MTL - Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye-v6 Chapter 294 go away

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Fear of death is everyone's nature. Melissa has seen the madness of insects, and also the madness of people. Following Lin Yu them, she couldn't see the hope of the future.

At this point, Lin Yu himself could not see it. But he was confused but never confused. You have to go forward to see the road ahead.

However, Melissa retreated.

Lin Yu can accept her retreat, but she should not choose this way.

Randall struggled: "Melissa, think for yourself."

Melissa still buried her head and answered in silence.

Randall grabbed her arm and euphemistically said, "You have a girl following them, what do you do? It's dangerous to know?"

Lin Yu looks at the sky.

From a life perspective, there are people like Bower who kill insects by twisting their fingers, and following them is the more dangerous choice.

Lin Yu patted his shoulder: "Lang brother. You let her decide ... this ..."

Qin Qing bluntly said: "Don't cry and ask a woman to stay for you, and keep yourself a little dignity as a man!"

Randall turned back and shouted, "I don't!"

Ball stood up and said, "Anyway, you should discuss it yourself. I will give you a few days at the end. After you open the door, you can leave or stay as you please."

If the doors are open and they stay, will the day be better? The prosecutor's handles are all in their hands.

After Bauer had spoken, he took people away.

Milissa hesitated, she packed the plates and said, "I'm full, go back first."

The scene was quiet and the tables on the left and right looked at them.

Qin Qing felt her head and asked, "What now?"

Lin Yu knocked on chopsticks: "What to do? Eat first!"

I still wonder if I can eat on time!

Lin Yu hadn't planned to leave so early, at least for a while. Maybe after the New Year? Oh no, it's okay after three days. So as not to heatstroke halfway, planted on the road.

But looking at it now, this hope is very slim.

The four had eaten and returned to the room to start packing.

They do n’t have a lot of things. There is a lot of clothes in the clothing factory, they are stuffed with backpacks.

In winter, if you still wear broken sleeves, you will be afraid of freezing yourself in the middle of the road.

But they had almost nothing but clothes.

Lin Yu cleaned up and found the seriousness of the matter, which may be really dangerous.

Lin Yu said, "If you are afraid, we go to the person who went to the hospital first? He has so sincerely invited and will definitely not treat us badly. And they have medicine over there!"

Qin Qing was silent: "Let's live for another year and a half? Or will I be living for the rest of my life?"

Lin Yu: "You have to believe in your own willpower!"

Charlar said, "Or ... well?"

She has a psychological shadow, at least she is still a gatekeeper here, and there is a low-level ant people there.

Although hesitant on their lips, they still kept on their hands.

Qin Qing held her box and said with emotion: "Sure enough, the ball is useful, other sensible clouds."

Lin Yu remembered that they still had baseball and were very novel, and asked, "How many more?"

Qin Qing: "Four."

Lin Yu: "Great, one per person."

Charlar said wit: "I am willing to hand over my use right to Grandpa, please use your ball first to save me when there is danger!"

Sitting on the bed, Randall sighed, eyes stared, and a sad look on his face.

Lin Yu looks to

"Lang brother, look ... what do you want to do?"

In this case, it is better to go with them?

Although it is dangerous to follow them, it is also dangerous to stay here.

Not only physical danger, but also mental danger.

Like Melissa, it probably means that his head is green? Lin Yu is very sympathetic, but watching it with open eyes is also a kind of torture.

I don't know if this affectionate foreigner will go. Although you don't love me, I still want to guard your affectionate male second line silently.

Facts have shown that although Randall is usually offline, he still has a bottom line.

He took two pieces of clothing and carried the bag directly, and followed behind them without a word.

According to Lin Yu's original plan, he still wanted to lie to a car, take something to eat, and then left quietly.

Abortion is now planned, and they can only be kicked out almost embarrassed.

But since you really want to leave, there is no need to stay for such a day or two. The four were carrying their bags, looking calm and calm, and slowly walked towards the door.

Hundreds of people gathered at the door waiting for them. Surrounded in a circle, he looked at them with a complex look and sent them to the door all the way.

Lin Yu also looked back with complex expressions, looking at their youthful faces, and couldn't help sighing.

They are still some young people, and the base will not be so kind to accept some old people without labor. It will be difficult to have girls.

And because they are young people, they may have to live through such oppression for decades to come. The big wave of biological evolution may one day pass, but the shackles left in their hearts may remain forever.

Lin Yu felt a great responsibility and called on: "Friends! This is the refugee camp of the dictator. There is no equality and protection at all! Do you have to follow him all the time and be oppressed and exploited by him? When anything happens, it is different Want to be at the forefront? What people are most afraid of is taking the first step, but the scariest thing really is not going to take the first step! If anyone wants to follow us, we can take you away! "

The four stood at the door of the garment factory and felt the autumn wind.

Charlar shouted, "Don't do this again! It's embarrassing to invite others to die, isn't it awkward? No one cares about us!"

Lin Yuyuan looked: "Live to death!"

Lin Yu rolled up his sleeves a little, trying to give everyone some blood or something, but Randall found that there seemed to be a pattern on his arm. "Are you tattooed?"

When everyone heard it, they looked around inquiringly, and printed a line of blue words on the top of Lin Yu's arm.

Randall stroked his head and said, "This doesn't look like a lab stamp number?"

Qin Qing: "I think it's more like a long time ago, the pig passed the stamp inspection?"

Charlar: "That's red."

Qin Qing: "Will it change color?"

Lin Yu: "..."

How well I live, I want to die.

Lin Yu lowered his sleeve and waved three heads violently.

Little P turned away from the crowd, came out from the inside and asked, "How is the door open?"

Charlar held out his hand: "Door, give me the light brain."

Little P handed her the light brain.

So Charlar crouched on the ground and began to swing, and the other three continued to accept the eyes of the masses.

Ten minutes later, Charlar was completed.

Charlar handed him back: "I reset it for you, so it's more convenient. Two buttons, green to open the door and red to close, you don't need to come and guard it."

Little P didn't understand this, Chi asked: "Why don't you move inside?"


As for? !! How can it be so cheap! You're leaving, but you can't be buried? "Charlar said," And many of us are still here with you! "

Little P: "Okay."

Charlar looked around in the crowd, saying nothing, and finally said, "Leave."

Little P nodded solemnly.

The four picked up their bags again and walked towards the path.

Qin Qing walked behind Randall, and as they drifted away, he reached out and touched Lang's back, and said in a deep voice, "It's a man, so hold back tears."

Randall turned his head, his face resentful: "Why do you keep reminding me? I didn't cry at all!"

Qin Qing withdrew his hand and apologized, "Oh, I'm sorry. This is the first time I've seen such a thing, so I'm inevitably excited."

It was difficult to hide his need for gossip on his face.


Randall wanted to smash him over. How can you pass the pain of your teammates!

"Don't pay attention to him!" Lin Yu said, "What is a broken love? We haven't fallen in love yet! Congratulations on your return to our class!"

Charlar whispered, "Lang brother, what is it like to break up?"

Lin Yu corrected: "It was broken up."

Randall couldn't bear it, and roared, "You're enough! Can't you let me be sad for a while?"

It's only been a few hours since I received the bad news, and his sadness is so leaking!

What mistake did he make!

"What's the use of quiet grief? Speak it out, we are willing to take care of you!" Lin Yu said with open arms, "Come on! Single dogs can advise you!"

Charal and Qin Qing: "Come on!"

Randall: "..."

Randall took a deep breath: "I'm sorry, but we have only been in contact for a month without further in-depth exhibitions, so although I broke up, I am not very sad now."

The three were disappointed.

Randall gritted his teeth, he didn't really want to be friends with this group of people!

They walked a long way and could no longer see the garment factory. Looking for directions again, a horn rang behind them.

A few people turned around, and now it was little P.

Xiao P leaned out of the window and asked, "Where are you going?"

Lin Yu looked at several others.

Charlar and Qin Qing hesitated, and looked at each other, "e-zone?"

Although this sounds like a joke.

Randall is now firm: "e-zone!"

The farther you go, the better! He's leaving this sad place!

Lin Yu nodded: "Well. It seems to go to e-zone."

Little P: "..."

Little P: "Really go to e-zone?"

It was learned that the opinions of the masses were unprecedented, and everyone had a bold voice: "e-zone!"

Little P: "..."

This group of people is almost sick with their brains, but they have become sick more often than they think they are used to.

"If you really want to go to e-zone, I can send you out of the protected area, no matter how far away." Little P nodded, "Get in the car."

Four people got into P's car.

Lin Yu patted his seat and said, "You said, if we rob the car ..."

Little P: "Then I will show it to you!"

Lin Yu: "..."

Lin Yu: "Your life is really worthless."

Little P hit the brakes.

Qin Qing shouted, "So please cherish it!"

The car restarted.