fool. Such a big news will soon spread in Qingming City. Who will waste your money on this semi-finished product?

They can take a design and ask a cardmaker to customize it!

"It's cold."

Zhang Chun looked at the thousands of fruit ninja cards on the counter and shuddered.

These cards ...

I was really a waste!

I know how much he spent!

"Lu Ming!"

He wanted to hate Lu Ming, and then suddenly remembered that people just wanted 20,000 or 30,000, and he refused to give it. The other party couldn't earn a penny, and it was reasonable and reasonable to open it to the Card Making Association for free.

为什么 Why didn't you think about it?

Oh ~ ~ I thought about it, but I didn't care about it!

Because they didn't expect it, even if you open the design, you even got an upgraded version of Fruit Ninja!

At this time, he had only one thought.

"I knew ..."

"Should I have given him 20,000 yesterday?"

Confession is not the original!

Now, more than he has this idea?

All the shops in the downtown area, especially those shops that Lu Ming called last night, hated themselves one by one at this moment.

I did n’t agree with him yesterday?

This is an upgraded version of Fruit Ninja!

Moreover, no one thought that this one that tests the reaction speed can add so many things! But a closer look is reasonable.

I even have one ...

Alas, this is how the full version of Fruit Ninja feels!

At the same time, Qian Shengcai, a leaf chain store, felt cold in his heart at this moment. After reading the full content of the thesis there, he could not wait to slap himself.

I'm too arrogant!

I knew it had been bought yesterday!

50,000 districts ...

I just because 50,000!

I was totally ruined.

With this design, the low-profile design that I studied yesterday, half a million, even the fruit ninja card made overnight, became a joke.

How strange is Lu Ming?

I was calling yesterday, but I told myself everything!



It only takes 50,000!

And myself ...

Qian Qiansheng suddenly felt dark before passing out.


"Shop manager!"

I heard an exclaimed cry.

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