MTL - Divine Beast Adventures-Chapter 537 "Career Messenger" Jiang Chao

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Among the security personnel dispatched by the military, Zhao Wu and the four of them calmly mixed in a group of beastmasters, but their sights were inseparable from where Huang Tielan was.

This is the pearl in the third generation of Lao Huang's family, and it is the girlfriend of Zhang Che, the next head of the future, who is not polite. He can't afford to be sloppy in security.

As the elite among the elites of the Huang family, Zhao Wu and the four of them could withstand even the epic beasts of an epic quality. This time, Huang Jiyun arranged to protect Huang Tielan in secret, which is naturally a trust in their strength.

Especially after the last trip to the meteorite mountain with Zhang Che, the four of them have increased the legendary quality of combat power, and their strength is even higher.

It can be said that even if the beasts with epic quality suddenly exploded and wanted to hurt Huang Tielan, the four of Zhao Wu were fully able to react in time and block for a moment.

As for what to do after they can't support it, isn't it still Zhang Che who is guarding in secret.

They believed that at the speed of Xuansha Minglong under Zhang Che's seat, once he found something wrong, he was able to arrive in the shortest time, and Zhao Wu only needed to delay for a certain period of time.

What's more, Zhang Che has already explored here in advance, really there must be such a powerful alien beast, and it has already been solved.

Of course, the matter is very important. Even if he knew that there would not be any big danger, several of Zhao Wu pretended to be unintentional, and he had not left the distance of Huang Tielan too far.

This incident is a bit of an accident.

They didn't know that there was already a powerful force secretly watching Huang Tielan. This prudence actually secretly strengthened Huang Tielan's defense.

Soon, the large troops had entered the inner wall of the mountain forest, and then the Beidu University organized all the teachers and students. After emphasizing the discipline, everyone began to move freely, and separated to find and hunt the strange animals here. Only However, it is particularly emphasized that everyone must not leave the area designated by the school and military security personnel.

Although there are many students and young people are proud, everyone knows that dangers are everywhere in the beast world, and no one dares to violate the school's discipline. Although they dispersed happily, no one dared to leave the school. Delineated area.

Huang Tielan also walked quickly with a few good girls towards a hilly area on the left.

Several girls chatted excitedly about the sky, and at the same time released their respective Royal Beasts. Although the overall strength was not strong, they were immense and quite powerful.

Some beasts with low strength were alarmed and rushed out of the forest or grass, and then became the target of the girls, each of them busy commanding the Royal Beast to slay.

The four of Zhao Wu followed behind, watching the situation in front of them at any time, while chatting quietly.

Suddenly, Zhao Wu felt something and suddenly looked up at the sky.

However, nothing is different in the blue sky.

Qian Chunhe asked:

"What's wrong, is there anything wrong?"

Zhao Wu shook his head slightly and said hesitantly:

"Nothing, but it always feels like there is something in the sky that looks at us again."

The other three's faces changed slightly, and some worriedly said:

"I'm afraid there aren't any powerful beasts spying on it, ready to attack the young lady in front of you?"

Zhao Wu shook his head again and said:

"No, I didn't feel hostile. It shouldn't be a strange beast. Right, do you remember Zhang Shao's reconnaissance flying royal beast? I guess the big eagle should be monitoring the sky Here. "

Qian Chun and several others suddenly realized, and nodded repeatedly:

"Yes, it must be that Zhang Shao's Royal Beast is watching below, so that we will be more at ease, even if there is any danger, the young lady will have nothing to do."

Since it was determined that Zhang Che's purple jade carving was being observed from a high altitude, several people in Zhao Wu felt completely relieved.

Suddenly, Zhao Wu and they looked back in the other direction, and saw a group of boys seem to be inadvertent, and slowly walked towards Huang Tielan where they were.

Those boys obviously want to follow behind these girls, their eyes have been turning around several girls, it seems that these girls may be pursuers and admirers.

Since they are all students of Beidu University, Zhao Wu also stopped managing them and continued to perform their tasks faithfully. The attention has been focused on several of Huang Tielan and they have no intention.


"Well, Jiang Chao, wouldn't you have any interest in which girl over there, even took us along?"

"Look, the first few seem to be the professional of the beast breeder. The yellow Tielan is in it. Jiang Chao, wouldn't you want to pursue the yellow Tielan? I told you, but I heard people say, This yellow Tielan background is not simple, and there is already a boyfriend. If you are not afraid of being killed, you can follow up, but we are not involved in your business. "

"Yes, yes, I heard that Huang Tielan's family is a big family in the military, and her boyfriend is a superpower of the younger generation. If you are not afraid of death, you can go on your own, but we will never help."

Among a group of boys, Jiang Chao was listed prominently, and was being held by several classmates at this time.

Jiang Chao shook his head:

"How come, I ’m not the kind of digger, but I ’m just watching these girls go a bit out of the way, afraid of what happened to them. As classmates, of course, we must fully develop the spirit of protection as men, ca n’t Let them be hurt a little bit. "

"Well, it ’s such a big deal. Why did n’t I find out that Jiang Chao has such a noble manner? Haha, to put it bluntly, do n’t you just want to dig the wall. But I can remind you that this wall is too high, you dare If you dig casually, be careful that you are killed, ha ha ha ha ... "

"Yes, yes, when your Qinzhou youngster Jiang Chao became the first person to be smashed by a wall, it would be a shame."

The classmate next to him laughed wildly, and did not believe Jiang Chao's words at all.

With a look of helplessness, Chao Chao was too lazy to argue.

Especially, do you think I don't know Huang Tielan's identity, are you really going to dig the foot of the wall?

After saying that you may not believe it, I really plan to give it oneselflessly this time to be a messenger.

Hmm, I have had two or two direct or indirect encounters with Zhang Che, and because the family strength is not weak, he knows a lot about Zhang Che. Naturally, it is impossible to have the courage to dig a wall. Too long.

However, although there is no intention of digging the wall, this is also a good opportunity.

If Huang Tielan ’s team of girls are in danger before them and they can rescue them in time, they will definitely be able to leave a huge friendship with Zhang Che, so that their family can associate with Zhang Che and the Huang family. Already.

Although only a freshman student, Jiang Chao, who grew up in a large family, is far more mature than his peers. Although he has always behaved a little out of touch, and seems to be greedy, but in the end The children of the big family can use all available resources.

Even though the Huang family must have arranged security forces to secretly protect Huang Tielan's safety, but sometimes accidents often happen accidentally. With their classmates who are not bad, they take the excuse of admiring the girls and follow them. If the other party is in danger, they will definitely be able to rescue the first time.

The classmates around were still babbling, but the corner of Jiang Chao's mouth evoked an inexplicable smile.

How could you guys know what I really think.


The students of Beidu University gradually dispersed, and the school's security personnel also locked the area as far as possible to ensure that nothing would happen.

Suddenly, a small team of beast masters chased down several strange beasts, drilled out from the mountain forest, and unknowingly entered the area where the students of Beidu University were located.

"Come here. Stop here. This is the freshman training ground of Beidu University. Please cooperate with us and try not to come in and interfere with the students' training."

A person in charge of Beidu University quickly stood up and politely persuaded the other party not to enter.

Among the team of Beastmasters, a tall, thin woman with a high cheekbones heard this, and immediately unhappy, staring at the person in charge:

"Well, co-authoring this place was bought by your Beidu University or what, we chase the strange beasts by ourselves, what's the problem with you?"

The person in charge of Beidu University was suddenly taken a sip and was almost speechless.

This is also true. The beast world was originally for anyone to come to. Beidu University did not have sovereignty over this area. Why not let others come in?

Although the reason is this, in fact, since Beidu University has explained that it has been turned into a place for students to practice, the general beastmaster must also respect the strength of Beidu University and avoid the edge.

Anyway, there is nothing good here, everyone just change places, there is no need to argue with the behemoth of Beidu University.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, she lost two Royal Beasts when she was chasing these strange beasts. She was in a bad mood."

Seeing that the person in charge of Beidu University was a little embarrassed, a slightly fat young man quickly stood up and explained with a look of kindness:

"Brother, please understand, we will leave this area immediately after killing these strange beasts. It will definitely not cause you any trouble."

The responsible person's face only eased a bit. Although it doesn't seem to make Beijing University feel too strong, but students' safety comes first, it is better not to let outside beast masters enter this area.

But the other side murmured with such a low face, and only said that after solving a few heads of prey, they immediately left, and the person in charge was not good enough to really do too much.

He frowned and said:

"Then you kill these strange beasts as soon as possible ~ ~ and then leave immediately."

The tone was a little impatient. The high cheekbones woman stared and seemed to explode again, but was grabbed by the slightly fat young man next to him, gestured with his eyes, and forbid her to speak again.

"That ’s really embarrassing Brother, please rest assured that we killed these strange beasts and left immediately. We will not disturb the heavenly pride inside. My brother is a college student. I understand the meaning of your school and I will not give you Add chaos! "

The person in charge of Beidu University nodded slightly and waved at them, asking them to leave quickly.

The team of Royal Beast Masters directed their respective Royal Beasts and hurriedly chased away the beasts that had already fled. The faces were anxious, and it seemed that they really wanted to hunt them down. The look of the head prey.

It's no problem to see these people, and their strength is only medium. The person in charge of Beidu University no longer cares about them, just watching from a distance, preventing them from entering the inner area.

However, he didn't see it. As he negotiated with the team of Beastmasters, several figures had instantly jumped over the area he was monitoring and sneaked inward.

Read The Duke's Passion