MTL - Divine Beast Adventures-Chapter 498 Odd Strange Poison Attack

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Although weird, Zhang Che still welcomed these frog-shaped beasts.

I was worried that these guys would flee. This is all right, but it can save a lot of time.

Zhang Che felt a little joy in his heart, and was already preparing to call Chibai Jianguang to start the slaughter mode.

The Xuansha Haolong dived down, but it was only two hundred meters away from the swamp below. The crowd of frog-shaped beasts gathered suddenly looked up to the sky, and then opened up huge and ugly. Mouth.

"This, is it ..."

Zhang Che's heart was surprised for a while. Is it still about two hundred meters apart? Can these strange beasts still attack so far?

This thought just rose, and Zhang Che's scalp numbness happened.

I saw the skin of the frog-shaped strange beast swelled violently, and then quickly contracted, and a tragic green juice was pushed by the terrible air pressure and blasted towards the high sky.

The horrible sap of green juice was mixed together and blown by the wind, but before it arrived, a nasty smell of nasty sickness got into Zhang Che's nose first.

"This is poison ... so terrifying!"

Although Zhang Che reacted for the first time and held his breath, only the trace of toxin inhaled caused a faint vertigo in his head.

Now that he is a powerful mid-level beastmaster, he will almost be fainted by this poisonous gas. It can be seen how powerful the toxin attack of these ugly frog-shaped beasts is!

"Don't let these water arrows fly over!"

In Zhang Che's consciousness, he quickly issued an order to Xuansha Helong.

Just a trace of poisonous gas almost made him faint. Wouldn't it be okay if he was accidentally hit by these tragic green arrows?

At the same time, Zhang Che also released the unicorn, and the latter immediately covered him with a white light, so that the dizziness in his head was dissipated.

After receiving the orders from Zhang Che, the Xuansha Minglong blasted down with frost, and directly frozen the dense green water arrows shot into dense ice cones, and made their kinetic energy suddenly. Dissipated and fell down.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Che felt a little relieved.

Fortunately, in addition to the poisonous attacks of these frog-shaped beasts, there is not much kinetic power, otherwise it is really not easy to hunt them down.

"Go ahead and kill them!"

Zhang Che said coldly in his mouth. Fortunately, his beast card armor has a mask that can filter out some of the toxins. Otherwise, he should not faint on the back of Xuansha Haolong?

Although I knew that this swamp was all poisonous, Zhang Che didn't expect that the toxin attack was so horrible in the first face-to-face encounter. It was impossible to say that he was not annoyed.

"Master, watch the slave take revenge on you!"

The Queen of the Elements saw Zhang Che just poisoned slightly, a pretty face full of chills, and a flick of her hands, waving her hands again and again, she saw a rocket rapidly forming around her, and then carried a terrible high temperature and dense Shot down.

The dense rocket fired, and the air was burned and twisted, and a sharp hissing sounded at the same time.

The frog-shaped beasts below were just a bit scared just now that the indiscriminate set fire attack had no effect, and now they are even more shocked to see this dense rocket shooting down.

These ugly-looking frogs screamed in their mouths, their powerful hind legs slammed into the muddy ground, and they went directly into the nearest puddle.

However, they are still slightly slower.

The Queen of Elements is also an epic level of combat power. How can she avoid such a rocket attack with anger?

For a time, the dense rocket flew over a distance of nearly two hundred meters, covering the frog-shaped beast one after another.

A harsh noise rang out, and these ugly frog monsters who had not had time to escape were horribly miserable, and the body was flaming with the golden red flames, and the flesh and blood was instantly burned to ashes.

A scent of sour meat flew into the sky, and Zhang Che was almost fainted again.

Obviously, the bodies of these frog-shaped beasts carry rich toxins, and even if burned to ashes, these toxins can volatilize and cause considerable damage to surrounding creatures.

Feeling that Zhang Che's condition was not very good, the unicorn immediately enveloped him again with a white light, which immediately dispelled his negative condition.

The Xuansha Heilongjiang didn't take any action, but the elemental queen still didn't listen and waved her hands, and the rockets shot continuously, killing the fish that missed the net.

The battle ended very quickly, and the frog swarm finally escaped into the puddle smoothly, leaving no one at all, which gave Zhang Che a small bumper harvest.

These frog-shaped beasts are truly a group of five-star beasts. Although the quality is a little worse, it is only bronze quality, but the number of kills is more, and the soul power is still very considerable.

"Clean the battlefield!"

Zhang Che was very excited at the beginning of the battle. He drank in his mouth, Xuansha Haolong rushed down, his mouth suddenly sucked at the bottom, and those strange beast cards scattered everywhere were sucked by it. Come up.

This is a small skill that was newly developed after Xuansha Minglong was promoted to the seventh-level epic quality. Although it is not very useful, it is still a very practical ability to pick up strange animal cards.

With the lessons learned from these poisonous frogs, when Zhang Che next hunted the strange beast, the unicorn was always lying on the back of Xuansha Haolong, ready to rescue at any time.

After all, no one knows what kind of toxin attack will be encountered next, it is always right to be cautious.

Zhang Che did n’t know if there would be any poisonous beast attack from the beast. He would have his life shortly. If he did n’t let the unicorn be ready, he would be too late to rescue him. He would be killed in this place. It's just too aggrieved.

Sure enough, next, Zhang Che really encountered various strange toxin attacks.

The strength of these strange beasts is generally not high, at most it is only six-star gold quality. However, their toxin attacks are often invincible. Even if Zhang Che is careful, he will still win.

Among them, what made Zhang Che's memory deep is a strange freak-shaped beast whose size is only the size of a fist. These guys have extremely terrible bouncing ability, and they can shoot from the ground to the air hundreds of meters high.

Just so it doesn't matter, it doesn't threaten Zhang Che much.

The key point is that after these bug bullets came up, Special Mo would launch a death attack, one after another, and the entire body turned into endless toxins, turning the space around the hundreds of meters into a poisonous mist.

At the beginning, Zhang Che was caught off guard, and Xuansha Minglong was completely wrapped in the poisonous mist.

These toxins have extremely horrible corrosiveness. Not only did the crystalized avatar of Xuansha Haolong be eroded, but Zhang Che's mid-level legendary beast card armor could not resist it.

In the end, if it wasn't for the unicorn's launch of a large healing operation to disperse these toxins, Zhang Che would really have to eat a secret loss ~ ~ Next, Zhang Che became more careful.

Each time I encounter a new breed of strange beast, I will not rush the Xuansha Heilong down, but simply let the elemental queen try with a fire attack first, and wait until it is sure that there is no danger, and then approach the past. Massacre.

"Well, this place really can't be visited by people. It is estimated that those beast masters who just met on the road are not enough to kill these weird beasts."

Zhang Che couldn't help but feel deeply that when he came to hunt and kill strange beasts in this kind of place, there was no healing royal beast. It was really a crisis step by step. If he was not careful, there would be danger of death.


Unknowingly, Zhang Che has hunted in this swampland for more than two hours, during which time the number of strange beasts killed by him and a group of babies has exceeded 500.

Suddenly, Zhang Che heard another familiar cry.

Looking back at the sky on one side, Zhang Che could not help but change his face slightly, and his back was a little bit cold.

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