MTL - Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye-v6 Chapter 270 Blend into copy

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The scene was silent. No one talks.

Qin Qing's expression of regret.

Dad wants to take you flying, you don't appreciate it.

Vulgar mortals never know how to write remorse.

Lin Yu stood up and said coldly, "I'll make it clear first. The main purpose of the introduction I said was not to promote friendship. Of course, it is also a secondary purpose. But you are too nervous now, and you should not have friends to spare."

"From the current situation, we are not too bad. After all, this is a stadium. In terms of strength, we have a unique advantage."

Here are a group of sports students with well-developed limbs, or club managers, who are also in good shape.

In the face of disaster, fist is the last word.

Of course, in terms of endurance, it depends on knowledge.

"We are safe now. The reason for the school's closure of the site is temporarily unknown. It may be optimistic or pessimistic." Lin Yu coldly said, "Although only Zerg appears in the large playground, the possibility of the protected area being breached is not high. However, If you analyze from the worst perspective, you should all be glad that your comrades-in-arms are the strongest part of the school. Now is the most important time to evaluate their respective combat power and gain trust. Those who do not want to participate can choose to shut up. . "

Qin Qing took out the pamphlet and began to record it word by word.

Waiting for the future, compiled into a quote of famous history. Strange, why did he do this? All of them here seem strange, but they are familiar, as if the plot was stuffed into my mind.

What he didn't know was that not only he felt that way, everyone had it.

Muscle Brother stood up, showed his strength, and introduced: "Secretary of Shooting Department, Wall, Doug."

Lin Yu's thin body and elegant features are especially outstanding among a group of big men.

Followed by the beautiful man warrior Comrade Randall.

Next is his younger brother, Qin Qing.

Judging from their face value, the three men are deeply guilty and comparable.

But now Lin Yu is in the limelight. Even gender cannot offset it.

In other words ... it's not very pleasing.

Everyone introduced themselves, long or short.

Lin Yu touched his chin and glanced among the dense crowd.

Keep staring at the thin back, squirming behind the crowd.

The target consciously chose a very hidden and safe position, sat cross-legged, and minimized his sense of existence.

Lifting his head, he looked questioningly at Shang Linyu.

It's scary.

Lin Yu frowned and said, "You stand up."

The giant Lin Yu pointed to rose up in confusion: "Me?"

"No, it's not you." Lin Yu motioned for him to sit down. "I mean the lady behind you."

The crowd turned around and looked.

She is really petite, especially against all sides.

Lin Yu asked: "One meter five?"

The other party seriously retorted: "One meter five five!"

Randall said lightly: "Oh, I'm one meter nine."

Dwarf: "..."

The girl was staring at her, a puppet.

Lin Yu: "Name?"

The girl said, "Charlar."

Lin Yu looked at her again: "Which department do you ...?"

"I'm a work-study student, and I was sent by the maintenance department to repair the light brain." Charlar was crying, "Don't throw me out, please!"

Lin Yu didn't expect that there was another technical job here, and he was greatly relieved.

I also felt that my previous unrestrained speech might scare this little cute, so An An

Stroking: "Don't be afraid. You are our intellectuals, we are all your bodyguards."

Everyone sneered. I didn't take this skinny girl to heart.

Lin Yu asked casually: "Technical worker, do you know why the door is closed?"

Charal shook his head: "I don't know."

She was eager to show her strength to prove the necessity of her existence, and said, "But I can drive. I have hacked the system before!"

Everyone looked up: "!!!"

Lin Yu applauded: "Everyone who has read a book is different. They all learn."

Qin Qing wrote down in this book: Whatever has been read is different, all learn.

Wall was displeased, "We have also come in!"

There are also levels of entry.

After all, there is a rational number with a lower limit and the gap between it and positive infinity is still positive infinity.

It's like they did not enter the school's multi-encryption system a hundred times.

In the face of surprise, no one considered these minor issues at all. All eyes stared at Comrade Charal.

The little girl was very shy, her face flushed, and urged: "I have solved it before, so there is a door unlocking path in my brain, as long as I enter the system from the inside ..."

"Xing Xing Xing." Lin Yu interrupted, "This is too high-end, you don't need to explain it, you come directly."

Lin Yu thought for a while and asked, "Can you hack into the surveillance?"

Charlar: "No, the black surveillance will be re-connected. I don't have a monitoring path internally, here is already ..."

"Uh-huh." Lin Yu interrupted her again. "The black door will do. How long?"

Charal pointed to the position of the muscular man.

Lin Yu went over and pulled out the light brain from under the table behind him.

Charal opened, pressed for a while, then looked up.

Lin Yu was pleasantly surprised that the mental technician is a cow. So soon?

Charlar said: "Without the school network, at least one night. And I need to connect to the electronic door line."

Everyone was silent again.

To connect to the electronic gate means to cross the playground and go to the gate first.

It means staying in the open all night.

No cover, and no idea when the Zerg will appear. It is equivalent to exposing yourself to infinite danger.

Naturally no one wants it.

Lin Yu sighed: "This is a problem."

Qin Qing notes-this is a problem.

Lin Yu: "I want to shit."

Qin Qing continued to lift his pen: I think ...

A blade of a knife was slashed behind his neck, Lin Yu squinted coldly, "Do you really remember it for me? Are you trying to die?"

Qin Qing covered her neck and fell down, rolling and mourning, and said pitifully, "I haven't thought about it for a while!"

Lin Yu returned to the old question: "Find a weapon. Prepare to go to the door."

"What to do in case of danger?" Several strong men disagreed. "And what if it was more dangerous outside?"

"It's dangerous everywhere to live, so what do you do if you're still alive?" Lin Yu said politely. "People who want to lock themselves back can also meet your requirements."

Those people said, "I'm going to you."

"Of course we are going. You ladies will be here waiting for rescue." Lin Yu said in a gentle tone, without any emotion, "Wait until the door opens, go out and tell your teachers and classmates . Heroic lady, not afraid of danger, with a thin body to protect you from the predicament. "

Everyone was ridiculed by his irony.

The people in the back row near the boxes took the lead in standing up and looking for a hand weapon from the warehouse.


Lethal equipment such as baseball bats, javelins, etc.

Then those who were physically strong also squeezed up and started secretly fighting for each other.

Lin Yu looked at it coldly, and then said, "The one with the most lethal weapon stands in front."

Several people were excited: "Why!"

Doug held a baseball bat and sneered, "When are we a daredevil?"

"Because you took the hardest weapon." Lin Yu full of irony, "Or do you want to take the guard, and then let unarmed people preach to you in front?"

A few people didn't speak.

"People in bullet-proof vests rush to the front, understand? The weapons are your own choice. If you are afraid of death, you obediently give them up, or you will follow the morals and take the initiative to go forward." Lin Yu also sneered, "Dare you dare to die? Everyone be sincere. "

Qin Qing was very vigilant, pulling Lin Yu's clothes on the corner and saying, "Master, there must be internal division."

Some people are destined to be united. After all, human selfishness has determined his behavior. But why did he call this guy a master? What does it look like?

After previous experience, Lin Yu did not want to fight side by side with them.

From the perspective of prisoner theory, they only have one cooperation relationship, and of course they will seek to maximize their own interests.

Doug took the strong man one step forward: "It looks like you're arrogant."

Lin Yu squeezed his fingers, and he did not want to be outdone: "It seems that you want to use a little strength from the inside."

Qin Qing reminded, "He is Lin Yu."

Needless to say. There is no such thing as a celebrity and sports student. Although everyone does not know why this idea is ...

The innocent bystanders nearby quietly made a clear space for them.

Several people froze.

A brave man took a sip and said, "We just don't want to do unnecessary consumption, don't really consider ourselves a gadget."

Qin Qing was angry and stood up and wanted to fight. Lin Yu raised his hand and pressed him.

If they do n’t cause problems, they are willing to obediently, but have just been addicted, Lin Yu does n’t matter.

After all, he knew exactly how happy it was.

Lin Yu also stopped talking to them,

I took a few things and sat back next to Qin Qing.

There Randall shouted in surprise: "Baby! Baby, you finally woke up!"

The schoolgirl opened thin eyes and wondered, "Randall?"

Randall: "It's me baby! Have you been fainted?"

Xuemei yelled, "Why am I here?"

Then she remembered some bad memories, her face paled, her blood color faded, and she was about to faint again.

Randall avoided her tragedy again and hugged people comfortingly: "Don't be afraid of baby, I'll protect you!"

Xuemei asked, "Why are we here?"

"Because there are bugs outside!" Randall said, "Don't be afraid, we're going to fight it!"

The schoolgirl's head crooked and she fainted again.

Everyone: "..."

Charlar asked weakly, "So ... is that going?"

"Go." Lin Yu said, "you prepare."

Charal touched his light brain: "There is nothing to prepare for."

Lin Yu: "I'm letting you prepare for it. After all, haven't you seen the worm before? If anything happens, don't be as frightened as that girl."

Charrard shyly said, "My dream is to be as dazed as a soft girl."

Lin Yu: "..."

Lin Yu sincerely said: "Me too."

Read The Duke's Passion