MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-v2 Chapter 784 The final is about to begin

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Li Daochong pointed out that the five horrified big men were annihilated in the blink of an eye and disappeared.

Yuan Shaogang couldn't do anything but swear, like a madman looking at Li Daochong.

With an electric light, Yuan Shaogang dissipated in the void, and led the box lunch to the resurrection point.

"Happy." The moon is full of joy, and the unspeakable Shutan, how cool it is to have this cool report.

"Li He, you boss is a monk, can you bring this lady to mix together."

"He Zi, before the start of the big game, find a place to avoid, those items are enough for you to break through in this nine mysterious world, the following is your own."

The words of Yueyue just fell, and Li Daochong’s voice rang quietly.

When the two looked, there was the shadow of Li Daochong.

The moon was awkward and just said that he would be mixed with others and he was abandoned.

Li He knows that Li Daochong has always acted independently and is not strange.

"Miss Moon, then let's not do this." Li He immediately said.

"Where is Li Gongzi going?"

"Follow the boss's meaning to find a hidden place to practice first."

"Can you bring me?" The moon suddenly said.

Li He stunned for a moment, but he did not expect that the monthly meeting would make such a request, hesitating a little, "Of course."

In the eyes of the moon, she flashed past. She actually looked at a large number of items that Li He had just received, especially the elixir, and then cooperated with Shen Dan.

After Li Daochong left, he once again probed the No. 6 imperial capital and confirmed that there was nothing useful to him. The opening of the thousand-eye gongs was outside the No. 6 imperial capital.

One and a half days later, the contest will begin.

Li Daochong feels that instead of turning around in the city, it is better to feel the secret of this nine mysterious gods.

It is incredible to be able to cover the entire human domain.

Li Daochong is quite curious about what kind of rules are involved.

Li Daochong found a mountain and found an inconspicuous mountain peak. He flew into the bottom of the mountain and found a towering tree. He sat cross-legged on the branch inside the canopy, glanced at the week, and his eyes slowly closed and entered the state of meditation.

A glimpse of the soul of the gods condensed from the Li Dao Chong Tian Ling cover, and will disappear soon.

The next day and a half, Li Daochong sat quietly and entered a wonderful state.

Thousands of sacred spirits are scattered everywhere, in the meditation to appreciate the mystery of the nine mysterious gods.

Although Li Dao Chong's current cultivation is not to say that Jiu Xuan Ling Zun, even the magical power of ordinary spirits is difficult to understand, but there is a "Tai Xuan Jian Fa" bottoming, always able to appreciate some of my own mystery.

At the same time that Li Daochong perceives Jiu Xuan's realm in his own rhythm, more and more contestants enter Jiu Xuan's realm.

The contest has not officially begun, and the nine emperors have become the battlefield of the treasure, as time goes by.

All participants know that it will not die in Jiu Xuan's realm, but it is only a report of reciprocating activities.

Just hanging off will randomly drop half of the object, whether it is carried by itself or searched here.

In short, once it hangs, it will drop half of all the items on the body, and there will be no loss.

No. 6 in the emperor.

There are two major monks who have gone crazy to find a Tsing Yi gown, but nothing has been gained.

One side is the Wang family, one of the four major families of Xuanwuxing, and the special comprehension force headed by Wang Caidie.

Xuanwuxing belongs to the true spiritual level of the Nankun Empire.

The strongest comprehension that can appear on the first-class comprehension planet is the period of the gods, and the special comprehension planet is the refining period.

The true spiritual comprehension planet enters another level. Usually, a fit monk can appear, but the highest can breed a monk.

Further up, it is the top-class comprehension planet in the human domain, and the sacred comprehension planet.

Can take the Mahayana spirit.

There are less than 20 planets in the entire human domain, and eight of them have gradually weakened.

Although Xuanwu Wangjia is a comprehension force on the true spiritual comprehension planet, there are several large-scale comprehension companies in addition to his own family.

However, due to the fact that several of the ancestors of the Wang family had only refining the peaks of the dynasty and the initial stage of the combination, they could not reach the level of true spiritual comprehension.

It is only a special cultivation force.

But this is already quite powerful.

After being humiliated by Li Daochong, Wang Caidie summoned all the young monks who were attached to the Wang family near the Imperial Palace on the 6th.

There are a total of twenty-three people.

The other party's forces are naturally the special forces of the Wu Zexing Yuan family.

The number of people is more than that of Wang Jialai. There are more than 50 people, and all of them are wearing uniforms and martial arts uniforms.

The two forces are fierce and arrogant, and they have become two powerful forces on the 6th Emperor.

People block murder, and Buddha blocks the Buddha.

Even some powerful young monks are planted in their hands.

However, the true horror of the Sixth Emperor is not their two forces, but another person.

One is the land source of Yuqing, the fifth place in the vain republic of Yuqing.

This article has been introduced before, ‘Qingyang Refining Medicine’ is not a talented person, and the four-star refining pharmacist has the Qingling Furnace of the Xianling Lingbao, the middle of the refining period, and the late stage of the warfare or the peak period.

But the top ten in the list of Tianjiao is actually a fitter.

The entire human domain is also the 30th genius. They are the geniuses at the top of all young self-cultivators.

Luyuan Road usually does not show the mountains and does not reveal water. People who know him are naturally many, but there are not many people who have seen them.

Like a young monk of his level, Ling Online wants to find information is extremely limited.

He just entered the Jiuxuan realm to find a grass in a small drugstore, who was expected to be seen by several guys who were gangs.

If you don’t know what to say, grab it.

As a result, the guys were killed in a face-to-face, who knows that one of them is a special person who is comprehending.

Immediately, the hands were summoned to revenge Lu Yuandao.

More than 30 young monks, it is an imposing manner.

However, in the face of Lu Yuandao, there is more to use and the gap is too great.

Lu Yuandao burned a light.

Since the name of 'Fire Devil' has been added to Lu Yuandao, no one has ever felt it to provoke him.

Participants in the 6th Emperor have already guessed that this person is mostly a figure on the Tianjiao list.

The other is Du The grandson of Taizu, the fourth of the Nankun Empire.

This guy is different from Lu Yuandao, and he can shoot if anyone provokes him.

Just look at the mood.

In a good mood, just find a bar to drink and take care of your sister. If you are in a bad mood, you will kill and rob resources.

Just entering the Jiuxuan realm destroyed two forces that had gathered together and killed them directly.

The third place, An Ge, Wan Miao Ling Fu Da Shen-level young monk, the ranks of the dry empire Tianjiao ranked sixth, Samsung Spiritual Master.

There are countless inexhaustible charms that can't be used.

Some people did not open their eyes to provoke him, thousands of characters, and destroyed hundreds of young monks.

After the First World War, no one dared to close.

As long as the young monks nearby smell the charm, they will sneak away like a funeral dog.

These three are the real terrorist existences near the Sixth Emperor.

More than the sixth emperor.

From No. 1 Emperor to No. 9 Emperor, there are enchanting strengths far beyond those of other young monks.

These enchanting people do not have to guess that they know that it is the top position of the Tianjiao list.

However, although there are many enchanting appearances, the strongest ones have no trace.

The three major empire of the three empire ranked the top three, the month of Qinghe, ink dust and Han broken, one did not appear.

Gives the illusion that there is no entry into the nine mysterious spirits.

The waiting time for two days passed quickly.

When the time is up, the entry channel of Jiu Xuan Shenjie will be closed. If there are still participants who have not entered, the qualification will be cancelled directly.

On July 28, 2390, the standard time of the Victory was completed at 12 noon. The voice of the immortal Tianzun once again sounded in the sea of ​​all participating young monks.

Of course, this time, no one else heard it.

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