MTL - Divine Beast Adventures-Chapter 568 Add epic royal beasts

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In the northern capital, Huang Yunyun sighed again and again.

"Well, it's been more than twenty days. How come Xiao Che and Lan Lan haven't come back? It's not a danger. Ah, crow's mouth, there is no kid there, there must be nothing. dangerous.

I must be because they wanted to make Lan Lan's beastmaster as high as possible, so they stayed for so long.

Hmm, it must be like this! "

Although Zhang Che told him at the beginning, this time it took a long time to travel to the Beast World, but this was more than half a month later, and the two did not return. It was said that Huang Yunyun was not worried in his heart, was that right? possible.

After all, one is his only daughter, the bright pearl on the palm, and the other is his ride on the dragon. The successor of the future family can't be surprised, otherwise he won't know what to do.

Alas, at the moment he can only worry.

Although you know which other animal kingdom Zhang Che went to, the other animal kingdom is too vast, and all the technology items in it are unavailable. It is impossible to find them in the endless mountains and rivers, even if you It is useless to sprinkle more people.

He also said that Huang Jiyun could not mobilize too many people to find another animal kingdom for his private affairs.

Now it is an eventful season. The military and the government are uniting and are cracking down on cult organizations everywhere. Almost even the private forces of various families have been adjusted a lot.

There is no way, Huang Yunyun can only comfort himself, to believe Zhang Che's strength, they will certainly not encounter any danger in the other animal world.

Uh ...

"Zhang Xiaoche, so hurried, where are we going? I want to kill some more beasts, and strive to be promoted to the sixth-tier Royal Beast Master one day earlier, and then we will go back immediately. We came to the beast world but more than two Ten days. "

Huang Tielan looked doubtful, and saw Zhang Che pull a smile with a smile on his face, and flew in a direction in a hurry. He couldn't help asking.

Zhang Che's face continued to smile, and he pointed to the skin monkey next to him and gestured with his eyes, guess what?

Huang Tielan immediately responded, but she knew the capabilities of the skin monkey. This guy has no other ability, but the ability to find elixir cannot be said!

Well, I do n’t know if Pi Monkey knows her thoughts and will she refute: I ’m still an excellent archer. With the strong bow in my hand, even if it ’s an intermediate-level epic quality beast, I dare to follow They are fighting a battle!

啊 "Ah, so, is there anything good for the skin monkey?"

Zhang Che nodded and said:

"Yes, the hide monkey said it found a high-grade elixir this time. Let's dig it up and see what it is."

Zhang Che answered with a smile.

Huang Tielan also immediately smiled excitedly and couldn't wait to say:

"Let ’s hurry up, if it is accidentally found by a strange beast and eaten one step ahead, it would be a shame!"

Zhang Che laughed abruptly and said:

"Don't worry, there must be some strange beasts. Like this kind of elixir, there will definitely be a strong strange beast guard. We don't have to hurry to go anyway, there is no other strange beast dare to approach there There may be a battle next. "

I heard Zhang Che say this, Huang Tielan was even more nervous, and quickly asked:

那 "Then, the other beast will not eat the elixir, then it would be a shame!"

Hmm, the iron boy and girl have determined that the elixir belongs to them, and of course they do not want to see it eaten by a strange beast.

"Hahahaha, what are you in a hurry? Without such a coincidence, the elixir must not be fully mature. In this case, it is impossible to protect the strange beasts from eating them. You must wait until they are mature before they can be eaten They will talk down because it will help them the most. "

The two of them talked, while Xuansha Heilong and the Shadow Unicorn flew fast, and after just a few words of effort, they came to the elixir not far away.

When I got here, Zhang Che's face suddenly got a little dignified, and she turned to Huang Tielan and said:

等 "Wait a little later, the alien beast guarded here is very powerful, and I guess it might be an epic beast."

Huang Tielan's complexion could not be changed slightly, and he quickly asked nervously:

啊 "Ah, is there any danger? If nothing can be done, let's forget it, anyway, you can find high-quality elixir elsewhere."

Seeing that Huang Tielan was a little too nervous, Zhang Che laughed and said:

"My silly girl, you do n’t worry about me. There is a strange beast of epic quality. I ’m worried that fighting for a while may affect you, but I ’m not afraid of it. Besides, it ’s like this grade. Elixir, it's weird without a powerful alien guardian.

Don't worry, you take a step back and wait for me to solve the strange beasts inside. Not only can I get the high-grade elixir, but I can also add an epic quality beast. Why not? "

Zhang Che said nothing, Huang Tielan was only a little relieved. She thought that Zhang Che was so strong that she should not be afraid of an epic quality beast, so she nodded, riding a shadow unicorn, hundreds of meters Retreating on a hill outside.

Zhang Che was not assured of her safety, but let the Queen of Elements follow.

Don't hunt the strange beasts yourself here, if the yellow strange beast is attacked by a powerful strange beast, it will not be fun.

Huang Tielan did not object to this. She knew that Zhang Che was worried about her safety, and she did not refuse.

The epic quality beast in the mountain forest in front of him had already felt Zhang Che's arrival, but it saw that the elixir he guarded could soon mature, but he didn't bother to care about Zhang Che them, hoping that the other party would retreat.

However, then it was completely angry.

Instead of leaving, Zhang Che Che, instead rushed over to ride Xuansha Minglong.


A roar rang today, and the sound shook for ten miles, scaring some of the weak and strange beasts lying on the ground, and then the fart rolled away and rushed away in the distance, for fear that this angry and powerful strange beast would find them in trouble .

"Well, this guy's strength is not weak, at least it is a seven-star equivalent, so it seems I need to add a powerful Royal Beast!"

Hearing the demonstrative roar of the strange beast inside, Zhang Che was not afraid, but was excited.

不到 Unexpectedly, this time it is a double-edged bird. Not only can you get a high-grade elixir, but you can also hunt a powerful alien animal by the way, and get a good epic-quality alien animal card. God really cares for himself.

走 "Go, we'll know it when we go in!"

Zhang Zhangche didn't bring other imperial beasts and pets, and patted the back of Xuansha Minglong directly, letting it slam into the forest in front.

By virtue of Xuansha Helong and his own attack power, Zhang Che does not believe that the monster with epic quality will be his opponent.

Of course, except nine-star.

However, the kind of beasts of the same order are difficult to meet in low quality, let alone epic quality, and will never appear in these areas.

The speed of Wu Xuansha's underworld dragon was extremely fast, and he immediately entered the forest in front of him.

I didn't have time to see the situation in the mountains and forests. Suddenly, arrows made of pure wooden elements flew up, as fast as lightning.

Zhang Che can sense that this is a pure elemental arrow and its lethality should not be underestimated.

Yun Yi, his reaction was also dissatisfied, immediately let Xuansha Heilong lifted his body and blocked these arrows, while he himself quickly put on the purple gold beetle armor and opened the element shield.

Facing these beasts attacked by pure elements, the amethyst armor is far inferior to the purple gold beetle.

As long as it is not an elemental quality attack, you don't want to hurt Zhang Che within an hour.

As for an hour later--

If Zhang Che can't kill the enemy within an hour, don't say anything, it's the best way to escape early.

I stopped this wave of arrow rain before Zhang Che had time to see exactly what the strange beast inside looked like.

"Hey, what a beautiful guy, if you put it in the usual way, you thought it was an ornamental harmless beast. I can't think of it as fierce!"

It turned out that the attack on Zhang Che just now was a giant deer with colorful patterns on his body.

巨 This giant deer is very handsome, with a shoulder height of more than 1.5 meters, a body length of more than 3 meters, and a pair of bifurcated golden antlers on his head. The whole looks really beautiful.

However, the performance of this giant deer is not beautiful.

Seeing his own wave of arrow rain can't hurt Zhang Che and Xuansha Heilong-well, in fact, the wooden element arrow rain just caused some damage to Xuansha Heilong, but as long as this guy is not fatal The blow of the beast can't be seen from the outside. The giant deer roared again. Suddenly his head was lowered, and a pair of golden horns were shining brightly, and they rushed towards the Xuansha Hades.

Zhang Che even noticed that this guy didn't even touch the ground, but came straight out of the air.

Alas, this is no surprise.

As a beast of epic quality, is really bad if you can't protect it from the sky.

For example, Zhang Che's Earth Rock Demon and Demon Giant Pig, because these two goods cannot be defended from the air, all combat capabilities will be much worse. Most of the time, Zhang Che is simply unwilling to use them. The limitations are really too big. Already.

Looking at it this way, the giant deer in front of him is indeed the best imperial beast, and it must be left today anyway.

Feeling the terrible impact of the giant deer in front, Zhang Che didn't know if there was any fussiness in it, and quickly ordered Xuansha Heilong to avoid its sharpness, and at the same time, he scanned the attributes of this strange beast with his data eyes.

【Colorful Omoka】

Grade: Seven Stars (Level 69)

Quality: Epic

Features: Born Otsuki attributes, good at manipulating plants for attack and defense

Weakness: Fear of attacks of the same rank with the same quality metal and fire properties

Talent Attributes: Can remove surrounding wood attribute elements to form elemental weapons, attack the enemy, and can also remove wood elements to form a powerful defensive armor.

Skill: Otaki 遁, when in danger, consumes the pure Otoki elements in the body, you can launch the powerful Otoki 遁 method to transform the body into pure wooden elements, and with the protection of the surrounding environment, it can reach 10,000 meters away in an instant. Skill cooldown is 24 hours.

Skills: Otsuki 傀儡, launching skills can remove the surrounding wooden elements to form a large group of powerful Otsuki 傀儡, causing severe blows to the enemy. Skills last for one hour and have a cooldown of 12 hours.

Potential: Class D

"Well, the attributes look good, but unfortunately, there is no pseudo realm, and there is even no halo, which is not good enough!"

After reading the properties of this colorful Ogi deer, Zhang Che's eyes were all brightened, good guy, it turned out to be a strange beast of Ogi's attributes. This is really rare, and not to mention its strength, just a rarity Degree, it is definitely worth killing it yourself.

However, this guy's escape skills can reach thousands of meters away, and he still has to guard.

When thinking of this, Zhang Che immediately waved his hand and released the purple jade carving, and ordered it to watch the movement below carefully. Once the colorful Ogi deer lost the fight, it could be found out immediately.

Otherwise, Zhang Che wants to hunt this strange beast, it is really not easy.

I figured out the attributes of this colorful Ogi deer, Zhang Che was no longer polite, and he ordered Xuansha Halong directly:

来 "Come, Xuanming, give him a cathode ray and taste it!"

Anyway, this guy's attack didn't pose much threat to himself, and Zhang Che didn't care, and quickly ordered Xuansha Helong to join the battle.

At the same time, Zhang Che's eyebrow was also shining with a ray of light, offering a red and white sword light.

He doesn't have time to waste here, but it is better to solve the battle as soon as possible.

Suddenly I felt the killing intention of Zhang Che and Xuansha Minglong. The colorful Ogi deer did not know well. I didn't think of it. A green light flashed, and there was an extra layer of wood on the beautiful surface armor.

虽然 Although this layer of armor looks similar to wood, Zhang Che knows that its defense will not be too low.

Sure enough, after the colorful ray-deer hit by the cathodic rays emitted by Xuansha Halong, this unfavorable attacking skill in the past did not receive its due effect for the first time, just outside the colorful ome-lu A layer of frost was left on the wooden armor.

At the next moment, the angered colorful Ogi deer also aggressively launched his attack skills. The surrounding wooden elements quickly condensed, and immediately there were several large wooden attributes of several meters high on the ground, waving various weapons. , Rushed over to Zhang Che.

"I'm going to try, how powerful are these wood 疙瘩 s!"

Zhang Che looked at these wooden puppet warriors firmly, and controlled Chibai Jianguang to fly away immediately.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang ..."

I saw Chibai sword light slashing in rapid succession, and then issued a dull sound. This respected Otome was cut into pieces of wood directly, and then quickly turned into pure wooden elements and dissipated in the air. .

Obviously, these wooden puppets summoned by this colorful Ogi deer, let alone the attack power ~ ~ At least this defense is still a little weaker, Zhang Che's Chibai Jianguang three times five divided two Eliminated a clean.

At this time, the colorful Omochi on the other side, under the frost attack of Xuansha Haolong, seemed to be dwarfed, and the speed was obviously not as good as the beginning.

Zhang Che could not help but be slightly disappointed.

"Oh, I didn't expect it to be a real thing, it really made me happy."

In fact, Zhang Che is a bit misunderstood.

It is not that the strength of the colorful Omoka deer is too low, it is that he and the Xuansha Hades have united, and the attack power is too strong, especially the Chibai Jianguang, but it may pose a certain threat to the god-quality monster A sharp weapon, can these seven-star epic quality strange beasts be able to resist?

At the very least, this guy's defense is still very good. The armor of Otsuki elements, Zhang Che can not easily cut open.

Seeing that the enemy was powerful and invincible, although the colorful Omoka could not bear the elixir that had been guarded for months, he still knew that the small life was important. He immediately launched another skill without hesitation, and suddenly turned into a ball. The cyan air stream directly attached to the nearest plant, and then disappeared into Zhang Che's eyes out of thin air.

"I'm going, this skill is so powerful!"

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