MTL - Divine Beast Adventures-Chapter 2 The hardest thing to do with "beauties"

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一 The next morning, after Zhang Che got up, he saw his mother Sun Lan working in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for him.

I heard Zhang Che open the door, while Sun Lan in the kitchen frying eggs, he said:

"Xiao Che is up, you go to wash first, the eggs will be fried soon."

"Thank you mom!"

Zhang Che responded and went to the bathroom next door.

Zhang Che's father was killed in the third tide of beasts six years ago, and now he only lives with his mother, Sun Lan, living in this slum.

来源 Every month, apart from the small amount of guarantees issued by the government, the source of living is completely dependent on the salary earned by Sun Lan at work.

Bian Ruofei Now that the government has waived the tuition and fees for primary and secondary schools, Zhang Che has no money to go to school.

However, life is often blessed with misfortune. Just six months ago, Sun Lan was diagnosed with a malignant tumor. With existing medical conditions, only new genetic repair agents can be cured based on the development of those exotic animal materials. Possible.

However, these cutting-edge gene repair agents are not affordable for ordinary people at all, and their prices are tens of millions.

Such an expensive expense, Zhang Che's home can't afford it anyway.

Unless, Zhang Che can pass the Royal Beast Master test and become a formal Royal Beast Master, it is possible to make so much money.

After washing, eating a simple breakfast prepared by his mother, Zhang Che took his schoolbag on his back and walked towards the door.

"Mom, I went to school."

嗯 "Well, be careful on the road," Sun Lan said, looking at his son's back downstairs, and said, "Xiao Che, work hard, mother believes you will pass the test of the beast master this time."

Zhang Che turned back, looking at the figure of Sun Lan in the corridor, smiling brightly: "Well, I think so too! Mom, I'm gone."

After saying that, Zhang Che ran down the stairs and walked towards the outside of the slum.

Because of the divorce of his parents in his childhood, he grew up with his grandparents since he was a child. He never felt the affection from his parents. He never thought that he would have a mother in this life. It felt really good.

In order to have money to buy gene repair agents, today's Royal Beast Master test must be successful!

张 When Zhang Che walked out of the community, Sun Lan was leaning on the railing of the corridor, her complexion was a little complicated.

"Xiao Che, in fact, my mother doesn't want you to pass the test of the Beastmaster at all. It's good to be an ordinary ordinary person."

Zhang Che ’s father was once a low-ranking beastmaster. He was overwhelmed by endless beasts during the third tide of beasts, so Sun Lan only hoped that his son would not go down this path. In this life, he would find an ordinary A woman can live a peaceful life.

What's more, Zhang Lan also knows that his son's talents are ordinary. Even if he passed the test this time and became a Beastmaster, that would definitely be the bottom role of the Beastmaster. Once in the future, I am afraid it will be difficult Fate of cannon fodder.

The poor community where Zhang Che ’s family lives is not close to the second middle school of Ganwei City. It is necessary to take a bus outside the community and then take a dozen stops along the way.

"Zhang Xiaoche, you are waiting for the car."

I just waited for a few minutes at the intersection, but didn't wait for the bus that passed the second middle school, and suddenly a girl's voice came from behind me.

Zhang Che turned to look around, but saw Huang Tielan, a classmate, squinting a pair of eyes to show him a bright smile.

Let's pull down. Your home is not here at all. Okay, what a chance!

"Student Huang Tielan, please call me Zhang Che!"

The smile on Huang Tielan's chubby cheeks continued: "Okay, Zhang Xiaoche!"

He said that as soon as he came across, there would be a female classmate who admired herself. Zhang Che, the wastewood, should be very happy. Kete, this girl is more than 1.8 meters tall and weighs more than 180 yuan!

What's more, not only is the girl's body fat, she can also see big muscles when she swells up!

Zhang Zhangche decided to follow the habit of his predecessor and ignored the iron boy.

Hmm, Tienan got a nickname for Huang Tielan from the class. Zhang Che felt that this was very suitable.

"Zhang Xiaoche, why do you ignore me, I'm so sad."

As soon as Huang Tielan was coquettish, she stomped her feet, and then gave out a muffled sound. People nearby felt the ground shake.

Zhang Che is not good as a whole. He can feel the strange look of people around him, as if to say: classmate, your taste is unique!

Although Zhang Che ignored her, but Huang Tielan was not discouraged, she was full of a strong aura, and forced the people around Zhang Che to walk directly to him, saying worriedly:

"Zhang Xiaoche, I heard that you were beaten by Wu Junyu after school yesterday? Rest assured, I will come back to the school later. I will get you back in this place. I must knock him out!"

Huang Tielan said that she was quite imposing, and she did not seem to take Wu Junyu, who is known as a genius, at all.

Well, the girl does have this confidence. She became a Beastmaster when she was 16 years old. Her father bought her a silver-quality beast card with pleasure, no matter her own strength or her strength ~ www.novelbuddy .com ~ are not weaker than Wu Junyu.

怎么 How do I feel like a wronged little girl, just like being protected by a tall and mighty boyfriend?

Zhang Che stunned, a layer of goosebumps appeared on her skin, and she turned her head to look at Huang Tielan and solemnly said:

"Classmate Huang Tielan, this is my business, I will solve it myself, please don't get involved, okay?"

铁 Huang Tielan immediately showed an aggrieved expression, and kicked the ground, shaking the people around him a few times, and weeping, she said, "Zhang Xiaoche, how have you become so proficient."

Zhang Che heard it, ran away and hurriedly squeezed into the bus in front of the station.

Huang Tielan didn't check it. When Zhang Che was already on the bus, Jiao hummed, stomped his feet, and hurried to catch up, but the bus was full at the moment, and the door closed whistling away.

"Oh, it's really annoying, you can't wait for others!"

铁 Huang Tielan jerked and stomped.

For a moment, the edge of the road appeared like a giant beast, and the dust rose in the sky.

Crowded among the crowd of people on the bus, Zhang Che wiped his sweat, exhaled heavily, and looked worried.

After half an hour's drive, the bus finally stopped at the stop in front of the Second Middle School. Zhang Che squeezed out of the bus and ran towards the entrance of the school.

Suddenly, a tall teenager appeared in front of Zhang Che with a playful smile, looked at him from head to toe, and exclaimed:

"Ah, classmate Zhang Che, it's great that you have nothing to do. It seems that my little black is still controlling well, otherwise the training for more than a year is really wasted."

He said, a dark cyan card suddenly appeared out of thin air between his fingers, showing off dangling in front of Zhang Che.