MTL - Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye-v6 Chapter 250 the fourth time

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Before the fourth camp war, Lin Yu specially took the time to understand the training progress of the members of the Xia Union.

Qin Qing's current progress-basic melee 2, basic defense 3, basic footwork 1, basic meditation 3. In his words, it is either sleeping, eating, pondering, or practicing on the training ground.

Lin Yu's current progress-basic footwork 1, basic meditation 3, basic long combat 3. Because the training is too tired, I don't want to start a new course for the time being.

Iger's current progress-basic meditation 3, basic long combat 2. It is said that I have been desperately burning points recently and finally passed the advanced course of basic meditation. The basic long-range battle is difficult and has not passed the level for the time being.

Warlock's current progress-basic defense 1, basic footwork 1, basic meditation 3, basic long battle 3. After completing Lin Yu's orders, he took other courses spontaneously.

Fatty's current progress-basic meditation 3, basic long war 1. Then ... there is no more.

Looking at the warlock and Qin Qing, Lin Yu couldn't help thinking of the school tyrants he met in his career. It seems that learning makes them happy.

"Yes, the advanced courses of basic meditation have been completed, and the endurance of our union should be top-notch." Qin Qing was pleased. But within three seconds of gratification, he issued a second command, "The shooter will work harder to raise the basic long-range battle to 3 as soon as possible."

"Well, I will work hard!" Iger promised loudly, but his heart was bitter.

The warlock is a hegemonist, plus the foundation is solid than him, so the progress is faster. The fat man touches the fish, there is not much difference between good and bad, anyway, it is the summoner. By this comparison, he was mediocre and conspicuous.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt a sense of crisis.

"I don't know what opponents we will meet tomorrow, everyone will rest early." Finally, Lin Yu ended this way.

Qin Qing interjected, "There are so many strange hits, only a lot of drops are obtained. The more drops, the more things are given to everyone."

Suddenly, the fat man and Iger were flushed with excitement, as if having beaten chicken blood.

Lin Yu: "..."

The net in the team was to meet the guy who fell dead, sooner or later.

The next morning, the fourth camp battle began on time.

Entering the copy, the first thing Lin Yu did was look around. The next second, however, he frowned. The white camp only had five members of the Star Union. She had expected it, but what happened to the terrain?

Qin Qing quickly looked around and touched his chin. "Sichuan map?"

There are three straight routes in the script, with a copy of their faction on the left, a copy of the blue faction on the right, and a safe area in the middle. However, the safety zone was divided into two parts by the mask, and the Star Union was below.

In the copy, five arrow towers are evenly distributed from the start to the end.

The warlock glanced over the safety zone. "There are five people in the blue camp."

At this time, a prompt appeared on the screen of everyone's black watch, "Required Mission: Do not allow any monster to pass the teleportation team until the enemy camp fails. Each mission can complete with 200 points."

"After the required mission is completed, the player can teleport away at any time. When the required mission cannot be completed, the player profile will be temporarily cleared."

"This copy of the game rules, the player is standing in the safe zone, the attack is invalid. The player is standing in the copy, other players can attack. I wish everyone a happy game."

"What do you mean? Not only can the same faction attack each other, but also players from different factions can attack it?" Iger began to doubt life.

"It seems so." The warlock was lost in thought.

"In that case, who would be willing to walk out of the safe zone?" Iger could not help but vomit.

Qin Qing interfaced, "If the remote fire

Stronger than the opponent, melee personnel need not take risks. "

Lin Yu hesitated after taking out the war-free card, showing helplessness, "If everyone stays in the safe zone, the war-free card does not seem to be useful."

"If the situation is urgent, I will go out to fight against the monsters, and then use the war-free card." Then, Qin Qing did not consciously lower his voice. "Try to use the war card for the mage next door."

Lin Yu looked stunned and reacted quickly. The battle card can be effective in the city. Is the security zone stipulated by the system equally valid? !!

In the past, the camps on both sides were quite far apart, and the attack range was much, so I never expected to use a battle card. But now, it seems worth a try.

Qin Qing told others, "The fat man shouted the summons, and the others were ready for battle."

"Attention, aim at the male mage together, wearing the sky blue robe, the beard with a beard on his mouth, the one looking wretched!"

"Remember the card for a few seconds."

Lin Yu nodded and acted according to the words, "3, 2, 1 !!!"

When the number reaches 1, the battle card disappears.

The next second, a mechanical sound prompts, "You used the battle card for player 5946. In the next three minutes, the attack between you and player 5946 is real and effective. When attacked, the vitality is zero, the player dies, and the player profile will Was temporarily cleared. "

"Setting fire output!" Lin Yu growled and brushed five lightning bolts in a row, vowing to have the crispy mage opposite.

Brother Xiao's face was blank.

The warlock tried to use lightning, but was told that the area was safe and the attack was invalid.

Qin Qing did receive a system notification. He just wanted to use thunder and lightning, but found that Lin Yu was very aggressive and didn't need help.

When the blue camp male mage received the system prompt and was aggressive, five thunderbolts slashed one after another, instantly smashing people out.

When the male mage turned white, his eyes were dull and his expression dull. Seems to wonder why he died.

Everyone in the blue camp was horrified, and they retreated several steps in a direction away from the mage, feeling puzzled. Doesn't this mean that this is a safe zone? Is the attack ineffective? Why did the little friend die? !!

A scroll appeared where the male mage disappeared.

"You can't see, it's still a gifted player." Lin Yu regretted it. "Unfortunately, that's a safe zone for the blue camp, and I can't get through."

The Scroll of Talents floats quietly in the air. However, the blue player was furious and looked at Lin Yu from time to time, but he was completely indifferent to grab the scroll.

It took a long time for the soldier to step forward and put the talent scroll into his pocket.

On the other side, Lin Yu slowly took out the second invitation card, "Who's the next turn? There are two invitation cards."

Qin Qing gave instructions, "Cut off the shooter or another mage."

"Well." Lin Yu answered, and used the battle card again.

So, the mage of the blue camp finally knew why his companion died unclearly just now.

He shouted, "The attack effect is only three minutes. Protect me!"

While talking, the thunderbolt fell.

The mage took a hard note and quickly ran to the soldier.

The soldiers quickly reacted and took out a big shield and raised it overhead to protect their companions.

Lin Yu received a prompt, "You attacked player 7245. The opponent is in a safe zone and the attack is invalid."

Lin Yu stunned. With a battle card, she can only attack the mage alone. The mage teammates came to help resist, his attack fell on other people, it will be invalid. After a long time, after three minutes, the battle card will become invalid.

"Well, you can't do it alone!" Qin Qingyou

Sorrowful, he took out the cross and fired a magic bomb at the blue mage.

The soldier quickly lowered the shield, blocking the frontal attack. As a result, Qin Qing also received a system warning that the attack was invalid.

"You can't do it!" Lin Yu laughed. Before Qin Qing rebutted, she threw "furious" at the mage.

Rage is a talented talent of Sakura. Because it can both increase attack and have severe side effects, Lin Yu does not use it often. It's just now that it works just fine.

"Ahhhh!" The mage roared, her eyes were red, and it seemed to be stimulated.

Suddenly, he shoved away the soldier and used three skills at Lin Yu. Then, he screamed and ran in the direction of Lin Yu, as if planning to attack as close as the soldier.

"What happened ?!" The soldier was stunned. Does my heart say my partner is crazy? Don't rush under the shield and run out!

The attack came immediately, but the brown bear was very happy. It finally has a chance to block attacks for its teammates!

The huge body stood in front of Lin Yu, and the fair and just system reminded again that the attack was invalid.

Lin Yu hooked his mouth and threw several thunderbolts to end the mage's gaming career. Then he told the blue player solemnly, "Okay, we can start camp battle now."

The soldier's face was pale, the copy didn't start, and the main output of the team was gone, which was a fart!

Qin Qing looked at the mage of the mage and murmured directly. "Throw it violently to the opponent, don't throw it at your own person. I always think that his talent is very useful after Sakura's death."

Lin Yu glanced back and said lightly, "What's the hurry? I didn't intend to throw it to you."

Qin Qingxin said, isn't this afraid of your impulse?

"It's miserable." The warlock looked at the remaining three in the blue camp and couldn't help mumbling.

Lin Yu placed a thunder wind combination on the first arrow tower to conduct a super fast attack, and a water wind combination was placed on the second arrow tower to slow the target's movement speed by 40% for five seconds before stopping. "Get it. "

The fat man almost wanted to give his knee. Under the leadership of the big brother, the game was over before it even started.

Qin Qing turned his head to study the new rules, "Player can walk to his own copy and cannot enter the enemy's safe zone. Can he enter the enemy's copy?"

Lin Yu shouted, "Don't you know if you try it?"

Qin Qing was very suspicious that someone was taking revenge.

"Counseling? The two mages on the other side are gone." Lin Yu half-excited him, said half-seriously, "You go out, I will give you a shield, there is no danger at all."

Qin Qingmu said with a face, "Or there is a more secure way. For example, let the brown bear walk over and try."

The brown bear's smile was so thick that he didn't know anyone was thinking about it.

Lin Yuzhenzhen has a saying, "The brown bear is a summoning skill. Even if it passes, it doesn't mean that the player can pass, you still have to try it again."

"Why do I have to go?" Qin Qing asked.

"You are mt!" Lin Yu said of course, "It's more anti-high blood, not who are you going to?"

Qin Qing was speechless. He always felt that Lin Yu was trying to seduce him as a sandbag, but a ghost talk sounded very reasonable.

"Why have to try it once?" Qin Qing thought hard.

Lin Yuyu graciously said, "You just pretend that there are talent scrolls in the copy of the blue camp, you are specifically to pick up the scrolls. Understanding the new rules of the game, you can use them reasonably in the future."

"Speed, it's going to be refreshed soon." After he said it, he urged again.

Qin Qing was so dazzled that he was stumped out of the safe zone.