MTL - Disassembling System: Begin With Scrapyard Alchemy-Chapter 189 start to panic

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Take duty as an example, even if your factory area is expanded, the person on duty patrolling in the factory may still be enough.

But with a second separate factory, it's different, and at least two people on duty are needed.

In short, Cheng Xu estimated that at least eight or nine more employees would be recruited for this plan.

Perhaps the only advantage of being close to the two factories is that they can share an office building, and the deployment and management of materials is also more convenient.

Moreover, Cheng Xu has now figured out that if he recruits more people, he will recruit more people. He doesn't care about the labor cost now. Adding more jobs means he is benefiting nearby residents.

At the same time, Uncle Liu was at home.

"Dad, I didn't tell you. You are so old, why are you still doing so much work? And don't water the vegetables in the vegetable field, so hurry up and collect them."

Liu Zhiming persuaded his old father while sweeping the ground.

Since the land acquisition was confirmed last time, Uncle Liu's son has been coming more and more every day. Originally, he could not come once a month, but now he comes to eat and help almost every day.

"How can it be done? It will take seven or eight days for the vegetables to mature. It's a pity to receive them now. Besides, the land occupation should not be so fast. No one has come to measure the area."

"Oh, we'll have money right away, do we still care about that? Don't make people tired anymore, won't it cost more to see a doctor then?"

Originally, Liu Zhiming thought that his parents were good at growing crops, and that he could earn a little bit of money from buying vegetables every year, and he didn't need to spend money to eat by himself.

Now, he just wants to forklift the piece of land quickly, and it's better to exchange it all for him in cash.

Originally, my son was still worried about finding a partner. Ever since the news that their house was going to be demolished, the contact with the matchmaker has not been broken every day.

Liu Zhiming swept the ground a few times perfunctorily, then threw down the broom and lay on the reclining chair his father made himself, looking at the ceiling, planning how the money would be spent.

"My son's betrothal gift is about 66,600. If I buy him a suite, it's best to let the woman dowry with a car. Then I can change the rest of the money for a car, and I can drive to fish if I have nothing to do. Fishing, when you get tired, press your feet..."

He imagined the happy life in the future, and soon fell asleep.

Mrs. Liu smiled and looked at her son, and covered him with a piece of clothes. Although she knew that her son came here a lot these days for demolition work, it was a good day to see each other every day.

the other side.

"Wife, are you really not going to work?"

He was quite depressed when he saw that his wife was too lazy to go out these days. Originally, she would go to other restaurants to help cook, and she would also take care of housework at home.

Since the demolition people have come twice, I don't even want to get off the bed every day, and the only thing I do when I go out is to play mahjong.

"What kind of work are you still working? What can you do with one or two thousand yuan a month? When our demolition funds come down, there will be tens of thousands of interest a year just in the bank."

Zhao Xiaoqin responded impatiently, without raising her head, her eyes were watching a short video introducing the three characteristics of a lady.

The woman's words did not convince him, and the man frowned and said somewhat uncertainly.

"But, if you ask for such a high price, can they agree? I haven't heard from you for several days."

It seemed that this sentence finally hit a certain point in her heart. She threw the phone on the bed and yelled at the man in a sharp voice:

"I ask for a high price? Do I deserve to be poor with you? If I don't want a high price, I can still count on you to make money?"

She concentrated all the contradictions in the first half of the sentence, which just proved that what she was most worried about was the second half of the sentence, and she no longer dared to mention it.

After being yelled at, the man also fell silent, pushed open the door, and left the room. He had to go to work.

After a while, Zhao Xiaoqin also left the room and continued to go to the mahjong hall to fight.

The second set of plans was indeed much easier than the first set. With the support of the organization, their expansion progress was carried out at the fastest speed.

And as the preliminary work for land acquisition here began, the original three households finally realized something was wrong.

"Old Liu, why don't you talk about our land occupation?"

At night, the old couple ate dinner under the dim light while chatting about the demolition.

"Maybe it's still going through the process. It's like this now. You need materials and queues to do everything, and it depends on the mood of other people's business personnel."

Lao Liu didn't care too much about this matter, he just wanted to quickly collect the vegetables in the ground before occupying the land.

"But why do I hear people say that the families across from us are also talking about land occupation?"

"Isn't that normal? If we really want to occupy land, how can we only have enough? It means that the owner is rich and wants to build a bigger factory."

Mrs. Liu nodded and didn't ask any more questions. She chewed the cabbage with chopsticks in her mouth.

The old couple is not in a hurry, but their son is in a hurry, and his face is getting worse and worse over the past few days. The first sentence every time they meet is to ask about the demolition.

It's no wonder Liu Qiming was anxious, he had already inquired about it, and the people on the opposite side were talking about the land occupation later, but the process of measuring the area and confirming the compensation standard has been completed, and they have not responded yet. .

"Maybe the houses across the street don't have houses to demolish?"

He can only use this reason to comfort himself now.

"Wouldn't it be delayed by that family?"

It was the worst possibility he could imagine.

This place is so big, and some households know that the news is easy to spread, but he heard that the person in charge of the demolition went to the house twice, and they broke up in the end.

"Damn, delaying Lao Tzu's making money, bah!"

He spat angrily as he drove past the family's house.

" It's not really our reason that made them delay the progress, right? Do you think we should send them off? I heard that construction of the land across the road is about to start."

The man was still a little uneasy, he never thought he could have so much money, he just wanted to hurry up and be safe, even if it was less?

"You haven't watched the video I shared with you? Can you be a bit more promising? It's been said on the Internet that people who do big things must keep their breath. It's no wonder you can't make money at such an old age."

Zhao Xiaoqin seems to have lost a lot of mahjong games today.

After a while, she also seemed to be a little shaken, and she waved her hand and said:

"Forget it, you give them a call and ask them when they will come again."

Read The Duke's Passion