MTL - Divine Beast Adventures-Chapter 525 Dingxin Wan

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Looking at the various beasts in front of the mountains and the mountains, Zhao Wu felt the scalp tingling.

Seriously, this is the first time they have seen such a dense number of alien beasts.

Even if you know that Zhang Che beside you has epic level combat power, you should be able to cope with these strange beasts, but Zhao Wu's four hearts still have no bottom.

After all, who knows what these monsters are?

In case, in this batch of strange beasts, there are a few epic qualities mixed, and even a large number of legendary qualities, Zhang Che can not resist it.

"Zhang Shao ..."

Zhao Wu turned his head to Zhang Che, and stopped talking.

Zhang Che knew what they were worried about and couldn't help but smile confidently and said:

"It's okay, we just pushed it over."

After a pause, afraid that the four of Zhao Wu would not rest assured, Zhang Che added:

"Well, just follow me and help me clean up the missing fish."

This remark was enough domineering, and immediately made Zhao Wu feel at ease.

"Then we listen to Zhang Shao."

Zhao Wu nodded, and the original embarrassment on his face disappeared, replaced by faint excitement.

It's exciting to think about it. For the first time, he faced such dense beasts for the first time. Later, he rushed into them and killed them, and then returned to the team. He also had bragging capital.

Looking at the strange beasts that were getting closer, Zhang Che was also agitated.

Looking from a distance, these strange beasts are all shining with a hint of metallic luster. All of them are affected by the special environment here, all of them are metallic strange beasts.

In this case, let Red Flame Cunning and Elemental Queen begin!

Thinking of this, Zhang Che waved his hand, the element queen and Chiyan took the lead, and took the lead in attacking the strange beasts ahead. The remaining powerful imperial beasts and pets also followed closely. The shares are extremely aggressive.

The hands of these royal beasts and pets, such as Zhang Che, were stained with the blood of many strange beasts, and the total number of strange beasts hunted has reached an innumerable level. They have become obsessed with this sense of killing In the face of so many strange beasts, there is no sign of fear at all.

The whole team rushed forward, Zhao Wu's four members kept Zhang Che's account in mind, followed closely behind him, and did not dare to rush forward.

Just kidding, as far as their strength is concerned, although they may not be scattered by the strange beasts in front of them, the danger is still extremely great.

Anyway, after seeing Zhang Che's strength, they also understood that this time everyone came to accompany the prince to study, just keep his duty.

Even Zhao Wu thought of it a bit deeper.

That is, this is Huang Yunyun's preparation for the transfer of rights in the future.

After all, no matter how strong Zhang Che is, he is just Huang Yiyun's son-in-law. According to the traditional Chinese eyes, he is still an outsider, and he will hand over his family business to an outsider. No matter how the outside world discusses it, the Huang family will certainly There is a lot of noise.

You know, Huang Jiyun's eldest brother's family, but there are two other men, both thinking that they can inherit the family industry in the future.

Therefore, if Huang Yiyun wants to avoid troubles in the Huang family in the future, then he must gradually transfer the most important armed forces in the family to Zhang Che's hands.

In this way, even if there is a voice of opposition in the Huang family in the future, but Zhang Che has the support of this strength, naturally there is no need to worry about what kind of moths will be caused by the two children of the Huang family.

In the thoughts of Zhao Wu's several people, they finally collided with the beast army ahead.

The first shot was not the queen and Chiyan who rushed ahead.

Hundreds of meters away, the earth rock demon raised his huge arm sharply, and a stone spear blasted away.

The stone spear whistled past, spanning several hundred meters in an instant, and then slammed into a huge strange beast whose head was piled up by countless metal puppets.

A loud noise came, and the strange beast was full of metallic luster, and a huge hole was opened in the hole.

The stone spear continued unabated, and continued to pierce through the bodies of several strange beasts, eventually remaining on the belly of another strange beast.

These strange beasts pierced by stone spears did not have the slightest blood flowing out of the wounds. The wounds that opened towards the surroundings were like steel plates penetrated by armor-piercing bullets. The metal body was twisted and looked like a human. Strange feeling.

Probably because of this, although these strange beasts seem to be quite injured, they have not affected their movements. Except for one strange beast with one leg blown up, the rest of them continue to rush forward without hindrance. Come.

Zhao Wu could not help but take a breath.

This is the attack of epic quality beasts. These beasts don't seem to be very powerful. It was really horrible that they were not killed in the first place.

It seems that the task this time seems a bit difficult.

Seeing this hit by the earth rock demon did not work, Zhang Che's brow could not help but slightly frown.

He didn't expect that the attack of the earth rock demon did not even kill a strange beast.

In this way, the combat power of the Earth Rock Demon basically cannot be exerted.

Of course, this is a long-range attack. If you are fighting in close quarters, with its huge body, the Earth Rock Demon can tear these alien beasts into pieces and let them be more tenacious.

In this short period of time, the distance between the two sides is even closer, and everyone can already see the sharp teeth of these alien beasts and the crisscross sharp spikes on their bodies.

Compared with other strange beasts, these strange beasts are different from each other in appearance. They look more like a special life of steel elements stacked on their bodies. They are full of spikes and sharpness that are conducive to attack. Cutting edge.

Perhaps it should be more appropriate to call them golden life, just like those fire life under the elemental queen of the day. Compared with ordinary beasts, there are still obvious differences.

But then, after these guys are killed, will there be another monster card?

Zhang Che suddenly thought of a serious problem, and her heart was a little nervous again.

Don't end it. There will be no gain in killing these guys, it is really tragic.

It was at this time that the elemental queen and Chiyan cunning shot at the same time.

Blasts of flames erupted from the powerful combat power of these two flame systems, just like two turrets, pouring firepower towards the aliens in the attack range ahead.

The elemental queen and Chiyan's attacks are both congenital fire elemental attacks. They are extremely powerful, that is, beasts of the same order and quality. They have to be weighed and dare not easily compete directly.

And these metallic strange creatures are originally restrained by the fire system, which is even more irresistible.

Whenever they are caught by flames, regardless of their strength, these beasts emit a sharp roar, the body with a metallic luster melts quickly, and then turns into a ray of light.

Seeing this, Zhang Che was calm.

Well, although these metallic life is a little strange, it is not a pure elemental life, it is still a kind of strange beast.

As long as it is a strange beast, then you will be hunted for the epic quality combat power in a while.

Sure enough, with the death of one of these steel beasts, Zhang Che clearly saw that some of the individuals killed by the red flames sly, the light masses after the death gathered together in the middle, and finally turned into one. Various beast cards of different colors.

After eating a reassurance pill, Zhang Che didn't hesitate and waved all his powerful babies to start a crazy attack ~ ~ As for those strange beast cards, these strange beasts are not high in strength after all Existence of Zhang really didn't get Zhang Che's attention, just rush forward.

Zhang Che's babies showed great power, and several of Zhao Wu were relieved at the same time.

After seeing the horrible attack power of the Queen of Elements and Chiyan cunning, the last bit of worry in their hearts disappeared, and they completely believed that Zhang Che's babies could cope with the impact of these strange beasts without fear of danger.

Next, the four of them firmly remembered Zhang Che's orders, followed him closely, and dealt with those fish that leaked the net, so that these remaining strange beasts would not interfere with Zhang Che's command from behind.

As for whether these strange beasts pose a threat to Zhang Che, Zhao Wu and they are not worried at all. I haven't seen Zhang Shao's babies so powerful one by one. Is hunting strange beasts like killing chickens?

At the same time, they have a complete understanding of the epic beasts who will eventually be able to hunt here at Meteor Mountain.

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