MTL - Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye-v6 Chapter 262 It's just this

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Lin Yu was very surprised.

The eternal union female player grinned, "I'm a professional assistant!"

"No attack skills?" The warlock asked.

"No, teammates will protect me." The female player replied for granted.

Lin Yu couldn't help sighing. Silly trusting that his teammates were not pitted, and they won all the way. Girl, it's a miracle that you can live till now.

Originally Lin Yu saw that everyone could handle it, and he used magic bullets to attack at will. Most of his energy was focused on observing the strength of the faction partners. Who knows at this time, the new monster refreshes-there are 15 more bosses!

Suddenly, Lin Yu's face changed drastically. "The monster refresh interval is five minutes. The three of them have no time to clean up! Help!" Then, he began to "help" with lightning. Where there is a residual blood boss, there is his presence.

After a while, the player noticed something different.

Haifeng Pavilion players roared immediately, "What can you do for this? Obviously it's for grabbing people's heads!"

Lin Yu replied indifferently, "The priority is to complete the kill, reduce the number of BOSS, and reduce the pressure on mt. What's wrong?"

After waiting for the Haifengge player to fight back, he added impatiently, "Four unions, you have the most blame. If you have time to gossip, you might as well close your mouth and speed up the output!"

The eternal union mt pulls strangely, the output is easy to attack. The Star Union is well-equipped and has high attributes, so it is no problem to be willing to use blue. The three celebrities of Mingle Pavilion followed the Star Union for a few secret copies, with good attributes and excellent equipment. Coupled with the warlock's intentional or unintentional care, the progress is also very fast.

Only Haifeng Pavilion has no first-class players, the number is not dominant, the equipment and attributes are not outstanding, so it is very noticeable.

The female player of the eternal union contributed more than half of her skills to Haifengge mt, and her blood and hands were almost broken. At this time, her expression was extremely cold. "I do n’t have the ability to wipe out the blame, but I do n’t want others to help me. Does anyone else die with you? Weakness doesn't matter, at least a bit of self-knowledge. Don't hold back, okay? "

The three players in Haifeng Pavilion are not good enough. Until the game is played, they have never been suspected of being weak. This is truly the first time! But they couldn't argue with it. The fact is that there are three people in each guild, and only they have the slowest cleaning speed.

The Warlock knew that the target was selected as Haifeng Pavilion, so he calmly output. After each attack, the remaining blood of the BOSS is always just right. Haifeng Pavilion players can't drop it in seconds, but the auxiliary can be killed with a single thunderbolt.

"Look!" Haifeng Pavilion players were so depressed that they vomited blood and couldn't help yelling.

"Of course, the output will be killed by hand. Otherwise, we will give you the monsters and remnants, and you will do white work yourself?" While saying, Lin Yu cleaned up the remaining blood monsters left by her star union partners.

"The mystery scroll is not yours, and the boss is not yours." Dadang said coldly. "It is good for you to follow up for free to see the final decisive terrain. What is it?"

On the one hand are strangers who have nothing to do with each other, and on the other hand, the Star Trade Union who has been coming and going for many times.

The three of Haifeng Pavilion were speechless.

The master also said, "Efforts to support a few more levels, the number of BOSS in the copy will surge, enough to make you panic. Do you have a long-term perspective?"

The Celebrity Pavilion made such a statement, and the three of Haifeng Pavilion had to consider themselves unlucky.

So Lin Yu was more happy when he grabbed the monster.

Quick, not indifferent.

There were three drops that originally killed a boss. Lin Yu has lucky skills in his body, and six pieces will be dropped after completing the kill. Seeing that the portable warehouse was filling up quickly, he suddenly closed his mouth with a smile.

The warlock looked at the assistant's happy expression, and then looked at the face of Haifeng Pavilion player Tie Qing, and he could guess how full the auxiliary small vault was.

"Luck is really a terrible skill, especially in the hands of top players." Warlock muttered softly.

With Lin Yu's "assistance", the four roads completed the killing at almost the same time. At this time, the second wave of BOSS has come very close.

The eternal union ’s female assistant ’s face was green. “Just ten bosses, the mt of Haifengge just carried the monsters reluctantly, should n’t they kneel in this wave?” Then she said she was helpless. Obviously it is a copy of the endless mode, the player can brush the boss as much as she has the ability, but she always feels that the ability of a union to hinder her leg is likely to fall easily in the second round.

"It depends. If Haifeng Pavilion can't support it, I will let the Star Union's summons resist the monster." Lin Yu replied casually. What he didn't say is that if he doesn't work, he can be a half mt messenger.

It was said that the eternal union's female assistant looked slightly relaxed.

"Haifeng Pavilion is not good." Because of the relationship between the middle, the warlock directly felt how powerful the various unions were.

Like the Star Union, the priest attacks and the blood volume rises. The blood strip is always a healthy dark green, so there is no need to worry about it. Like the eternal union, mt is agile, BOSS didn't touch him at all, let alone lose blood. And Haifeng Pavilion, female assistant desperately throwing skills, just barely maintained his family's mt blood bar at about 50%.

Lin Yu touched his chin and concluded, "The player in Haifeng Pavilion is not like a professional mt."

As a result, in the next second, the corner of mt of Haifeng Pavilion spotted the fifteen bosses that were coming, and could not help crying out for help. "Come over and help! The main camp of our union died last time in the camp, and I was just the vice-t!

"Hey !!" The other two players in Haifeng Pavilion were shocked and stopped immediately.

Who knows that the deputy shrugged his lips and said bluntly, "The feeling is not that you and the two are at the top! Fifteen bosses, how can I handle it? I haven't seen how powerful the two of you have been, and their heads have been taken away . Anyway, I can't grab it, I can tell the truth. "

Big head twitched. He can understand it. Haifengge lived to the end, but the main force of the union has been killed. At present, there are two or three kittens in the union, but the level is very average. Because I wanted to see what the final battle was like, I deliberately concealed it in order to mix it into the copy smoothly.

Earlier it was said that he was pulling people into the copy on the street, but in fact he had asked about the basic situation when pulling people. Probably because I realized that there is a threshold requirement for entering the copy, so Haifengge players intentionally lied.

Qin Qing blinked, almost hit by several attacks. Fortunately, he responded promptly and avoided it. After a moment, he sighed, "The forest is big, and there are all birds."

"Fat! Let the brown bears help!" Lin Yu shouted.

"OK." The fat man responded quickly.

Deputy Haifengge happily gave up the position to the brown bear, and then returned to the safe area.

The other two eyes moved slightly. In fact, if you think about it, it would be nice to have someone help carry the monster. In this way, the three of them can concentrate on output.

Who knew that at this moment, a thunderbolt was splitting on their side. The location of the thunderbolt is very close to the players of Haifeng Pavilion.

"The lie is so easy to tell

of? Can you get away easily without paying any price? Lin Yu smiled.

"You have come in and watched the addiction, but others have been implicated, and it is bound to end the copy early."

"Be honest. Otherwise, maybe you won't have a chance to enter the final battlefield."

When are they scared? As soon as the female player of Haifengge wanted to fight back, she listened to the Hall of Fame Archer and sincerely warned, "I suggest you follow suit and anger him that he will not end well. He has no hobbies to threaten others and always tells the truth."

"Really fake?" Haifengge female player suspected.

The archer said solemnly, "I heard that he killed six players in the same camp in the city after the last camp battle. If you want to be the seventh, just keep doing it."

Haifengge female player was stunned and stood aside.

Lin Yu laughed. Six men were killed in the last teamfight, but he was killed everywhere? This rumor is unreliable.

The eternal union female assistant looked at Lin Yu bizarrely. "You can't see, you're kind of cruel."

"What can I do? I just encountered some pitfalls." Lin Yu helplessly, "Obviously obediently, there is nothing left."

"I still don't believe it, stay in the cooperative copy, stay in the city, what else can he do to us!" The other person sneered, "Isn't he just grabbing the monster just now? Now we can grab it too! In fact, everything else is nonsense! Kill six players in the city? You kill one for me. "

So immediately afterwards, Lin Yu killed the person "by his skill" with a battle card.

Everything happened so suddenly that the other two of Haifengge did not respond. After receiving a prompt from the system, it was determined that the friend was killed, and the two panicked.

"It's very bad to lie in and mix in. It's not clear what the situation is here. Who are you unlucky?" Lin Yu watched the player's direction indifferently.

Then he faced the two remaining men in Haifeng Pavilion. "I repeat, obediently. Otherwise, you won't have a chance to enter the final battlefield."

"How to do it?" The Haifengge female player asked in a trench, she was scared by the style of chopping people.

"Export as best as possible, don't grab people. After the copy is over, I will let you go safely." Lin Yu proposed a transaction.

"Even if I agreed, it was too late." Haifengge female players looked at the BOSS gathered in front of them.

Lin Yu said nothing and sacrificed six pieces of equipment.

"Bang", "Bang", "Bang" ... exploded. After the explosion sounded six times, there were only two bosses left on the road.

The warlock began to use the lightning and flame missiles to kill the health of the remaining two bosses. When the time is almost up, Lin Yu then uses lightning to harvest the head.

Suddenly, fifteen BOSS groups died.

Haifengge female player, "..."

She didn't know if she should be shocked for throwing six pieces of equipment for the other company, or she should be stunned when the other party killed fifteen BOSS in an instant. She began to think that the rumors that the other party had killed six players in the same faction in the city might be true.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" When the female player of Haifengge was stunned, Deputy T couldn't wait to make a promise.

"There is one less person in Haifeng Pavilion. I'll help." When the eternal union female assisted Shinjin, Lin Yu said something casually, then walked to the safe area where Haifeng Pavilion is located.

"Is he always so domineering?" The eternal union female turned and asked the warlock.

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