MTL - Devil-Chapter 287

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The red lantern hangs again in the exotic house, indicating the return of the master.

The actual king of the West, Mr. Felzaha has left his lair for too long, and many forces are already moving.

Although unusually high-profile in the news reports, Mr. Felzaha is actually an absolute mystic. When he doesn't want other monsters to find him, he really won't find a monster to find him.

It is also relying on this mystery (?), plus a competent female secretary to sit in the town, his business can continue to flourish for such a long time in the absence of the master, tenaciously maintained.

There was no report in advance of the news that Mr. Felzaha was coming back. The monsters only saw that the house belonging to Mr. Felzaha suddenly re-lighted and then -

Three extremely terrible pressures centered on the house, bombing the entire city of Uma, and then radiating the vast surrounding area.

Until that moment, all the monsters knew: Ah... Mr. Phil Zhaha is back.

Very low profile, but very grand back.

It is said that Mr. Felzaha went out to purchase the Magic Base. He bought a piece of land that was too large. Everyone knows that this piece of land had its own magic base. Although in the process of demolition and reconstruction, the previous magic base was removed, but the original magic base remains. The pressure still interfered with each other and became a very chaotic land.

For the first time when setting up a house feast in the house, Mr. Felzaha once said that he wanted to find a suitable World of Warcraft for his own land. At that time, there was a monster that smiled and said that the northern part of the legend is rich in the very ferocious Warcraft, there are also monsters. Mentioned the Apuda hunting area.

They just mentioned it. Who knows that Mr. Felzaha really went there now, and even went to the Aptuo hunting area, the three wars of terrible power are produced from Aptuo!

This, this is the case... It is conceivable that today, in this city, all the monsters with a certain identity, all expect to receive Mr. Felzaha’s invitation.

All the monsters are conjectured. The three World of Warcraft that Mr. Firzaha has worked hard to get back must be very powerful. However, when they really saw the three World of Warcraft, they were still shocked by the Warcraft they saw. Words come.

Is this the Warcraft of the Apto Hunting Area? Really... It’s incredible!

The three abyss of Warcraft, which shocked the northern monsters, once again shocked these western monsters.

The abyss of Warcraft, which was made when the former Western Daxie Trude hosted a 100-day banquet, was even more ferocious. These three Warcrafts are the abyss of the unbeatable!

"...Yes, it is a real abyss species. It is said to be... captured by a powerful World of Warcraft merchant after a high reward in the Apuda hunting area..." Moderately answered their questions.

This is the official statement of Mr. Felzaha.

As for hearing his words, the guests believe and believe that they are not within his jurisdiction.

The deterrent power of the scalp and numbness of the three heads of Warcraft can capture the North Warcraft merchants of this Warcraft, and catch the three heads of this Warcraft in the north...

Drinking a long-lost western drink, the black-haired monster sits quietly in the depths of the hall, and the cloak of the cloak is not far from him, and the black egg is excited to run with the children who have not seen each other for a long time. Come and run.

Among them is his good partner Xiaohong.

The silver-haired deer Lin Zheng and Ji Huan stood together. Both of them did not like to talk. They only occasionally whispered a word, and the screams of the little monsters drowned their words.

The other monster in the cloak came to the black magic monster at this time.

"The devil is on! You actually got them back..." The monster was whispering, his voice was low and rushing, and when he came over, the sound around him seemed to disappear.

Apparently he opened up some ability, under the influence of this "force", the sight and sound of other monsters around him were removed.

He unveiled the cloak and revealed a long, flame-like hair. This monster is... Dufay.

"The Warcraft in the middle is... the Princess of the Reim family? I won't make a mistake, but I have seen the prototype of the Princess of the Reyim family! How did she and her become like this?"

"The other two World of Warcraft next to her will not be an important monster of the Reim people? God! What have you done to them? So terrible family is all...all turned into Warcraft?!"

Dufay was obviously shocked. He personally participated in the incident that year, and was later imprisoned by the aunt. No magic thing knows the past between the two.

"Is this your ability? Is it... you turned them into Warcraft?" Dufay looked at the black-haired monsters around him.

The other party did not look at him, nor did he look at other guests around him. His eyes were only young men in cloaks not far from the front, and the blacks that were farther away and sweating. Send a little magic.

"When I saw them, they were already like this." After a while, Dufay heard the other person's answer.

"The situation in the north is not normal. When we left, we were already in chaos. I had a hunch. After a long time, the chaos there would have spread here." The line of sight continued to stare at the big and small figures in front, black. The enchanted object said slowly, and he knew what he saw as the key point and the red-haired monster.

The red-haired monster's face became more and more weird, and at the end he heard a long breath.

"...Is this the case? In fact, I also noticed the magical things that participated in the hunting together in the past. They slowly disappeared. Now I want to come, they are not doing well in the end... It’s like this.

In fact, even if you asked me again, I didn’t know anything. The only thing I could know was the appearance of most of the monsters involved in the incident at the time, and the looks of the people who invited me, but now I can’t say, even if it becomes Warcraft, as long as the people of the Reim are still there, I can't say anything. "Nodded and shook his head again, Dufaytan said to the black hair monster."

"Then what are you going to do next?" Quietly calming, Dufay looked at the bounded Reims in front, and finally his eyes moved to the black magic beside.

"Kill these Reims and make them magic bases."

"I bought them at a high price, and it was for this purpose."

The black hair monster is slow.

Then Dufay stunned and shook his head.

What he wants to ask is "what next" what the other party intends to do, and the other party clearly understands, but still avoids the problem and instead says the most superficial plan.

It’s really tiring to deal with such a monster.

I can never guess what he is thinking, such a monster... Dufay looked at the thin man standing beside Lu Lin.

There are actually monsters that can live with this kind of monster. It’s really a pot.

In the brain, I continue to think about the possible experience of the Roym in the north. Dufay will lift the "force" and return to the banquet hall. The first thing he did was to stand next to Lu Lin, near Lu Lin. When the monster saw him, it should be very unexpected. However, the other party did not even tremble with the cloak. After he nodded to him, he left the space and the two monsters of Lulin, but he slowly walked away. The black hair monster that is alone is gone.

There was no conversation between the two monsters, but when they stood together, the atmosphere around them immediately became different.

"The main event is coming." He licked his lips, Dufay said to Lulin Road.

He said that the aunt told him that the chaos in the north would spread to the south of the west, but at this moment, in this situation, Lu Lin understood the opening ceremony of the magic base.

Invited nine of the industry's top Magician masters, until the guests visited Warcraft almost, as the owner of Mr. Phil Zhaha stood up and announced that the ceremony was about to begin.

"This trip to the north is basically smooth, although there was almost an accident when I came back, but I still returned safely."

"The harvest of this trip is beyond my imagination. After deliberation with the nine masters, we believe that these three World of Warcraft will win the magic base of this house. To be exact, they can play a much better role than The magic base as a house is even bigger."

"So, after deliberating with my family, I decided to maximize the functions of these three World of Warcraft and make them the magic base of the entire West Kowloon area!"

Mr. Phil Zhaha’s words came out, and all the monsters on the scene were shocked.

Not the magic base of a house, but the magic base of the entire West Kowloon area?

what does this mean? ! This means that the security level of the entire West Kowloon area has once again increased a lot!

Mr. Phil Zhaha’s words were quickly passed outside by reporters and quickly spread out from Yuma City. For a time, the entire West Kowloon area’s magical creatures knew this.

"The next thing will be the cooperation of everyone living in the West Kowloon area. The nine masters will handle this matter specifically. Everyone who is just in the base of the Magic Foundation may need to leave for a while, but this time I will Providing accommodation for everyone, after the magic base runs smoothly, everyone’s life as usual will not cause any inconvenience."

Mr. Felzaha’s speech is as polite as ever, however –

"No inconvenience! No inconvenience! Mr. Felzaha please do not hesitate! Welcome to choose the place to be in my house!" There was a burst of cheers outside the house, and the monsters said with a smile, they shouted loudly The joy of my heart shouted out and told Mr. Felzaha inside the house to know.

After quietly glanced at the joy, Aunt finally nodded, then he went straight to the side of the nine Magician masters.

This night, during the most lively time of the Western Monsters, the three abyss of Warcraft were sunk deep into the ground under the eyes of the entire West Kowloon area. With the last meaningless boos, they were fixed. Designated location.

When all the monsters are rejoicing in the safety level, only a few monsters know that it is not good... This is the last ending of the Roym who once dominated the whole world.

"Once, they got a lot from other monsters in this world. In the future, it is time for them to give back to their former subjects." There is no intention of touching hands. Standing on the side of the followers, Auntie just watched quietly. Then, when the magic base was completed, he said the above words to Ji Huan.

So I learned that he finally went out completely from the past.