MTL - Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye-v7 Chapter 328 action

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"It's the truth." Lin Yu lay down on the bed with his hands on his hands, eyes closed: "It's to find the truth."

Charlar looked confused: "Is it?"

After she figured it out, she smiled again, "But it's true? That's a good reason."

I do n’t even want to die, just to escape, this logic is really strange. Dedicating to human society, that sounds good.

After spending an afternoon, Charlar loaded the map on Lin Yu's brain, and Barry and Qin Qing followed, and they had to play. So they installed them by the way.

The next day, Lin Yu put on his coat and was ready to investigate. But he insisted on being alone, and no one in the squad could veto him.

Now that the hottest summer has passed, the temperature has turned enchanting. When it rains, it will be cold, and when it clears up, it will be very hot.

Lin Yu equipped Long Yin behind the belt, and thought about bringing another fruit knife over.

Several people quietly watched how he equipped.

Lin Yu found that this fruit knife has no scabbard, which is a burden no matter where it is placed. Mainly he was afraid of hurting himself. Don't get behind your waist, you will most likely poke your own **** when you bend down, so he regrets putting the knife back.

Charrard said, "Don't it be as good as a fight? You're normal!"

Qin Qing followed, "Master, if you need to defend yourself, ask Barry to take your socks off to you. Throwing it out at a critical moment is enough to save your life."

Barry dissatisfied: "Hey!"

"Climbing rope!" Lin Yu flipped out of his bag, very satisfied, and did not reach the waist smoothly.

This was the time of the last mission, Lin Yu searched. Doug had used this to save their bladder before, which made Lin Yu so unforgettable.

There is also a small prop, night vision glasses, which was also searched from the Alliance.

Charlar asked, "Actually, what if the map is right?"

"Then go to the research institute." Lin Yu said, "There is no place closer to the truth than the research institute."

Charrard pouted, and the place in the research institute always gave her an eerie feeling.

Lin Yu was determined to let the equipment contract his entire belt. In the end, he found that nothing could be solved by a light brain and a dragon yin, so this was the first thing.

Lin Yu pushed open the door: "I went exploring the road, Charlar, and gave me remote navigation."

Charlar nodded: "Reshape the light brain and fix it on your chest. I will monitor it for you."

Lin Yu stepped out of the hotel and looked at his head first. The nearest point that can be intruded was a lonely trail behind the hotel.

Lin Yu followed the instructions and came to the manhole cover. He reached out and lifted his face, calling Charrard black-faced.

After ten minutes, the two men opened the manhole cover controlled by the system. Lin Yu walked down the ladder, and Xialal followed.

The sewers of the research institute are not so dirty, there are

Monitoring is also installed in the sewer. Charlar connects the lines inside and controls the entire sewer monitoring network.

"I now know what he meant by adding a password at will." Charlar said, "if the password cannot be solved, and the monitoring and manhole cover cannot be hacked, then we can go without it."

"Look, think about it." Lin Yu wiped his face and said, "Go back quickly."

Charlar stood up and ran back to the hotel to be her chief commander.

A magnificent goal, with the beginning of an egg pain, Lin Yu finally officially set off.

By the time Charlar returned to the room, Lin Yu had already walked fifty meters under the guidance of Barry.

He shone forward without encountering any sudden changes.

The wide and dark walkway extends all the way, I do not know where it leads. There was a sound of gurgling water, and there was a stench in the air


Charlar's voice reappeared in Lighthead, and she said, "Left, there is a monitor for the first ten meters, waiting for me to block it."

Barry muttered, "Is it a bit sad to have a monitor in the sewer?"

Charal turned to look at him: "But this monitor is used, does it mean that we are more mad?"

The two fell silent.

After walking for a while, there were two circular forks in front of it, which were built on a half-meter-high wall.

Charlar said, "Take the circle on the left."

Lin Yusui supported with both hands and climbed up.

After all, the light of the light brain is not bright enough. When Lin Yu was in motion, the angle of view returned was dangling. It felt like darkness was surrounding them.

Although it was daylight in the hotel, Charlar still got goosebumps.

Barry cheerfully said: "It's like looking through the game, it's pretty good."

Charlar pushed to the side with his head.

Lin Yu held the lamp and shot forward. There are such narrow passages in front, and it seems that he can only crawl over slowly. From the map, there is at least a distance of two hundred meters.

Charlar was looking down the road, Lin Yu stopped suddenly in the video.

He tried to change his posture and place himself against the wall to make room. But obviously, it was too difficult, so his posture looked very distorted.

Light brain couldn't deliver all the information so clearly, Charlar couldn't help but whispered nervously: "What's wrong?"

Lin Yu looked closely into the depths, as if something was coming. Then Charlar heard some sounds like "squeak" and running.

Suddenly a dark shadow passed by in front of the light brain, and then disappeared into sight instantly, with no sound.

Charlar covered his mouth hard before he could not let himself be called out.

Sudden situations are always particularly scary.

"What's wrong?" Charlar asked. "What's that? What just happened?"

Lin Yu frowned, watching the direction that the shadow left, without moving, and whispered, "How can there be mice?"

"Isn't there a mouse in the sewer ... eh?" Charlar just breathed a sigh of relief and thought it was normal. He wanted to understand and stood up at the table and said, "A mouse without mutation?"

Look at that size, most of them are unmutated mice.

Lin Yu tried to summon Long Yin and made a piercing action.

Lin Yu said, "It's not easy to control."

In such a small space, Long Yin obviously exceeded the standard length.

Lin Yu sighed: "If only a fruit knife is available at this time."

Everyone: "..."

"Come back, will there be a rat's nest in it?" Charlar worried, "the rats eat everything, including human flesh. And their teeth are poisonous."

Barry said, "Why are there mutant mice? Will there be mutant mice inside?"

Lin Yu: "..."

Lin Yu would like to give the two people a slap and continue to adjust their posture forward.

Charlar and Barry looked like a ghost movie, and while they felt irritating, they covered their eyes again.

Fortunately, Lin Yu climbed this road and returned to a wide walkway. The mice before, like their hallucinations, never appeared again.

Charlar continued to guide her forward, then said: "Turn off the lights, 9 to 10 o'clock, this section is the patrol zone."

Lin Yu closed the light brain, then brought night vision eyes, and walked along the wall. When he got under the manhole cover where he could crawl, he stopped and stepped back.

Charlar turned off his voice, fearing that something would go wrong on his side, which caused Lin Yu trouble.

Less than five minutes, a little white light appeared in front.

The inspection machine really came.

Instructions for avoidance: The patrol robot patrols from an "∞" perspective. The resolvable distance within the line of sight is five meters, and it can be solved by hiding in the middle of sewage.

Seeing the other party getting closer, Lin Yu was still standing. Charlar and Barry were in a hurry, but were afraid to send a message to Lin Yu.

Seeing the two sides to meet, Charlar was ready to surrender to the research institute.

The robot's lights just moved away from the ladder position. Lin Yu fluttered forward, held the ladder on the wall with one hand, and then climbed up like a gecko. The whole person supported the arm against the sky and struck it at the top corner.

It is the blind spot of the inspection robot's perspective, and the action is crisp and clear.

The moment he jumped away, the lights turned back to where he was standing, about five meters away.

Barry and Charlar didn't say anything, but a sentence almost blurted out.

The robot was moving very slowly, at a distance of just five meters, it even walked for a minute.

Xialal was very afraid that Lin Yu couldn't keep falling, because he knew that the posture required a lot of arm strength.

After waiting for it to go away, Lin Yu softly jumped from it.

Lin Yu rubbed his arm muscles and exhaled, it was almost numb and unconscious.

Want to see Dad enter the sink? Let's talk about it in the next life.

Lin Yu continued to move forward. The sewer outside was not well guarded. After all, no one would do such a thing, not to mention that the well cover had security measures. But having strong arms all the time is not the way to play, it will be too much to play twice.

So before Lin Yu came, he tied himself with a climbing rope and waited for it to go down before coming down.

Charlar stated that she had never seen such a showy operation.

Charrard shouted, "Will you just go down and pour water? Can this thing be more disgusting than worm blood? We are the ones who have bathed in the last days!"

"No, you can." Lin Yu answered her two questions in one sip, slowly untied the rope, and then sighed deeply, "from luxury to frugality, used to clean days, don't force me."

Charlar asked, "Are you tired?"

Lin Yu nodded: "Tired." He thought he would be exhausted halfway.

The sewer crossing at the original hotel was several kilometers away from the research institute. Coupled with his delaying action like this, it seems that the scientific research institute is far away.

Charlar said, "Come back then."

Lin Yumo went on without a word.

Slowly approaching the scientific research institute, the patrol robots will increase.

Charlar thought it would be dangerous to pass by. Because it says that there will be two robots cross patrol, and the method of labeling is even simpler and rougher: hit! Run after you finish!

It is estimated that they should flee before the scientific research institutes respond. The sewer runs in all directions. It is really difficult to catch people quickly without waiting for the robot data to be returned for analysis.

However, this fight is bound to affect the entire security network in Area E, which must be a big deal.

Xialal urged her on both sides, Lin Yu didn't listen. Charlar said: "Then you go down the right channel."

Lin Yu looked down at the map and then continued on.

"It's time to come back!" Charlar shouted, "coming soon, where are you going?"

She had just finished her epilogue, and a robot appeared around the corner.

Charlar stumbled for a while, the robot flashed red towards Lin Yu's side.

Lin Yu pulled out Long Yin without saying a word, and simply cut it rudely. Charlar busy said, "Run fast, run fast! There are many inspection robots nearby!"

In just one sentence, the death of the robot was detected, and nearby robots started to come towards this side.

Lin Yu tied one end of the climbing rope to the robot, raised his head, and was surrounded.