MTL - Divine Beast Adventures-Chapter 548 Break into the enemy

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"Mother, there seems to be something wrong."

Zhang Che has been staying in Zheng Huawei's secret residence for two days, except sleeping and eating every day.

However, in the past two days, nothing abnormal was found.

He originally envisaged that since this is Zheng Huawei's secret residence, it may also be used to contact some heads of the Freemasonry Xinqiong Branch.

And these two days have passed, and the people hiding in the Masonic Society should have learned from the wanted order issued by the military that Zheng Huawei has escaped. Now that he has escaped, Zheng Huawei will surely find a safe place to hide. The rest of the Freemasonry should always come here, right?

Of course, in the past two days, Zhang Che had not even seen a suspicious person in this complex residential area, and no one had approached him secretly to contact him.

"It's strange. Didn't Zheng Huawei have something to tell me, in fact, there are other places where the Freemasonry can't be contacted?"

Zhang Che frowned, puzzled in her heart.

What Zheng Huawei can say, what he wants to know, he has already said it, and logically there should be no omissions.

Well, it may be that after the soldiers of the Lao Zhangren attacked the cult, the Masonic people may completely abandon the original place of activity and change the place again.

As a result, they will naturally not come to the hidden residence of Zheng Huawei.

"It seems that there is no use in defending rabbits. What should we do next?"

Zhang Che felt that her brain was wide and painful.

After all, he can only know some information from Zheng Huawei's mouth, but can't read other people's memories like Xian Xia, so he can know all the information in detail.

Next, he shook his head fiercely, and began to scrutinize the information he had previously learned to see where to start.

"By the way, the list given by Laozhangren seems as if there is another person in the status of Zheng Huawei who is‘ escape ’this time.” In this case, I should n’t find him?

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Che finally brightened up and thought of a probably effective method.

The Masonic cult beast master named Fang Ruqing, a fourth-order beast master older than Zheng Huawei, usually knew each other with Zheng Huawei, and Zhang Che also knew some information about this person from Zheng Huawei ’s mouth. Know Fang Ruqing's secret residence.

"I hope this guy Fang Ruqing is still hiding in his secret residence and has not rushed to contact the Freemasonry."

In the past few days, the Xinqiong military is hunting down a few people who are fleeing. Fang Ruqing didn't have the courage to look for Masonic people immediately. It is estimated that he is hiding in the dark to observe the situation.

Decided in his heart, Zhang Che found a trench coat with a large hood behind, buckled the hat over, covered half of his head, bowed his head, and walked out north of Xinqiong City.

Now no one knows that Zheng Huawei has been stiffened by Li Daitao. The outside search was very strict. Zhang Che didn't dare to carelessly, and he was walking in a remote place with fewer people.

If this is recognized by the military searchers, their plans will be completely invalidated, and the trouble will not be small.

Along the way, Zhang Che saw several teams of military soldiers from a distance and was interrogating at various intersections.

Fortunately, his five senses today are much stronger than ordinary people, and he can always avoid it in advance every time, and finally came to a community in the north of Xinqiong City without any risk.

People come and go here, but the investigation is not so strict.

Of course, the so-called less strict, just Zhang Che's personal feelings, if you change to other people, it may be difficult to pass.

This time, Zhang Che once again exerted her five senses' amazing strengths, easily passed the checkpoint and entered the community.

Regarding Fang Ruqing's choice of hiding in this lively community, Zhang Che also admired his boldness, and it was really impossible to change to an ordinary person, and he did not dare to hide here.

The so-called black light is sometimes the reason.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk ..."

Smoothly came to Fang Ruqing's hiding place, Zhang Che knocked gently on the door.

Nothing happened in the room.

Zhang Che hesitated slightly. Didn't Fang Ruqing escape here?

Well, the other party should be a more vigilant person and should not come over and check easily.

Just thinking about this, Zhang Che's keen ears heard a sound of soft footsteps inside, and the other side almost moved over step by step.

Zhang Che smiled slightly, and clasped her hands a few times.


A slightly hoarse voice sounded inside, with a little vigilance in it.

Zhang Che opened her mouth, Zheng Huawei's voice had spread.

"Old man, it's me, open the door!"

Zhang Che's voice was very low, but the people in the room heard it clearly.

Immediately afterwards, the people inside looked at the cat's eyes, and then the door was quickly opened, a hand stretched out to pull Zhang Che in, and quickly closed the door again.

"Lao Zheng, did you escape too?"

Fang Ruqing is a middle-aged man in his forties. He is of medium build, with a slightly fat body and full-faced horizontal meat. A pair of triangular eyes make people know at first glance that this person will not be a good man.

"Yeah, this time seems to have escaped a lot. I am also lucky. It took me more than a day to avoid the hunters. I did n’t even dare to go back to the place where I lived. Besides. "

Zhang Che nodded with a grateful expression for the rest of his life after the disaster.

Fang Ruqing grinned and said:

"Come here for a while? Don't make a joke. People in this community have many eyes, and you will be found if you don't pay attention. I don't have much physical reserves here. I can't support them for a few days. Go find the organization. "

Fang Ruqing was a little surprised. Why isn't your kid out of your mind after being arrested? If you don't have a place to take it with you, why do you come to your side?

"Well, yes, why don't you go to the organization?"

Since he didn't dare to stay where he lived, why didn't Zheng Huawei look for the people hiding in the Freemasonry?

Zhang Che's heart suddenly made a noise, knowing that the other party might be suspicious, so a distressed expression appeared on his face, saying:

"Don't say it. People are investigating everywhere now. Where can I find it? Besides, I guess that the meeting place originally planned by the organization must have been replaced. It will be difficult to find them."

Fang Ruqing nodded, and agreed:

"This is also the case. In that line, you stay with me first. After dark, we will go to the organization. We will go to a few places where the people who used to organize met.

Even if we can't find them, but I'm sure the people in the organization will come back to us after hearing the news that we have escaped. It may not be possible to run into them. "

Zhang Che nodded repeatedly, echoing:

"Yes, yes, wait until the evening, the investigation is not so strict, we will go to the organization's people, as long as they meet with them, we can meet. Oops, why didn't I think about this problem before?"

Fang Ruqing heard Zhang Che's words, frowned again, stared at him, and said suddenly:

"Well, Lao Zhao, weren't you familiar with Captain Hu Shangguang of the liaison office? Didn't you come to see him in the past two days?"

Zhang Che's heart lingered again, this guy really had some doubts about himself.

After all, I just learned some information from Zheng Huawei and couldn't fully receive everything. As long as he is a little familiar, he may see the flaws.

However, I didn't mention how familiar I was with Fang Ruqing during the trial of that guy?

And when did the Freemasonry Xinqiong Branch have a liaison office?

Hu Shangguang is indeed a man, but he is a little leader who is much lower than them.

Well, this guy is cheating himself!

Zhang Che hesitated for a moment, and suddenly said in doubt:

"Lao Fang, when did the old boy of Hu Shangguang become the leader of the liaison office, and there doesn't seem to be such a liaison office in the organization?

Yes, I guess you have suffered a lot in the two days you were detained. Specially, those guys in the military division are simply not humans. By various means, I am about to collapse. I guess you are also rectified. It's not light, so I'm a little confused. "

Zhang Che felt that since the other party was already suspicious, he couldn't let him continue to think about it. He simply detained the pot on the military district prison. If he was such a middle-level figure, he would definitely have been subjected to extremely severe interrogation. Definitely suffered a lot.

Sure enough, after listening to Zhang Che's words, Fang Ruqing's thoughts were taken by him, with a hate expression in his eyes, and gritted teeth said:

"Well, that's not it!

Two days ago, I really had enough trouble. The interrogation methods of these guys were going to torture people crazy. I thought on several occasions that I couldn't persist and was ready to commit suicide.

Why, Lao Zheng, did they torture you like this? "

Zhang Che nodded slightly, also with a look of hatred, saying:

"What do you think? I haven't recovered yet. I feel like the whole person's brain is not working well. Those guys are really tricky and bombarded with noise. They haven't slept for two days and two nights, almost To die. "

The two clamored with the enemy and interrogated the interrogators in the army division. Fang Ruqing no longer felt that Zhang Che had any problems.

Next, the two simply ate something with the food stored by Fang Ruqing. After the sky became dark, the two packed up together, and also changed their appearance and dress with some simple things. Floor, walk towards the outside of the community.

Fortunately, the journey went smoothly, and neither of them encountered the investigators, and they easily walked out of the community.

"Lao Zheng, where do you say we go first?"

Fang Ruqing asked suddenly in a remote alley with no one.

Zhang Che stopped, her face was contemplative, and then she shook her head fiercely as if she had a broad brain pain, looking at Fang Ruqing, and said:

"Let's decide. I was tortured in prison for a few days, and I hid in Tibet for two days. I didn't have a good rest. I felt my head was about to explode.

The next decision is very important. It doesn't matter if you can immediately find the people in the organization. The key is not to be discovered by the military, otherwise we will never be able to get out again. "

Fang Ruqing nodded slowly and said:

"Okay, let ’s go to the west side first. There are few people there and the environment is complicated. Even if someone investigates, just be careful of some who can always hide there, and hope that there will still be people in the organization, so we will continue to save Looking down. "

"Then listen to you, let's go."

Zhang Che did not object, and followed Fang Ruqing toward the west of Xinqiong City.

The so-called Xishan is just a small mountain package. It is located near the suburbs on the west side of Xinqiong City. The environment is complicated. There are houses built by civilians everywhere, which is very messy.

The two carefully moved to the west along the way, relying on Zhang Che's vigilance on the way to escape several inspection teams, and finally entered the dimly lit Xishan area.

Although it is not a Masonic liaison place here, due to the complex environment and personnel, many Masonic people usually work here.

The two drilled in the alley in the private room for a long time, and finally came to the foot of a small hill. This is the so-called Xishan. The mountains are flourishing, but there are two roads that they think they stepped on.

The two looked at each other, and after looking around, they walked along one of the trails towards the mountain.

Qiguaiguaguai, when walking to the mountainside, Zhang Che suddenly said softly:

"Old man, stop, I feel someone in the trees in front, be careful not to be set by the military."

After waiting for the two to move, a figure suddenly emerged in the woods in front, and then a strong light shone on the faces of the two, causing them to close their eyes subconsciously.

Fang Ruqing was so pale that she was so scared that she was really ambush.

"I have a friend who is stupid."

The figure suddenly stopped, looked at the two of them, and suddenly somehow said something.

However, when Zhang Che and Fang Ruqing listened, their faces were filled with joy, and they almost answered in unison:

"Last year, we broke up five times!"

The flashlight of the torch went out ~ ~ The figure opposite said:

"Lao Zheng and Lao Fang, I couldn't think you were so lucky. This time you even ran away together. Come quickly with me. It's not safe here either. The military may come to search at any time."

With that said, the figure turned and walked towards the other side.

Zhang Che and Fang Ruqing quickly followed.

"Haha, it's so easy to break into the enemy?"

Zhang Che's heart was surprised, she couldn't think of her luck today. She met Masonic people so soon, and then she officially broke into the enemy.

Once inside the enemy, it should be easier to investigate the Masonic headquarters next.

Following the figure in front of them, the two quickly descended the mountain, then circled between the densely packed buildings under the mountain, and finally stopped in front of an ordinary courtyard.

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