MTL - Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye-v6 Chapter 297 death

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Doug felt so sad that he turned his head and ran towards them again.

Lin Yu knelt on the ground on one knee, grabbed one end of the climbing rope, put it on his hand and made two turns, then threw it forward, just wrapped around one of the bug's feet.

The other three shouted an exclamation.

Grasp each rope and pull it violently. The worm's feet slid out, because it was too heavy on the abdomen and it fell to the ground.

The four of them succeeded and were given a chance to call for help. They immediately shouted, "Escort! Escort!"


The bug fell, and it stands to reason that it should stand up right away, but it stayed that way. After two tossing on the ground, he stopped moving.

Several people originally thought it was just unresponsive. When Doug arrived, he kicked and kicked, only to be convinced that it was really dead.

Lin Yu exhaled a deep breath, with a fear afterwards: "I said, it was the exhaustion of the oil lamp just now, right?"

Doug frowned, took a closer look, and said, "It's moving!"

Several people heard it twice before they understood.

"The tummy is moving?" Charrard didn't understand the worms, and said, "Stomach peristalsis? Did you drink lactic acid bacteria?"

Randall: "Don't make trouble. Is the worm's stomach different from that of humans?"

Lin Yu's face changed, and she suddenly panicked, "Fuck, it's about to give birth. This is the female mother worm!"

Everyone was stunned.

Doug lowered his head again to see that there were indeed round things in the abdomen that were slowly creeping, and the degree was getting faster and faster.

Doug was covered with hair, and goosebumps uttered an instant, "Run!"

Once the eggs are born, how many are they? If they hatch together, it will really be dead!

The five of them imagined the picture and their breathing slowed down.

Charlar cried in tears: "I want to go to the bathroom!"

I'm scared to pee!

Lin Yu now knows why the people who lived here evacuated without eating anything.

This road is really difficult and dangerous. Why do they let them come across every good thing like this? The world outside the reserve, they have enough knowledge!

Doug looked at them, and no one got up.

"Can't run anymore!" Lin Yu pinched his leg. Sore and weak, it can't explode, let alone Charral Randall.

Charrard felt that his bladder was about to explode. Instead, he felt that the bug was not so scary, and asked, "What now?"

Lin Yu gritted his teeth: "Burn! Go and see what can be burned!"

Lin Yu turned to look at Doug and said, "Doug, you carry Charal to the second floor, there is a locked room, there should be something stored in it. See what can burn."

She didn't know what Doug would answer, she didn't know much about this person.

If he wants to run, he can run. There are four cannon fodder behind him.

As a result, Doug simply said, "Which room?"

Lin Yu: "The second floor."

Doug picked up Charlar and went straight up to the second floor.

Charlar inserted the lock into the light brain and started decoding.

No one urged her below, but this time she really pushed her limits.

One is bursting under urine, and the other is dangerous persecution.

Within a minute, the door was loose and opened.

Doug rushed in and swept around the room. There was a bed in the corner, and the bedding was still there.

Pulled out directly, pushed open the window and dropped it from the window.

Lin Yu saw with sharp eyes and rushed over in two steps. Grasp the corner with one hand, and shake it sideways to cover the bug.

Randall took out the lighter and threw it to her, and Lin Yu lit it.

Fortunately, the quilt was stuffed with cotton.

Followed by the sheets and curtains were also removed. Then came some cardboard boxes and a wooden chair. All that could be burned was dropped from above.

Lin Yu also refused to come, and dismantled them one by one and piled them on the fire. I'm afraid I won't die.

I don't know if there is something in it, or if a worm is burned, the smoke bursts out.

Several people reassured.

Charrard plucked the window and shouted, "There is a toilet here!"

This sentence is simply salvation. The three held up their last strength and rushed upstairs.

After the liberation, the body and mind are relaxed. Get out of the toilet and start looking at the situation here.

The 70-80-square-meter room, almost full of stuff, had been dismantled by Doug. Now everything on the ground was poured out by him.

Lin Yu picked up two paper bags and opened them. It turned out to be cookies.

It seems that this is their storage room, after all, it is a rare and good room nearby. This time is really a misfortune.

Doug said by the window: "Look down and see, it's almost done."

Several people agreed and followed them down the stairs.

They stood by the fire and watched silently, smelling the scorching smell of meat.

Charlar had an empty stomach, swallowed his saliva and asked, "Grandpa, can this be eaten? I miss the smell of insects."

Lin Yu: "Don't let me do it. I feel sick looking at them now."

Doug had a heart in his heart: "Is it clean? Would you like to add more fire?"

"Add one and be safe." Qin Qing said, "Guard Gu, please go to the room next to me to pick up some chair wood."


Everyone was planning to add another fire and a strong wind. The long-sweeped streets were covered with dust, and yellow sand was immediately raised. Several people were choked twice.

Doug had just turned around, and a dark shadow swept past him with a blast, rushing directly to the flames.

A few people were stunned for a while before they looked intently.

A bug was swinging away the burning cloth and wood on its forefoot, trying to rescue the eggs that were trapped below.

This worm is similar to the worm they have seen in the pharmacy before, it is obviously a higher-level evolved worm.

Everyone: "..."

Charlar: "Will it be ... the child's father?"

Lin Yu: "It's ... very likely."

A low-level worm is unlikely to live so long. It is not the fat that supports it, but the eggs in its body.

Observing from such a close distance, all five felt a little scary.

They can't save the eggs, they are going to die. They saved their eggs, and they still had to die.

There is no way out. This is really impossible to escape.

Taking two steps silently, he looked back at the situation.

Doug's expression was hesitant. Lin Yu saw it and said directly, "You can't run away this way, believe me."

Doug asked, "What are you going to do now?"

Lin Yu: "How do I know what to do! I can't even stand now!"

Here, only Doug can be regarded as a complete combat force. The remaining ones with a decimal point can be rounded off after rounding. So the zeros all hid behind Doug.


Lin Yu sees it on the tip

With black on his face, Shen said, "Be careful. It should be poisonous."

Doug: "How so careful ?!"

Lin Yu: "Only continue to burn! While it is extinguishing, go to find a fire!"

That is their fire of life, and now the fire of life is getting weaker. The beating of the flames made them uneasy.

Doug came back, unpacked Charlar's bag behind her, and pulled out her clothes.

Charlar screamed and was taken aside by him, then watched his clothes ignite and throw them away. I feel a cramp in my heart.

"You said earlier, I could change it with you!" Charlar sorrowfully said, "that is my favorite piece of clothing!"

Lin Yu covered her mouth and pressed her.

However, a piece of clothing can't burn for long, almost like a match, it will burn to the end. It's a pity that they can't find gasoline here either. And how could a few clothes burn this worm?

Several people are really helpless.

Doug was going to go back to the warehouse on the second floor to see if there would be any residual weapons. This is probably their last hope.

At this time Qin Qing put her hand next to her ear and said deeply, "I heard the sound of hope, it was the wheels rolling."

Randall scolded, "What poetry do you have at this time!"

The fire crackled, but the sound of the wheels moving closer and closer.

With a wave of his hand, Lin Yu motioned for everyone to listen carefully.

Several people turned their ears and now they really have a car.

Before long, a modified off-road vehicle also brought sand and dust, a drift appeared on the street, and then rushed towards the fire. One person was half-kneeling on the roof of the car, one hand was firmly fixed in shape, saw them, and waved with a hand and shouted, "What people? Get down!

Several people saw the familiar Alliance logo and the familiar rescue army uniforms for a while. As if that's what happened in the last century. So that even the opposite sound was not heard clearly.

A soldier in the car roared into the loudspeaker: "lie down!"

Lin Yu immediately grabbed the two people next to him and knocked down the ground, obeying the order and obeying the command.

Doug was about to lie down, but the bug seemed to hear the movement, and the original irritability became more out of control. No longer care about the eggs that were burned by the fire, turned his head, stared at Doug with deep eyes, and turned back to stab.

Everyone was immersed in the shock of the Alliance's rescue forces, not paying attention to the situation over there. Only a series of dense shooting sounds were heard. The bug was repelled by the bullet, and then the soldier jumped off the roof and killed him.

The worm's foot was drawn from Doug's chest, and blood sprang up instantly. Doug fell back with his eyes open and was caught by Qin Qing's hands behind him.

When everyone turned their eyes from the car, the scene they saw was that Doug was stained with blood and fell into Qin Qing's arms.

This accident came so suddenly that it was unexpected.

Several people surrounded him immediately.

Lin Yu squatted, covering his wound with his hands, don't dare to look over.

Randall took off his coat and held his wound together.

Lin Yu felt that a warm body was constantly flowing from her fingertips, and half of the blood rushed to the arm and half to the brain, which made her dizzy.

Charal was frightened, helpless, rubbing his knees hard and shouting, "Doug! Doug, are you all right? I forgive you and I won't blame you for taking my place again!"

The more she spoke, the more she choked, and the tears burst out. Then raised his hand and wiped his face.

Doug chuckled: "I have forgotten it, do you still hold revenge?"

Read The Duke's Passion