MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-v2 Chapter 813 Silver bottle

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Genius one second to remember the address of this station: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertising! Ye Hong said to Pan Jialuo, hesitant, if he did not know some Li Daochong.

Even if Pan Jialuo blows through the sky, Ye Hong will not do such boring things with him.

"Pan brother, Jiu Xuan gods have no life and death, annoyed Li Daochong, may not need to save this inferior card slave, wait for the end of the contest and then find us to settle accounts, is not worth the loss, as far as I know, Li Daochong still has two brushes." Ye Hong does not care.

"Ye Laodi, out of this nine Xuan Shenjie Li Daochong also absolutely dare not move our hair, from now on, the kid has to kneel in front of Laozi." Pan Jialuo Yin Yin smiled.

"Oh? Why is this?" Ye Hong is not clear, so his eyes are full of doubts.

"Ha ha ha, Ye brother, if there is no backhand, how can I bring you, everyone brothers, naturally blessed to share." Pan Jialuo suddenly laughed.

"I don't know what the hand is, can you disclose it to the brothers?" Ye Hong continued to ask.

"Oh, there is nothing, but it is a little trick, and placed a 18-level timed burst on the body of the skull." Pan Jialuo smiled evilly.

Uh! ?

Ye Hong’s eyes glanced, “When did Pan’s time put the timed bullet on the girl’s head?”

Pan Jialuo also did not hide his face with treacherous smiles and returned directly. "The night is not only a murderous business, but also other businesses. This kind of small thing, only one million high-level Lingshi, a lot of refining killers willing To do, in order to be foolproof, I have two million high-level Lingshi, hired a killer who is good at using steel smashing. When Li Daochong is not there, he releases a mosquito-sized coffin and puts a timed explosion on it. Above the neck of the skull, now Laowang Laozi can't save her, but as long as Li Daochong's grandson is obedient, Lao Tzu will not be able to destroy the flowers, hahaha."

"Pan brother, good calculation!" Ye Hong praised.

On the strength, even if Pan Jialuo ate the blast, he used the ban, but it was still not as good as Ye Hong.

But on treacherous, Pan Jialuo Ye Hong has eight streets.

Otherwise, Ye Hong will not be fooled by him as a watchman.

According to the strength of Ye Hong, hunting outside, now can be said to be able to rank in the top 10,000, but now it is in the billion.

However, listening to Pan Jialuo said that Ye Hong suddenly took a reassurance, in any case, the security is at least much larger than before.

"When did Pan brother intend to showdown with Li Daochong?" Ye Hong continued to ask.

"No hurry, now it is nearly five months from the end of the first round of testing. It is not too late to wait for three months. How can we let the kid give us more combat power?" Pan Jialuo Yin.

"If Li Daochong doesn't give up the kid, if the battle does not accumulate, then it will be pitted." Ye Hong said that he was not very optimistic.

"No, with my judgment on the strength of Li Daochong, the final accumulation of three or four hundred thousand wars should be no problem. The current battles are close to 50,000. Li Daochong is more than enough to give the tricks 100,000 battles. The battle can enter the next round, Ye brother, to be honest, it is good to enter the second round." Pan Jialuo then said.

"It is also true." Ye Hong swears, has to accept this reality.

In the second round, if you want to go further, there is no abnormal power, so don't expect it.

All the intrigues and tricks at that time are in vain in the face of absolute power.

"Don't dream, just because you want to enter the second round? Hey, my Dao Chong brother will not only give you a little bit of hard work, but also will beat you down."

The two were talking about the joy, and the silver bottle said with a sigh of relief.


The silver bottle just fell, and the body flashed over the electric flower. The delicate beauty immediately appeared painful.

Thunderbolt, a very overbearing prisoner of spirits.

"Dead gimmicks, let your mouth lick, taste the taste of Ling Lei." Pan Jialuo glanced at the silver bottle, and a jade card in his hand was pressed.

The jade card is the driving device for manipulating the Thunderbolt.

The silver bottle angered Pan Jialuo, pointing his finger to the button that triggered the mine.

The spirits flickered, and the mines continued to infuse them on the silver bottle.

The silver bottle is pale and the lips bite and bleed.

Hey, hehe...

Pan Jialuo is extremely vicious, and the power of Ling Lei is controlled just right. It can make the silver bottle of the gods painful, but it will not let her hang up to resurrection.

A few minutes later, the silver bottle was black and fainted.

Pan Jialuo put down the jade card in his hand.

Ye Hong glanced at the silver bottle in the coma, and his eyes showed a greedy color, but in a fleeting moment, the evil thoughts were deeply buried.

In the nine mysterious realms, Ye Hong did not dare to come. Before the first round of testing began, the immortal spirit had warned everyone.

Anyone who makes a violation of morality immediately disqualifies the entrant and earns a blacklist.

Ye Hong is no longer eager for beauty, nor dare to do anything out of this nine mythical world.

From the first sight of the silver bottle, Ye Hong was drooling about the beauty of the silver bottle.

He never dreamed that Li Daochong’s card slave would grow so beautifully.

However, Kanu’s bloodline is very strange. Except for the lack of spirituality, other aspects are extremely excellent.

There are almost no shortcomings, even if the appearance of the Kanu woman is not up to the moon, but it is absolutely enough to live alive.

In front of this card slave girl, it is the best of the card slave women, Shen Yu Luo Yan is not enough to describe her beauty.

What's even more unusual is that she actually has a period of cultivation, and Ye Hong can't understand how a card slave might have a cure.

This has never happened in the long history of the river. There is no document that has recorded the cultivation of the slaves.

The Terran has always believed that the card slave is not a human race, but other races, but the era of the great revision proves that the card slave is the human race and the untouchable race.

After Ye Hong’s eyes stayed on the silver bottle, he reluctantly moved away and turned to Panjialuo.

"Pan brother, there are a lot of good things on this girl. What about the magnetic gun, what are you studying?"

Pan Jialuo flashed a hint of dark light in the depths of his eyes. The magnetic gun that was found on the silver bottle was a superb magnetic gun, and its power was amazing.

He experimented a while ago and directly killed a demon-level nine Xuan dynasty.

The only few bullets can be saved, but whether he can pass the second round of the trump card, naturally can not tell Ye Hong.

"That is the magnetic gun, the power is not small, but it is a Tong Xuan step in the spirit of the magnetic gun, to deal with the **** of the gods is still okay, the refining period is still forget, you want you to take, I can talk to you Change, give me a few charms." Pan Jialuo said generously.

Say that Pan Jialuo will take out the magnetic gun to exchange with Ye Hong.

"Pan brother, Yemou curious to ask, but did not want to change with you, at first we said that it is good, it is difficult for you to change." Ye Hong slightly dissatisfied.

When he heard that he could only deal with the gods, Ye Hong immediately had no interest. The five charms he took were all 19th-level charms, and their power was amazing. They could pose a huge threat to the monks of the revival ~ There is no resilience in the late stage.

Ye Hong also calculated to use it when he kept the second round.

The two have a happy cooperation on the surface, but they all have ghosts in the dark.

Under the training of Li Daochong, the silver bottle has made a great breakthrough in combat, but the experience of the rivers and lakes is still lacking.

In the case of Pan Jialuo's traitor, not only was he caught alive, but Na Yunyu was also cracked by the other party, and the items inside were taken out.

Fortunately, here is the Jiu Xuan gods, they only get the items mapped by Jiu Xuan Shenguang.

Real items, naturally still on the body of the silver bottle.

But in the nine mysterious realms, the two can use these items unscrupulously.

That Ling magnetic gun is Li Daochong's self-defense to the silver bottle, and it is dead.

On the black wooden star, Li Daochong used this gun to kill one of the twelve devils around the Luojiaye, and the demon soul of the demon king was separated.


The nine mysterious gods are two days old.

On the evening of the same day, Li Daochong showed his thousands of sounds and galloped through the sky. Suddenly, Li Daochong’s speed suddenly slowed down.

Thousands of sounds were collected, and the body slowly stopped on the void.

Li Daochong looked to the southwest.

He finally sensed that there was a lot of breath outside thousands of kilometers.

There is aura, there are also nine mysterious.

The scent produced by the sacred objects of the Jiu Xuan gods is different from any scent of the meditation.

The contestants named it Jiu Xuan.

"This should have entered the brushy area of ​​the No. 5 Emperor." Li Daochong looked to the distance and talked to himself.

This road is flying for five days and five nights, and the distance between the emperors is farther than imagined.

boom! Hey! Oh...

At this moment, a distant glare came from the far side of the sky, and after a while, a terrible noise came.

Then the space seemed to be torn, and there was a burst of muffled sound.

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