MTL - Divine Beast Adventures-Chapter 513 Reappearance of the Shadow Beast Arrives in Qiongzhou [2 in 1]

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In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Che had breakfast and drove the God River and flew towards the far south.

Huang Tielan did not continue to go back to school, but was accompanied by Liu Gang and began to wander around the entire Beidu city circle.

There are still several materials that are not available for the culture of the purple jade eagle and the black lizard, and she needs to find them in various beast material stores next.

If these materials cannot be found in Beidu City Circle, Huang Tielan will continue to expand the search and search in large cities around Beidu. The cultivation of these two strange animal cards is also a great challenge for her.

If the culture of these two beast cards can be successfully made, Huang Tielan will become a senior intermediate beast breeder, which will be of great benefit to the growth of her skills.

Therefore, compared to the importance of finding materials, it is not necessary to go to school now.

Anyway, Huang Tielan has already mastered the course taught by the school at present, and she has no difficulty in asking for leave.

For such talented colleges, the teachers of Beidu University's Royal Beast Educator course, of course, will not ask her for the standard of treating ordinary students.

If everything goes well, Huang Tielan may become the first student in Beidu University to be promoted to a senior imperial breeder in decades. This is a huge honor for both Huang Tielan and the imperial breeder college of Beidu University. .

After handing over the search for materials to Huang Tielan, Zhang Che drove the Dijiang all the way south, and it was tens of thousands of kilometers to Qiongzhou. Even the Dijiang required a full flight of several hours to reach.

In the cabin, the queen of elements is learning chess with others on the Internet.

In just a month or so, the elemental queen's chess power has grown rapidly. It has even reached seven-segment chess power on the Internet. According to real-world standards, it has almost three amateurs.

And Zhang Che, even if he has the chess power of his last life, it is estimated that it is at most an amateur period. Compared with the element queen, it is almost different.

Of course, Zhang Che was wise not to compare this with the Queen of Elements.

The journey was long, and he was bored, and through the glass porthole of Dijiang, he admired the scenery outside.

Unfortunately, just looking at it for a while, Zhang Che has no interest at all.

I have been walking in the Beast World for a long time. What kind of scenery Zhang Che has never seen, I really don't feel the scenery above Mercury.

It was a few kilometers below the airspace. From time to time, a civil aviation plane was quickly passed by the Dijiang, giving Zhang Che a special refreshing feeling in his heart.

"Well, what is that?"

Just as the Dijiang was about to catch up with another civil aviation plane, Yu Guang in the corner of Zhang Che's eyes suddenly caught sight of two dark shadows, flashing from a distant sky, and then lightning generally chased up to that plane.

At this time, Zhang Che finally saw clearly that the two shadows were the shadow beasts that he had once killed.

Apparently, the two strange beasts used the Ming Airlines aircraft as a prey, and they were about to smash the aircraft and devour the passengers in the cabin.

"Good guy, here comes the feed!"

Zhang Che's eyes lit up immediately.

The growth of the Shadow Wind Leopard has been a huge problem for him. This guy wants to grow slowly by absorbing the energy of colorful crystals. God knows when it will grow to maturity and has the power of god-level quality.

However, Zhang Che also tried. Shadow Fengshen Leopard had no interest in elixir, otherwise he would have been fed with a lot of elixir, and he would pile its strength on it.

What's more, the Shadow Wind Leopard is also not interested in most of the strange beasts. It is only interested in the wind and dark beasts, especially the dark beasts, to arouse its strong appetite. .

However, the number of these two strange beasts is also rare.

This also led to the fact that for such a period of time, Zhang Che had no way to grow the Shadow Wind Leopard.

Today, these two shadow beasts suddenly appear. To Zhang Che, he is like a tiger hungry for several days and suddenly found a fat pig. As much excitement as there is excitement!

Moreover, the people who can save the plane this time will make Zhang Che's heart full of sense of accomplishment.

Almost without hesitation, Zhang Che quickly controlled the Dijiang, changed direction in the high air, and chased down to the civil aviation plane below.

The civilian aircraft's radar had scanned the two shadow beasts chased from more than ten kilometers away, and the alarm sounded immediately, all the defense weapons equipped on the aircraft were activated at the same time, and the aircraft engine was running at full capacity.

The Shadow Beasts have apparently made several cases in recent months, and their fierce power has been known by airlines, so when they arrived, they attracted the attention of that aircraft.

The military did not try to annihilate this kind of shadow beast, but the opponent was out of control and at the same time extremely fast. Even the latest fighters could not catch up with the opponent, so the siege of several times ended in failure.

It is also because of the deep understanding of the mighty power of the Shadow Beast that the crew of that civil aircraft has notified all passengers of this sad news and informed them that they can contact their relatives and friends to prepare a last word. Already.

All of a sudden, the whole cabin was chaotic, all kinds of crying and mourning came and went, and the shadow of death had completely covered everyone.

The crew of this civil aviation plane did not find that an aerospace plane full of science and technology was rushing towards this side.

The Dijiang, however, has stealth capabilities, and is not a cutting-edge military radar. It is impossible to discover its existence.

"Fortunately, the discovery is timely enough, and there should be time to rescue."

During the flight, Zhang Che made a quick calculation through the computer of the Dijiang Center, and then came to the conclusion that the civil aircraft should not be in danger.

However, the people on that civil aircraft were unaware of the crew members who were shrouded in huge shadows of death. On the display, they had seen the two ghosts like ghosts rushing forward, and then began. Desperate attack.

For a while, several groups of machine guns loaded on the plane spewed out a series of tongues, while several small missiles were ejected, dragging a long tail flame, and flew straight towards the two shadow beasts.

Although it is known that such attacks are basically useless, the crew members have no way to do it.

Even if they have just sent a signal for help through the public channel, but it will take at least half an hour to wait until the nearest military region sends fighters to rescue.

After such a long time, I am afraid that the plane has already been detonated by the two strange beasts and turned into countless wrecks, spilling over the mountains and rivers below.

In the cabin, the crying still continued, but all the passengers had already given their fate, and began to talk about the last time, talking to their loved ones, leaving the last words.

An extremely sad atmosphere has completely covered the entire aircraft.

"Ten thousand meters, nine kilometers ... five kilometers, it has entered the attack range!"

On the Dijiang, Zhang Che watched the operation interface closely. When the distance between the Dijiang and the two strange beasts reached the effective range of the laser cannon, he immediately pressed the button without hesitation. Dao's fiery beam of light passed through the space of thousands of meters in an instant and landed on the two strange beasts.

In the desperate attack of the previous civil airliner, the two shadow beasts were not taken seriously at all. The large-caliber bullets fired by the machine guns were too slow to catch up with their flight trajectories.

The small missiles, after approaching about 100 meters, were blown up by a blast of shadows and gloom in the sky, and they could not get close.

This is a powerful alien that is difficult for even military fighters to hunt. A civil aviation plane may pose a slight threat to them.

The two powerful beasts seemed to have seen a large number of flesh and blood being about to be swallowed into their belly, and the bloodthirsty light flashed through the narrow eyes.

But at this moment, they suddenly felt that great danger was coming.

Without waiting for them to make any evasive actions, two beams carrying terrible high temperature bombarded them respectively, and immediately burned through the fine black scale armor on their surface, and then the flesh and bones inside were also Unable to stop the burning of this beam.

Almost instantly, the two Shadow Beasts suffered minor injuries.

This is also Zhang Che seeing that the civil aviation plane is about to fall into danger. Without letting the Dijiang enter a better attack range, the power of the laser beam has been weakened by the air a lot. Otherwise, this strike may directly Kill two strange beasts on the spot.

It doesn't matter if you kill it at once.

The laser launcher's attack frequency is still very high, and it is now being recharged rapidly, and it only takes a few seconds to launch another attack.

At this time, the two shadow beasts were completely disregarded by the civil aircraft, and they all turned in the same direction, screaming at the culprit who hurt them.

On that Trek plane, almost everyone saw two dazzling beams of light before, and then saw the two powerful beasts that were horrifying like death, and they abandoned them directly and rushed towards the other sky. .

It was also at this time that the crew members on the plane saw the figure of the Dijiang, which was diving rapidly from the high altitude.

There is no doubt that it was this aerial plane that attacked the two beasts just now, thus saving everyone on their entire plane.

Almost immediately, the crew reported this exciting news to the passengers in the cabin.

In the cabin, a huge cheer sounded suddenly, and the people who were sobbing at the last moment suddenly burst into laughter.

They know that this time, everyone has recovered a life from the hand of death.


On the Emperor Jiang, Zhang Che watched the shadowy beasts rushing towards the Emperor Jiang, with a scornful smile on the corner of his mouth.

The Emperor Jiang, armed with a large laser launcher, can't easily resist any other beast. Unless it is an alien beast of god-level quality, Zhang Che really doesn't take them to heart at all.

The laser transmitter had been recharged again, and the radar system on the Dijiang again locked the figure of the two strange beasts. With the command of Zhang Che's attack, two fiery beams shot out instantly.

This time, the two shadow beasts had flew less than one kilometer away from the Emperor Dijiang, and the power of the laser cannon was proud to the greatest extent.

In the silence, the light beams passed, and the small half of the two shadowy beasts were vaporized directly. The remaining brain plasma and flesh on the head were all turned into coke in the high temperature.

A few kilometers away, there was another cheer on the civil airliner.

The crew had seen that after the aerial plane attacked again, they had killed two horrible monsters, and they were completely relieved.

Soon, the crew connected the God River through the public channel and expressed their sincere gratitude to Zhang Che.

But where did Zhang Che have time to ignore them, he drove the Dijiang quickly to chase the bodies of two strange beasts and landed towards the ground.

These two strange beasts are related to the growth of Shadow Wind Leopard. If you don't keep an eye on it, if you fall into the complicated mountains and rivers below, Zhang Che may not be able to find it.

Facts have shown that Zhang Che's concerns are justified.

The bodies of the two Shadow Beasts fell directly into a rushing river below, sinking into the water and disappearing.

This is also the process of Zhang Che seeing their whereabouts, otherwise it would not be easy to find them.

He stopped the Dijiang on the tidal flat beside the river, Zhang Che immediately jumped out of the cabin, and then a colorful light shot out of his eyebrows. Under his order, Xuansha Minglong plunged directly into the side. The muddy river waters began to salvage the bodies of the two shadow beasts.

After a while, Xuansha Minglong broke out of the water again, two hind paws grasped a broken corpse, and flew back to Zhang Che.

Feeling the rich dark energy remaining on the two Shadow Beasts, Zhang Che immediately laughed without releasing his eyes, and immediately released the Shadow Fengshen Leopard, letting him begin to enjoy its exclusive food.

This time, after consuming the bodies of two Shadow Beasts, the Shadow Wind Leopard did not fall into a deep sleep again, but just beat a few satirizers with great satisfaction.

Zhang Che knows that if this little guy wants to improve his strength, these two shadow beasts are not enough.

However, Zhang Che was very helpless. He didn't know where else to linger on this kind of shadow beast ~ ~ Even if he wanted to go looking for it, he had no clue.

"Little guy, don't be discouraged. After this period, we will specifically look for information on dark attributes and wind attributes, and you will have enough to eat!"

Looking at Shadow Fengshen Leopard's eyes looked eagerly, Zhang Che could not help but pat it, comfortingly.

Nowadays, Zhang Che has been promoted to the seventh-tier beastmaster. For the next period of time, there is no need to travel around the other beast world specifically for hunting and killing other beasts. Instead, he can find the news of the dark beasts and the wind beasts separately. Let Shadow Wind Leopard grow up soon.

After this episode, the Emperor Dijiang rose back into the sky and continued to gallop towards the southernmost point of Huaxia.

At about three in the afternoon, the endless sea finally appeared in front of Zhang Che's sight, and then the Dijiang continued to fly for a while, and a huge island appeared in his sight.

After a few hours of flight, Qiongzhou was close to Zhang Che.

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