MTL - Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye-v7 Chapter 317 task

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Lin Yu glanced at the call, picked it up, and said in a low voice, "Hey?"

Doug asked directly, "Want to make money?"

Lin Yu: "No more blood."

Doug: "Are you taking the task?"

"Hehe." Lin Yu leaned back, leaning her hands on the back of the sofa: "I said, I don't want to join the research institute for the time being."

Doug: "OK, this time the research institute is understaffed and accepts non-staff personnel. So I recommend you to them."

Lin Yu gave a meaningful cry: "Oh ...? Your research institute is so short of staff? Just two days after you arrived, you are so out of line?"

Dougton paused. "Meet it later."

Ten minutes later, Doug appeared at the door of their room.

Qin Qing and Barry woke up waking up, seeing him come in, woke up and said, "This is the scattered wealth boy?"

Lin Yu relentlessly pierced his true face: "This goods is at best an intermediary."

Intermediaries are also dignified.

Doug swept around the room and found that there was no place for him to sit, so he opened the quilt and sat down beside the bed.

The crowd watched him silently without giving any welcome.

"You only have 11,000," Doug added, "and 10,000 is mine."

Charrard covered his chest and said, "Is it really good to be so worried in the first sentence of the meeting? Would you be a man?"

Doug went on to say, "So I think you guys really need money."

Lin Yu: "Of course. We also need our lives."

"Yesterday, the research institute released a task. In the conditions of the task, there is no mandatory requirement for staffing of the research institute." Doug explained, "Remuneration of the research institute is determined according to the task chosen."

Barry interjected: "The same is true of the alliance, and the alliance still has a guarantee."

Doug ignored him and continued: "So, I think you are very suitable. In the e-zone, you cannot find a suitable job. Only by doing this can you have income. And the protected area is different from the outside. Here, Knowledge is power. "

His eyes clearly told everyone that by this standard, they were all weak chickens.

They touched their necks, pretending not to hear.

They have been frustrated today, and they are extremely clear about it.

It's just that Lin Yu's feeling is very bad. Successive things like this have been counted by others.

"Where's Longyin? Don't we have Longyin?" Lin Yu said, "then don't volunteer, call the death squad."

Doug: "Compilers are distributed free of charge. Non-compilers sell for one million units and can be paid in installments."

The crowd shouted in unison: "Go to the dog!"

What a million, hesitate a hundred yuan.

When is it a coin? !!

"You still have a chance now," Lin Yu said at the table. "Is the task paid three million or ten million?"

Doug: "The entire squad is 100,000."

Everyone: "..."

Doug spread his hand: "For the first time, I know you are short of money, and I can not accept my share."

Charrard was shocked: "What an expensive interest, what a cheap life."

"Listen to me first, you will definitely agree." Doug took the light brain out of his pocket and placed it on his knees: "This time, I went to the c area to find the reason why the protected area was breached. You are in c The district saw the first eyewitness of the bug, so if you apply, there is a high probability that it will be approved. "

Turned out to go to area c.

protected area

First-hand information after being breached, how can such an important matter involve non-staff personnel?

Besides, the protected area has just been breached, and it should be the most dangerous time now. How can we involve non-staff personnel?

Lin Yu sneered and said, "This non-editor should have even the name requirements?"

Doug remained silent for a while, knowing that lying to Lin Yu was useless, and simply confessed: "The scientific research institute really hopes that you can go with you because the protected area has been breached and you have already encountered it twice. Such a probability is too small."

Barry immediately exclaimed: "Do they still doubt us? Isn't force majeure a breach of the protected area? It is also our fault that bad luck? How can you have such a bold idea! Excuses! All excuses!"

Doug said: "Someone will come with us this time, but will not do anything. The research institute just does not let go of any possibility."

"I hate being watched by others the most. I never look at you without stopping, right?" Qin Qing pulled up her clothes and pursed her lips, "I won't betray my own appearance."

Yu Lin said: "Poverty limits my courage."

Doug vigorously promoted him: "Long Yin was originally very expensive. After all, it still needs genetic matching and low output. It is not a disposable item. You may not have used it, but in the last days, such a weapon is absolutely Worth a million! "

Everyone looked different.

Do not! Once, they were engaged in wholesale wholesale.

Charal was particularly heartbroken. She didn't cherish the days when she was a multi-millionaire, so much so that she was now showing off their assets in person.

Lin Yu: "But you have a one-time debt." Then repay the debt for life.

Remuneration that is disproportionate to the price of the weapon means that they will be under the management of the research institute for a period of time. How is this different from selling the body?

Doug felt that Lin Yu would bargain with him, and stopped the topic vigilantly. From the light brain, the official document said: "This is a confidentiality agreement and the details of the task. I have sent it to your light brain. If there is no problem, please sign it and send it to me. The task will start two days later, I hope you think about it. "

Even if it is a pit, this has to jump.

Lin Yu directly opened the so-called confidentiality agreement and signed it freely.

Everyone quietly gathered together.

Lin Yu opened the next copy, glanced casually, and then continued to sign, saying, "In case of too much debt, we only buy a Long Yin."

Doug nodded. "Of course."

Barry exclaimed: "Ah? Then we can't go?"

"It's safer not to go." Doug agreed with Lin Yu's approach. "This is a mission rather than a vacation. Members who have no fighting ability can stay in the e-zone. It's safe enough to stay here."

Charlar said sadly: "I don't want to stay here alone!"

Doug: "... you are three."

Qin Qing shouted, "Master-!"

Lin Yu pulled up the document on the brain, transmitted it, and said, "Hurry to sign."

The crowd raised their arms and cheered loudly.

Doug wondered: "Do you really want to take them all? And don't take Dragon Yin yet? How dangerous is the wild, don't you know?"

"Why?" Lin Yu raised an eyebrow. "Dad takes them out on vacation, but also wears body armor? A driver and a technician, what kind of dragons are needed?"

Barry and Charlar focused heavily.

Doug froze, a little angry: "Just do it. Don't look for me if something goes wrong. Those you take with you are optimistic."

Charrard lowered his head to sign and watched him whisper quietly: "Crap

No one expects you to see Ha. "

Lin Yu twisted his wrist and didn't care.

He can't rest assured to leave these people here. The credibility of research institutes is temporarily in doubt. What should happen to this group of people if something happens by accident?

After all, selling blood here can't survive.

Two days later, the crowd formally set off and gathered on the balcony of the central building.

Doug brought Long Yin to Lin Yu, saying it was the blood drawn before, and paired it by the way. Lin Yu felt a moment, don't go to the waist. Then signed a contract for installment.

Along with them, there was a team of six.

That team is similar to them. There are five strong men and one lady. Among them are three thugs, an old driver, a medical attendant, and a technical commander, and by the way a wide aircraft.

Tyrant-level configuration.

Everyone silently turned their attention to their vehicle, an old used small airship. It wasn't far from being scrapped.

Lin Yu tentatively said, "Is this ... the surprise you gave us?"

Doug pulled out the key card, opened the cabin door, and said indifferently, "Rent an aircraft. Two thousand a day. High-grade, ranging from four thousand to twenty thousand."

Everyone: "..."

Isn't full compensation just 100,000? Isn't this a crime?

Barry shuddered and asked carefully, "What if it breaks ..."

Doug looked at him lightly: "Then you may not be clear about your debts yet. Let's fight to the death."

Barry was excited: "There are always accidents in life! Why are your research institutes so stingy? It's not equal to one hundred thousandth of the Alliance Army! Our Alliance Army has insurance and no compensation!"

Doug pointed over there and said, "If the research institute compiles it, all the equipment will be provided for free. Look at their aircraft, it's free!"

This is a standoff, although neither side actually loves their positions.

Lin Yu can already be convinced that this is a conspiracy.

Still paying? Pay off the debt? His goal is not to lose money, otherwise he will leave the world.

The next team stood by the aircraft door and said silently, "Can't you walk? When is this noisy?"

The two finally snored and snorted at each other.

Lin Yu said, "Go."

Then he carried the bag behind him, walked to the aircraft over them, and went straight in to take up a place.

The crowd was dumbfounded.

Charlar responded quickly, a thorn slipped past and sat next to Lin Yu.

Qin Qing trot followed and said, "Is it possible to squeeze!"

"Hmm!" The pilot stopped the door and forced, "What are you trying to do? I didn't promise to ride a ride!"

Qin Qing was so strong that he grabbed his arm and walked around his head. In the shocked eyes of the other party, she smiled and said, "Everyone is a friend. For better cooperation, deeper communication, than heart."

Barry rubbed his hands and said, "This aircraft is ready to retreat. Let's go."


Barry smiled brightly: "Would you like me to open it for you? I have a Level 2 flight certificate."

In fact, it only takes more than three hours to travel. And their aircraft is spacious enough to be configured for twelve seats. Considering that they still need to cooperate in the future, this group of people is also good at talking, so they half way out and give up.

Barry pays debts with labor.

"Saved ..." Barry said, "a lot of money!"

Read The Duke's Passion