MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 94 punishment

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The movement of the fire and the tarantula was too great. After entering the "rescue", Lianjun immediately began to arrange for the personnel to retreat.

Considering that it is a soldier to the court, and the experience of the battle is rich, it is inevitable that he will see the clue. Lian Jun deliberately sent three other brothers at the time, and led them to go down the road, not letting them go deep into the middle of the warehouse. Go to the "battlefield."

In the storeroom, Shiwei Chong quickly packed up his emotions under the reminder of Yu Yi, and buried the doctor who helped him to transfer Xu Jie to the stretcher.

Shi Jin has been standing and watching. He did not take the initiative to call Wei Chong, nor did he take the initiative to look for him. He knows that the current mood of Wei Chong is definitely chaotic, and he does not necessarily want to see himself.

Standing for a while, Shijin suddenly felt that the body became more and more uncomfortable. Lian Jun saw that he was in a wrong situation and was busy stuffing him on a stretcher, forcing him to lie down and rest. When I entered the compromise, I really closed my eyes and started to close my eyes.

Everyone hurriedly moved outwards. When they reached the middle of the road, the team met the people who led by Ao Ting and others. After a brief conversation, they all went out together.

Afterwards, I didn’t remember much when I entered the warehouse. After he pulled out of the No. 1 warehouse, it was not long before it was confused. The aftermath of the buff was more ferocious than he thought. After the body relaxed, the fever and the scorpion swollen and painful together found the door. Tormented him to death.

When he woke up again, time had passed to the early morning of the next day.

The sky was not completely lit up, the light in the room was a little dim, and the time was pushed hard to open the heavy eyelids. I turned around and looked around. I saw myself lying in a ward, and I was still sleeping in the accompanying bed. The mouth pressed a cough that was about to rush out of the mouth, touched the uncomfortable throat, poked a small death in the heart, and asked: "What is the situation now?"

"Ah! When you finally entered, you finally woke up. I didn't expect the sequelae of buff to be so fierce. Sorry, oh..." Xiaoxue saw that he had recovered his consciousness, and he was excited to scream directly. He couldn’t help but cry. .

When he entered, he only felt that his head was more painful. He bent over the quilt and was a few coughs.

The little dead saw it and cried, and the voice was lighter. He explained: "You didn't take long to lie on the stretcher yesterday. The baby was very worried and sent you to the hospital. Xu Jiehe Wei Chong is also in this hospital. Xu Jie has already finished the ambulatory surgery and facial suture surgery. Now it should be in a coma. When Wing Chong’s wound is not deep, he has been bandaged. He has seen you. I sat at your bed for a long time. Fei Yujing went to the hotel near the hospital to rest, and should come over today. Baby kept you for half a night, waiting for you to retire before lying down, just sleeping for a few hours. ""

When I listened to the situation, I felt a little harder. I looked at the innocent prince who was not awakened by myself. The corner of my mouth was hooked, I thought about it, and I was busy taking back my sight and looking at my progress bar. Tossing so much can be all for this, it must be lowered, it is best to eliminate it once...

Xiaodie found his movements, his voice stiffened and he said dryly: "Going in, Xu Jie is really your death factor. After she was in a coma, your progress bar dropped directly to 100, but after she finished After the operation, your progress bar has risen again and has risen to 300..."

Time advance: "..."

The little dead tone hesitated: "The progress bar has not been emptied directly, even after Xu Jie has improved, it has risen a bit. Does this mean that... represents..."

"On behalf of Xu Jie, the thief is still not dead, as long as he is alive, he will not let me go." Shijin is desperate, and he looks at the ceiling in bed, and he has no love. "It is difficult to make this progress bar to kill Xu Jie." Can you eliminate it?"

Let's not say the words of killing Xu Jie. What should I do when Wei Chong is there? I only say that he is himself. He does not want to let himself be infected with human life just because he wants to eliminate the progress bar. He does not allow himself to do this either in terms of humanity or principle.

"Maybe it is like this." Xiaoxue carefully answered, seeing his low mood, and busy comforting, "maybe not because Xu Jie is also uncertain, you see your progress bar will occasionally be affected by the baby, this time Not because of --"

"The progress bar of Lianjun has not risen. If I am affected by him, then his progress bar should also rise." When he sighed, he said that he was in the process of being a cheap man in the brain. It’s a bit wrong to find the progress bar. I frown and blink, I suspect that I’m just awake and I’m not awake. I lifted my hand and looked at my forehead and then continued to look at it. Then I brushed up and sat up. Called, "Lower! The progress of Lianjun has dropped!"

"What?" The little death was scared, and he was busy looking at the progress bar of Lianjun. Then he screamed. "Oh, ah, it really fell! 499, dropped a little! Baby's progress bar for the first time. The next 500! Is the nursed back to work?"

"Absolutely!" Shi Jin immediately got up, and wherever he could take care of his progress bar, he turned his head and looked at the Lian Jun on the accompanying bed, with a distorted expression on his face with a shock and surprise.

Lian Jun opened his eyes and looked at him quietly.

"Oh..." When I started to froze, I began to recall when I was just talking to Xiaodie. Did I accidentally say what I said in my head?

After a while, he is sure that there is no, because he is now sore to death, in reality, it is absolutely impossible to say the normal sound line... so the probability of Lianjun is suddenly sitting up and making trouble The movement was awakened.

"Early, good morning." He smiled stiffly, greeted him, tried to get away with it, and then tragically found that his voice was super ugly, as harsh as a nail-scraping glass, and frightened and raised his hand around his neck.

Lian Jun blinked, the fascination in the eyes quickly faded away, opened the quilt and got up to the bed, raised his hand and touched his forehead, found that it was not hot, sat comfortably beside him, and naturally embraced him. Go along with his back and ask: "Do you have a nightmare? Don't be afraid, I am here."

What a gentle and considerate baby.

The psychological shock of the moment was smoothed, relaxed and hugged, and closed his eyes in satisfaction.

It’s great to have this person around.

"Still sleepy? Drink water first and then sleep." Lian Jun kissed him side by side and asked softly.

According to you, you are all dependent on you.

When he nodded, his arm held him.

Lian Jun saw him tilting down and took the insulation bottle on the bedside table. After unscrewing it, he retreated a little and sent the kettle to his mouth.

When I saw it, I received it. I let him take a sip of water from the kettle and immediately felt a painful and itchy throat. Many of them felt a smile. When they were ready to speak and talk to him, they were pinched by Lian Jun. The lips.

"The doctor said that your scorpion damage is a bit serious, you need to raise it well. You should talk as little as possible in the past few days." Lian Jun squatted, then let go of his mouth, let him lie back on the bed, bent over his forehead and kissed him. Said, "Sleep, time is still early."

In fact, there is still some worry that Lianjun will ask him how his nephew will be damaged. He even decided to confess the little death, but he did not expect that Lianjun actually skipped this point, so he temporarily suppressed it. Nodded, indicating that Lianjun also went back to sleep - Lianjun's progress bar has just been reduced by 1 point, but can not rise back because of lack of sleep.

Lian Jun understood what he meant, and kissed him and said, "I will go to sleep again. You have something to remember to call me."

When he nodded, he closed his eyes first, listened to the movement of Lianjun lying back on the bed, watching the progress bar in the brain less expensive, and he would stay in the infinity and sleep unconsciously.

When I woke up, the time had already turned to 10 o'clock in the morning. Lianjun had already woke up and was sitting at the bedside to read the documents.

I was embarrassed when I entered, I didn't expect to sleep for so long, I got up and washed, and then I did a daily check with the doctor. After taking the medicine and making sure that the scorpion was better, I asked: "You are this morning." Did you exercise?"

Lian Jun did not expect him to be anxious to care for himself as soon as he could open his mouth. He got a cup of honey water and replied: "Exercise, do it in another ward, do you want to check?" Signaled your collar.

When he entered, he did not hesitate to reach out and took a look at him. He pulled his collar and looked at it. He pinched his arm and said nothing. "Well, the muscle state shows that you did exercise, there is no lying. Come, reward me." Speaking of the past and kissed Lianjun.

Lian Jun was teased by him, pinched his face and gestured outside the ward. He said: "When Weiwei is outside, waiting to see you. Xu Jie woke up this morning, his mental state is not very good, may need to see Psychologist."

Mental state is not very good?

When I look at the progress bar that I am stable at 300, I frown, and I should say: "Let the time latitude come in first."

Lian Jun nodded, helped him pull the quilt, turned and prepared to call people.

When he entered, he shouted at him and asked: "Leng Jun, if I said that I am not going to send Xu Jie to prison as I planned, would you blame me?"

Lian Jun stopped the wheelchair and looked back at him. He said seriously: "I won't blame you, but I don't recommend you to do this. The hidden danger is always a hidden danger. If you don't want to stay, you can either remove the hidden danger directly or take it. Controlling it and not letting go is not a good choice."

"I know." When he sighed, some helplessly grabbed his hair and said, "I can't do it directly after removing Xu Jie. When she is sent to prison, Wei Chong will definitely not bear it. I will definitely ask for me. For the time being, I still can't continue to sprinkle salt on the Wing Chong wounds... In fact, I thought of a more compromised approach that can control Xu Jie and make Shiwei Chong temporarily take a while."

Lian Jun’s eyes moved and asked: “What is the solution?”

Time does not answer and ask: "Is there a mental hospital in my country? It is more isolated from the world."

Lian Jun immediately understood what he meant. He pointed his finger at the wheelchair armrest and suddenly smiled. He said, "This place is more than destroyed."


Lian Jun put Shi Wei Chong into the ward, and then went out on his own, leaving the space to the brothers.

When Wei Chong was wearing a sick suit, his face looked very embarrassed, his dark circles were heavy, and his eyes were full of red blood. When he sat down, he checked the state of the time and then asked, "How is the body?"

"It's very good, the fire has already retreated. Now it's just a little pain in the throat." When he answered, he poured a glass of water and asked, "How are you, is the wound deep?"

Shiwei Chong shook his head, took the water, and silenced for a while. After pondering the tone, he said, "Small, sorry, I..."

"I can't send Xu Jie to prison. This kidnapping did not alarm the official. All of them were solved by ourselves, so we don't have to go through the legal process." Shijin interrupted his words and went straight to the topic. Seeing the sight, seriously said, "But I can't forgive Xu Jie for what my mother did. Although she didn't do it, she did induce her mother's suicide."

At the time, Wei Chong’s hand holding the cup was tight, his eyes dimmed and he asked, “What do you want to do?”

"I heard that Xu Jie's mental state is not very good, need to see a psychiatrist." Shijin did not like the current atmosphere of the speech, pulled the quilt, looked down at his palm, and said in detail, "Probably my mental darkness I always feel that her psychological problem is loaded. Some of the brothers of the five brothers seem to be a very famous psychologist. I hope that he will identify Xu Jie’s psychological condition, and then my request is, no matter what the last Xu The result of Jie’s appraisal, you must send Xu Jie to the mental hospital under the name, and I will not allow her to come out again.

When Shi Wei Chong lived, he could not help but call him: "Xiao Jin..."

"If she did something wrong, she must be punished." Shijin interrupted him again, looked up at him, and his eyes were firm. "I can't kill her, I can't even let her go to prison, but I can't forgive her." Also, let her comfortably pass the rest of her life, and even find opportunities to hurt me! Big Brother, you said that I am worried, saying that I am absolutely good, only this one, I will never give in. The hospital must be set by me You can arrange for yourself to take care of her, even if you can personally inspect the environment, see if I will send someone to secretly abuse her, but she must not be free, my life is only one, I do not want to be frightened and prepared - —"

"I'm sorry." When Wei Chong suddenly put down the water cup and hugged him up, his voice was heavy. "I'm sorry, Xiaojin, I didn't want to force you like this... Sorry."

When I entered, I looked at him slightly and called: "...big brother?"

"You don't have to retreat for me." Shiwei Chong closed his eyes and said, "No need to identify, my mother's mental condition is no problem at all. She is sick just to escape legal responsibility. I am coming this time. Just to tell you about it. You can do whatever he wants, I won't have any objections."

"...ah? You are not coming..." Is it pleading?

Time is straightforward, and I don’t understand what it’s like now.

"I'm not so confused." When Wei Chong heard his surprise in his tone, he retired and let go of him, looked at his stupid look, raised his hand and touched his hair, revealing a very bitter taste. Smile, said: "This is too unfair to you, you have given her a chance, she did not cherish."

"Big Brother." When he looked at him, he seemed to want to see through everything, and his heart was uneasy.

"I'm fine." Shi Wei Chong Chao shook his head and said, "I thought a lot yesterday, I want to say what my mother said, think about how we get along this time, think about what I have done in the past few decades... ...I thought about it all night, trying to find something that made me feel happy, but I found that I didn't. For so many years, except for the money, I actually didn't fall. Maybe my subconscious mind has realized this, so I I always want to tie you to me... How did you describe it before, overcompensating the psychology, yes, it should be like this, the more I lack what, the more I ask for it, regardless of it, it will cause you A lot of unnecessary burdens have indirectly led to the present results."

"Big Brother, this is not your problem." Time rebutted, disapproving of him taking all the mistakes on himself.

"You don't have to comfort me, I understand." Shi Wei Chong still shook his head and said: "I said that these are not self-defeating, or escaping. I just never wake up like this. What kind of character is my mother, I She knows the most. She is paranoid, can bear, and does not end her goal. From the beginning to the end, she has been making mistakes, she has already pushed you to this point, I will not help again. She is also not awake. Once again, forgiveness will only make her deeper and deeper. You have not let her pay for his life, I am very grateful, this time you want to deal with her, all with you."

When I frowned, I asked, "Can you close a mental hospital? Can you close your life?"

"I am with you." When Wei Chong touched his hair again, it was comforting and promised. "Small forward, you don't have to be prepared, don't worry anymore, I will never let her hurt you again." , definitely not."

When Wei Chong finished this sentence, he left. When he entered the scene and sent him to leave, he always felt that his state was a bit wrong when he said the last sentence. After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and called Li Jiuyi.


Although Shi Wei Chong told Yu Jin very surely, Xu Jie’s mental problem was installed, but Shi Jin was still in contact with Li Jiuyi, and asked his brother to come and personally give Xu Jie a look.

After some inspections, Li Jiuyi’s brother gave the same answer as Wei Xing. Xu Jie did not have any mental illness. She is now in an excessively calm state after an emotional outburst. All mental breakdowns are loaded. of.

Shi Wei Chong responded very flatly to this conclusion. After listening to it, he could even talk politely to the brother of Li Jiuzhen and care about the situation of Li Jiuyi at the division.

Li Jiuyi’s brother talked to him in a cooperative manner, and then called the time after leaving the hospital.

"The psychological condition of your big brother is really not very good, too depressed." Li Jiuyi's brother began to express the coldness of the time.

Sure enough, when you have problems, frown.

Before the conversation with Wei Chong, Shi Wei Chong was very mature and calm, and he had already wanted to open it. However, he always felt that the speed of Wei Xing’s emotion adjustment was too fast, and the calm look was even more It is like a kind of stress self-abuse after a person is forced to the limit. Immediately after he realized this, he contacted Li Jiuyi and asked for the number of Li Jiuyi’s brother. When asked about the situation of Xu Jie, he also explored the situation of Wei Chong.

"Is his problem serious?"

"One point." Li Jiuyi’s brother replied, "I am taking the liberty, Mr. Shi, is your relationship with your older brother not very good, have you ever had anything that he has done before, sorry for you?" I really want to compensate you, but what have you not accepted?"

Time does not understand how he asked this question, and replied: "My relationship with him is really not too good. You have said that there is also, but I just don't want him, I don't blame him."

"It seems that this is the problem." Li Jiuyi, the brother-in-law sighed, said, "When I chatted with him, I found that he was very concerned about your situation during the conversation. There was an urgent desire to compensate you and several other brothers, but everyone It seems that he does not accept his compensation. Any emotions that are suppressed for a long time can not be vented, will gradually backlog, and eventually cause serious psychological problems... In short, he is being crushed by his own, and recently broke out. Some of the things that made him consciously have no position on compensation, so he is now very uncomfortable. There is a tendency to self-destruct with the source of the error. You should find a way to enlighten him."

When I entered, I didn’t think that the situation would be like this. When I remembered the conversation before, the last sentence that Wei Chong said finally, I frowned.


On that night, after thinking about it, Shiqian screamed over and said goodbye: "Big brother, you said right before, forgiveness again and again, only people will get deeper and deeper. This is not only true. Xu Jie applies, it is also for you. Big Brother, you accompany Xu Jie to the mental hospital for half a year. After half a year, I will allow you to come out, and you can come out again."

When Wei Wei Chongyi, he asked: "Is this the punishment you gave me?"

No, this is what I want you to relax. Also, why do you want to ask this sentence so expectantly.

When you don't answer, you look at him with no expression, it looks like the default.

When Wei Chong looked at his expression, he suddenly smiled, smiled with a little relief, leaned over and hugged him, and sighed: "I understand... Xiaojin, you have to be good, I will miss you. ”

"I won't miss you." When he entered the hard state, he replied, didn't hug him, and even pushed him away, saying, "Go out, I have to rest."

When Wei Chong was pushed to a stiff position, he quickly concealed the past, smiled at him, helped him pull the quilt, and turned away.

The ward was quiet, and when it entered the face with a blank expression for a while, suddenly fell back to the hospital bed, long sighed - blindly forgive, only people will get deeper and deeper... good trouble.


After making a decision on the time, Lian Jun arranged the hospital's affairs with the fastest speed, and then gave Xu Jie and Shi Wei Chong a good procedure and packaged them on the plane.

Time did not go to the plane, just boring on the window sill of the ward, watching his progress bar daze.

Time passed by, and at the moment the ticket took off, I found that my progress bar had dropped to 200.

The little death sighed and said: "When Xu Jie arrives at the hospital, he is closely guarded, and the progress bar should be lowered a bit."

"Yes." When the time came back and answered, he squatted on the sofa by the window, and his heart was a little bit wrong. This time, in order to let Shiwei admire a good rest, he couldn't help but pick a slightly less bad hospital to Xu Jie.

"Whether the bad guys have no bad news, why should she live so comfortable..." He was unhappy, a little unwilling.

"She won't live comfortably." Lian Jun's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

When I was surprised, I turned around and looked at it.

Lian Jun slipped the wheelchair and leaned over and touched his big eyes. He said, "I have prepared a gift for her. Her hospital life will definitely be wonderful."

When I digested his words, my heart filled with hope in an instant. I sat up and asked, "What gift? Have you arranged a very bad doctor for her?"

"No." Lian Jun likes to look at his expression of anticipation of trust, and his mouth hooks and explains, "Remember the nurse that Xu Jie bought through? When she forced your mother, in order to avoid the time. Rui’s investigation and not being wiped out by Xu Jie, hiding in the Tibetan area for many years, a very bad life, the spirit is really a problem. I tried to send her to Xu Jie next door.”

When I entered this, I remembered that there was such a piece on my side, my eyes were getting brighter and brighter, I couldn’t help but hold the Lianjun hard, and praised him smartly, then sat up straight and shouted: "It’s really heaven. Good reincarnation, whoever surpassed the sky!" The so-called wicked person has his own evil person to grind, let Xu Jie and the nurse who hates her to torture each other! Detox! Cool!

Lian Jun reached out and pulled his face back. The words turned and said: "Now Xu Jie’s things are finished, we should talk about your business."

"Well? My business? What's my thing?" When he entered, he held his face and looked confused. "Is it going to talk about school? That's fine, my body has recovered, you do not worry."

"I am not worried about this." Lian Jun asked him to bow his head and look at the documents placed on his legs. He said, "This is what I gave to you before the time, and the above is the development plan of the next stage of Ruixing. It’s already in your hands, so the new president of Ruixing, how are you going to deal with this behemoth?”

When I entered the mood that just raised my eyebrows, I rubbed it off and looked at the documents on Lianjun’s leg. It was silly. After that, how did he forget this? When Wei Chonggang was forced to leave him for half a year, Ruixing What should I do? He can't manage the company!