MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-v2 Chapter 802 3 Tianjiao gathered together

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Every time a black worm devours a contestant, it will be a strong point.

More than 50 contestants were swallowed up in half, and the rest could only wait for the resurrection point, and nothing could be done.

The level of the charm released by Ange is getting higher and higher, and the head of Tianjiao, who ranks sixth in the dry cult, continues to sweat.

High frequency release of high-level charms, which is extremely expensive.

Ange counts thousands of calculations, not counting the black 魇 vine will be so powerful, even that he can not deal with the original magic vine.

The charms seem to be inexhaustible, but they are limited.

Ange has three twenty-three level charms, which is his strongest card, and will not be used until the crisis.

The three main vines of the black scorpion vines suddenly hit the three-way attack, and the open-mouthed ghosts rushed to Ange.

"Damn." Ang screamed, his eyes glanced down, one bite, releasing three seventeen-level ice charms.

The seventeen-level charm is useless to the ever-evolving magic vine.

However, the extremely low temperature released by the ice can delay the attack speed of the magic vine.

Ange grabbed the gap and ducked away. Then he did not hesitate to shake a brilliance to the ground.

Du Ru, who was bound by the magic vine, tried his best to break free, but the thorns growing on the magic vine were poisonous, and it was really uncomfortable to tie it.

Du Ruo thought that he had to reply to the live point, and suddenly the brilliance flashed, and the magic vine **** with him was cut.

An Ge actually shot to save Du Ruo.

"Adu, new hatred, old grievances, etc., killing the black sorcerer, then how?" The voice of An Ge sounded in the sea of ​​Du Ruo, who was just alive and free.

"Hey." Du Ruo snorted without a slap, but he did not give an shot to An Ge, already answered.

Du Ruo Ling’s brain is in his hand, constantly tapping the gong disk, and a layer of reticle wraps himself.

A few roots of the vine violently launched an attack, Du Ruo's protective cover is extremely powerful, and the magic vine after the evolution will not be able to attack.

The great emperors of the first emperors were the first to appear in the super meditation, with a total of 200,000 battles.

This is definitely a tempting number, killing one, and the ranking can be greatly improved, even if the ranking is the same.

Du Ruo quickly calculated the value of the power of this black scorpion, and where its weaknesses are.

Du Ruo’s career is very special. He is a consul in the mind of the gods and is good at calculations.

Any weakness that is caught by him will surely make you die without a place to die.

In just one or two seconds, Du Ruo can throw out tens of millions of thoughts, calculate thousands of possibilities, and find the best solution.

"Idiot, those three are not the main vine." Du Ruo cold channel.

"What?" Ange was taken aback. After playing for a long time, he was not the main vine. "That is the main vine?"

"It is the responsibility of strangling the prey." Du Ruo then said.

"Well?" Ange’s eyes flashed in the cold, and without saying anything, more than a dozen charms blew.


"You." Du Ruo said with anger.

The genius issued by Ange not only hit the magic vine, but the entrants controlled by the vines also suffered.

His attack is indistinguishable.

"Ange, grass your mother." A blasted contestant shouted.

Ange seems to have not heard, the release of the magic is more and stronger, the magic vine on the ground was blown up and violently tumbling, like a giant sorrow.


At this moment, a large fireball burst out of the rift, blocking the spirits shot by Ange.

The fireball resisted the magical charm that continually slammed into the sky and slammed into the song.

If the high-frequency release of Ange is like a Gatlin machine gun.

Then this fireball is a large caliber shell.

Ange was shocked and instantly sent a 19th-level fire charm, and he jumped away.

The fire symbol slowed down the fireball and gave Ange the opportunity to escape.

"His grandmother's, the charm is more good, this can also be avoided by you."

A snoring came from the rift.

I saw a young monk wearing a red-brown robes and a big eyebrow flying up from below, hovering around the fire dragon.

The fire is dazzling.

"Luyuan Road."

Someone who recognized the monk was surprised and called out.

The main vine of the vine was attacked and burned by the flame. At this moment, it shrinks and is on the side.

The black scorpion vine is not unaware of the sneak attack, but the gas field emitted by the three young monks in front of him makes it feel a little taboo.

If it is only one person, the magic vine after the promotion can easily kill each other.

If it is two people, the magic vine still has a 60% chance of winning.

But when the three appear at the same time, the odds of the black scorpion will be greatly reduced.

this moment.

On the 6th Emperor, the strongest three, Lu Yuandao, Ange and Du Ruoqi gathered together.

For the first time in seven months.

Thousands of contestants gathered in dozens of kilometers. They did not dare to approach, but they refused to leave.

They are watching this war, and a few people even have a mentality of missing.

However, when Luyuan Road appeared, the thoughts that wanted to be missed completely disappeared.

Black 魇 魇 藤 藤 藤 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

They are cultivated as sacred, but the combat power is all in the same level.

The real fire released by Luyuan Road made the black vines fear so that the vines continued to shrink and distanced him.

The contestants who have not yet had time to be swallowed have become lucky, and the black scorpion vines are automatically released.

In the face of three young monks, the black scorpion vine is obviously more taboo on Luyuan.

It is not that the strength of Luyuan Road is much stronger than that of Du Ruo and An Ge, but because the real fire of Lu Yuan Dao is used for the black 魇 魇 藤.

"Lu Yuandao, do you want to do it with me at this time?" An Ge looked sinking.

"Can't you?" Lu Yuandao looked cold and squinted at Ange, with a strong killing in his eyes.

With Durubi, Luyuan Road obviously does not eat Ange.

"After killing the black scorpion, what are we going to do?" Ange lobbied Lu Yuandao with the same words.

"You do your black sorcerer, Lao Tzu will do you, no contradiction." Lu Yuandao said.

"Do you have to be so stubborn?" Ange was annoyed.

"His grandmother, half a month ago, you have a sneak peek at Laozi, have you waited for Laozi to clean up the chores?" Lu Yuandao glanced at the three-day singer.

Half a month ago, Luyuan Road was a hard-working team of more than 100 contestants.

Lu Yuandao has a fierce temper, never talks about his feelings, goes out, and manages his ghosts or contestants. Just enter his vision and kill a word.

Because of this, Lu Yuandao has caused public anger.

The weak competitors naturally dare not provoke Lu Yuandao, but after all, not everyone is weak.

There are still a lot of overhauling real enterprises, or the famous Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list can't swallow this breath.

Tianyin Sanjie is also among the crusades.

However, the crusadeers still underestimated Lu Yuandao, although most of them are also geniuses on the Tianjiao list.

However, the strength gap between the top ten rankings of the Tianjiao list and the top ten is much larger than they think.

Luyuan Road alone is a hundred people, and it is not weak.

And in less than half an hour, more than 10 people were killed, and more than 30 people were scared.

The remaining defenses of more than 50 people are slowly disintegrating.

However, Luyuan Road is preparing to make a big blow to the gangs who dare to challenge his authority to kill all the garbage.

Ange hides in the dark and suddenly launches a sneak attack on him.

Water system spirits and ice-based charms of level 20 and above have a strong inhibitory effect on Luyuan Road.

Lu Yuandao therefore made a road. Although he was not attacked by Ange, he was injured and had to flee.

After Lu Yuandao’s healing was completed, nothing was done and he was looking for traces of Ange.

Anyway, his combat power is close to one million, ranking first in the No. 6 imperial capital, and the district ranked ninth.

In the next five months, nothing happened, Lu Yuandao did not care.

This grievance must be vented. If you don’t catch Ang’s violent meal, Luyuan’s anger will never be able to calm down.

At this point, I finally caught An Ge, how can Lu Yuandao let go.

Now Tianwang Laozi is coming, Luyuan Road has to fight for a fight to kill Ange.

In fact, when Lu Yuandao appeared, An Ge’s eyes flashed a bit of retreat.

It was Lu Yuandao who was angered before.

At this moment, he is screaming and angering. If he kills the black scorpion, he will kill the three singers.

Ange’s military exploits can surpass Luyuan Road to become the first king of the Sixth Emperor.

Unfortunately, his wishful thinking is still frustrated.

"Source, it is important to kill the black scorpion." Du Ruo will always choose the right approach.

Du Ruo’s anger against An Ge is much more than that of Lu But as a conspiron, his mind is always in a state of calm, like a ruthless mind.

"Du Ruo, no your business, why do you want to go, don't use your best plan to fool Laozi, Ange, today Laozi is doing you." Lu Yuandao showed a bloodthirsty smile.

During the three-person talks, more than 20 contestants gathered together and watched the black vines.

No one noticed that the magical vines scattered around the ground had surrounded them.

The black scorpion vine is not an ignorant thing, knowing that it can't beat the three, and can't escape.

If you don't want to find out the weakness of the black scorpion, you can't move quickly.

However, if more than 20 contestants are killed, and the black scorpion can be advanced again, it can be evolved into a complete body. When the trio join hands, it is not its opponent.


A slight burst of air suddenly flashed with Zijin Guanghua.

A young man wearing a common archaic gown appeared in front of Luyuan Road, Ange and Du Ruo.

The coming is not someone else, it is Li Daochong who is looking for it.

"Dao Chong."

Standing next to the dusty scorpion and Li He, the two men said in unison.

Lu Yuandao, An Ge and Du Ruo glanced at Li Daochong inadvertently and regained their gaze.

This person is not born, and the breath is not strong.

The trio is about to ignore it.

The fire dragon hovering around Lu Yuandao screamed and flew away toward Ange.

Say it is easy to do it.

Ange’s nephew had to be shot, and four different attributes of the charms were shot at the same time, and a golden shield appeared in front of him.

"Young people, hide away, don't hurt you." Du Ruo saw the two still moved, could not help but sigh, not forgetting to remind Li Daochong.

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