MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-v2 Chapter 791 Immortal shrine (below)

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When you meet, you have to make irresponsible remarks, and you can't help but insinuate the words of Kunlun.

If it is not the spirit of the invitation, Nalan Xiu absolutely refuses.

King Kong God controlled the disc but it took a few minutes to come to Tianyin to make the ‘Tianyin Tower’ in the southernmost part of Kunlun City.

Tianyin made a great ancestor, and the rest of the sun has already been waiting for a long time with twenty-nine high-level officials.

After the King Kong King and the Sunset King chilled each other, the latter took the person to the disc.

Nalan Xiu and the sunset Tianjun have always been inconsistent, the former did not intend to take care of.

However, the sunset Tianjun does not intend to miss the opportunity to fight Nalanxiu's weakness.

"Fenghua Fairy has not seen for a long time, Yumou is missing." The rest of the smile said.

In the words of reaching out and not smiling, Nalan Xiu had to smile and laugh. "Yu Daoyou said with a smile, how can you think about other things?"

The rest of the smile is not diminished, and then said, "I heard that Kunlun Heavy Industry recently absorbed a group of talented young people. We have to do something in this competition. The Kunlun Heavy Industry has a successor. I am very happy."

When the words were exported, Nalan Xiu Li felt uncomfortable in the heart. There should be more in the heart, and there is something in the rest.

"Yu Daoyou, Kunlun Heavy Industry has no importance as it is not important. What is important is that this competition can select young monks who can really enter the circuit." Nalan Xiu said lightly.

"That is of course, it is said that your company has found a young monk with a very strong talent. It seems to be called Li Daochong. Not long ago, this person was a fire in Nankun. It was so powerful that we have never had a young monk. Such a big influence." The rest smiled.

"The influence of funny is really big, no one can." Next to Tianyin made an executive to answer.

"Your company can find such talents, it is really enviable, hahaha." After the implementation of the words, I can't help but laugh out loud.

Tianyin made other high-level sneers with a sneer, all with sarcasm and a bit of sympathy, watching Kunlun Heavy Industry and others.

The Kunlun heavy industry all looked resentful, but they were helpless. People said the facts, not fabricated.

Unablely, the people of Kunlun Heavy Industry are looking at the sorcerer, and they are blaming the old man who has made great contributions. This time he looked away and brought back such a flashy young man.

Now Kunlun Heavy Industry has become a joke of the whole human domain.

Nalan was so shivering that she almost ran away on the spot. Reasonableness made her have to suppress her anger. The face of the spirit must be given.

Coldly screamed, turned to the other side of the disc magic, eyes are not bothered.

"You are funny, your family is funny."

In the laughter of everyone, a young voice snarled.

Everyone looked at the sound and saw a pretty girl of sixteen seven looks angry and looked at the rest.

"Little girl, who are you talking about?" Tianyin asked a monk who was dressed up in security.

"Tell you all." Xia Lingxi is not afraid.

"Let's go, die, don't be big, don't be small, it's time to fight." That security is a slap in the air.


That security has just shot, a horrible rush of energy, all the suffocating power of his smashing, while heavily bombarded on his lower abdomen.


The smelting virtual security spit out a sour water on the spot, and the eyes were horrified.

Whoever gave out the hand, he did not know.

Is it difficult to be Nalan Xiu?

In addition to Nalan Xiu, everyone in Kunlun Heavy Industry has such a terrible strength.

The rest of the eyes changed, and I slightly looked up at the white woman standing next to the girl.

When flying the magic weapon from the disc, the rest will notice the woman, and God will specially visit it, and will not recover the gods without special discovery.

Just now the woman shot, the rest of the raid did not respond, the white woman seems to use what is very strange magical power.

It was the complete concealment of the breath, and the rest were not noticed.

In fact, the strength of the cherry blossom yarn is naturally not comparable to that of the robbery monk, but her use is not aura, false aura, multiple protections and camouflage, and the rest can not find flaws.

Li Daochong's sacred barrier, the ruthless refining of the body, and the number of derivational geniuses, as well as a practice of falling cherry yarn.

These are the guarantees that Li Daochong gave her a little more to enhance the camouflage effect of the falling cherry yarn.

As long as the falling cherry yarn does not burst out of suffocation, the robbers may not be able to sense it.

"Nallan Daoyou, is the person you are under too much? The language is not provocative, but also hands-on?"

The rest of the sound, the sound with a strong impact of the waves.

The falling cherry yarn creaked and could only barely support it.

The sorcerer of the sorcerer looked anxious and kept giving Nalan Xiu a look, hoping she could stop it.

Who expected Nalan Xiu’s face to be indifferent and secluded, “Yu Daoyou, is this person in the palace with this palace?”


The rest is a bit strange, and I can’t help saying, “So, it’s not yours.”

Nalan Xiu shrugged and didn't answer, but that gesture and expression were stronger than any positive answer.

"Since it is not your company, it has nothing to do with your company."

The rest is cold.

How can the heavenly kings tolerate others playing their own dogs in front of them? If they pass out, how can he be a god?

The presence of the team can make the remaining generations commensurate, and the only three-pointer is Nalan Xiu and King Kong.

Others are just a group of ants in his eyes.

With the remaining fingers stretched out, a blue rope flew out, and the falling cherry yarn felt an irresistible sense of oppression for the first time.

She was completely suppressed and the rope automatically bound her.

Falling cherry yarn beauty in the cold color frost, self-not satisfied, but the blue rope, such as the dragon, entangled her, and released the pressure, let her move.

"Sakura Yau sister." Xia Lingxi shouted, and will hold the cherry yarn.

"Hey, look at the invitation of the Spirit, Yumou only slightly punish you, if it is not to abolish the repair of your unreasonable junior." The rest snorted.

"Why can you only tell the jokes, do not allow us to refute? Even if it is hands-on, it is also the first move of the security uncle, Sakura Yau's sister is to protect me." Xia Lingxi glared at the rest.

The rest did not look at Xia Lingxi, who did not have the qualification to speak with him.

That security was so easy to slow down at this time, sneer and look at Xialingxi Road, "dead gimmick, you laugh at a dog, do you see the dog retorted?"

Xia Lingxi was so trembled that he could no longer control his emotions. At this time, he heard the voice of the sorcerer of the sorcerer.

"Taro, don't say it, then there is no way to end it. It is normal to cultivate the weak meat and strong food. You are still young and will understand later."

Saying that the sorcerer of the sorcerer and the gods are shooting out to stabilize the Xialing River, I am afraid that this little girl can’t control it.

Her point is tolerant, it is too small to tickle people, and it is a reasonable excuse to give someone a shot.

The tears in the eyes of Xia Lingxi turned straight.

The King Kong Army is watching the conflict with a cold eye. As long as it does not violate the power of the spirit, they love how to make trouble, he does not care.

After a while, I came to the headquarters of Taiyi Alchemy, Taiyi Tiangong.

A magnificent oversized circular building suspended in the clouds.

Taiyi alchemy Taizu Taiyi Tianjun personally took thirty high-level boarding discs.

In this way, all three qualified comprehension companies on the Kunlun Star will arrive.

King Kong God immediately controlled the disc and flew up to the sky, and soon passed through the Kunlun star atmosphere and entered the dark night sky.

The disc is wrapped in a round transparent shield that is as fast as lightning.

After flying into the starry sky for a few minutes, the transmission line below the disc began to run, making a sound like a gear turning.

Hey, hey.

The space cracked a gap, and the disc was shot in by everyone. At about the same time, the crack in the space disappeared, as if it had never existed before.

The crowd only felt a flash in front of him, and then saw a huge silver metal palace suspended in the sky.

From a distance, it looks like a steel giant beast, and it is a melodious and ancient atmosphere.

On the gate, the golden glittering engraved four hundred characters.

Immortal shrine.

The giant door slowly opened and the disc flew into it.

Just when everyone thought that the inside would be a metal scene, the environment would be a hundred and eighty-degree After the giant gate, the mountains and rivers were beautiful, the birds and flowers were fragrant, and there was a little bit of metal taste, just like a fairyland on earth.

Flying through the fairyland, into a sea of ​​fog, like a fairy, and soon an island floating in the air appeared in front of everyone.

There are dozens of giant screens in the center of the island descending from the sky. There are countless words flashing on each giant screen, and those words are still moving.

When entering the island, all the talents can see clearly, and those words are names.

King Kong God controlled the disc magic weapon and slowly landed on a platform open space in the island. The monks of Kunlun Heavy Industry, Taiyi Alchemy and Tianyin made a disc.

Everyone has doubts on his face.

"You, the giant screen shows the ranking of the top 2 billion contestants who won the first round of the finals in the finals. According to the accumulation of battles, the rankings will change instantly. If you belong to the young monks, the rankings will enter the top 2 billion. They can see their names. The jade monument next to the giant screen shows the names of the top 100,000 contestants. The time flow rate in Jiu Xuan Shenjie is much slower than the outside world. Let's take a day, Jiu Xuan In the past one month in the realm of the gods, the wonderful battle pictures in the Jiu Xuan gods will be played to you for a while. There are spirits and spirits here, all of which are prepared by the immortal spirits, and you can enjoy them at will."

King Kong God Jun simple and clear introduction, hand wave, the disc magic weapon flying on the void erected.

Then the disc magic weapon becomes a huge visual screen, there are some pictures on it, there are battles between the contestants, and there are also contestants who hunted the ghosts, there are dozens of screen areas.

At this time, all the people understand that the purpose of the immortal spirit invites them to come here in the most intuitive way to get the first time to know the contestants' competition.

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