MTL - Dimensional Restaurant in Marvel-Chapter 434 Unpredictable battlefield

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In a short distance, the blink of an eye was fleeting, and the sharp light of the knife smashed down.

How could a flesh and blood body shake the blade hard, Thanos concentrated on his gaze, staring at the blade that was approaching him extremely fast. At the moment when the blade was about to hit him, he rushed out to the right, avoiding the falling blade by a small margin.

Landed and rolled and picked up a section of steel pipe beside his feet, got up and threw it at Thanos with his backhand.

The slender steel pipe pierced the air and made a sharp sound.


Thanos swung his knife and swept down the steel pipe.

An indifferent gaze was cast towards Thanos, who was slowly standing straight from a squat, his hand holding the knife tightened, and the toe of his right foot slowly pressed towards the ground.

Thanos patted the dust on his body, but he never left Thanos, and naturally noticed Thanos' small movements.

There is no weapon, if it really fights, it will definitely be me who suffers.

Never head-on.

Thanos's gaze was deep, he made up his mind and decided to play guerrilla warfare.

Anyway, his goal is to hold Thanos, so that he can't find trouble with the group of Avengers guys.

Suddenly, Thanos moved, his sturdy body resembling a sharp arrow, slammed straight towards Thanos, aggressively.

Seeing this, Thanos reacted quickly, turned his head and ran away. While running, he did not forget to pick up some broken steel bars, broken walls, broken load-bearing pillars and the like, and threw it at Thanos who was following him. .

The battle between Thanos and Thanos was very fierce, spreading across a wide range, and accidentally injured a lot of people.

Several of the Avengers looked at each other.

Hey, they can't help here.

They rushed to the distance one after another, rushed into the enemy army, and played Wushuang.

At the same time, the edge of the battlefield.

The space is like the surface of a lake on a rainy day, with ripples one after another. The golden ripples are dazzling and eye-catching, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

As everyone watched, the neatly arranged army slowly walked out of the ripples.

The spacecraft passed from a low altitude and flew over Thanos’s legion. The artillery fire poured down like heavy rain.

The momentum is huge, gorgeous and deadly.

It caused great damage to Thanos' Legion.

The ground troops took this opportunity to march rapidly and cover the enemy with artillery fire.

The superhero is the first to enter the enemy army, causing great chaos.

Captain Marvel dashed through the air, smashing the flaming warship bit by bit, and the burning fireball fell into the crowd, causing extraordinary damage.

Of course, it also caused some trouble to the friendly forces.

In the air, Mu Qiu watched quietly, at the magnificent battlefield in front of her.

There is no Thanos to hold back the high-end combat power, and the regiment lacking high-end combat power faces the high-end Avengers legion. It is a symbolic struggle when it meets the mouse of the cat or the sheep of the wolf.

Not to mention, after Captain Marvel Carol Danfoss completely shattered the Burning Warship, it fell into the enemy army like a meteorite, dragging its long flame tail.

With the addition of Carol Danfoss, who can destroy the fleet by one person, it will not take much time to wipe out the enemy.

On the other side of the battlefield, Thanos also saw the situation clearly.

The defeat was already evident, and Thanos naturally did not want to entangle with Thanos anymore, and immediately abandoned Thanos, turned and ran towards the battlefield, but would Thanos easily let Thanos leave?

The answer is: NO!

Seeing Thanos wanting to slip away, how could Thanos, who had been transformed into a haunting goblin, allow it, and immediately threw a few spells over to interrupt Thanos’s gallop, and then used his mental power to hold up a pile of broken copper, broken walls, and a brain Throw it at Thanos.

As the overlord of the universe, Thanos, who has lived for a long time, he knows more than just punches.

Magic is also his strong point.

In the same way, he in a different world is also a strong man who cultivates both law and military.

The tyrant who was forced to stop turned his head to look at the pile of tatters that smashed into him, and his mind was like a stormy sea and shot the tatters in the air, smashing them into debris.

The dust was flying, unable to block Thanos's sight, nor could it block Thanos's sight.

The eyes of the two collided.

"I don't have time to play with you."

Thanos clenched his left hand with infinite gloves, and the purple power gem gleamed with magnificent light.

"OH! NO!"

Thanos grimaced, looking at Thanos’s power gem, punched him in the air.


The purple energy accurately hit Thanos’s forehead, and the indescribable force of prestige pushed Thanos swiftly to the rear. It didn’t slow down even a single bit of trash mountains, but it became faster and faster. It disappeared from the sight of everyone.

Only Mu Qiu, who was high in the sky, could see Thanos flying for more than ten kilometers, smashing countless things along the way, and finally embedded in a mountain wall.

Thanos, who was hit **** his brain, fell into a vertigo, and could not return to the battlefield in a short time.

Solved the obstacle of Thanos, glanced at the chaotic battlefield, urged the energy gems, and punched the ground.

The purple energy spreads in a ring shape, spreading eleven or two kilometers away in an instant.

Within this range, whether it's flying sand or rocks, ruined walls, or spaceships and chariots... As long as everything within this range is knocked off by a single force, it will be suspended in the air. .

Unable to move, unable to move.

It seems to be restricted by an inexplicable force.


Thanos took a deep breath, stacking several spells to increase movement speed, and quickly rushed to the bottom where a large number of Avengers army personnel gathered, and the infinite gloves inlaid with power gems waved upward.

If the power accumulated in his hands is released, the result is self-evident.

Stark, Steve and others glared and roared, but they didn't help.

They could not break free from the shackles of the power gem.

But Carol Danfoss, who holds the same power of infinite gems, can break free.

It is impossible for Carol to sit and watch his comrades being slaughtered. With both legs bent slightly to accumulate power, he rushed towards Thanos with her long flame tail, pushing Thanos into a mountain of garbage.

At the same time, as soon as Thanos disappeared, the power that bound everyone disappeared.

Countless people were mixed with messy things, falling to the ground in a clatter, the momentum was extremely mammoth, and the scene was extremely shocking.

But in the scene where everything is falling, there are two incompatibility that go the other way, one is Carol who was punched by Thanos, and the other is Thanos who rushes towards the soul gem.

Compared with the reality gems held by Thor, the soul gems protected by ordinary people's eagle eyes are better to obtain.

Easily snatching the soul gem from Hawkeye Button, Thanos rushes to Thor.

Facing Thanos who holds two infinite gems, Thor will naturally not be an opponent.

After barely the right trick, he was taken away from the reality gem.

Thanos, with three gems inlaid in his infinite gloves, held his head high, looking at Mu Qiu, and threw a punch that had been stored for a long time.