MTL - Divine Beast Adventures-Chapter 522 Target-The Epic Beast of the Gold System [2 in 1]

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[Purple jade carving]

Level: Four stars (level 40)

Quality: Legend

Type: Primitive Combat

Features: Good at diving and slamming, flying speed as fast as electricity

Talent attributes: sharp eyes, excellent observation in the air, able to see small animals moving 50 kilometers away

Weakness: Insufficient resistance to lightning elements of the same order and quality

Skills: Blade wing cutting, instantly strengthening the feathers of the wings, using the wings as a knife to quickly cut the enemy like lightning, the damage is extremely powerful. The skill lasts five minutes, cools down, and twenty minutes.

Halo: Toxin Resistance

Potential: Class D

Zhang Che didn't fall asleep until the purple jade carving changed.

Of course, before you fall asleep, you must look at the attributes of these two monster cards.

The first thing I checked was the purple jade carving. After all, this was Zhang Che's first beast of dark gold quality or above, and he had given him a powerful boost in the beginning.

After being promoted to legendary quality, the attributes of the purple jade carving have not changed much, and the basic attributes have hardly changed. However, the talent attributes have grown extremely, and the detection range can reach a radius of 50 kilometers.

This is a bit scary.

With the ability of the purple jade carving, from now on, as long as it is not in that extremely complicated environment, Zhang Che will be able to understand the surrounding situation 50 kilometers in advance. This is completely like a small radar, and it also With imaging system.

At the same time, the purple jade carving's blade cutting function has become more powerful. Both the duration and the cooling time have been enhanced. The power is certainly not comparable to the original.

This guy, after all, is already a four-star legendary quality, which is a few times stronger than the previous low-level dark gold quality.

What Zhang Che looked forward to most was that I didn't know what the flying speed of the Ziyudiao was.

You know, this royal beast is known for its speed. At the time of the quality of the three-star dark gold, the flying speed had reached more than 200 meters per second. Now how can it be increased by half to 300 meters or more?

Although he hasn't tried it, Zhang Che believes his estimation will not go wrong.

He can even judge that when the purple jade carving is promoted to epic quality, the flying speed will definitely break through the speed of sound.

The speed of flying above the speed of sound is an extremely important indicator of strength for flying beasts.

Unable to break through the speed of sound in epic quality, then the talent and strength of this flying beast cannot reach the level, and it can only belong to one of the poorer epic quality beasts.

And the only quality that can be achieved in epic quality is that the speed of flight is more than twice the speed of sound, which is the rare "noble" bloodline among alien beasts, and the potential is extremely powerful.

Just like Zhang Che's pet Xuansha Helong, after being promoted to epic quality, this guy's flying speed broke through to twice the speed of sound at once. Compared with flying speed, even a high-level epic quality beast can match it. Yes, it is estimated to be rare.

"Although the purple jade carving is still far from being comparable to the Xuansha Hades, it is almost the same as the ordinary beasts."

Zhang Che didn't care too much about the progress of the purple jade carvings. Anyway, his main combat power today is epic quality pets and royal beasts. The legendary quality is, to be honest, really useless.

After reading the attributes of the purple jade carving, Zhang Che took the black lizard dominated alien beast card out again and put it in his hand. At a glance at the data, the new attribute of this alien beast card was immediately presented to his eyes.

[Head of Black Lizard]

Level: Four stars (level 40)

Quality: Legend

Type: In-place combat

Features: Scale armor defense unparalleled, infinite strength

Weakness: Ice Elemental Attack of the Same Level and Quality

Talent attributes: Affinity of soil elements, strengthen the defense by the power of the earth

Skills: Earth 遁. Activate this skill to freely move through shallow earth and rocks, making the enemy invincible. Duration: 10 minutes, cooling time: 15 minutes

Halo: Earth Elemental Armor

Potential: Class D

"I'm going, this isn't teasing me!"

Zhang Che, who had a look of anticipation, saw the attributes of the black lizard, and almost spit out old blood.

What does this mean? The purple jade carving does not have new skills, and he recognizes it. It can be said that luck is not very good, but why does the black dragon lizard do not add new skills?

Is it really that his character is so bad?

It's simply not alive!

In this way, Zhang Che had no interest at all in the small enhancement of the other attributes of the black lizard.

He felt that he had run out of character on Qiongzhou Road, otherwise, how could he have encountered two extremely rare shadow beasts that did not even kill the army siege?

Now that I have used up all my character, I have advanced both beasts, and my strength has been so small, it seems that I can't make a difference.

Hmm, it's really impossible to get it. The Shadow Wind Leopard devoured the two Shadow Beasts, and it was a little worse to break through the rank or quality. Next, I don't know what kind of opportunity is needed to improve. luck.

"It's so sad to have a broken feeling. There was a little excitement just now, and all of a sudden ..."

Zhang Che was so depressed, he had no choice but to close his eyes helplessly, and began to fall asleep.

In his sleep, Zhang Che saw that these two beasts had entered the epic quality together, and then he opened the killing ring in the other beasts, and the power was prestigious. However, he knew deep inside that this was all false. Everything It's all their own fantasy.

At the level of these two goods, even if they have entered the epic quality, it is estimated that they are of ordinary standard. Where can they kill the Quartet?


In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Che sent Huang Tielan to school. The iron boy and girl seemed to look a little bit wrong, and quickly asked:

"What happened, what happened?"

Huang Tielan's mind was very strange. Wasn't it the last night that he successfully promoted the two beasts from low to mid-level? How did Zhang Xiaoche seem unhappy?

Zhang Che shook her head slightly and sighed:

"Not to mention, although the two beasts have improved the rank, but the strength has not increased significantly, it is impossible to improve my overall strength, it seems to rely on those more powerful beasts.

Therefore, my iron boy and girl, you must continue to work hard to be promoted to a senior Royal Beast Breeder, which can smoothly improve the intermediate-level legendary quality beast card, which is perfect. "

After listening to Zhang Che's spit, Huang Tielan slipped his lips and said:

"You're content, just promoted from three stars to four stars. Although the strength has improved, of course, it can't be compared with those legendary and even epic quality beasts?"

Huang Tielan's statement is true. For Zhang Che's current strength, is there really a big difference between a three-star dark gold quality beast and a four-star dark gold quality beast?

However, Zhang Che said helplessly: The problem is that not only did they improve the order, but even the quality reached the legendary quality, but the strength was not enough.

After a pause, Huang Tielan said:

"Also, the senior Royal Beast **** is different from the intermediate one. You can't be promoted if you want to be promoted. It can be difficult. I guess it will take at least two or three years. From you know the recipe of the culture solution of each strange animal card.

Otherwise, change to another Royal Beast Breeder, this time at least several times. "

Huang Tielan's words make sense. The reason she was able to become a Royal Beast **** so quickly, and was promoted to intermediate in a short time. In addition to her own powerful talent accidents, on the other hand, thanks to Zhang Che's Data eye cheating.

It can be said that without Zhang Che's data, the golden finger help, even if the iron boy girl talent is more stunning, but it will never be so horrible.

For a few years, according to the spiritual understanding of the sea beast and the promotion time of pets, I am afraid that they can directly improve from the quality of dark gold to epic quality?

In this case, this time seems to be a little too long. Some imperial beasts are subject to the restrictions of the order. At that time, I am afraid that they will stay in the dark gold or the legendary quality, and it will be difficult to promote the epic quality.

Although there was a little disappointment in her heart, Zhang Che didn't show it on her face, instead she smiled and encouraged:

"Then you must continue to work hard to surprise everyone by then. The senior beast breeder less than 30 years old is estimated to be the only one in the world."

"That is of course. I am the one destined to be the strongest beast breeder!"

Huang Tielan's proud head was raised, and her small **** were even more upright. Zhang Che, who was watching, was inexplicably warm.


On this day, Zhang Che didn't go anywhere, but willingly acted as a driver, drove her mother, entertained Qu Wenjing's parents, and had a good time in the northern capital.

After all, the Star City is thousands of miles away from the north, and the road is very unsafe. Even if the Qu family is a small family with a net worth, it will not be extravagant enough to cross tens of thousands of kilometers without incident and come to the north to play.

Obviously, the Sun family and the Qu family had completely reached an agreement on the marriage of the two young people. Zhang Che even judged from their mere words, probably at the end of this year, Cousin Xi Wenshan and Qu Wenjing would get married.

This enlightened Zhang Che again, and became more and more determined. After this incident, he must invite his aunt to the Huang family.

It's time to put on my agenda with the iron boy and girl?

Although the two are still younger than 20 years old, for Zhang Che, his psychological age is the older unmarried youngster of nearly thirty years old.

What's more, in this special era of the new era, due to the large decrease in population before, the government now encourages early marriage and early childbearing. It is not too early to get married in their twenties.


In the evening, Huang Tielan did not return from the school. She had been busy with the cultivation of liquids during this time. She had taken a few days off and always had to stay in school for a few days.

After all, even if she has some "privileges" to some extent, as a student, she still has to stay in school as much as possible.

Zhang Cheqiong is extremely boring, and he is not interested in the entertainment activities in this world, but he doesn't want to find the element queen to play chess. It's all about finding a place of abuse, so he intends to enter the secret world and explore it.

The mysterious world is too vast. Zhang Che still doesn't know what is produced in it. Is there anything else besides a lot of elixir, it's always good to explore more.

However, before he started to act, Huang Yunyun called.

Is it possible that Laozhangren has set a goal?

Before, Zhang Che promised Laozhangren that he would hunt an epic quality beast for him in the beast world, so that he could also have an epic quality beast to support the scene. So after two days, I want to come and be sure aims.

After all, the source of information for the Huang family is not comparable to Zhang Che, and he certainly knows a lot of information and information about powerful alien beasts.

Sure enough, after Zhang Che was connected, the old man was not polite, and he opened the door and said:

"Xiao Che, I have selected the epic quality beast. I will send the information to you later. You can see when you are free. I will send a team of high-end beastmasters to You fight. "

It ’s pitiful to see that, as a contemporary head of the Huang family who is not weak in the military, Huang Yunyun has no epic royal beast yet. Although he would not go to the otherworld to fight in person, compared to others, he still felt a little No face.

Now, her daughter has a bright eye, and finds a true dragon rider, and is willing to help herself to hunt back an epic quality beast. Of course, I hope the sooner the better.

As for embarrassing things, Huang Yunyun would not have such an idea. In the future, the son-in-law can help himself to get the epic quality beast, he will only be proud.

Zhang Che also heard the expectations in Huang Yunyun's tone and laughed:

"I'm fine now, I'm idle at home, just leave tomorrow, Uncle Huang, just let them come over tomorrow and join me."

Although I said that I was trying to vomit after killing a strange animal some time ago, but once I was idle, Zhang Che felt a little uncomfortable again. Now, I have something to do again.

Besides, hunting epic quality beasts is still very passionate. It is fundamentally different from killing those garbage beasts, which makes people have no sense of accomplishment.

As for Huang Yunyun sending a team of senior beastmasters to fight him, Zhang Che did not refuse. Although he thought that these people could not help, but it was always good for multiple people to speak.

Otherwise, the queen of elements is now plunging into the mysterious world of Go, and she rarely talks with him at all, and she feels lonely and cold.

"Otherwise, you still have a good rest at home for a few days, and this matter is not urgent."

Zhang Che swaggered, Laozhangren's words were not sincere, and he could feel his expectations through the personal terminal.

"It's okay Uncle Huang, I'm used to it anyway, and I really feel uncomfortable when I'm idle at home. You can let them meet at Beidu Airport around 9 am tomorrow, when we will take the Dejiang directly."

"That's OK, this time Uncle Huang can take care of you all!"

The two ended the call, Zhang Che checked his personal terminal, and sure enough Huang Huangyun had sent the target information this time.

The target selected by Huang Jiyun ~ ~ is a metallic epic royal beast with great strength. Huang Jiyun also had an idea at first, but considering that the casualties may be a bit large, it will not be possible. Of it.

Today, her prospective son-in-law has the ability to hunt down epic quality beasts, what are you waiting for, that epic quality beasts will not stay in the same place all the time, in case they leave or do n’t get caught Killed, then there is really no place to cry.

"Is the metallic epic quality strange beast? The strength is definitely not bad if you want to. However, I have the epic quality combat power of the two flame systems of Chiyan Cunning and Elemental Queen, and I also have Chibai sword light to control its strength How strong, there should be no problem if you want to take it down. "

The metallic beast is originally a type that is good at killing, not to mention the epic quality. The strength of this beast can be imagined.

However, Zhang Che thought of his strength, smiled slightly, and did not take it to heart.

As long as it is not a god-quality beast, no one will be your opponent!

This confidence, Zhang Che still owns it.

Read The Duke's Passion