MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-Chapter 6 Underground city

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Li Daochong raised doubts in his heart. The upgrade required soul power. The last upgrade was that the unlucky dwarf invaded himself. As a result, he activated the blood upgrader and was absorbed. He changed himself to level 1.

It can be seen that any ghost should not be able to possess itself, which is equivalent to having a passive skill.

So if you want to upgrade, you can only kill the ghosts? Li Dao Chong is somewhat guilty of this. If this is the case, where can I go to find a ghost? Really, there is only the battlefield where the Terran and the Wland are fighting. This strength of the present, not to mention the battlefield, even the participation of the army is impossible, the federal monk army, the minimum requirement for seven layers of refining, not allowed to join the army.

Of course, you can also go to the border of the meditation without joining the army. Just doing this is undoubtedly equal to finding death. Don't say that Li Daochong can't even get started now. Even if he is a lieutenant of his father Li Tianyang, he will die in vain.

I don't know if there is any other way to get the soul power besides killing the ghosts?

So far this problem has obviously not been answered. Li Daochong realizes that the only way to upgrade is to kill only the ghosts.

That night the silver bottle was suddenly possessed by the dwarf. Li Dao thought about it and thought it could only be a black hand under the hammer.

Just how does a hammer get a dwarf?

Li Daochong immediately thought of several squares and cities in Tianyuan City, but they quickly ruled out these squares, because the federal government did not allow unauthorized access to the Nether, and once discovered, it would be investigated by the Federal Security Service.

Just as Li Daochong thought about while browsing the books on the Spirit Online, suddenly a book called "Dungeon Raiders" entered the line of sight.

Underground city?

Did Ouyang Qian just let her accompany her to this place?

Li Daochong has also heard about it before. It is said that it is the gray area of ​​the Blue Bay Star, a city built on the ground.

Out of curiosity, Li Daochong immediately opened the "Dungeon Raiders" and read it quickly, and was quickly attracted by the contents.

There should be everything in the dungeons. Anything that can't be seen can be there. Gambling, drug trafficking, assassination, gangs, illegal acts prohibited by the federal government are everywhere.

There are many black markets in the underground city, and the shadow fang is the biggest one, where you can buy everything you want to buy.

Only you can't think of it, you can't buy it.

This naturally includes goods such as ghosts.

If the ghost can really buy it, then it is easy to improve your strength. Li Daochong suddenly became interested in the dungeon.

After reading the whole Raiders, Li Daochong had a certain understanding of the underground city, but until the end, the book did not mention where the entrance to the underground city was.

Li Daochong remembered that Ouyang Qian had let him accompany her to the underground city shadow fangfang. This woman seemed to know where the entrance was, and then she quit the illusion and the spiritual net in the book. At the same time, Li Daochong regretted rejecting Ouyang Qian, and this person should I don’t know where to go.

Li Daochong is thinking about where to look for Ouyang Qian, but after the helmet is taken off, he first saw Ouyang Qian’s face and looked at himself in the seat next to him.

Did she actually leave?

After Ouyang Qian was opened again by Li Daochong, he still thought that he was pretending to be a sneer. When he was sitting next to him, he saw that this silly shell would be installed.

But four hours later, Li Daochong has not been on the library's spiritual network, and the green light on the helmet is always bright, indicating that his mental power is extremely active, and most of them read books in a magical way in the sea of ​​fantasy. This kind of reading The way it can be immersive, like watching a holographic fantasy movie.

The reward of the three pieces of Lingshi is too tempting for Ouyang Qian. No matter how uncomfortable in her heart, she is still cheeky and has not waited for four hours.

Seeing that Li Daochong finally withdrew from the Lingwang, Ouyang Qian wanted to continue the invitation, but when he got to the mouth, he said that he could not say it. He felt that he would be rejected.

Ouyang Qian first discovered that she had such a strong sense of frustration.

Li Daochong took off his helmet and saw Ouyang Qian didn't leave. He was sitting next to him. He was happy first, then he felt that he was wrong. He was a son of a traitor who was crowded by the whole class. He Dehe could make a beautiful woman chasing himself all the way. Still waiting for a few hours without regrets?

A bit awkward, obviously not normal.

If there is an abnormality, there will be a demon, and Li Daochong is alert.

But I thought about it, Li Daochong couldn't think of what Ouyang Qian had with him.

Is it just to tease yourself? There is only one reason that Li Daochong can think of. In the last month, there are many people who can play tricks on the whole class. It is possible to be smashed in pants when standing in the window.

Li Daochong laughed at himself and felt that he was too careful. He was so bright and sunny, and he was afraid that a girl would harm himself.

"I will accompany you to the dungeon."


Ouyang Qian lived and watched Li Daochong with a look of idiots.

What the hell? This guy’s brain is really bad. Just three times, please don’t go, and put on thirteen. This will turn a hundred and eighty degrees, and I will look forward to accompanying myself.

Looking at the face of the three pieces of Lingshi, Ouyang Qian had to hold back the anger and get up and walk. "Go."

Li Daochong followed Ouyang Qian out of the library and came to the school's Lingfu car parking lot. The latter drove a Xinghui spirit floating car out of Xuan Cang University.

Flying all the way, after 20 minutes, flew away from Tianyuan City, and flew hundreds of kilometers to the north, entering the Dianwu Mountain Range.

Eventually it fell in the depths of a canyon, and the outside did not see anything special. It was surrounded by trees and vines.

When the spirit floats through the layers of vegetation, a flat and wide cave suddenly appears in front of the eyes.

There is a cave under the canyon jungle.

Ouyang Qian light car cooked road directly drove into the hole on the edge of the platform to stop, Li Daochong felt a lingering spiritual power pervading all around.

There is a checkpoint at the entrance of the cave. Ouyang Qian has more than a dozen spirit floats in front of it. When entering, he has to pay the toll to enter. Ouyang Qian has been released after fifty federal coins.

Ouyang Qian successfully passed the checkpoint and entered the cave. Inside, it was a huge tunnel, which stretched for several kilometers and the surrounding lights were always bright.

The front side can always see the other end of the mouth bright, when the Ling float car rushed into the light, Li Daochong was shocked by everything in front of him.

A magnificent and vast underground city is in front of you. If you look at it, you can't see the end. The whole structure is almost exactly the same as Tianyuan City.

If it is not above the top, it is dark all around, only the lights in the city are bright, Li Daochong is afraid that it will be Tianyuan City.

"The first time I came?" Seeing Li Daochong's look of surprise, Ouyang Qian, who had nothing to say, said this.

"Well, do you come often?" Li Daochong responded with a resentment.

"How come, this place is not forced to come, I don't want to come, too dark and too dangerous. Don't you know that this is a place where gangs gather?" Ouyang Qian exclaimed, and the heart was more demeaning to Li Daochong. One point, this silly shell is the son of Li Jiajia, one of the four major families of Lanwanxing. He has never even been to the dungeons. He has a golden key, but he doesn’t know how to use the golden key. Sadly.

Ouyang Qian did not want to communicate with Li Daochong, and increased the aura-driven floating float to accelerate the flight.

After a while, I came to the end of an old street at the edge of the underground city.

An old castle is at the end, and the surface of the castle is covered with moss and old and run down.

"You are not going to shadow the secluded square? What is this place?" Li Daochong was strange.

"Someone asked me to bring you here. For any reason, I don't know. I am only responsible for bringing you, you can get off." Ouyang Qian said directly.


"Zhao Peng."

"He? What are you looking for?" Li Daochong had no clue. This person had the impression that he was a classmate of the ordinary class. He had no communication with himself. He had not spoken after a long period of time. Zhao Peng did not talk much to anyone.

"I said, I don't know, I am just taking the lead. After Zhao Peng asked me to bring you here, I will give you this, hey, take it." Ouyang Qian said that he took out a voice card and handed it to Li Daochong.

After receiving the voice card, Li Daochong looked confused and immediately inserted it into the watch.

"Li Daochong, if you want to know your father's business, you will enter the castle. There is an answer you want, and your father is framed."

Zhao Peng’s voice immediately rang, and the voice card was automatically broken.

Li Daochong was shocked and violently opened the door and rushed into the castle.

Looking at Li Daochong rushing into the castle, Ouyang Qian said, "Isn't this a rumored haunted dead wood for a long time? What did Zhao Peng let this fool come here? Strange."

When talking about Ouyang Qian, he had to drive away from But when she stepped on the pedal, the spirit floated a strange noise, and then slammed on the ground, no movement.

Broken down?

Ouyang Qian jumped in the heart and broke down in this place?


A gust of wind blew through the windows of the castle.

A white shadow rushed past, Ouyang Qian's small face suddenly pale, and desperately pressed the start button, the spirit of the floating float is the same as the scrapped, it did not respond.

Ouyang Qian regretted that she would drive the spirit float into the courtyard of the castle. She has always been skeptical about the haunted incident.

Blue Bay Star is located within the federal four-ring star field, how can there be a ghost?

Not waiting for Ouyang Qian to react, the spirit float began to shake violently, and then a bang in her head, she fainted.

At the same time, Li Daochong, who just entered the castle, was surrounded by three dwarves.

Li Daochong’s face was condensed, and his mind knew that Zhao Peng was going to talk to his father about his own affairs. He clearly wanted his own life.

Ouyang Qian’s entanglement and pronunciation cards are all designed to introduce themselves into the abandoned castle in the underground city.

However, today's Li Daochong is not afraid of the three dwarfs, but his heart is overjoyed. He is looking for the things of these ghosts. They are coming to the door.

Not to mention three, even if it is thirty, Li Daochong also accepts it as much as possible.

Li Daochong is preparing to reinvent the trick and use the temptation to seduce the three dwarfs into their bodies so that the hot blood upgrader can absorb them directly.

Who knows not to wait for Li Daochong to display the temptation, the three dwarfs will be rushed to Li Daochong as a starving ghost, and they will not enter him.

It seems that someone is controlling them.

Later, Li Daochong decided to stay in place.

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