MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-Chapter 842 Fox fake tiger

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There is a vast expanse of white sand 500 kilometers to the southwest of No. 3 Imperial Capital.

The scorching sun was clear, and there was no cloud in the sky.

A lizard is hunting a black beetle. In the Nine Mysterious God Realms, this scene of weak meat and strong food is everywhere, and it is no different from the outside world.

The mysterious mystery of the Jiuxuan Divine Realm is everywhere.

The salamander and the beetle cascaded very fast, but when they entered a crystalline sand.

Suddenly, a white light came from the sky.

Alas, the two Jiu Xuan creatures were gasified instantly, and before they knew it, they were already whimpering.

White light is emitted from a towering white tower not far away.

There is a total of nine floors in the Baiba Tower. The bottommost layer is larger and smaller, and there is a transparent white bead on the top of the tower.

Four guards wearing white armors held spears under the tower and stood in front of the tower with great majesty.

白 The white light just sent out by one of the guards.

This white tower is the Jiu Xuan practice tower in the Jiuxuan Divine Realm that all participants are enchanted with.

How to cultivate in this tower is the dream of all the participants. If you can glimpse the mystery of the nine mysterious rules, you will benefit for life, and it is not impossible to increase your potential talent value.

Three clouds of sky flickered in the sky and fell in front of the Jiuxuan Cultivation Tower.

Since the first round of testing is coming to an end, there is a continuous stream of participants who come to the Jiuxuan Cultivation Tower every day.

Most are contestants who meet the first round of test standards and have accumulated enough 100,000 battles.

Since the first round of testing has been stabilized, all participants in this section will look at the next round.

I came here to improve my strength as much as possible in a limited time, so that I have enough capital to deal with it in the next round of testing.

But the contestants who can think like this are not weak, and there are only 300 practice rooms in Jiuxuan Cultivation Tower.

The resources are limited, and the competition is extremely fierce.

Those who can come here are either rich or expensive or superior in strength and have no patience. They come here only to add jokes and let others trample on them.

No, there are more than a thousand contestants lining up outside the Jiuxuan Cultivation Tower.

Under the watchful eyes of Jiuxuan Guardian, all who came here did not dare to make inferiors, and one by one sat cross-legged in a prescribed position and queued in order.

的 The rules here are simple.

来 First come first.

I do n’t dare to change the rules. As long as you have enough strength, it is not impossible to cut in.

For example, the three rays of light that just dropped, ignored the queuing rules, and walked towards the Jiuxuan cultivation tower under the attention of everyone.

Three people, two men and one woman.

The woman is quite attractive, her eyes are higher than the top, and she did not put the surrounding contestants in her eyes after falling.

If Li Daochong would recognize this woman at a glance, she is the Wang Caidie who had troubled Li Daochong as soon as she entered Jiuxuan Divine Realm.

Originally, with the ability of Wang Caidie, she could not traverse the mountains, crossing such a long distance from the sixth capital to the third capital.

After all, this royal family is a super family after all. There are ancestors in the family, so their strength is not weak.

As a direct line, the king of butterflies is naturally sheltered, plus she has a good appearance and strength, and there are many suitors.

If the concubine has a background, looks, and is good at herself, all kinds of resources are naturally indispensable.

As Wang Caidie clashed with Li Daochong, Zhang Dongzhen had a prejudice against her, breaking her thoughts with Zhang Haotian.

When Wang Caidie was furious, she simply threw Zhang Haotian into the arms of Wan Miao and Han Lie immediately.

烈 Han Lie is better than Zhang Haotian, but it's a hundred times as big as a cow fork. The Zhang family is really powerful. Maybe it is better than the younger brother Niu Cha who is proud of Han Po on the first day of the Qianggan Empire ’s Tianjiao list?

烈 Han Lie has always been interested in Wang Caidie. The reason why the latter did not cater is that it is clear that Han Lie cannot reach the top.

Wang Caidie knew that Han Lie was just playing with herself, and seriously it was impossible.

Zhang Haotian was Wang Caidie's best choice. She also knew that Zhang Haotian was serious, but because of Li Daochong's affairs, Zhang Dongzhen rejected himself. Zhang Haotian's suggestion was definitely not dare to rebel against Zhang Dongzhen.

Since the best way is broken, Wang Caidie can't control so much. Let's get a good position in this competition first.

So attached to Han Lie is naturally the best choice.

Ji Lang has a feeling for him, Wang Caidie takes a little initiative, and Han Lie naturally brings it with her.

烈 At this moment, Han Lie and Wang Caidie and a follower fell in front of the Jiuxuan practice tower.

Han Lie promised Wang Caidie to help her break through the realm of refining the imagination, and there is no better place to practice in Jiuxuan Divine Realm than Jiuxuan Cultivation Tower.

Although Han Lie is famous, the contestants who can come to the Jiuxuan practice tower are not vegetarian.

I do n’t have a diamond, so how dare you take that porcelain work.

Han Hanlie, as the proud younger brother of Gan Cang's first day, has a naturally high status.

But in the end he is not Han Po, no matter how high his status and no strength as a basis, after all, he will still be ignored.

He said it plainly, it wasn't that he was not afraid of Han Lie, but he was offended by Han Po.

Fake fake tiger power.

烈 Han Lie is the fox, but not the tiger behind.

There are many young monks in the field who are stronger than Han Lie.

Han Lie, who is accustomed to being complimented, has long ignored most people. Except for the top ten bulls in Tianjiao, the others are just a bunch of jumping clowns.

When Han Lie fell, his face was proud, and he did not even look at the queuers.

With Wang Caidie and his followers, if no one walked towards the gate of Jiuxuan's cultivation tower.

除了 In addition to Han Bao's confidence, there is also a follower beside him, this is a dead bodyguard specially equipped for him by the Han family.

随 This follower is already fifty-eight years old and is one of the oldest contestants in this competition. He is almost unable to participate.

人 This person has a cold face, does not laugh and laugh, is of medium or tall height, is not short, is not fat or thin, has a hawk nose, a pair of triangular eyes, and wears a gray robe.

He didn't seem to be eye-catching, but if he knew his origins, he would be surprised.

人 This person's name is ‘Soul Slayer Shang Chenghai’, who was a dark night special killer. He could have been promoted to a higher level, but because of a mission that was not completed, he almost lost his life and was removed from the night.

This situation is no different from death, sooner or later.

But he shouldn't die, was rescued by Master Han's ancestor Han Jingfeng across the robbery, and by the way he settled the night and redeemed him.

Since then, Shang Chenghai has vowed to pledge allegiance to the Han family, becoming a dead man in the Han family.

Speaking of dead men, I was actually not so serious. Usually my main responsibility was to protect the young generation of monks in the Han family.

There are also many remuneration training resources, much more than most full-time bodyguards outside.

This kind of errand can't be found while holding a lantern, there is no reason for Shang Chenghai not to take refuge.

下面 It's so cool under the big tree. The Han family is the big tree. It's natural that Cheng Hai won't know.

Bian Shangcheng Hai has been in the late stage of deification at the age of 30. He has turned to the Han family for more resources. In five years, he became the peak of the deities, and it took him three years to break through to the early stage of refining.

At the beginning of the 38-year-old refining, the spirit level in the entire human realm was also upstream.

In the middle of the 45-year-old refining deficiency period, the 55-year-old refining deficiency period has been up to the present, and the fighting force has been chasing the fit monk.

Regardless of talent potential, in terms of hard power, Shang Chenghai can be ranked at the top of the pyramid of all participants in this competition, and the top 20 is definitely enough.

I have a brother's reputation, and a strong bodyguard is protecting him. Han Lie has no reason to bow to any.

At least in this nine mysterious world should be like this, after all here are young people, no old guys, all of them are upstarts.

In the line of Han Lie, such a thing does not exist.

I walked along all the way, and it was quite smooth. Although there were many angry eyes around, no one really dared to speak.

Han Lie despised the audience, sneering in his heart, can't wait to yell at these guys in public, a bunch of garbage.

King Vanessa's vanity was most satisfied at this moment, when did she show up in front of so many people and still very good monks.

At first Wang Caidie also regretted Zhang Haotian, after all, the boy was really infatuated with himself.

In the future, she really became a companion, and Wang Caidie has 100% control over the relationship between the two.

烈 Han Lie can't really become a double-repair partner with himself after all.

But these days, with Han Lie, Wang Caidie enjoyed unprecedented high-end treatment.

Everywhere I go, I'm hugged by the front cluster, and I am sought after.

The feeling that all the mountains are small and the living beings at the feet makes Wang Caidie be enchanted. It is as addictive as smoking ‘fairy grass’ and cannot extricate itself.

Follow Han Lie at this moment, even if it is not permanent, Wang Caidie feels worth it.

Because of the no-fly zone, the three of Han Lie could only fall 300 meters away from the Jiuxuan Cultivation Tower.

You need to walk 300 meters to reach the gate of Jiuxuan Cultivation Tower.

Two hundred meters down, nobody dares to speak.

King Wang Caidie can't wait to announce to all the nuns on the scene that the old woman is Han Lie's woman. Are you the envy of the unrequited group of flowers?

As soon as Han Lie and Wang Caidie were infatuated, a voice sounded slowly.

"It's a shame to the Han family, don't you know the line?"

This sentence expresses the aspirations of all the participants who are queuing from the contestants, one by one, they all give praise and support to the youth.

"Huh?" Han Lie stepped down, looked around, and snorted coldly.

I saw a young man sitting cross-legged not far from the front.

"Who do I think? It turned out to be the mess of the Nankun Empire. Don't say here, is there a place in your entire Jiuxuan Divine Realm where your gangsters talk? Isn't Du Ruo bitter enough?

烈 Han Lie recognized the man with a glance.

Li Daochong, a young man who speaks, also knows Du Ruo, who appeared a few months ago when Emperor No. 6 dealt with the black magister.

He was also the source of a series of incidents when Li Daochong killed Ange at that time and forged a grudge with Wan Miao.

Bian Duruo was then besieged by Monk No. 3, the capital of Monk Nankun, and could n’t keep going. He had to leave. He hid all the way, using a piece of flying magic weapon on his body to save himself many times, and came to No. 3 King Capital.

Xu Duruo didn't want to run anymore, and planned to practice in the Jiuxuan practice tower for a while.

"A **** who uses his brother's name to fool around and fake tigers is also worthy of telling this nonsense to Lao Tzu?"

Du Ruo disdain, looking at Han Lie's eyes full of disdain.

"Looking for death." Han Lie was killed in the eyes of the weakness in the poking.

As soon as the chanting voice fell, Shang Chenghai shot like electricity and slammed into Du Ruo's chest.

The latter has long been prepared, and his strength is not enough.

Du Ruo ’s own strength is average, but he can be ranked in the top ten of Nankun Tian ’s prestige list, relying on powerful divine thoughts and horrible computing power.

You can take out dozens of the most advanced spirit brains at any time.

若 Before the voice came out, Du Ruo had already calculated all the possibilities. The most probable one was that the follower behind Han Lie took the lead in shooting himself.


Wu Shangcheng Hai slapped on the protective cover that Du Ruo had already supported.

Clicking, banging, a layer of aura protective cover was smashed ~ ~ Du Ruo sweating in the back of the head, this protective cover is a super strong protective cover supported by a one-star defense spirit array.

Yi Zhang was smashed, and the strength of the followers around Han Lie was really horrible. If he hadn't prepared in advance, this palm would hit himself, I'm afraid he has already resurrected.

"The cut line still hits people, and there are no rules."

A female nun couldn't keep going out of her voice.

"Rules? In this nine mysterious world." Han Lie sneered, half raised his fist, and then said, "Whoever is the big one, who is the rules."


King Wang Diedie was unwilling to show weakness and shot with a sword.


The female repairman hurriedly resisted, stepped back more than ten steps, and glared at Wang Caidie.


Read The Duke's Passion