MTL - Dinghai Fusheng Records-Chapter 9 What does Changan mean? He is afraid of being recognized?

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"What are you doing with me? Not saying, is the bridge returning to the bridge?"

After the meal, Chen Xing walked in the bustling streets and found that the guy was still behind him.

"This road promises you to go, can't you let me go?" Xiang Shu looked indifferent.

Chen Xing: "Well, you are also here, where are you going?"

The two stood in the middle of the street and groaned at each other. No one spoke at the moment. Chen Xing turned to think about it? Isn't this a lot of money?

On the way, he looked for a drug pack to ask for his own. The item returned him. The gold that he got from the money house was not much, and he did not use it. When did he spend it?

"You also go to friends?" Chen Xing looked up and down and said that he was a servant, dissatisfied: "People rely on clothing, this way to go to friends, will only be despised, then, buy clothes for you, with I am going."

Chen Xing asked the way, and bought himself and Xiang Xu in the Changan Yizhao.

"Would you like to take a shower?" Chen Xing said.

Chen Xing thought for a moment, and took the item to go to the bathhouse to take a bath. The items along the way did not say anything, and did not pay. The light station Chen Xing looked behind him, waiting for him to make money, where to go where to go, no snoring .

"I really can't bear to kill the big brother." Chen Xing has become accustomed to the attitude of the story, so he soaked in the bath, and enjoyed the towel with his own entertainment, casually said.

"He is not a killer." Xiang Shu also came down, soaked into the pool.

"I know that he is a swordsman." Chen Xing replied: "I casually said that he did not seem to bring a few dollars..."

"Not a swordsman."

After the story of Feng Qiang’s departure, the words seem to have increased.

Chen Xing: "?"

"What kind of person is he?" Chen Xing tempted to ask, I don't know why, he always felt that on this road, Xiang Shu and Feng Qianxi, as if there was some kind of ambiguity, like the mutual jealousy between martial arts masters. beware. However, Feng Qianxi himself admits that he is not an opponent of the story. Why does the story specifically care about him?

The item said coldly: "I don't know." Then he picked up the knife that was folded at the side of the bath and lowered his head slightly to shave the water.

“Do you want to help?” Chen Xing asked him, fearing that he had scratched his face, and then helped him to scrape the horns down the squat. The story was barely sunken for half a year, and the skin was fair and white. It was really pretty, after changing to a new robe. It’s a two-person, and it’s not inferior to the fresh and beautiful man who came and went on the street.

When they walked out of the bathhouse, they happened to be at noon. Chen Xing looked at the subject, but the article took out the mask that was previously seized in Longzhong and put it on his face. That is the thin wooden mask that can be seen everywhere in Chang'an City. The small one can only block the eyebrows when wearing it. It shows his warm lips and towering nose, adding handsome and mysterious temperament.

What do you mean? He is afraid of being recognized? Chen Xing thought.

"That, you..." Chen Xing was sore and looked at the story. He wanted to say that he wouldn’t have passed here. It’s over. Yushu Linfeng’s **** protects the law. You roll it yourself, but then you can’t say it anyway. No mouth.

The story was turned over, and Chen Xing was busy: "Hey! My horse!"

The previous item from the Xiangyang all the way to Chang'an horse is the Daqin official horse, naturally can not ride into the city, the two of them are only the mount of Chen Xing, and then they are robbed by the story!

Unexpectedly, there was no way to leave, just staring at Chen Xing immediately.

“Where are you going?” The story is impatient: “Getting started!”

Chen Xingxin wants you to send me? Look at the description of this appearance, most of them want to find his horse, forget it, let him send himself to the destination, the horse will not need it, send him to ride it anyway.

"Go to the West Yuwen home." Chen Xing did not have a good air: "Take me, Ma, take it away."

The two men shared a ride, and Chen Xing couldn’t help but say: "How are you so rude? I owe you?! You still have to be shameless?"

Item: "Again one more sentence, throw it away now."

Chen Xing had to talk, and from the back of his body, he was carrying the waist of Xiang’s story. He was carried over Chang’an Street, more or less awkward, and then smelled the faint aroma of his body, it was a mixed feeling.

Which kind of guy is this guy? Chen Xing couldn't help thinking. During the period of the Anzhen, Yi, Xiongnu, Yi, Xianbei Wuhu, the monks are magnificent and heroic, the monks are martial and aggressive, the Xiongnu is rough and wild, but the monks are similar to the Han customs, and settled in the West.

Among the Wuhu, the recognized appearance first is Xianbei, and the Xianbei people are born in Donghu. The skin is creamy, the eyes are blue, and the temperament is very embarrassing. The famous person in the world, Murong Chong, who was loved to die and died, was born in the Murong family, one of the four surnames of Xianbei.

The old one who Chen Xing came to visit was the fourth from the Xianbei surname.

"I am looking for Yu Wenxin." Chen Xing and Xiang Shu said in front of the mansion house of Yu Wenjia.

Inside, he opened a small window and said, "The lord is not at home." Then he slammed and closed the wooden window in front of Chen Xing.

Chen Xing: "It's really here! What do you mean? Open the window!"

The story only silenced standing behind Chen Xing, and did not answer, just like nothing happened.

Chen Xing had to knock on the small window again and said, "I am the classmate of your lord. It was the best in the year..."

The voice did not fall, the golden light flashed, and when the story was slammed into the small window, the gold ingot was played in, and only the inside was happy, "Oh," and the door was tied, saying: "Come here, hurry. Come in!"

Chen Xing: "..............."

Chen Xing looked at the project and had to follow it. The porter got the gold ingot and took the two to the tea room where the guest was hospitalized. He said, "The lord is really going to the palace... The two sit down and drink tea. How is it passed?"

"You tell him that Chen Xing is here." Chen Xing saw Yu Wenxin's Zhonghaokuo, planted with bamboo, mountains and rivers, ancient and ancient, and amateurs, and said: "Wuwen old man and old lady are there? I am going to invite A good security."

"The old man died of illness." The little replied: "The old lady lives in Youzhou, and it is rare to come over a year."

Chen Xing also asked: "Is there no Yuwen Xincheng?"

"Not yet." Xiao Xiao replied: "You sit down first."

Chen Xing said with a smile: "He said that he wanted to marry me, and he really didn't get married."

Item: "..."

The item sat on the side and did not drink the tea of ​​Yuwenjia. Chen Xing pushed him and pushed him. Without reaction, he was free.

"Do you know the people of Yuwenjia?" Chen Xing said.

"I don't know."

Chen Xing got such a concise answer, and finally couldn’t help but stab the sentence: "Someone said that you are very boring?"

"Everyone said this." Xiang Shu cast a glimpse from Chen Xia under the mask.

Chen Xing said: "I feel that the two must be open and honest." But when he said this, Chen Xing also felt a bit strange. The method of choosing the heart lamp is all wishful thinking. For the story, they are both It’s a stranger. Why do people talk to you?

The story finally picked up the teacup, drank a little tea, and looked at the cup in his hand.

Chen Xing would like to talk to Xiang Shu. On this road, I always feel that if the two of them are separated, they say that they are completely divided. After saying goodbye to Feng Qianxi, Xiang Shu does not leave. I want to know each other, and now they are still not familiar with them.

Chen Xing turns to read, perhaps taking the initiative to say something about himself, can lead to a few words of the story.

"When I was a child, I was enlightened with Yu Wenxin." Chen Xing explained: "What do you mean by Kaimeng? It is enlightenment, we Han people back thousands of scriptures, heaven and earth, yellow, the universe is wild, you Hu people do not..."

"I am a Hu, I am not a pig." Xiang said seriously: "In your eyes, is it as long as it is not a Han, or an idiot who does not read and read, but only eats raw meat?"

Chen Xing had to say: "When I was still alive, many people in Jinyang admired him."

If Chen Xing's family is carefully counted, it is also the name of the door. Gao Zu is the founding father of the Han Dynasty, Chen Ping, who made a rare plan to help Liu Bangping settle down the world, and then worshipped the country. After Lu Wei’s death, he even settled the troubles of Zhu Lu. In the end of the Han Dynasty and the two dynasties, the Chen family were all scholars. When they arrived at Chen Xing's father, they were the great Confucianism of Jinyang.

When Yu Wenxin was eleven years old and missed a good time to study, his father sent the only child to the private school of Chen’s family. The father of Chen Xing had no idea to teach the Xianbei people. . Chen Xing learned to read and write articles since he was five years old. Naturally, he didn't have to go to school every day. When he curiously came to see his father, Yu Wenxin liked Chen Xing, took his hand and took him everywhere to play.

After one or two, when the two were cooked, Chen Xing took him home. Chen’s father saw his son accompanying him, and he also loved the house and Wu, so that Yu Wenxin was studying at Chen’s home. The two spent the best two years together in Chen Xing's life - when the parents were there, the grandmother was healthy. Yu Wenxin is very fond of Chen Xing. When he sends something in his home, he must leave it to him. When he makes a mistake in reading and writing, Chen Xing is also accompanying him in the yard.

The two sleep together and talk together at night...

Chen Xing suddenly felt that the item was a little impatient, and it exudes a momentum that is always ready to find trouble.

"You tell me honestly, is there any hatred between you and Yu Wenjia?" Chen Xing observed the face, but because he wore a mask, he couldn’t see it. He was afraid that the story would see Yu Wenxin’s sudden rise and he would be on the spot. Geely can be a big problem.

"No." The item replied.

In the same year, Yu Wenxin also said that Chen Xing was to be a daughter-in-law. Chen Xingren was small and knew a lot. He immediately laughed at him. How did a man ask a wife? Yu Wenxin read the book of sages, but he still retains the wild spirit of Wuhu. In the north, the Huhu always does not talk about the rules of yin and yang, and when he sees a beautiful young boy, he will be a wife, whether it is a man or a man. Female, is not a close relative, several wives in the family are ordinary things. Moreover, to ask a man and a wife, can also help dry and heavy work, grazing and hunting. Married to send a few cows and sheep to come over, take people home, set up a camp to make a ritual called "green bargaining" in the inside, and worship each other, the account is not shy, they start to go to the house, finish .

When Chen Xing, who was six years old, listened and sold Yu Wenxin, he ran to ask if his father could marry Yu Wenxin, so Yu Wenxing was beaten.

Chen Xing certainly won't revisit the old things, but when I think of the friendship of the horse, I still feel interesting. In the nine years of Huashan's follow-up with Master, Master's appearance is cold, and he does not have a good time on weekdays, even if there is little warmth before death. Affection, when the night comes to loneliness, Chen Xing will often think of Yu Wenxin, and such simple teenage feelings can always touch him.

Although even Yu Wenxin's face, Chen Xing could not remember, but the man climbed the treetop in the yard and gave him a photo of the date, but he often remembered it in Chen Xing's heart.

The sky was near dusk, Chen Xing drank a full stomach of tea, thinking why he had not returned yet? I went out and asked a few times, and the little ones who were sitting outside were changing, and there was still no movement.

"I don't know, I don't know." The little man had not received his money and was asked to be impatient. He said, "If you don't want to wait, go back."

Chen Xing began to be bored. Walking around in the tea house, Xiang Shuo sat lazily, raised his foot and squatted at the tea table. He looked like a Hu person, but he was sitting in a big man, big and big, my biggest barbaric appearance. Self-playing a dagger in his hand, it was previously collected from Chen Xing, and he was already on the road.

Chen Xing is full of complaints, this family does not leave him a meal, presumably does not put him in the eyes, when he was a child, he was a hospitality.

Suddenly he heard someone shouting in the distance, it seems to be saying that "the master made the wine."

"Is it back?" Chen Xing said to himself.

"I have been back soon." Xiang said a rare sentence.

Chen Xing: "Do you know? You heard it?"

Chen Xing went out of the tea house and said to Xiao Xiao, "I want to see your grandfather."

"All said, did not come back." Xiao Yan said.

"Hear and let the wine be prepared." Chen Xing will go to the main hall, but Xiao Xiao said: "Hey! Hold me here! Dare to scatter here?!"

Xiao Yan was dragging forward, but behind the two fingers, he pinched the back neck, suddenly his eyes were black and fainted to the ground.

Chen Xinggang went to the main hall. The butler heard the yelling and came over to stop the steps. He said, "Chen Shaoye, the master has not returned, are you still waiting for a while? Or go back first, come back tomorrow?"

Chen Xing stopped and said, "He must have come back. I have heard it. You tell him that Chen Xing is coming. Go now."

Xiang Shi has been following Chen Xing, the butler has looked up at the man wearing the mask, but he is not afraid of Chen Xing. The man’s origin is unknown. It seems that he is not good, he dare not do it, and he is patience to Chen Xing. : "I didn't come back, you got it wrong."

Chen Xing pushed him away and shouted: "Xin Ge!"

In the back garden, two men are turning and leaving, Chen Xing shouted: "Yu Wenxin!" Then chased it up, Xiang Shu pushed the housekeeper away, Chen Xing went to the court and shouted: "Yu Wen Xin!!"

I saw two young people in the hall, sitting in one stop, all in their twenties, standing in the sky wearing a blue-colored robes, slender body, handsome face, clear-eyed, sitting in the man’s red robes, robe There is a picture of the candlestick line on the night. Both of them are the appearances of the Xianbei people, standing with the tea that the person is sitting on.

The two heard Chen Xing shouting and looked at him at the same time.

Silence counts, the military officer's hand is loose, when the slamming, the tea cup fell to the ground, suddenly fell and shattered.

Chen Xing: "??"

Chen Xing raised his eyes and swept over the faces of the two men. On the young man’s face, he recognized the traces of childhood faintness and smiled: “Xing Ge!”

Yu Wenxin finally came back to God and immediately smiled: "You are Chen Xing!"

The butler only caught up at this time. Yu Wenxin immediately made a blaming look toward him. Chen Xing did not notice this tiny detail. He reached up and shot him. Yu Wenxin immediately made a slight stop and then changed his hand. Chen Xing pulled his hand and patted his arm.

Chen Xing did not care. He sat down with a smile and gestured to the story.

"You are still alive!" Yu Wenxin said differently.

"Ah, yes." Chen Xing remembered. When Yu Wenxin moved his family to Chang'an, his family broke down in the war. In these years, the trustee sent Yu Wenxin several letters and did not receive a reply. Most of them were Lost on the road, he must have thought that he was dead, he explained: "You said that your family is in Chang'an, I just came, remember you, come see you."

After saying this, Chen Xing suddenly felt that there was a sense of alienation between himself and Yu Wenxin. Yu Wenxin only nodded and said: "Great, I know you must be alive."

"Don't receive my letter?" Chen Xing asked.

Yu Wenxin looked stunned. Chen Xing saw that the young military officer always looked at him and smiled at him politely.

Yu Wenxin returned to God and was busy introducing: "This is a regular rider of the sneakers, and a singer." Tuo Xiong, he and I have been with my brother for two years, and I am a younger brother."

The young man who was called Tuoyu nodded and did not speak, and looked at Chen Xing with a smile.

"Tuo Yu brother is really a talent, Yushu Linfeng." Chen Xing smiled, knowing that the uniform rider is the guardian army commander around the emperor, although the grade is not too high, the power is great, I did not expect Qi Jian Actually appoint such young people.

When he praised Takuya, it was not a flattering. When he entered the hall, he noticed it. In nine years, Yu Wenxin grew up a lot, not the same as before. On the contrary, this young military officer is very heroic, handsome and handsome, with a good figure, sitting on the end, and a sense of self-discipline, which makes him feel very comfortable.

When I heard this, Tuoba suddenly became flushed and smiled.

Chen Xing: "..."

Yu Wenxin: "..."

The scene was very embarrassing, Chen Xing had to "hahaha" smiled: "Really! How does Tuo's brother blush? You..."

"What about this?" Yu Wenxin quickly turned his head.

"Oh, he called the story." Chen Xing said: "It's my... um... friend."

Chen Xingben wants to talk about the law, but still don’t want to talk about it. Yu Wenxin’s article is a few words, but Xiang Shu simply ignores him. Chen Xing’s secret is that you have to follow, and see my friend and this look? Let me say hello!

Chen Xing immediately angered from the heart, evil to the gallbladder, Xiang Yuwen Xin smiled: "He is a dumb."

"Oh, oh!" Yu Wenxin nodded.

Chen Xing was only going to wait for the opening rebuttal, and he exclaimed, "You can talk!" The result item actually did not say anything, and briefly fell into silence.

Read The Duke's Passion