MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-Chapter 846 Enemy with me! Do you deserve it too?

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The silver bottle's beautiful eyes flickered, and the sense of emptiness in the body was soon filled with warm current, and severe internal injuries recovered at an alarming rate.


With a whistle, the silver bottle's eyes were immediately covered by water mist, and the eleven months of detention were released in this whistle.

Since Li Daochong arrived in the second capital, dozens of spirits have been searching for the traces of silver bottles.

As soon as the silver bottle appears, it will be sensed immediately.

A few days passed, Li Daochong could not find the trace of the silver bottle, and his heart was agitated.

When Li Daochong planned to take another way to search, the silver bottle breath suddenly appeared.

At that moment, Li Daochong turned into a purple arc, and shot wildly, thousands of kilometers away, but it was smoothed out in a few minutes.

Pan Jialuo stared at Li Daochong, who appeared behind the silver bottle as if moving instantly.

As if he had seen a ghost, Pan Jialuo retreated back sharply.

道 Li Daohong's eyes were cold and murderous, but he didn't do it immediately.

With Li Daochong's current strength, he soon healed the severely injured silver bottle.

Until the silver bottle was fully recovered, Li Daochong removed his hand behind his back and said, "This time makes you suffer, it's all so bad for the young master."

Yin Ping shook his head again and again, and said, "Master, don't say that, it was Yin Ping's inferiority that made him imprisoned."

Li Daochong looked at the silver bottle with pity, reached out and fiddled with the hair in the girl's ear.

"It's really the young master's fault this time. You didn't deal with the ants, and you got bitten. If you clean up, this won't happen."

Silver Bottle fiddled with her hands. When confronted with the young master, the deer in her heart would always scramble around.

"At this time, there is still kung fu and flirting. Li Dao Chong is quite leisurely. It seems that you really don't know anything. Do you think that everything will be all right after you rescue that Kanu?" Pan Jialuo said with a deep smile.

Li Daochong didn't seem to hear it. When his thoughts moved, an invisible divine thought instantly covered Pan Jialuo.

If it wasn't for Pan Jialuo's preparation to wear a robe that was designed to defend the mind, I'm afraid that this will make him take half his life.

家 Pan Jialuo's face twitched a little. He did not expect Li Daochong to even bother to talk.

"Li Daochong, if you move again, I will let that kanu disappear forever."

Pan Jialuo said fiercely.

Li Daochong's expression changed slightly. He had visited her body during the treatment of the silver bottle just now and found no abnormalities.

"Don't waste your time trying to detect it with divine thoughts. On your own body, Lao Tzu has placed an eighteenth-level timed explosion symbol. The detonator of that explosion symbol is linked to my Yuanshen. As long as I die, you That **** can't live, of course I won't die, as long as I am willing to take the bitch's life at any time. "

Li Daochong narrowed his eyes, and he couldn't help feeling a little annoyed at the original tenderness.

Regardless of whether Pan Jialuo is true or false, Li Daochong dare not act lightly.

Quiet for a few seconds.

Li Daochong slowly said, "Say, what do you want?"

Ye Hong, who was standing aside, didn't quite believe what Pan Jialuo said at first, but he had to believe what he saw at this moment.

Ye Yehong couldn't understand why Li Daochong valued an insignificant Kanu maid next to her.

For Ye Dasha, who has lived in a wealthy family since he was a child, he is incomprehensible.

There is no difference between kanu and the objects in the house, they are all private property.

I actually care so much.

Pan Jialuo grinned, "Li Daochong, you are a wise man. In this nine mysterious world, do you not know what you want?"

"It is said that you want to fight for success?" Li Dao said indifferently.

"Hey, do you still need to ask." Pan Jialuo smiled Yin Yin.

"How much?"

"You have as many as you have."

"The appetite is quite big."

"Do you think it's big? You can't give it, after all, this big event is a big deal. It's really impossible to qualify for a low-grade cricket. If you don't care about that low-cricket cricket."


As soon as Pan Jialuo's words fell, a big invisible hand was drawn on his face fiercely, and he was directly turned in place three times. Half of his face suddenly swelled into a pig's head.

"Dare you hit me."

Pan Jialuo stared at Li Daochong.

"That's right, I'll hit you." Li Dao Chong stood on his shoulders without seeing his hands.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll let that cheap owl go to see the king now." Pan Jialuolian said a few times, his eyes flashed.

"If you can break the limit of Jiuxuan Shenguang, you Panjialuo does not need to ask me for merit." Li Daochong ignored the threat and looked at Panjialuo with an idiot's look.

"Even if I can't start the timed explosion symbol now, waiting for the Jiuxuan Divine Realm will be the death of that base cricket." It was pierced on the spot, and Pan Jialuo was anxious.

"Do you think you still have a chance to go out?" Li Daochong narrowed his eyes.

"Ha ha ha, Li Dao Chong, even if you bluff people, say something reliable, do you still have the ability to break through the restrictions of the nine mysterious rules." Pan Jialuo laughed on his back.


He slaps on Pan Jialuo's face again, and both sides of his face are drawn. This time it is symmetrical, a complete pig head is formed, and one head weighs more than 400 pounds.

家 Pan Jialuo grinned with pain, his face was hot, and even the deities in the body were drawn. The pain from the soul was more painful than the burning fire.

Ye Yehong was silent on the side, as if there was no existence, but he was always thinking about the situation.

The development of the matter is completely different from what Pan Jialuo said at the beginning. Li Daochong did not follow the routine at all.

I just felt that he cared about Nakanu very much, and Ye Hong was still a bit confused. At this time, Li Daochong showed clearly that he didn't care about Nakanu's life and death. This is in line with normal logic.

Ye Yehong estimated Li Daochong's true cultivation behavior. It felt that he was not an opponent. It didn't matter that the transaction failed.

I wasted 11 months in vain, and I blame myself for listening to Pan Jialuo's idiot.

However, fortunately, a lot of treasures have been snatched from Nakanoo. With the help of these treasures, one month is enough to obtain enough military exploits.

After thinking about it, Ye Hong quietly backed away, his breath almost disappeared, he was waiting for the best time, ready to slip away.

家 Pan Jialuo was slaped with two slaps, and the whole person was dizzy and unstable. Although the body would not be harmed in any way, the feeling would be no different from the outside world, and the pain would be even stronger.

家 Pan Jialuo's eyes turned red and he was about to spit fire. He never dreamed that Li Dao Chongfei was not threatened, and he dared to hit him.

"Li Daochong, please move Lao Tzu again, and immediately let the cheap slain have no burial place." Pan Jialuo shouted, covering his face.


I responded to Pan Jialuo with a more heavy slap.

He hit him directly and took off. He made more than ten laps in the air and thumped on the ground, smashing the ground out of a large pit.

Ye Yehong saw the situation and ran away.


Li Daochong said coldly.

Ye Hong couldn't move, he seemed to be tied by an invisible rope.

"Li Daochong, you and I have no injustice or resentment. This matter has nothing to do with me. It was the surname of Pan who asked me for help. You let me go. If there is a need in the future, you will be informed by Ye Mou." .

"Do I need your help?" Li Daochong dismissed.


Ye Ye Hong froze for a moment, but also wanted to say something, but did not wait for him to speak, an ice blade shot quickly.

Li Dao is more lazy to say something, "Jinghan Bingshenjue" just hit a magical power.

Ye Hong was horrified. In full of urgency, he drove the whole body's spiritual power. Alas, two magical signs whistled out.

灵 These amulets were snatched from the silver bottle.

It ’s okay not to hit these magic charms. Li Daochong hit him with the magic charms he made at first sight.

These two amulets are eighteenth-level amulets, and their power is naturally terrifying.

道 Li Daochong held one hand with one hand, an iceberg rolled down, booming, two loud noises, two magic symbols and the iceberg cancel each other out.

冰 The ice blade was destroyed by one of the charms.


Ye Yehong took a sigh of coolness, and two 18th-level amulets were just understated by Li Daochong.

It's important to save your life.

Ye Hong gritted his teeth and took out the twenty-first-level amulet. Yin and his heart flashed in his eyes. Now how can you stop it?

Ye Yehong was about to shoot a magic charm, but his hands were stiff as soon as he raised his hands, and the whole person was attacked by a horrific cold.

But in a blink of an eye, it frozen into an ice sculpture.

Alas, a shot of Guanghua came, wow, the ice sculpture shattered, and Ye Hong went to the resurrection point.

I lost half of the items on my body, and I lost half of my original combat skills.

道 Li Daochong waved his hand and put away as many items as Ye Hong dropped.

Ye Yehong dropped most of the items in silver bottles.

道 Li Daochong gave all these items to the silver bottle, and also returned her the silver moon knife.

When Pan Jialuo stood up from the pit at this moment, he saw Ye Hong was killed, and his heart trembled, knowing that his carefully planned plan was defeated, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

In this case, it is better to break the net.

"Li Daochong, if you are ruthless, Lao Tzu can't live, so drag your cheap burial burial." Said Pan Jialuo's divine impulse, he will detonate the timed explosion symbol placed on the silver bottle body.

However, nothing happened.

If the body of the silver bottle is obliterated, then her soul in the Nine Mysterious Realms will no longer exist.

多 After more than ten seconds, the silver bottle is still standing beside Li Daochong.

道 Li Daochong only felt funny, under the control of Jiu Xuan Lingzun, unless he had the strength to surpass Jiu Xuan Lingzun.

Otherwise, nothing can be done at all.

Only when the main body leaves the envelope of Jiuxuan Divine Light can he get rid of the control of Jiuxuan Lingzun and Jiuxuan's law.

How could a Panjialuo in the Ququ District break through the nine mysteries?

Li Daochong did not expect this from being coerced by Pan Jialuo. After seeing Jiu Xuan Lingzun ~ ~ Li Daochong knew the power of Lingzun.

Pan Jialuo realized at this moment that he had overlooked the most important link, and that the rule of nine mysteries was not under his control.

"Damn it." Pan Jialuo cursed, suddenly raising his hand, holding a magic magnetic pistol in his hand.

This gun is exactly the same silence that Li Daochong used to shoot the Demon King on Black Jupiter.

After entering the competition, Li Daochong gave the gun to the silver bottle to protect her.

枪 This gun is powerful enough to shoot the combined monks and lower demon kings.

家 Pan Jialuo pulled the trigger firmly, but his fingers no longer seemed to be his normal, and he couldn't hold it anymore.

Shouting, Li Daochong appeared in front of him, slowly stretched out his hand, and brought the silence in his hand to Pan Jialuo with shock.

"Pan Jialuo, a cricket ant can know the power of Hongzhang, you have no qualifications to be against me." Li Daochong raised his silence against Pan Jialuo's forehead.

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