MTL - Dimensional Restaurant in Marvel-Chapter 382 Where have the giants and monsters gone

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In the flames and smoke, the angry roar resounded.

The injured Gorzan and Melba attacked the marine formation in full force.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the marine formation did not insist on fighting and retreated silently.

的 Melba, whose wings were torn, Gollzan, who was swimming slowly, did not chase after him and licked the wound silently.

After the attack was over, Mu Qiu took two Gakuma back to the ground.

After the previous artillery fire washing, a few hundred meters of circle was considered semi-waste. After the innumerable artillery fire washing the hill, the hill disappeared, the ground became fluffy sandy land, potholes everywhere, and the air became more dirty ... ...

"Anyway, Kurashima is no longer there, so use it as a temporary monster farm."

After Xun's decision, Mu Qiu went to the other side of the island to study the energy of light and the giant stone statue.

Gorzan and Melba continued to lick the wound, and two Gakuma ran around, spraying petrified light, turning the sandy land into white rocks.

The morale of the retreating TPC troops is somewhat low.

The two attacks are enough to prove that today's technology weapons cannot hurt monsters. As for the special weapons with extremely powerful destructive power, they will not be used unless they can do nothing.

"Speed ​​up the development of new weapons!"

PCTPC's laboratories have all received notifications from high-levels, and the development speed of new weapons has been further improved. The most popular research laboratory is the stone statue of the Giant of Light.

Due to prediction, the enthusiasm of many scientists is devoted to the statue of the giant of light. The research room is brightly lit 24 hours a day, and the voice of discussion and argument never stops.

But unlike other research laboratories, Shixiang Research Laboratories can't draw conclusions no matter how they quarrel. Other laboratories have already quarreled and made new weapons step by step.

On the contrary, Mu Qiu's research on the statue of the giant of the light was very gratifying.

Wu Muqiu has mastered the method of mass production of the giant of light.

"I will rebuild a few white beers when I look back, and let them sprinkle the energy every day to promote the growth of the sacred tree and other plants."

Suddenly, Mu Qiu's eyelids trembled, and just three avatars returned the news.

One is a monster floating on the sea like a rotten body.

One is a living organism in the ionosphere, with a large number and small size.

One is hidden under the bustling metropolis, with a single horn on top and tentacles on the claws.

After learning about the appearance of the three monsters, Mu Qiu was faintly familiar in his mind, and his memory had become very good. Mu Qiu slowly pulled out the information about the three monsters from his mind.

The three monsters are the zombie monster Silizan and the Lightning People and the barrier monster Gadi.

Hurghada can be used as ingredients, and the Lightning Man needs to study one or two. Zilzan, a zombie monster, cannot be used as ingredients.

Who smells the rotten smell of rotten meat?

"You just can try out the new skills you just learned."

The words fell, Mu Qiu waved his left hand, and two Qiuwan flew out. Before landing, they became Mu Qiu. They adjusted their posture in the air and landed on the ground steadily.

Wu Muqiu has quite a lot of avatar skills. According to different situations, he will use different avatar skills.

"Go get Gadi and the Lightning Man back, and by the way try the power of the Giant of Light."

The two avatars nodded, rocketed into the sky, rushed into the clouds, and disappeared into Mu Qiu's vision.

After Xun rushed into the sky, the two avatars stood up and flew in opposite directions.

One person continued to fly into the sky, and one fell to the ground.


Hurghada is a monster from the universe. It usually hides in the ground and is used to making transparent barriers to delimit its hunting range. There are a lot of them.

Ga Muqi, who was found as a child, hides in the bustling urban underground and is ready to lay eggs.

That is to say, as long as you grab this Gada, you are equivalent to grabbing a group.

秋 Mu Qiu, who is flying in the sky, thought of this, and could not help speeding up a bit.

He needs to catch it before Gadi gives birth.

With a speed of more than Mach 10, Mu Qiu's avatar arrived at his destination shortly after.


When she fell from the sky to the city, she drank aloud.

The eye-catching dazzling light will illuminate the twins.

The dazzling sphere of light appeared out of thin air, and fell quickly towards the ground, just like a falling star.

In the city, the light shone on the earth, and the continuous humanity on the streets stopped, covering their eyes with their hands.

Boom ...

The light ball fell to the ground, and the earth shuddered. The circle of light centered on the light ball was splashed with mud of 20 to 30 meters high, and dense cracks covered the ground.

The light dissipated, exposing the tall figure in it.

金 A giant with a red and gold height of nearly 60 meters.

The giant bowed his head and stared at the raised right palm for a few seconds.

It didn't seem that he became a giant. The only obvious increase was ... weight?

Tangled a few tenths of a second, the clone decided to do business first.

The giant stepped forward, each step accompanied by vibration and roar.

The ordinary people screamed in astonishment and fled the city.

He seemed to feel the approach of the giant, and Gadi, who was hiding in the ground, responded.

The cormorant broke through the ground, emerged from the ground, and growled angry.


Two tentacles waved and smashed two high-rise buildings, deterring the giant who changed.

I seem to warn Mu Qiu avatar: I am fierce, don't come near.

I'm a bit funny, I want to fight!

Looking at the appearance of Gadi's teeth and dance claws, Mu Qiu's avatar will obviously be wrong. An acceleration accelerated to reach the ground like an instantaneous movement, and the right palm stuck to Gadi's big face.

换 "Changing the battlefield, let's play slowly."

The avatar with the power task of the giant of the experimental light will naturally not let go of Gadi easily, pushing its face to disappear in the city in an instant. ~ ~ Those panic-stricken people running and running suddenly found: Mom! The monster is gone? Is it that we are dazzled?

But the destruction caused by the monster, the two collapsed high-rise buildings reminded them that it was not a dream just now.

In the idea of ​​having difficulty finding the TPC, hundreds or even thousands of calls came into the TPC's base, and the staff of the communications department was suddenly busy.

The GUTS team was convened again (Sukai continued to be absent for work in the laboratory).

"TPC has just received reports from many people that there are monsters in the city, after investigation ..."

Takino Rui co-ordinated the speech of Juma and gave a picture on the large screen in the war room.

The giant and the monster stand face to face.

"Giant !!"

The words behind the Kuijumae had not yet been said, and Dagu was dismayed.

He didn't blame Daku, but Ryoma said on the topic: "Yes, giant."

"Your next task is to investigate where the giants and monsters have gone?"

I announced the task, and Juma Hui introduced the current situation to several people.

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