MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-Chapter 854 Chopped melon

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Furious blood beasts are like junkies who lose their consciousness and become mad after consuming excessive amounts of ‘Jiancao’.

Contestants faced these violent monsters, and they inevitably became timid, fortunately, they had the upper hand in the number.

The mad blood dragon came straight to Han Po three people.

But immediately, Luo Qingmu and Shangguan Yuehong made an unanimous shot and intercepted them.

In this way, the three Tianjiao faced the Blood King Beast.

Three to one.

Has an advantage in every way.

Blood King Beast's mind is not on the three Tianjiao, all his attention is on the blood sacrifice that Li Daohong spit blood.

Blood soul is injected into the blood sacrifice body, if the blood sacrifice is really washed away by Li Dao, all the efforts of the blood king beast will be reduced to a bubble.

But after the appearance of Li Daochong, the battle began to fall to the side of the contestants.

After the Blood King Beast came back, he seemed to be unable to return to heaven.

Blood King Beast is not reconciled, his eyes are full of blood, and the whole body blood demon mad burst open.


Blood King Beast disappeared.

"Want to run." Han Po shouted, Qiankun shot off.

Yueqinghe also controls Yuqingdun to attack an empty space.

The two great arrogances shot at the same time, and the Blood King Beast could not ignore their attacks no matter how powerful.

Only one shimmering body was intercepted in the sky, and he could not get away to help the blood sacrifice.

Mo Chenxi immediately followed, and the silver thread instantly woven an invisible giant net to seal the blood king beast in a specific space.

Blood King Beast appeared with a blood sickle in hand, blocking Qiankun's gun and Yuqing Shield, with a greasy expression, glanced at the three great arrogances, and shouted.

"Get out of the three of you."

"You can't help you." Han Po sneered.

Blood King's lungs are going to explode, and it's too late to rescue the blood sacrifice.

"Scarlet reincarnation."

Blood King Beast roared, the bones of the whole body made a crackling sound, and then seven **** bone spurs protruded from the body.

Each bone spur creeps into a blood king beast.

Seven avatars appeared on the void at once.

The appearance of the three major arrogances has changed slightly, but I didn't expect the Blood King Beast to have seven avatars.

Came out and launched an attack immediately.

You can't help but think of the three great arrogance, seven avatars have been attacked.

The avatar strength under the spell state is usually relatively weak, certainly not as good as the real body.

And the avatar will divide a part of the energy of the real body. The more avatars are separated, the more energy the real body is divided.

Separate seven avatars at the same time. The consumption of the blood king beast should be extremely large, even enough to exhaust the blood demon qi in his body.

"Different people also want to block me and three others? Blood King Beast, you have been imprisoned in the Nine Profound God Realm for too long, and your brain was dazed." Han Po reached out and took back the Qiankun gun thrown out before, disdainfully.

Then, a blood king beast sprinted toward Han Po with a bone gun in his hand.

Playing with a gun, Han Po hasn't been afraid of anyone yet. He smiled coldly. Qiankun's gun came out from the rainbow. There weren't too many fancy, just to be stable.

The Qiankun gun pierced the head of the blood king avatar, and the desire was to kill it with one blow.

咣 咣, Ka ...

But at the moment when the Blood King avatar was about to be stabbed by Qian Kun, suddenly the ghosts moved sideways, like a phantom flashing.

Han Po's attack was easily avoided, and the bone gun and Qiankun gun collided together, and a harsh noise erupted.

Han broke his arm, and the whole person flew back dozens of meters before stopping.

The blood king avatar also bounced back dozens of meters.

Simple fight, Blood King and Han Po actually had a tie.

Han broke his face, and as soon as he said it, he was beaten. Before he even thought about it, another blood king avatar had already attacked on the side, or a bone spur.

"Damn it." Han Po cursed and hurriedly tried to wield the Qiankun gun to resist.

"Qiankun Gong" opened, and Han Po didn't dare to have any slight intention of underestimating the enemy.

The strength of the blood king avatar doesn't have to be much worse than the real one, almost the same as blood sacrifice.

Not only Han Po, but also the condition of Yueqing River is not much better. The two blood kings avatar one left and one right, struck on both sides, as fast as lightning.

If it were n’t for Yueqing River, there was a fairy-like shield like Yuqing Shield, I ’m afraid I could n’t resist it long ago.

The two great arrogances were caught off guard and were caught off guard, which shows that the strength of the blood king avatar is strong.

Two playing one, can prevail in a short time.

Seven blood king avatars, the remaining three all attacked Mo Chenxi, in the eyes of the blood king beast.

The most elusive of the three great arrogances is Mo Chenxi, who can't see through this woman at all.

Although Mo Chenxi was strong, he was forced to withdraw the silver thread he had released to fight the three blood king avatars under the mad bombing of the three blood king avatars.

On the other side, the battle between Luo Qingmu and Shangguan Yuehong in the raging blood demon dragon immediately became fierce.

After the three blood demon dragons are combined, the combat power is greatly improved.

If it is not coming soon, the Rune Vest has a lot of changes, there are various defense runes, and they are all defense effects that can be triggered automatically.

If this were not the case, the three of them would have been killed by the violent blood dragon.

But it is not a way to go on like this, the Rune Vestments coming soon will eventually be exhausted.

Shangguan Yuehong controlled hundreds of flying swords in the clouds and kept attacking the violent blood demon dragon.

Luo Qingmu waited for the opportunity to attack, and immediately came in front of him to become a meat shield.

Cooperated with three people, but also barely supported.

But at this moment, three cracks appeared on the rune robes that were coming soon.

"Not good, the energy of the spirit stone is almost exhausted."

Came and yelled with a terrified expression. As soon as his vest was broken, he would be torn to pieces by the violent blood dragon immediately.

The cry just fell.


Rune pattern vest was ripped off a sleeve by a claw of the violent blood dragon.

Where would I dare to be a meat shield again immediately?

Luo Qingmu glanced at the opportunity to control the three diamond thorns and slammed into the back of the violent blood demon dragon.

Dangdang Dangdang!

Three crisp sounds, the Vajra thorn was in the back of the violent blood demon dragon, but the diamond thorn, which could penetrate the high-level magic weapon of the Tianxuan Order, left no trace on the blood scales of the violent blood demon dragon, and was ejected.

"What?" Luo Qingmu looked horrified as if he had seen a ghost. These three diamond thorns were super magic weapons that his master spent ten years refining.

Luo Qingmu has never missed using Vajra.

The violent blood demon dragon didn't feel it, even the pause didn't stop, a huge body flashed to the front of Shangguan Yuehong.

The huge devil wheel rounded and shot towards Guanyuehong.

An instant.

Shangguan Yuehong's face was pale and he sighed in despair. He didn't think he had to go to the resurrection point.


In a flash, a purple awn crossed.

Thought that the dead mouth of Shangguan Yuehong Cherry suddenly opened wide, and he looked incredulously at the rounded claw of the huge **** dragon in front of him, cut and separated from the shoulder by the purple mango.

No matter how they attack, the three of them can't cause even a little effective damage to the raging blood dragon.

The **** scales on the raging blood demon dragon are tougher and tougher than the ordinary magic fairy magic weapon.

But in front of the passing Zimang, the violent blood demon dragon was like a mud man, and was easily cut open.


The violent blood demon roared, and the pain on his shoulder made him feel a trace of fear.


The sound of breaking the sky.

Li Daochong arrived suddenly.

Roar roar ...

The violent blood dragon that lost one arm kept roaring, and the intense pain made him more manic.

Opened his mouth sharply, biting his head at Li Dao, and it was necessary to eat the ants who had cut off his arms.

Li Dao frowned, and the knife he just pointed at was not the blood demon dragon but the blood sacrifice.

At this time, the violent blood demon dragon blocked the way, Li Dao rushed into the eyes, his hand fell.

Like the mud, he cut off half of the head of the **** fiendish dragon with his mouth wide open.

Poof ...

The **** blood dragon squirted from the inside of half of the head of the violent blood dragon connected to the body.

唆唆 唆 ……

The sword is like a net, shredding the remaining body of the blood demon dragon.

Li Daohong reached out his hand and grabbed a fist-sized blood demon core, and gently pinched the blood demon core into powder.

Coming soon, Luo Qingmu and Shangguan Yuehong stared at this scene as if they were frozen.

The violent blood dragons they felt could not be defeated, Li Dao rushed to the side like chopping melons and vegetables.

While Li Dao squeezed the blood demon core, the person had disappeared, and Kung Fu blinked at a height of several kilometers away, intercepting the blood sacrifice quickly escaping.

Pan Jialuo saw that Li Daochong was not fighting, the strength gap was greater than he had imagined. Without doing two, he burned blood demon essence blood to perform the technique of blood escape, and escaped.

Blood escape technique can achieve teleportation effect at short distance.

Pan Jialuo thought that he could escape, but for safety, he fled the blood demon dragon on the escape route, so as to delay Li Dao for some time.

Pan Jialuo was right, the Blood Demon Dragon did block the attack launched by Li Daochong, and delayed for some time.

But why did he think that Li Daochong could be several times faster than Xue Dun.

Instantly caught up with him.

"Li Daochong, let me go, and I will immediately release the timed break from your maid, I will never provoke you for half a point, and I will help you in the next game ~ ~ Let you Easy to get the first place in this competition, how? "

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Pan Jialuo's eyeball turned and immediately begged for mercy.

If Li Daochong didn't hear it, the whole body was forced out of the cold, and Panjialuo was enveloped by the awkward spirit domain.

"Damn, Li Daochong, are you forcing me to kill the net?" Pan Jialuo was begging for helplessly, and said badly.

"The fish will not die, the net will not be broken, don't be afraid, you won't die." Li Daohong smiled coldly.

"Good, you are ruthless enough, Lao Tzu fights with you." Pan Jialuo said three times well, and his face became grim.

Huh, oh ...

At this moment, Li Daochong heard a very subtle sound behind his ears, which could hardly be heard by his ears.

Li Daochong turned back is a knife.

Split the star.

When, bang ...

The blood king beast appeared ghostly behind Li Daochong, the blood scythe chopped down with infinite anger.

Blood King Beast uses twelve points of force, blood escape technique to the extreme, plus sneak attacks without warning.

Thought that Li Dao could be cut under the blood sickle anyway.

Was still perceptively aware of Li Daochong.

Even more terrifying is that Li Daochong hastily released magical powers in a hurry.

Fight against each other.

Li Daochong retreated several tens of meters away, blood gurgled on his wrists, and the tiger's mouth was cracked.

Blood King Beast is also uncomfortable. He bounced out for more than ten meters. A huge gap appeared in the blood sickle. His chest was churning, and he could not control it against the blood.

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