MTL - Divine Beast Adventures-Chapter 580 Plane crack

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As Zhang Che expected.

The unrest in the Huaxia area did not have too much impact.

On the one hand, it is because the military and political constraints of Huaxia District on weekdays are in place to restrict the various places; on the other hand, of course, it is because of Zhang Che's previous credit.

The Demon Clan was slain and killed, and the forces they developed were also dealt a devastating blow. It was difficult for the remaining forces to make much noise.

Even though the turmoil started suddenly, everyone was caught off guard, but the military and political parties in Huaxia District reacted very quickly, and immediately mobilized all their forces to calm down the chaos.

What's more, today is not the world before the new era. Ordinary people have no resistance. Now there are many masters of folk beastmasters.

When the manga organization started, even in a small number of areas, it was immediately hit by a headache, because the folk beastmasters were extremely powerful.

Uh ...

"Your boy, come back so soon. Will this trip be smooth?"

Huang Huangyun saw Zhang Che rushed back within a few days, and could not help but feel strange.

He thought that Zhang Che knew that there was a Demon riot in all parts of Mercury, and he was worried that he would rush back in advance.

Zhang Che smiled and said:

"Uncle, this time is going very well. I have already obtained a very suitable alien beast armor for Tielan, so I have no further delay, and returned directly. It was also after coming out of the beast world that I knew the original Demon Lurkers It turned out that such a big thing had messed up the whole Mercury. "

"Yeah, no one had expected that they would start so soon, and they thought they would continue to lurk and slowly develop their strength."

Huang Huangyun sighed and said with some emotion:

"Fortunately, most of the demons here in Huaxia District have been hit hard because of your last discovery. Otherwise, this time in Huaxia District, we may be just like other regions, and we do n’t know how much loss we will suffer. "

The two talked about the current situation, and then they no longer care about it. Anyway, now no one knows what the Mozu's specific plan is. They can only make good preparations, and the soldiers will cover the water and the soil.

"Well, don't talk about these bad things." Huang Yunyun stopped the topic on his own initiative and smiled, "Take out what you prepared for Tielan's girl this time, and let my old people open their eyes. "

知道 He knew that since Zhang Che said that the strange animal card was very suitable for his daughter, it would be a good thing that he would never see.

Six-star, no epic quality, it must be the best in legend quality, the attributes should also be able to compare with the general epic quality, right?

Although the legendary quality is definitely not better than the epic quality, in some aspects the attributes can be compared, which is also very good.

Huang Huang Yun thought so.

澈 Of course, Zhang Che would not refuse the proposal of the future husband. He nodded, and took out the beast card of the Red Star Streaming Light Armor from the storage space, and then handed it to Huang Jiyun.

Huang Yunyun's face had a slightly expectant expression, and the strange animal card was activated skillfully, and then the whole person froze there, with an expression on his face as if he had seen a ghost.

"This, this, this kind of attribute, how can it appear on the monster card of intermediate legend quality?"

The tone of Huang Huangyun's speech was a little changed, and his eyes were unbelievable.

No way, even Zhang Che, when he was prepared, saw the properties of the Red Star Stream Light Armor, and was shocked. Finally, he laughed abnormally, and attracted powerful beasts around him. This time the trip to the beast world hastily ended.

Therefore, Chixing Liuguang Armor, an alien beast card armor, is definitely a rare thing in the world, and its attributes are abnormal. Whoever sees it will be greatly surprised.

"Your boy, this luck is really great!"

After a while sighing, Huang Yunyun had nothing to say about Zhang Che's good luck.

This kid seems to be able to get good things that no one else can get every time he enters the beast world.

This is probably the legendary son of fate?

"Okay, now the movement of the Devil is not too big, it has been completely suppressed, and you don't need any help from you. You still go back to Tielan's girl, presumably she saw this strange animal After the card, you will be very happy. "

Huang Huangyun did not have any help from Zhang Che, and waved his hand to drive him away.

After returning to Beidu, after Huang Tielan got the Red Star Streaming Light Armor, she was not only happy, but the whole person was going crazy. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

"Wow wow! Zhang Che, you are so amazing, there are such good legendary quality beast cards in the world, I think the epic quality beast card armor on your body cannot compare with it in some attributes. Here it is! "

Even if she tried to suppress the excitement in her heart, Huang Tielan couldn't help but yelled in surprise, and her little face even bloomed with an extremely bright smile.

"Then I don't look at the strange beast who shot it. I got what I got. When was it bad?"

When I saw Huang Tielan's satisfaction, Zhang Che's face was also full of smiles, and she was content with herself.

"Yes, yes, I know that Zhang Xiaoche at home is the best!"

铁 Huang Tielan squinted his eyes together and kissed Che Che's face with encouragement.

Uh ...

Except for Huaxia, in other major regions of the Mercury World, the turmoil launched by the demons has not completely subsided. Every day, a large number of beast warriors are killed. The situation in the entire world seems to have become extremely tense at once .

Fortunately, it was probably that the demon lurkers launched too quickly, so that they themselves were not adequately prepared. After experiencing a period of time, the excessive loss of power gradually subsided.

Glittering, time has passed for a month.

At this time, the major turmoil in all parts of the world has completely disappeared, and there are only a few turbulences from time to time in some places.

However, this turbulence can no longer affect the stability of the society, and the forces of all parties are relieved.

Uh ...

Heizhou District, an uninhabited place thousands of miles away.

Here is a dense jungle, where all kinds of powerful alien beasts entangle here. As a result, there are no human settlements in the surrounding area, which is completely a paradise for creatures in other worlds.

But in the setting sun of this day, somewhere in this endless jungle, suddenly a crowd of people appeared.

There are not many people in this team, only less than twenty, but none of them exudes the slightest breath, and they are perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment, and they have not disturbed the surrounding beasts at all. Even if some of them are extremely powerful individuals, they do not even notice the arrival of this team.

I looked carefully, the body of this team of horses seemed to be shrouded in a layer of hazy light black mist, so that people could not see their true face at all.

层 This layer of pale black mist not only masked their looks, but also completely covered their breath.

After I chose a highland, the team stopped very tacitly. As if they didn't need to communicate, they could know each other's thoughts, just like a team of people.

Uh-huh, this is part of the power of that demons.

The avatars first took out a lot of strange things from their storage spaces, and then quickly got busy on the high ground, as if they were laying out a very complicated array.

Time passed slowly, when the last light of the day faded, and when the night completely covered the earth, the huge array of thousands of square meters was finally laid out by the demons' powerful avatars.

完 After arranging the array in an extremely tacit manner, the powerful avatars of the demons took out a strange crystal from the storage space together.

This is a diamond-like object, but it is not as sharp as a diamond, it looks much rounder, and there is a layer of glimmering light on it, just like the most beautiful gem in the world.

However, these "gems" are the source of energy opened by the formation.

When the avatars set all the crystals in a specific position on the matrix, the entire matrix begins to slowly run, and the layers of gloom diffused, seemingly connecting with an unknown plane. .

However, the power of the plane in which Mercury's world is located is that the power of formation cannot be penetrated at all ~ ~ The avatars are not in a hurry, they already expected.

Alas, they tacitly took out another thing.

It was fist-sized black beads, as if endless nebulae were surging.

The next moment, all the black beads were broken by the avatars, and the nebula inside burst out, but they turned into a faint human figure. First https: // https: //

刚刚 This seemingly endless human figure has just escaped the shackles of black beads, and has issued a silent roar, trying to escape away.

However, the next moment a huge amount of suction came from the formation, and these human figures were absorbed, no matter how fierce they struggled.

Until all the human figures are sucked in by the formation method, the avatars stand on their own, forming a strange geometric figure in the sky, the ground, and the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a surge of energy spurted out from the bodies of these avatars, and all of them were incorporated into the formation.

An extremely concealed but extremely powerful tearing force suddenly burst out from the formation, suddenly tearing a gap in the plane of the Mercury world.

At the other end of the plane gap, a dark gray world can be seen faintly. A very dark energy surges in the other world, and then rushes along the plane plane gap.

These demons are powerful avatars, and even through a formation method, they temporarily tear apart the barriers of the Mercury world!
