MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-Chapter 839 Bamboo Fish VS Li Daochong (below)

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The bamboo fish snorted, the Yuanshen violently vibrated, and almost suffered internal injuries. Fortunately, she was deep-rooted and her mind was firm, and this was able to withstand the sudden shock.

The disruption of the field will have an anti-phagocytic effect on the releaser.

The bamboo fish can be unscathed, and it is deep and powerful. It has far exceeded the general realm.

The bamboo fish looked flashing and looked at Li Daochong's eyes more than a taboo. She saw that Li Daochong was strong, but did not expect it to be so strong.

The three enchantings are just that.

One stroke broke the most proud field of the sky, which is how powerful it is.

I thought that I would die forever, the whole body was cold, and I couldn’t believe what was happening. I hoped that Li Daochong’s eyes would be more fearful.

The tricks of the petite woman repaired nothing and the resistance was not there, but the purple shirt monk broke it.

"Thank you for the master's shot to save." The virtual consumption slowed down and God quickly paid a respectful manner to Li Daochong.

"You don't have to thank me. There is no free lunch in the world. You can give me the battles you just got." Li Daochong faintly said.

Although the vain can't do anything, these martial arts can make him evolve quickly, but there is no small life, and there is an egg for evolution.

The vain foot stepped on, and came to Li Daochong’s front, and passed on the martial arts that had just been absorbed to Li Daochong.

So many high-level participants, the value of the battle is a huge number, more than 10 million.

Li Daochong is naturally welcome, and accepts it all.

However, these tactics, Li Daochong, were not immediately put into their own merit calculations, but were first stored in the trading reserve.

Therefore, there is no change in the ranking of Li Daochong on the list of merits.

"Master, what do you need to do small?" asked the vain carefully.

"No, let's go." Li Daochong shook his head.

The consumption is unknown.

"You have completed the agreement between you and me. If you don't leave, I will do it to you as a hunter. You can do it yourself." Li Daochong said without a trace of emotion.


The vain consumption sucked a sigh of coolness, and thought that I had found a big backing. I thought I wanted more.

As a result, where the vain is still dare to stay, do not say anything, cast a virtual meditation, and flee away.

Bamboo fish did not pursue, but suspended in the void to watch quietly, but in fact adjust the breath.

Li Daochong took his hand and stood up. A purple mang flew back, and the purple knives, like a loyal spiritual pet, delighted and invited the master to give a light and sweet silver bell.

Xue Ni's stunning face is mapped on the knife face.

In the distance, the gray cloud was shot in the clouds, and Mu Rongrong was late.

When I saw the bamboo fish, Mu Rongrong jumped in the heart and couldn’t help but feel the invisible pressure.

In the face of this moody comet, Mu Rongrong felt annoyed.

"Li Daochong, I can't think of your strength has reached this level, it seems that the outside world rumors that you use the mean means to count the wonderful songs of the Ange is purely a rumor." After the bamboo fish stabilized the breath, the sound and taste playful.

"Is there such a rumor? Li did not know, so what happened during this time is all the magical charm." Li Daochong thoughtfully.

"Almost, the initiator is indeed a wonderful charm, but later expanded to the present situation, but there are too many people who have fallen into the rocks." Bamboo fish shrugged back.

"Wan Wan Ling Fu, I wrote down, I would like to thank the fairy for mentioning, Li has something to do, and he will leave." Li Daochong raised his hand.

"Farewell? And slow, this lady is not easy to find an opponent who can fight, how can you let go and go?" Bamboo fish looked ignorant, did not expect Li Daochong will be so casual, she thought this guy would fight with himself in the end.

Li Daochong did not care what the bamboo fish said. God thought about it and held Xiaoying disappeared. When he appeared, he was already in front of Mu Rongrong.

Bamboo fish is anxious, "I want to go, no way." Lightly screamed and chased up.

However, when the bamboo fish quickly flew to where Li Daochong was, there were still people.

In the blink of an eye, Li Daochong and Mu Yingrong and Xiaoying have long been thousands of miles away.

Under the full exertion of thousands of sounds, no one can reach the same level of monks, and the monks who are robbing the monks may not be able to catch up.

There are many bamboo and small fish cards, and after the spiritual respect, the magical powers are vast, and it is also a delusion to intercept Li Daochong.

"Damn, just ran, Li Daochong, you too do not put this lady in the eyes, hey, the next time I meet, this lady must let you know."

Bamboo fish bite is not willing to bite.

In a twinkling of an eye, there are only bamboo fish and Feng Xiaoji left here. The consumption is gone, the power of weakness disappears, and Feng Feiji is recovering quickly.

The two looked at each other, Feng did not stunned his eyes and suddenly felt uncomfortable. Immediately, "Missy, I still have something to do, take a step first, and I will definitely learn from you in the future."

Feng does not want to talk about it.

"Don't avoid my brother, we haven't told the old, you are so anxious to do something, I am so terrible?" Bamboo fish smiles like a smile.

"Missy, don't misunderstand, Feng has something to do, and it's not the time to revisit the old." Feng Buji's face twitched, and he always felt that something was wrong.

"I think it's very suitable for the old one now." Bamboo fish said that the delicate hand of the jade gently swayed the void.

A blue brilliance flashed past.

Feng didn't want to swear, he had to resist the raised blade, but he couldn't resist it if he didn't recover.

With a bang, the blue brilliance passed, Feng did not tabe his eyes and looked at the bamboo fish. His eyes were mixed with anger and unwillingness. The body **** was pierced by a bamboo leaf and his body collapsed.

Feng did not take a look at the black, went to the resurrection point, and entered the Jiu Xuan gods for the first time to be killed. It was such a shack. It was the second strongest of the Nankun Empire’s Tianjiao list.

Bamboo fish because Li Daochong said to go away ~ ~ belly sighed a gas, directly take Feng not suffocating.


Li Daochong is a silver bottle, and he has no heart to fight. If Xiao Ying is difficult, he has already gone to the No. 2 Emperor.

There is no silver bottle on the third emperor. The only clue at the moment is the silver moon knife of the silver bottle.

Under the guidance of Mu Rongrong, Li Daochong kept going to the No. 2 Imperial Capital at full speed.

The appearance of the Silver Moon Knife made Li Daochong's calm mind suddenly become annoyed.

The silver bottle seems to have an accident.

Is there any loophole in Jiu Xuan’s realm? Did the silver bottle just hit the muzzle? Still someone deliberately targeting the silver bottle, in fact, is it to deal with yourself?

Li Daochong has hundreds of thousands of ideas that may pass his mind.

On this road, Li Daochong did not carry out any hunting operations, and all the way to the attack, in addition to the necessary adjustment of interest, are on the road.

With Mu Rongrong and Xiao Ying, Li Daochong's speed is unaffected.

Xiaoying has long been accustomed to every surprise of Li Daochong, so there is not much feeling in speeding.

Mu Rongrong is different. She has seen such a fast moving speed. It can’t be overstated in a thousand miles.

However, in ten days, Li Daochong took the two women to the second gate of the Imperial City.

"The entrant you killed can still remember the appearance characteristics?" Li Daochong looked over the No. 2 emperor and asked Mu Rongrong.

"That is the seventh seed of the Nankun Empire Yunyao vestment. You are the 88th master of the Nankun Tianjiao list. How can you not remember the reputation? As long as he is still on the 2nd, he wants to find It's easy, but if you want to find someone in such a vast territory in a short time, you don't need a very good means to find a needle in a haystack." Mu Yurong tells the truth.

"What means?" Li Daochong asked.

"Flower battle to buy news." Mu Rongrong immediately replied.

Read The Duke's Passion