MTL - Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye-v6 Chapter 257 Enemies are narrow

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Because the goals were chosen by Carrari, the two who remained in place did not know which players were drawn into the teamfighting space and what they looked like.

Time goes by.

One was uneasy. "Is the time spent in teamfights longer this time?"

Another disapproved, "All the players who have survived to this day must have kept some cards. Not afraid, it is only a matter of time before they are solved."

As soon as the words came down, the three Lin Yu appeared in the restaurant.

Qin Qing looked at the faces of the two carefully, then looked at the fat man.

The fat man shook his head, meaning he didn't know him.

So Qin Qing asked directly, "Members of the Changmeng Trade Union?"

One hesitated, and seemed keenly aware of something wrong. Now it's not during the camp wars, why did they teleport back? unless……

Another nodded subconsciously.

Qin Qing announced, "Very well, I already remember your faces. The next time you meet, you will be dead!" As for why not kill it immediately ... That's because there is no battle card on my body ...

"You ?! Boss them ..." Two survivors of the Changmeng Union finally reacted to what happened. However, their eyes widened, and they seemed unable to believe their speculation.

"Why? Want to kill, not even being conscious of being killed?" Qin Qing sarcastically.

"Meeting again is your death." After calm announcement, Lin Yu did not hesitate to turn away.

Domineering! Hold your thighs like this! Fat man happily keeps up.

Qin Qing looked at the uneasy expressions of the two in front of her, and murmured from time to time, couldn't help thinking that the psychological quality of the bandits was inadequate. Isn't it just eating black, how big is it?

After the team battle, Lin Yu sent a message to the warlock and the archer, telling them that the three were okay.

"Where are you going?" The fat man obediently followed.

"Let's go." Lin Yu waved his hand. "See you before the next camp battle. What time will I be in, I will inform you later."

"Okay." The fat man turned a corner and disappeared quickly.

Lin Yu said to himself, "I had planned to exchange equipment for low-level difficulty scrolls, but now I don't need it."

Another week later, Lin Yu summoned the members of the union and planned to copy them. After the members arrived, the three of the Hall of Fame also followed.

Lin Yu glanced at the warlock unconsciously.

The warlock calmly explained, "I think the other three places are idle and idle, so it's better to sell and exchange for something affordable."

Once in a lifetime and two times, the master is very interested, and proactively said, "No shots will be taken during the whole process, only the attribute points will be obtained. After the clearance, three pieces of star equipment will be returned to you. In addition, I will send six more worn-out equipment to be used as the attribute points Pay. "

After using the war-free card to trade with other unions last time, the Hall of Fame finally got rid of the poverty. For them, it is very cost-effective to exchange two free attribute points per person with clutter that is totally useless.

The proposal was too tempting. Lin Yu couldn't bear to refuse.

"Then follow up with the copy." Qin Qing did not object.

The Rift copy passed quickly.

After the customs clearance, the master took the initiative to turn in the star equipment.

Iger has five pieces of Star Bow, Star Robe, Star Boots, and Star Ring. The fat man is star boots and star ring.

After finishing the copy, Lin Yu began to make up the equipment. As a result, the fat man made up six pieces first. Iger got a pair of star pants,

But still did not get the soft armor dedicated to the shooter, can only continue to wear the mage's robe to make up.

Lin Yu casually pulled down the remaining star boots, star armor, and star trousers, and said, "They're useless, and I'll keep them for sacrifices."

Big head laughed bitterly, star equipment is too much to run out, and no one else.

After copying the copy, the three celebrities hurriedly left.

Qin Qing raised her eyebrows and asked with interest, "Don't you exchange the star equipment with other people?" Yi Linyu's style in the past will definitely think of using the star equipment to exchange garbage equipment with other players.

"Forget it, I'm really afraid that someone will deal with me with the star equipment I exchanged out." Lin Yu pouted and said, "I still keep the equipment to sacrifice."

As he said, he turned his head to face the shooter, and exhorted, "The power attribute is increased to 20, and there is a little physical fitness. The special reward of 20 attributes is the basic attack +10."

"Yes!" Iger blushed, and closed his mouth happily. He finally increased his strength to 20!

Qin Qing added two points to agility and whispered softly, "By brushing the mystery a few more times, I will have all four attributes."

Today, his surrounding attributes are strength 20, agility 13, physique 20, and intelligence 20.

The fat man looked at the boss with admiration.

The warlock secretly amazed, and said that the thigh he held was really thick.

Iger: "..."

He only has one item over 20, but the boss is almost four items over 20, and the gap seems a little big.

Lin Yu frowned. "Why add all four attributes to 20? Is there no difference between primary and secondary?"

"Melee combat, all four attributes are used." Qin Qing lazily pointed at someone with no trace, "unlike long-distance, high intelligence is fine, physical fitness does not matter."

Qin Qing insisted that Lin Yu followed him.

The next day, members of the union met on time in the copy and started a new round of camp battles.

At this time, a prompt appeared on the screen of everyone's black watch, "Required Mission: Do not let any monster pass the teleportation before the enemy camp fails. The mission is completed and each player can get 200 points."

"After the required mission is completed, the player can teleport away at any time. When the required mission cannot be completed, the player profile will be temporarily cleared."

"This copy of the game rules, the player is standing in the safe zone, the attack is invalid. The player is standing in the copy, other players can attack. I wish everyone a happy game."

"The same rules as last time," the warlock muttered to himself.

Lin Yu and Qin Qing's eyes focused on their teammates. There were a total of ten people in the white camp this time. Coincidentally, ten were acquaintances.

Qin Qing raised his corner of his mouth and smiled coldly, "I should have told you, next time you meet again, you will be dead."

"It actually matched in the copy, your luck is really bad." Lin Yu said with emotion.

"The camp battle is about to begin, and the overall situation is the most important thing," one advised.

"What are you afraid of? We won't be able to stay in the safe zone and they will take us!" The other vowed.

These two people are the surviving players of the Long Dream Union.

Lin Yu quickly responded with actual actions. Please fight cards, set fire, one person killed. Please fight cards, set fire, and another person killed.

After everything was done neatly, he greeted Babylon, "I'm glad to meet you."

Babylon was pale, obviously not so happy. He never expected that the team battle would encounter the plague god, and the camp battle would meet again! I haven't said anything yet, just straight

Then hacked two teammates to death! !! !!

"The two were in the same team as the last five. They were not good guys." Lin Yu explained as he took the talent of one of the players and dropped the scroll.

"Skills: Crafting Scrolls of Mystery. Special skills, each with 80 Essences, can get a low-level Mystery Scroll."

"Note: Disassembling equipment can get the essence. The better the equipment quality, the more essence can be obtained after disassembly."

Lin Yu frowned slightly. After the talent becomes a skill, the effect is quite good. Coupled with his sacrifice skills, the demand for equipment is already great. Recently learned the production of intermediate scrolls, this talent skill scroll seems to be dispensable.

So he threw the talent scroll to Babylon and said boldly, "Last time you walked and got nothing, this skill scroll will be given to you!"

Talent skills? Give him free? Babylon looked blank.

Itami was stunned and took over the scroll.

Tiedao think, this must be a conspiracy! What is the specific conspiracy, he must think again ...

After resolving the Changmeng Trade Union's disabled party, Lin Yu happily looked at the surrounding environment.

Qin Qing analyzed, "The terrain is H type. The left side is a white copy and the right side is a blue copy. The middle of H is divided into two halves, the white player on the left and the blue player on the right."

"At first there were ten people on each side. Now there are eight people in white. Blue is still full."

"The teleportation array is in the middle of the road. Looking at the duplicate terrain this time, it should be that both ends of I refresh the monster at the same time and run to the middle."

"On the way there are only three arrow towers with average firepower. It is best to divide the hands into two groups to deal with the herd. In addition, the distance from the refresh point of the monster to the teleportation array is very short. If there are more monsters ..."

After a pause, Qin Qing concluded, "This level will be more difficult."

More tricky? Babylon felt that the pastor's speech was very subtle and should be very, very tricky! !!

"No rush, everyone is the same, the other party is not much better." Lin Yu's expression was calm.

"But now we only have eight people!" Babylon growled. With anxiety, there was less fear of the priest and assistant. Anyway, is there a dead word on the left and right, "Can't you wait for the end of the camp battle, and then hack and kill the two just now!"

The next second, the fat man called out his three summons.

At the same time, Qin Qing said slowly, "In fact, I don't think we need eight people, five people can handle it." The family is rich again, so confident!

Brother Babylon, "..."

So are they redundant?

Lin Yu rubbed his chin and was looking for the next target. During the last break, he made a total of five challenge cards. One was dedicated to Yimeng in the team battle, and two were just used by teammates. At this moment, there are two remaining contestants and two are exempt from battle.

Since there are only three cards in the copy, he plans to use the last chance for the blue player.

Who knows that he didn't wait for a good candidate, the mechanical tone sounded first, "Player 317 used a battle card against you. In the next three minutes, the attack between you and player 317 is really effective ..."

Lin Yu, "..."

There is also a challenge card on the opposite side, and the goal is set to him? At this moment, Lin Yu inexplicably wanted to laugh.

Suddenly, he had no time to add a shield to himself. Immediately afterwards, a frosty arrow hit her. After a while, Lin Yu felt stiff hands and feet, as if frozen, unable to move freely.

Read The Duke's Passion