MTL - Dimensional Restaurant in Marvel-Chapter 330 meet

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   "Oh~~, time machine~"

   Stark rubbed the stubble, feeling the slight touch, and his tone was very interesting.

   "Don't mess around." As soon as Old Stark heard Stark's tone, he knew what he was thinking in his heart, and immediately stopped, "You have seen it too, the time machine did not succeed..."

   "The time machine is better!" The interested Stark interrupted Old Stark and retorted.

   As a person who has followed Mu Qiu to another world, Stark is very interested in another world, and he is also very interested in the machine that can travel through different worlds.

   Now when I meet a ready-made space-time machine, how can I let it go.

"Tell me about your thoughts..." Facing Stark's curiosity questions, Old Stark glanced at him and refused expressionlessly, "Knowing that you are going to be foolish, how could I tell you that I Design ideas."

"Tsk." Stark slapped his head uncomfortably, and did not continue to persuade him, instead he talked about another thing, "As for the infinite gems, all the infinite gems in my world have been collected by Boss Mu, if you If you want to borrow, I can take you to see him."

   "Hmm." Old Stark nodded slightly.

   Without saying much, the two of them soared into the air and flew into the city.

In the sky, the invisible S.H.I.E.L.D. government team saw Stark and the target flying towards the SHIELD headquarters to report the news. S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau learned that the target character was monitored by Tony Stark, thinking that there should be no problem, so he notified The team returned to the base.

   During the flight, Stark briefly introduced Mu Qiu to the old Stark.

   "...It feels like you are talking about the protagonist in the novel." Old Stark, who had experienced many things, was full of expressions.

   He didn't know how to describe his mood at this time. If he really wanted to describe it in one sentence, it would be a group of alpacas circled around a green meadow.

   "Huh huh~~" Stark shrugged, and said, "Life is like this, and occasionally encounters some nonsense, nothing to be surprised."

   "..." Old Stark didn't speak, and gave a look for Stark to experience.

   Stark directly ignored Old Stark's eyes, slowly landed on the balcony of the villa, walked straight into the house, pushed open a wooden door standing in the center of the living room, and strode in.

   Old Stark walked around the wooden door, "There is nothing unusual, it looks like an ordinary door, but..."

   The footsteps stopped, and people stopped in front of the portal. Old Stark looked at the scene inside the portal. Rows of tables and chairs formed a neat array. One or several people had a table, either eating quietly or talking quietly.

   "The atmosphere is good."

   Old Stark stepped into the door and heard a very familiar voice as soon as he entered the door.

   "Boss Mu? Boss Mu? Is Boss Mu here?"

   Following the voice, he saw a very familiar face. It was the young man.

   Besides, a strange face also broke into his vision, young, handsome and immature.

   "Why are you looking for me?" The handsome young man leaned against the wall and looked at Stark with imaginary eyes.

   "I'm asking for your help." Stark spoke very bluntly, briefly explaining his own experience today.

   After listening to Stark’s words quietly, Mu Qiu made a simple summary, "That is to say, in a parallel world, you want to ask me to borrow infinite gems to save people."

   After finishing speaking, Mu Qiu tilted his head to look at a person behind Stark who was nine points similar to him. The difference in that point was the slightest difference in age.

   "Yes," Stark said.

   "emmmm..." Mu Qiu didn't answer immediately, but was lost in thought. Old Stark stared at the pensive Mu Qiu, nervously waiting for the answer.

   To be honest, the tension in his heart at this time is even more nervous than when he flew to the space door with a big X bomb before.

   There seemed to be a hydra in his heart, spraying venom continuously, making him worry.

   I don't know how long it took, Stark, who was in a trance, was awakened by Mu Qiu's voice.

   "...I'll take a trip myself, infinite gems can't be used by ordinary people."

   A simple sentence made Stark relieved, Boss Mu, from now on, Stark would like to call you the most handsome.

   seemed to feel the blessings of old Stark's heart, Mu Qiu tilted his head to look at old Stark with a slightly excited expression, and said, "I'm going to call some helpers. It will take some time to prepare."

   "No problem." As the party seeking help, Old Stark naturally had no opinion, and shook his head gently.

   Muqiu nodded slightly, and said to Stark (young), "Enter yourself for a while, I'm going to be busy."

   After speaking, Mu Qiu turned his head and left, while Stark said with a strange expression, "Entertain yourself by yourself, life is really full of surprises."

   "Let's go, Boss Mu will probably prepare for a while, let's go eat something first." Stark sent an invitation to ‘self’, "Boss Mu’s food is very delicious, I promise you you want to eat it."

   "Then I want to taste it." Stark said with a smile, relieved of his burden.


   At the same time, they went to the two who were looking for the help of the Supreme Mage. They succeeded... They didn't find the door of the New York Temple, and they kept walking in the street.

   And Scott, who went straight to Hank Pim's house and stole Pim particles, directly met Thanos, Nick Fury, and Hank Pim.


   Looking at the purple brawny in front of him, UU Reading Scott fell into sluggishness due to extreme shock.

   With his small mind, he couldn't figure out why Thanos, who should have been traveling between the stars, appeared in his mentor's house.

The reason for this is that Nick Fury invited Thanos to talk to Hank Pym’s house in order to discuss something. During the conversation between the three, Scott rode into Hank Pym on a mosquito. at home.

  If Hank Pym didn’t have Thanos in his house, Scott wouldn’t be easily spotted. Unfortunately, there are not so many if...

   With Thanos’s strength, he could hear clearly even the very small sounds, so as soon as Scott’s shocked words were uttered, Thanos’ ears caught them.

   slowly turning his head following the sound, staring at the empty place.

   Noting Thanos' actions, Nick Fury and Hank Pym stopped talking and turned to look at Thanos.

   "What's wrong?" asked Nick Fury, who knew that Thanos could not do useless things.

"A little bug." Thanos's deep voice sounded, raised his right arm, pinched his thumb and index finger, and raised it in front of Nick Fury and Hank Pym and asked, "He, does he use what you said? Pim particles?"

   "What?!" Two surprised exclamations resounded through the living room.


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