MTL - Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye-v6 Chapter 275 Meet bugs again

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Charlar said weakly: "I think what he said ... makes sense."

Lin Yu wiped his face.

calm. Need to calm down.


They now face a very serious problem-no food.

Doug was caught in the same worry as them.

When they left the storage room, they shared half of the food and water. But they have thirteen people now, so a little bit of food will not last long.

The coalition government sometimes places food outside the reserve, but compared to the number of people, it is almost nothing.

Fighting for those supplies is also one of the ways in which humans outside survive.

In many cases, plunder.

And these people, without weapons and a small number, obviously do not work.

Doug held the handlebar next to him and fell silent.

They want to cooperate.

This is a world where one cannot live. And Lin Yu's combat power is particularly outstanding.

He looked at the water and food in the trunk. Later, when they are hungry, maybe they can talk to them.

Inside the car, everyone scratched their heads.

Randall really sympathized with Qin Qing, although they had only seen a few faces. Breaking the silence and saying, "Will we first liquidate the supplies?"

Just such a thing really doesn't need liquidation.

Lin Yu stretched out his fingers and said, "It's still bright now. We have two boxes of cookies and a bottle of water."

"Three ... three boxes." Milissa stopped her hand, "I still have them here."

Lin Yu waved, "You eat, four people don't care about that box anymore."

Everyone: "..."

Qin Qing coughed and said, "Is there a puppet here?"

Charlar poked him: "Why do you insult yourself again?"

Qin Qing sadly said, "I was wrong Master!"

Lin Yudao: "Forget it, actually three boxes of biscuits or thirty boxes of biscuits are the same. It depends on the amount of grain stored, which is not enough."

Charlar shook his fist and echoed, "Yes, born in peace, died in sorrow! A man becomes a devil after being lazy!"

Randall: "... Don't bully me, I don't understand."

Lin Yudao: "People still have to learn to grow up by themselves. We are now taking the first step in adventure. Excited teenagers!"

The crowd cheered loudly.

Milissa's face was not very good, she never imagined such a future.

adventure? That was not her life.

Covering my chest, I feel a little uncomfortable.

Lin Yu found her discomfort, but there was nothing she could do.

Unrealistic waiting is more painful. No one knows what the future will look like. To live, you have to accept the facts.

"Now something is finally done. There are two goals today. One is to find food. The other is to find accommodation." Lin Yu pulled out his brain and searched.

Qin Qing: "Maybe? Maybe everyone was rescued. Someone kindly left us something to eat here?"

This assumption is obviously a bit pitiful, but Lin Yu can't bear to tear it apart.

Weak hope is also hope.

"Okay! Let's set off with this goal." Lin Yudao, "Today is a big task, so as soon as it's dawn, you should leave quickly. You must find your place before dark."

Milissa whispered, "Why? Isn't it safe here?"

"It's safe now." Lin Yudao, "Although the reasons are unknown, most Zerg will appear at night. Look for places with light and heat to attack creatures."

This was the first night they came out, and no one knew what would turn out here at night.

Looking at the zerg carcass on the side of the road, it is clear that it is not safe enough.

Randall was playing music, and several of them started again.

Doug watched their car start, immediately called his brother, and followed closely.

Lin Yu stared at the window on the left, Qin Qing stared at the window on the right, and they observed the situation of the shops on both sides.

Looking at the battle is quite fierce, all look like they have been ransacked.

When they reached halfway, Charlar glanced down and said suddenly, "No signal."

The crowd didn't hear clearly: "What?"

Charrard swiped twice and said, "The light brain has no signal!"

Randall snapped the brakes: "When did it start?"

Charrard panicked: "I don't know! I just noticed that there was no signal!"

Lin Yu took a deep breath and said, "It's reasonable that there is no signal. Are we just holding the reserve ready to be breached and acting?"

Everyone was silent.

Charlar glanced backwards and yelled, "They've been following us."

"Follow me." Lin Yu said, "Doug has lived outside. He is more familiar with this world and has more survival experience than us. It is good to follow."

Randall was smart, guessing, "Does he want to talk to us?"

Charlar narrowed his neck: "I'm always a little scared."

Lin Yu: "Don't be afraid, he is a bit more realistic. Those who escape from the dead will be more realistic, but he will not take the initiative to harm others."

Qin Qing said, "Well, just get out of the car and have a look?"

"Let ’s go down first and look at it. It ’s not a way for us to look across the window like this." Lin Yu opened the door first and said, "I'll go to the store next to me. Maybe there is something to gain."

Qin Qing and Xialal followed.

Milissa took Randall's hand and shook her head.

Randall shook back. "Baby, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Lin Yu bowed her head and shouted outside, "Well, you two should stay in the car. If there is a situation, react well!"

Melissa nodded, Randall thought about it, and retracted her hand on the doorknob.

Lin Yu yanked his baseball uniform and waved domineeringly, "Go!"

Then took the two younger brothers to the shops on the side of the road.

Doug and others were still weird. It didn't take long to start, but they stopped.

Then I saw Lin Yu taking someone to the side. I could not help shaking my head and sneered, and it was too naive.

The person in the car said with hope: "Boss, why don't we also look for it?"

Doug said calmly: "Look at their situation first, don't worry. We will go down when we have."

Basically, all glass doors were smashed, and iron sliding doors were opened by chainsaws.

The three visited a few nearby shops, all of which were empty. It's really not left.

I had expected anyway to leave a curtain and barely change into clothes. It seems that everyone is not stupid.

However, leaving a few tables is obviously useless.

Charal turned around and came back, "I think the Zerg should ... can't do such a fine sweeping job?"

Lin Yu black line said: "Of course. This is obviously your compatriots."

Charlar said sadly: "Do they remember coming to robbery before they fled?"

Lin Yu touched her head: "Don't deceive yourself, this was obviously robbed after fleeing."

Charal bit his finger, with a question in her heart.

When was the central area breached? Why is there no news inside Union University?

Charal bites his cuffs: "They are so hard! I hate!"

Lin Yu lifted his leg against the wall and asked, "Technical technician, is there any need for electrical wires? Take the water pipes out of the room?"

Charlar: "..."

Still this person is much harder.

"Master," Qin Qing turned over from outside, holding his arm and said, "I don't think it's really safe here. Let's go."

Lin Yu: "What did you see?"

Qin Qing took her out of the shop and went to the stop sign. Pointing at a small white ball on the ground: "Is this particularly familiar?"

Lin Yu: "..."

Lin Yu took a step back with everyone and said, "This is a worm egg."

Charlar shuddered.

Lin Yu: "Enter, go!"

The three walked a few steps, the worm eggs trembled, and then started hatching.

Lin Yu glanced back and shouted, "Quick!"

Charlar screamed, goosebumps all over. Rushing to the car door.

Qin Qing took the opportunity to swoop in, and once again flexed into the car.

Lin Yu shuddered in the back and kicked Charal. Then he sat up.

Randall has hurriedly stepped on

Throttle fled.

The Dougs who followed were also shocked.

When he saw the worm again, his nerves tightened instantly. The driver drove straight out.

The brother collapsed, "How come they always encounter bugs!"

"Creating evil! Did you make insecticide in your last life?"

"What now? Do you still follow?"

Doug gritted his teeth and said, "Follow!"

Their vehicle started to slow down again and had to retreat to the back of Lin Yu.

After the evolutionary insects hatched, they could not respond in time. By the time it evolved, Lin Yu et al. Found that the car had driven a hundred meters away.

Several people stared at it tightly through the window of the car, seeing it rushing towards them, their hearts tightened.

Then he found that his legs were too short and he was steadily left behind by the vehicle.

The moves moved slowly and funnyly until they disappeared into sight.

Everyone laughed and sighed with relief.

Finally, there is no danger.

Charlard turned his head, screamed, and couldn't restrain the excitement: "Does this mean that we with cars are invincible!"

Qin Qing rubbed his hands: "I'm at ease."

Randall: "Baby, look, there's nothing to worry about."

Melissa followed her mood.

Randall twitched and asked, "Where are we going now?"

"Uh ..." Lin Yu said, "Would you guys look at it?"

Everyone looked up.

I saw above that a huge long-winged zerg was wandering.

Everyone swallowed.

Qin Qing swallowed: "What did you just say?"

Charlar: "Dear, do you fly slowly?"

Qin Qing asked professionals: "Master, how fast does this worm fly?"

Lin Yu: "Go up two hundred yards?"

Randall listened to the wrong tone, and put his face forward, then looked up at the sky and met the bug.

Randall: "..."

Suddenly, he began to rush down with the tendency to break the bamboo. That speed is by no means comparable to previous bugs.

Lin Yu shouted, "Come on! Look at the road first!"

Randall looked back and made a sharp turn.

Sharal himself left the seat and flew into Lin Yu's arms. Lin Yu was hit with a mouthful of blood.

Lin Yu: "Is there an alley?"

Randall said: "No! There are big roads here! And my car is not small!"

Charlar: "Old driver, it's up to you!"

Although the flying insect moves fast, its attack power is not strong. Because it's fast enough, it can't stop it.

Randall slammed on the throttle, roaring on the wide road and flowing irregular curves to avoid the continuous attack of bugs.

The car skills are indeed amazing, but not so easy to endure.

Doug also found this change.

This is a flying bug. Although it is far away and can't see clearly, it is obviously more dangerous than just now.

The brother in the car asked with a shaking voice, "What to do?"

Doug shouted, "Run! Be part of them!"

Their car headed to the side road and stopped. Sure enough, the flying insect only chased Lin Yu.

He was also shocked.

Are some of them born by nature? Or is it doomed?

Doug asked: "Who has Lin Yu's light brain number?"

Members of the same baseball club raised their hands and said, "I have."

Doug drew directly through his light brain and dialed the number above.

The opposite side is directly connected, it is estimated that Lin Yu is just holding it in his hand.

There was a scream in the newsletter:




Everyone: "..."

"Safety belt! Damn it! Charal your safety belt!"

"No! Just take it! I'm sitting in the middle!"

"You give it a pose!"

"I'm not bowling, I don't play anymore-Nehma!"

Doug pressed off.

Sympathy is there, feed the dog.

Read The Duke's Passion