MTL - Dimensional Restaurant in Marvel-Chapter 417 I have 1 idea

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The struggle for tyrants is useless. With the slow passage of time, with the support of the endless blasters, Mu Qiu used a few replacements and ate up the army of tyrants a little bit.

As the day passed, there was little left in the power of the tyrant. From the strength of the half battlefield, it retreated to only fill the fortress of war.

At this time, the War Fortress was overloaded and resisted the turbulent Kuroshio with all its strength, just like a lone boat in the turbulent waves, and sooner or later it turned over.

However, in the face of the suicide attacks of Zerg, demons, and wisdom machines, except for staring at the fortress, the tyrant has no way to do it.

Speaking of machete, hegemony marches towards the battlefield, he plans to struggle again...

Seeing this, Mu Qiu also landed on the ground from midair.

In the battlefield, the Zerg, Demons, and Wisdom also temporarily stopped siege, and withdrew to both sides to provide a place for the two to engage in battle.

In the battlefield, Mu Qiu looked at the Tyrant and asked, "Are you not going to give up?"

Tyrant's hand holding the handle of the knife tightened, and Shen said, "I plan to try again."

"Chasing your dreams should do your utmost." Mu Qiu is very satisfied with the attitude of bullying. In order to express his importance, he also intends to recognize it.

The black hair dances with the wind, and Mu Qiu is a master. He puts on a martial arts starting style that he didn't know from somewhere. The tone is quite indifferent, "Please."

The bully did not speak, and as soon as Mu Qiu said his words, he rushed out, at a speed that did not fit his strong body.

Mu Qiu only felt a flash of purple light in front of her eyes, and countless layers of afterimages remained in the air.

The blade filled with sharp breath, cut down...

The wind pressure disturbed the hairstyle. Mu Qiu never dodged. His right hand was holding a knife and was placed on his left waist. From left to right, he waved upward at a forty-five degree angle.

While waving, the black sword interpreter emerged out of thin air...

call--! The sharp blade pierced the sound of air.


The sound of Jin Ge's collision resounded, and the body of the Tyrannical Tiger was shocked, and was directly hit by the force of the mountains and seas that passed along the weapons and flew out.

I saw the flash of black gold flashing like a cannonball, which flew into the sky and instantly disappeared into the dark clouds of the sky.


The head slightly lifted, spit out a breath and turned into a gust of wind, tearing the clouds over and over, revealing the tyrant who was falling.

The sights are staggered and speechless.

After a brief confrontation before, the tyrant has understood that his force is not as strong as Mu Qiu. The gap between the two is obvious, and it is an act of abuse to continue to play close combat.

So... play magic.

Although hegemony is dressed like a warrior, he also masters many spells.

Uh! Uh! Uh!

The tyrant's hand prints the magic tactics. The magic array appears in the air. One point two, two points four, four points eight, eight magic arrays are transformed into eight streamers flying, and they have already crossed the extreme distance in a blink of an eye, reaching around Mu Qiu.

Eight magic arrays are distributed in all directions. Eight magic chains protrude from the magic array, respectively entangle the limbs, neck, waist and abdomen. Each chain carries an unimaginable imprisonment.

At the same time, the Tyrant is galloping from afar, the magical glory of the machete hangs above Mu Qiu's head with an unmatched momentum, and with the slashing momentum, the heavy force falls on Mu Qiu's shoulders, pressing Mu Qiu Shuang Three inches into the land.

In the critical moment, Mu Qiu's two palms ignited an orange flame on the back, instantly spreading around the body, burning the magic chain.


The black sword is dangerously set up again, the shock wave visible to the naked eye spreads, the ground is like a wavy water surface, and a circle of circular waves advances and spreads to the surroundings.

The stalemate didn't last for a second. With Mu Qiu lifting the black sword, the bully flew out again. After stroking the arc in the air, it smashed the scorched earth, like a ball, bouncing, rolling a distance, dust Flying.

It looked pretty miserable, but the thick-skinned bully didn't hurt much, and immediately regrouped, staring at Mu Qiu with dignified eyes, always ready to attack again.

so so.

Together with Mu Qiu, who played with Hegemony for a while, evaluated the power of Hegemony, which is almost the same as Gu Yi and Odin and at the same level.

If you want to beat, it's a breeze.

If that is the case, then do it.

Mu Qiu held the black sword and said nothing. He lifted his right foot forward, and the whole person disappeared instantly.

Bully only felt that the sight in front of him was occupied by the sharpened blade of the sword, and the indescribable sharpness made his eyes tingle, and tears could not help but burst into his eyes.

There are not too many thoughts in the brain, or there are too many thoughts to come out, the instinct of the body is faster than the brain, the bully is immediately a lazy donkey rolling, rolling to the side, the black sword is almost empty.

Without a sword, Mu Qiu immediately added a foot and kicked towards the tyrant who was half kneeling on the ground.

Boom! With both hands folded, the bully blocked Mu Qiu's kick, but he was also carried into the air by the power of terror.

Opportunity is not lost, Mu Qiu throws away the black sword, and flashes to the back of the bully, his hands are on the ground, his legs are bent, and the sole of the foot is aimed at the back of the bully.


Support your hands, straighten your legs, and hit the center of the back.

Kaka Kaka... The armor shattered, and the metal fragments scattered all around. The whole tyrant was like an open bow, his head leaned back, blood spewed out of his mouth, and flew into the air at high speed.

Turning in the air, landing, looking up to lock the hegemony in the sky, kicking the ground hard, the whole person blasted into the sky like a sharp arrow out of the string, and immediately chased it and surpassed it.

The right leg was raised high and fell.

The kicking tyrant's body arched backwards, and after spitting out a bite of blood again, it fell like a meteor, falling down on the scorched earth surface, and there was a blast of dust.

A cloud of small mushrooms rose, and the tyrant who was seriously injured was lying in the center of the impact pit.

Judging from its injury, even if the recovery ability of the tyrant is beyond ordinary, it is impossible to recover in a while.

Slowly landed, UU reading www. Mu Qiu walked to the side of the pothole, Mu Qiu looked down at the tyrant who was recovering quickly and said lightly, "I won, you lost."

The bully turned his head hard and looked at Mu Qiu. After a long time, he said, "...I lost."

"You will work for me in the future and take care of the crops on the farm."

Anyway, after he finished his ring finger, he intended to be an old farmer. At this time, let him retire early and become an old farmer. There is no problem.

The domineering Wenyan, who was lying quietly in the pothole, did not mean to reject Mu Qiu. After slightly nodding, he turned his eyes to the sky.

Since he failed, he had no plans to struggle any more, and he accepted all arrangements openly.

Looking at the appearance of tyrants, and remembering the dream of tyrants, Mu Qiu suddenly had an idea.

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