MTL - Disaster For the Country · Return Journey-Chapter 29 small building (2)

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Some: "Teacher, do you have anything else to say to your disciples?"

Pin Congmu looked at him and sighed softly: "Xiao Zhao, do you want to know... your original name?"

Zhu Xiaozhao was startled, and alerted: "What do you mean?"

"You entered the Ruyi Gate at the age of four, and you don't remember anything about your childhood. Now that you are in power, if you really become Queen Cheng, would you want to seek your roots and ask your ancestors?"

Zhu Xiaosheng replied forcefully: "I haven't thought about this question."

"Then let's think about it from now on."

Zhu Xiaozhao felt a certain uneasiness in his heart, he stared at Pin Congmu and said, "Why are you telling me this?"

"You're right. The emperor of the Cheng Kingdom doesn't have to be Cheng, it can be replaced by Zhu. But, is your surname really Zhu?"

With such a simple question, all of Zhu Xiaozhao's complacency and joy disappeared. Yi Fei watched from the side, feeling inexplicably awed by Pin Cong Mu: This man is indeed the deputy sect master of Ruyi Sect, the great devil, he really knows **** the heart.

The carriage bumped, and the three people in the carriage stopped talking. But Qiu Jiang kept his eyes closed and didn't make any sound.

After a cup of tea, the coachman stopped the carriage and said, "Fourth Master, we're here."


The gate of the Pearl Building was closed.

The Yinmen disciple who drove the car went to inquire about it and came back to report: "Fourth Master, it is said that the girls in the building heard about the accident in Luwan, so they went to the street to donate things, and they closed for three days, refusing to pick up customers."

Zhu Xiaozhao snorted and said, "I don't know why! What does it have to do with them?"

Yi Fei looked at him thoughtfully.

Zhu Xiaozhao noticed his eyes, raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you have something to say?"

"No. Fourth master is right, a bunch of **** who sell flesh and blood, how can they have the right to worry about the country and the people?"

Zhu Xiaozhao narrowed his eyes: "You are mocking me."

"How come? I think it's good to close the building. When I see Mrs. Ruyi later, I don't need to worry about being harassed by outsiders."

Zhu Xiaozhao snorted coldly, and signaled his disciples to surround Pengzhulou, and then asked them to carry Pin Congmu and Qiu Jiang on their backs, and then dragged Yi Fei into the gate together.

Qiu Jiang finally woke up, opened his eyes in a daze, and his complexion looked even worse. Yi Fei looked at her worriedly, the two looked at each other, Qiu Jiang still showed no expression.

What is she thinking? Yifei felt an indescribable loss in his heart.

There is no one in Pingzhu Building. It is an empty three-story building. The entire first floor is a huge circular lobby. There are many couches around the high platform in the middle. First floor, the second floor is a guest room. And the third floor at the top is the residence of the four beauties, which are only used to entertain their guests. It is the dream of all the men who come here to climb to the third floor of Pengzhu Tower.

Several Yinmen disciples who came in first to search for it all jumped down from the upstairs and reported: "Fourth Master, there is really no one in the building."

"Even if you go out to donate things, it's impossible not to leave a caretaker..." Zhu Xiaozhao thought of this, turned around and took Qiu Jiang from his disciple, and helped her move forward, "Seventh Master, let me help you go."

Yi Fei on the side was furious, this is taking Qiu Jiang as a hostage!

Qiu Jiang smiled brightly and said, "Zhu Lang is really considerate..."

Zhu Lang? ! Yi Fei was stunned for a moment, his steps slowed down, and he was kicked by the Yinmen disciple who was dragging him: "Go!"

Yi Fei gritted his teeth and could only move on.

"Seven Lords, where do you think Madam will be?"

"I'm the backyard?"

"Seven masters have a good opinion." Zhu Xiaozhao winked, and the Yinmen disciples walked towards the backyard. Not long after, I came back and reported: "There is a bamboo forest in the backyard, and there is a formation in the forest."

Zhu Xiaozhao turned his head to look at Qiu Jiang, and said with a smile, "Then I will trouble the Seven Lords."

Qiu Jiang also smiled and said, "I would like to do my best for Zhu Lang."

Yi Fei took a deep breath, feeling that his teeth were going to be sour.

A group of people got out of the back door, and there was a corridor outside, and at the end of the corridor was a piece of green bamboo.

The bamboo forest is deep and secluded, and the ground is full of fallen leaves. It seems flat, but there is a universe inside.

Qiu Jiangqiang braced himself and walked in. Zhu Xiaozhao firmly grasped her arm and followed her step by step.

Yi Fei rolled his eyes and followed behind the two, while Dupin, who was being carried by the disciple of Yinmen, looked at him and smiled. Yi Fei couldn't help asking: "What are you laughing at?"

Pin Congmu said: "It's interesting."

It's this sentence again... This person is really a character, he was made inhuman by his disciples, and he was still smiling in this situation, as if he didn't care about life and death at all. After all, who is he? He is so calm and calm, could it be because of other reliance?

And following Qiu Jiang's footsteps, the bamboo forest in front of him undergoes a series of wonderful changes. There are more roads in places where there are obviously no roads, and places where there are obviously roads become traps...

Yi Fei thought, Zhu Xiaozhao couldn't learn such a strange skill, no wonder he was upset.

Zhu Xiaozhao looked at Xuanji in front of him, and couldn't help but glance at Qiu Jiang sideways. In the bamboo grove where the sun doesn't shine in, her skin looks paler and more sickly than before. It's a pity that I'm going to die tonight, otherwise I would really be suitable to be a puppet queen...

Just as Zhu Xiaozhao thought of this, Qiu Jiang said, "Here we are."

A small building appeared in front of it. Under the eaves of the small building, there was a bell—a bell made of giant clams.

Zhu Xiaozhao and Qiu Jiang looked at each other and saw the doubt in each other's eyes: Wu'er was already dead, and since then, because of Hongyu's relationship, Madam has not chosen a new head of the Tridacna Sect. At this moment, the token of the head of the Tridacna Sect appeared. Could it be that the new Wu'er appeared?

Zhu Xiaozhao took a step forward, but before Qiu Jiang could stop him, the blue stones under his feet suddenly sank downwards, and a rapid bell rang.

Immediately afterwards, after four winds, four girls in white clothes holding long swords appeared: "Who is entering the formation?"

Zhu Xiaozhao hurriedly said: "Zhu Xiaozhao from the Poli Gate, together with Qi'er, the master of the Onyx Gate, Mr. Qinghua Boss, and Yi Fei, the former third prince, please see your wife!"

The girls in white stared at them silently, then turned and led the way.

The small building is neither tall nor big from the outside, but it is only when you enter that you realize that there is a hole in the sky. Half of the rooms are built facing the rock. In the small pond. There are fish in the pond, and a beautiful woman in a palace costume is feeding the fish by the pond.

Yi Fei asked in surprise, "Luo Zi?"

The beauty in the palace costume turned around and was surprised to see these people: "Yi Fei?! Seven Lords? Mr. Pin?! And you are..."

Zhu Xiaozhao cupped his hands and performed the meeting ceremony inside the Ruyi Gate: "Zhu Xiaozhao, the shopkeeper of Zhu's Shop in Brilliant City, was promoted to fourth last year."

The beauty in the palace costume returned a salute: "You all know me, so I won't introduce myself. I was promoted to five yesterday."

This person was about in his early twenties, with a high bun and ten pairs of colorful cloud hairpins pinned to his back.

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