MTL - Dimensional Restaurant in Marvel-Chapter 413 Farce before the war

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An hour later, the Titan star.

A large wave of spectators has arrived on the battlefield.

Gu Yi and Mephisto stared at each other as they watched several Asgard-style spaceships land in front of them, and watched a group of people holding beer chicken thigh burgers ... all kinds of food, swarming from the entrance of the ship Out, looking at the helpless Odin, sighed again and again ...

"How do you ... bring so many people?"

Mephisto glanced around, looking at a group of people who were curious about everything, and asked Odin aloud.

"Ah ~~!"

After hearing the words, Odin sighed deeply.

What do I call such a person?

Do you think I want to?

Do you know what a son is like a father? !

Odin wanted to ask Mephisto this way, but then he thought about it, Mephisto's son is a professional father, always thinking about how to pit father.

"You are not easy!"

Odin sighed again, walked to Mephisto and patted him on the shoulder, with a slight pity.


Mephisto was stunned.

What do you say? I do n’t understand! What is it called me?

Looking at Odin with a distressed look on his side, Mephisto was very suspicious that Odin had just been hit by a meteorite on the trip he just went out, otherwise why would he talk nonsense?

Actually said that **** lord Mephisto, not easy? !

How is that possible? ! ! !

As **** lord, he has vast territory, countless thugs, countless wealth ...

Although his son always wanted to rebel, his men always wanted to rebel, his ...

"... His! I look pretty miserable!"

Thinking of this, a faint sorrow suddenly haunted Mephisto.

At the same time, Odin, with a distressed expression on his face, dragged his slightly shadowed back, bypassed the noisy ‘tourist’, and walked alone to a quiet corner, looking at the distant battlefield in a secluded way.

Guyi carried his hands, walked slowly to Odin, looked at the distance and said, "What do you want?"

Odin sideways glanced at Gu Yi next to his eyes, looking at the yellow sand filled battlefield with a quiet tone, "I'm thinking ... how likely is the boss Mu to beat me ..."

Wen Yan, Gu Yi shook his head: "The probability of beating you is very low, but the probability of pitting you is very high."

Is seen as a play, no one likes it.

Odin's old face suddenly darkened.

Take a deep breath, Odin said seriously: "It's okay, if Boss Mu is really angry, I will push Thor out as a shield. Anyway, he did it."

At this moment, Thor among the crowd suddenly sneeze.

Gu Yi looked at Odin with a strange expression for a while, and his heart was speechless.

Is really a family!

Son and father pit each other!

Of course, Gu's family affairs, Gu Yi did not intend to express any opinions.

Wasn't the one who suffered, and there was no need to blend anything.


Battlefield side.

An altar surrounded by countless marauders and robots.

Mu Qiu sitting cross-legged on the edge of the altar slowly opened his eyes, his expression slightly speechless.

Several spacecraft broke through the atmosphere and landed on the edge of the battlefield, without a trace of cover. The target was too obvious. Mu Qiu could feel their full presence even with his eyes closed.

It stands to reason that several spaceships in every district cannot attract Mu Qiu's attention.

After all, his enemy is hegemony, and he is one of the overlords of the universe. The ghost knows exactly how many spaceships he has. Perhaps he himself does not know how many spaceships he has and how many soldiers he has.

First lead a fleet to Titan Star early to build a war facility, and the rest of the army will follow the batch to the battlefield, is there any problem?

Of course there is no problem!

Therefore, Mu Qiu did not pay attention to a few ordinary spaceships.

Until a group of drinking and drinking second goods, holding the support flag, howling to cheer him.

"Boss Mu, come on! Boss Mu is invincible! Boss Mu will win! Aoao ..."

The sound of the spacecraft's sound amplification was loud, almost resounding through the battlefield, and immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

The eyes of countless people were directed to the place where the sound was ringing. What came into view was a pile of one-on-one shoulders, one hand holding a bottle of wine waving, lined up in a row, and the ghost of a crying wolf howling.

"Who formed the cheerleaders? Why are they all men?"

Mu Qiu looked back and muttered, "Fortunately, the group of guys didn't wear cheerleading uniforms, otherwise my eyes would be blind."

Thinking of a group of great-breasted old men wearing cheerleading uniforms and dancing to support dance, Mu Qiu suddenly felt that his scalp was tingling for a while, and it was disgusting ...

"Hoo ~~" took a deep breath, Mu Qiu calmed down the ups and downs in his heart.

Glanced at the drunkard squad that had changed from cheering to aid to hi song, and ripped the corner of his mouth, showing a sneer.

‘Take care of you after the war, and the dark dishes are full! ’

Hey, hey, a bunch of drunken guys, suddenly felt their backs cool together, as if they were being stared at by some horrible creature, suddenly like a duck pinched by the neck, and stopped quietly.

However, Zhuang Zhuang encourages courage and reduces reason.

Forget about what a horrible feeling, and continue to cry and howl after a while.

‘The pit goods that brought drunkards here ca n’t be let go, dark dishes are unlimited. ’

Suddenly, a blast of cold air rushed from the tail vertebrae to the heavenly cap.

So he looked at Thor, who was crying and howling at the ghost, and wrote a story in his heart.

The crying, wailing, Thor's back suddenly cooled, and immediately drank a bottle of wine to warm his body.


The other side of the battlefield.

Approaching war ~ ~ The soldiers in a tight state were suddenly attacked by noise, and their mentality suddenly burst.

Countless vicious eyes turned to the source of the noise.

Although I really want to give a shot to the drunkards who cry and howl, the important thing at this time is to build war facilities.

Not to mention that there is no order to exterminate the bully, they have no courage to do other things at all.

After the outbreak of war, send hundreds of cannonballs to the drunkards as a tip for rewards.

Thinking of the soldiers, holding their breath, while scolding the drunken, howling drunk, while continuing to work with full of energy, the efficiency is more than the previous one.

Thick grievances resemble substance, falling across the distance to the drunkards' heads.

It seemed like a pot of ice water was dripping down the head. The drunken drunkards shivered and instantly sobered.

Seemed to realize that he had just been in trouble, and the drunkards turned pale.

The noise also disappeared, and Mephisto, who was standing behind the drunkards, slowly lowered his raised fists, glanced coldly at a group of drunkards, and turned to go to where Odin and Guyi were.

As for the extermination of hegemony, he hadn't seen the stranger who broke into the battlefield. He didn't seem to care at all.

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