MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-v2 Chapter 793 Brother Big Brother Big Brother

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The law of Jiu Xuan is infinitely endless. Li Daochong can comprehend one of the laws and spirits in seven months. It is already against the sky.

Li Daochong feels that his **** is more solid, and the Tianlei Yuanshen is in a state of perfection.

The power of the thunder is huge, and it contains a trace of the nine-fold rule. It seems that the distance between the faint and the nine days is a step further.

Li Daochong’s lips smirked, and there was no waste in seven months. He did not have the level of squabbling and leveling, and his strength grew by leaps and bounds.

"There are still five months, and there will be no gains when I realize it. It is time for the harvest."

Li Daochong talked to himself, lifted his watch and glanced at his name.

The first battle of Yueqing River actually soared to more than 1.2 million, which means that he did nothing now, and the second round of tests passed.

Li Daochong’s eyes flashed in the eye, and he did not see any movements. He stood up from the ground.

In the past seven months, although Li Daochong did not move, he concentrated on the nine Xuan rules, but he did not know anything about the movement of Jiu Xuan.

God read the separation of several souls, free in the void.

Every day, there are countless young monks who will be killed and resurrected by the ghosts.

There will also be countless ghosts, ghosts and demons killed by the entrants to gain military exploits.

However, as the number of deaths of the participants continues to stack.

The frequency of powerful demons has also become higher and higher, and some areas away from the mountains, forests and oceans of the capital have become forbidden.

Very few contestants dare to approach because there has been a demon-class demon.

At this level, having a combined strength is not necessarily an opponent.

There is really no death in the real meaning of Jiu Xuan, but as long as it is killed, it will drop treasures and exploits.

The more you go, the less you can die.

Otherwise, the hard work of hard work will be lost.

Warfare is the nutrition of the ghosts, and it is also the chip that the contestants can finally advance to the next round.

The rankings of the top million contestants are basically stable, and the changes will not be too great.

Sometimes it won't change even for an hour or two.

Li Dao rushed out of the No. 10 dojo, and immediately flew into the sky, and the slamming sound disappeared.

However, in a few minutes, Li Daochong has already appeared on the sixth emperor, appearing on the wasteland in the north of the imperial capital.

At almost the same time, several gaze were projected.

They monitored Li Daochong for seven months, and someone would send them a battle every day.

They only have one task. Just see Li Daochong out of the city and immediately report.

Wang Caidie and Yuan Shaogang have never forgotten about Li Daochong. The seeds of hatred have not disappeared over time, but they have grown stronger.

"Missy, that kid is out of town."

Wang Caidie, who is teaming up for hunting, immediately stopped. "Where is the other person?"

"Northern suburbs."

Yuan Shaogang, who also besieged a genie in the mountains, also received a report from the spy.

"Yuan Shao, that kid is out of town, in the northern suburbs."

At the same time, the two forces gained news. Wu Zexing Yuan Jia was only a few hundred kilometers away from the Imperial Capital. After more than 30 people killed the genus, they immediately flew away from the northern suburb of No. 6 Emperor Yuan under the leadership of Yuan Shaogang.

Wang Caidie’s power is much stronger than Yuan Jia’s. There are not many people. There are only five people in total.

But each of them is the elite of the late stage and the peak period of the gods, and the worst combat power also reaches the middle of the refining period.

In addition to the Taoist man and Zhang Yutian two like a dog skin plaster sticking to Wang Caidie, and another two masters.

These two people were only four months ago from another imperial capital, not far from the mountains, wading through the mountains, the bodyguards from the attack.

The Wang family specially dispatched young masters beside Wang Caidie, both of whom were the monks of the gods.

A law repair, a war repair.

The name of the law is Wu Hai, and the peak of the gods.

The name of the warfare is Yi Long, and the peak of the gods.

The two alone are very powerful, but their real killer is to join forces, the power will more than double, enough to fight against the sacred monk.

Together with the Taoist man and Zhang Yutian, this five-member squad is famous in the No. 6 emperor.

Many contestants are far from them, for fear of being hunted by them.

Li Daochong stood on a **** in the northern suburbs and looked around. On the vast expanse of land, there were some short trees, shrubs, and rocks and some slopes.

This area is scarred, and after seven months of baptism, it has already been riddled with holes.

There have been countless battles here, there are competitions between the contestants, and there are traces of ghosts and beasts, but the most is the endless battle between the contestants and the corpse.

However, it is closer to the emperor, perhaps the pressure of the emperor's protective cover, so that the number of ghosts and beasts in this area is large, but they are relatively low.

Higher genius, never approached here.

Li Daochong twisted his head and stretched his arms.

"The next five months, it will be a hunting feast, ghosts, your father Li will come to harvest you, wash your neck and wait to be slaughtered, hahaha."

The voice did not fall, and a black shadow rushed.


A Xiaguang flashed into the neck of Li Daochong.

Li Daochong looked gloomy and a sneer appeared on his face.


Li Dao rushed his hand and grabbed the Xiaguang and grabbed a short sword with his bare hands.

Hey, your grandfather, I didn’t bother you, but you came to the door.

Someone raided Li Daochong.

The more time passes, the more frequent the battle between the participants.

Therefore, the filth becomes more and more powerful, and it is better to kill the entrants than to work hard to find a powerful corpse.

Any one of the contestants will carry more combat power than killing one phantom alone.

When Li Daochong just came out and showed his face, he was stared.

"It’s just right to just verify the strength of Li’s father.”


The short sword was directly crushed by Li Daochong.


There was a scream behind a dirt **** not far away.

A man in a black vestment suddenly lost his voice, and before he reacted, Li Daochong appeared in front of him and clasped his neck.

The man in black wants to resist, but the aura in the body can't be driven at all. The **** is also banned. What is even more terrifying is that he even seems to be restrained by some kind of terrorist force.

"Big brother, big brother, big brother." The man in black panicked, and refused to look at his face, looking at Li Daochong with gaze.

He didn't want to hang up. He hadn't been to the resurrection point for 178 days.

This means that his exploits have been accumulated and have not been lost.

The strength of the man in black is not strong. In the later period of the reign of God, the combat power will also be in the middle of the revival, and the law will be moderate, not strong or weak.

With his wit and caution, and never greedy code of conduct ~ let him accumulate more than 80,000 points.

Not too much, but not too low.

Can enter the list of less than two billion.

"Big brother, small eyes have no beads, blinked and attacked you, as long as the big brother does not kill small, small willing to put most of his hands on the body." The black man begged.

A late monk of a **** is so humble, if he is seen outside, he will be shocked.

In addition to the three major empires, the monks of the gods are standing at the top of the pyramid, the existence of immortals.

When mortals see that they will think that they have been witchcraft, they will never believe that the gods will reveal this kind of squandering.

Li Daochong looked at the man in black and didn't immediately start. He had already detected the opponent's combat points.

More than 80,000 points, not too small, as long as sent him to the resurrection point can easily get more than 40,000 points of combat.

However, this time, Li Daochong is still not in the eye, and the delivery of the big dishes is coming soon.

This little dish, Li Daochong really can't see his eyes.

"Follow me, what happened in these months? If you are well informed, know more things, listen to me, I will let you go. If it is unfortunate, you don’t know much, then you have to send You went to the resurrection point and turned around. If you just succeeded in sneak attack, it is your skill, but unfortunately, there is no price, no news, I have to take the battle." Li Daochong said.

The black man looked at it and did not expect that this horrible young man in front of him would have such a request.

It happened that he knew a lot about the big things that started from the game to the present.

The man in black never thought that his gossip would save himself one day.

Wonder House

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