MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 83 Dating (below)

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In the nervous sight of Lian Jun, the time came out of the bag... a white T-shirt.

"This is...?" The tension on the face of Lianjun disappeared and became doubtful.

"This is the clothes I bought for you when I went out last time and I went out. You don't remember?" When the time came, the clothes shook open and pointed to the position of the corners of the clothes, saying, "Look Here, there is a 'Jun' word, I just bought it for you."

Lian Jun looked at him in the direction he pointed, and he saw a black embroidered word on the T-shirt.

“The shopping guide said that the font on the clothes is a calligraphy font, the exclusive authorization, the word is also hand-embroidered, using the national embroidery that is rarely used now... Anyway, I also listen I don't understand, in short, it is very rare. This set of 'National Studies' series of clothing is limited to only 72 pieces, only two pieces embroidered with 'Jun', I bought it all back." Shi Jin explained, from There was a slap in the bag, and I finally got a white T-shirt.

Lian Jun listened to his explanation and looked at the clothes in his hand. The eyebrows slowed down a little, and he couldn’t help but tease him. He said, "Don’t you say that you only bought a dress for me? How is it now? There are two pieces, lie to me."

"I didn't lie to you." When he shook his head, he compared the T-shirt he took out to himself and said, "This one is what I bought for myself, so these two clothes are you, I am Pieces, just can be made into a couple of lovers."

Lian Jun stunned again and repeated: "Lovers?"

"Well, couples wear." Time to answer, put two pieces of clothes on the legs, leaned down and slammed the back of the chair to indicate that he raised the baffle, reached for the collar of Lianjun, said with a smile. "Today is not over yet, so we change clothes and continue to date!"


The car flew all the way and headed for the suburbs of B.

At the time, he not only prepared clothes for Lianjun, but also prepared new pants and shoes for him. Of course, all of them were couples. When the car stopped at the destination door, Lianjun had replaced his robes, put on the "lover's suit" that he had prepared for him, and even put on a pair of glasses. When he entered, he also put on new clothes and stuffed the old clothes into the bag.

Although the two are wearing white T, but the style is not the same. The white T of Lianjun’s body is designed to be more self-cultivating. The overall decoration is only the dark lines of the cloth itself and the ink color “Jun” embroidered at the clothespin. It is very simple and restrained. The white T on the body is loose, although the word "Jun" is also embroidered, but the color of the word is red, the font is not the same, very wild, very big, embroidered in the left chest to the shoulder is very conspicuous The location, looking at it, is like a fire from the chest, giving a feeling of vitality, very publicity.

When you look at the two pieces of clothing, you don’t think it’s a series, but when you wear them together, the feeling of harmony and harmony is instantly revealed. Let people know that these two pieces are visible at a glance. The clothes are from the same person.

Because of his appearance and temperament, Lianjun always gives people a feeling of being uncomfortable and slightly oppressive. However, after changing the style of restrained clothes and glasses on the shelf to block the eye, the whole person immediately looks gentle. Up, and because of his slim body, so in the warmth of the moment, but also gave birth to a little bit of Swen's abstinence.

All in all, it’s tempting.

"...perfect, it doesn't look like a triad." Shijin slowly retired and his voice was dry. For the first time, he realized such a thing so clearly - even if he just looked at his face, he must Will like the cheaper.

A person who is so perfect and good-looking, who would not like it!

When Lian Jun saw his face with a stiff expression and his tone was "reluctant", he instantly misunderstood what he meant. He glanced at the white T that he wore very nicely, touched his thin wrist, and asked with less confidence: " Will it be difficult to see?"

A person who is too thin will not be able to support his clothes. He usually wears a robes that are very tolerant of his body, and he can cover up one or two. Now he changes his ordinary clothes, and all the defects on his body are exposed.

He is just an ordinary person, and he instinctively hopes that he is good-looking in the eyes of lovers.

When I heard the words and returned to God, I looked up and down the Lianjun again. I actually nodded in agreement and said, "It is a bit."

Lian Jun’s fingers trembled, and he narrowed his gaze. The hand unconsciously wanted to pull a smack. Just wanted to say that he would still change it, but he found that the time suddenly came over, then raised his hand and took him off. Glasses on the bridge of the nose.

"This glasses is too ugly, it doesn't take you at all, your eyes are so beautiful, or you don't block them." Shijin threw the glasses away, and looked at the face of Lianjun, and took a sip. Said, "This is perfect, even ordinary T-shirts can be dressed so beautiful, it is my boyfriend!"

Lian Jun first stunned, and then he was laughed at by his exaggerated performance. Seeing his likes in his eyes is not like a fake. He hugged him with his backhand and said, "You like it."

"Of course I like it!" Shi Jin then kissed him, then retired and held the door handle and said, "Okay, time is tight, let's go on a date."

Lian Jun followed his movements and looked out of the car. He found that there was no dark street lamp outside. He could only tell that there was a small forest not far from the car. He frowned slightly and asked: "Where is this?" ?"

"You will know when you have a meeting." Time to get off the train first, then take out the wheelchair to help him out, spray him with mosquito repellent water, bid farewell to the second, then push him straight into the grove, follow the forest road Going ahead with the unknown.

Because the trees are obscured by the moonlight, the forest is darker than the outside. The brows of the Lianjun are always wrinkled. When you press the flashlight, you can check the surrounding environment. If you want to remind you to pay attention to safety, the mouth just opens. I was interrupted by the time.

"Come on, don't blink your eyes." The voice of Shijin with a repressed expectation and excitement, said that suddenly speeded up, almost pushing the Lianjun trotting around the corner, running out of the woods, stepping into the forest The original wooden door of a cartoon design slowly buffered in an open square-like place. I didn't know where to make a whistle and blew two sounds.


The whistle smashed through the night and passed to the distance, faintly echoing.

Lian Jun heard the sound of the whistle, and suddenly there was a blur of water flowing in the distance, and then the sound of the water was getting louder and louder, bigger and bigger, suddenly screaming, the water column with a few wrists With the light rushing out of the ground, illuminating the dark world, blasting in the air, forming a water curtain with colored light, slowly falling back to the ground and flowing back to the place where it was originally sprayed.


There was a light from the wooden door behind the two people, which was rounded toward the front, and the cheerful music sounded. The small square was completely lit. The two stood at the entrance of the square and became the only audience in this beautiful scenery.

When I put in the whistle, I looked at the face in front of me with a height of seven or eight meters high. There was a layer of music fountain on the first floor. I couldn’t help but bend down and hold the shoulder of Lianjun. I was excited and said, "How? Ok, I specially put the first stop here, do you like it?"

Lian Jun recovered from the surprise, looked sideways and asked: "These are all you prepared?"

"Well, the first date, of course, it’s fun." When he nodded, he saw a black shadow moving towards the side of the square. He stood up and waved at the other side, then bent over to support Li Lianjun. Said, "The weather is still too hot, let's go, let's go in the sightseeing car, it's cool inside."

Lian Jun stood up with his strength and saw the dark shadow that gradually approached. When the other party approached, he discovered that it was a cartoon patrol car with the words dedicated to the staff and a glance at it. In front of this small square, which was embellished with colored light and fountains, seemed to be a little slower than God. He asked, "Have you wrapped it here?"

"Well, it’s more comfortable to play." When I entered this time, I was honest. When the car stopped, I immediately opened the door and helped the Lianjun. Then I took the wheelchair and moved it up. I also drilled in and took a picture of the driver in front. "Get off, follow the rehearsal line."

"Yes." The driver should slam and push the steering wheel.

Lian Jun’s eyebrows, watching the driver in the front seat wearing a funny hat, called: “卦三?”

“Jun is not good at night.” Yan San said with a singer and said, “I will give you an explanation for the fact that I did not notify you in time.”

Lian Jun looked at the time and looked forward.

When I entered the low cough, my heart said: "I just asked them a little..."

"So I am back soon?" Lian Jun asked.

Yan Sanhe nodded and looked at him carefully, a look of fear of his anger.

"You are really..." Lian Jun glanced at them and suddenly leaned back into the back of the chair and said, "Go ahead."

“Hmm?” He said that he didn’t react.

"You must sleep before eleven o'clock, now it is eight o'clock, and hurry up." Lian Jun explained.

He heard the news and said that he was not prepared to lie to him with a big family. He was busy and responded with a sigh of relief.

When I saw it, I caught the hand of Lianjun and tried to sweeten my words: "Jun Shao, you are really good-looking, powerful, tolerant and generous, come and eat fruit." Finished the fruit plate in the sightseeing car. .

"The mouth is slippery." Lian Jun knocked on him, but his mouth was hooked up.


As the tour bus goes all the way, the lights on the roadside are lit up. If you look down from the sky, you will find that the lights of the entire amusement park are illuminated in the order of the tour bus. The place where the guests did not arrive is still dark. .

Although there are no other tourists in the park, the atmosphere is very warm. Wherever the tour bus goes, all the shops are open, and the stalls are also placed. The dolls and floats on the street show shuttle back and forth. Occasionally, people who are responsible for the security are passing by, people coming and going. It is not deserted at all.

When passing a dessert shop, Shijin let Yuji temporarily stop, get off and buy two desserts from the shop owner who dressed up the cartoon, and then handed it back to Lianjun, saying: "Taste, see if you like it." ""

Lianjun took this little taste of the dessert, thought of something, looked at it, took a spoon and forked it into the mouth, chewed and swallowed and said, "Good." It is a familiar taste.

"Then you eat a little more!" When the time came to the news, he let go of his heart, and also removed his own dessert. He dig a half down in a spoon and his heart was beautiful.

How can I not eat when I go out on a date, but because I want to avoid it, I can only think of something that I can do in advance, and then pretend to be the finished product of the store to buy the atmosphere of the dating atmosphere.

Fortunately, Lianjun did not deny his craft, plan to pass.

Lian Jun saw all his expression changes in his eyes, poked the strawberry on the dessert, and learned how he looked. He scooped half of the dessert and sent it into his mouth.

Well, it’s delicious.


There are a lot of shops along the road. When I enter, I open the door from time to time, buy toys, buy around, buy souvenirs, buy food, buy and drink... all kinds of buy and buy, he seems to have completely forgotten that Lianjun needs to avoid this matter. Don't stop the small desserts and small snacks bought on the roadside shops for Lian Jun.

Lian Jun also seems to have forgotten his physical condition, and he is glad to accept his feeding. Occasionally he will take the initiative to stop and buy something, and then pay for it by using his mobile phone to scan the code.

In addition to sitting in the sightseeing car all the way, the two are like a pair of ordinary couples who come to the amusement park to play at night. It is fun to play while shopping and eating.

Just eating it all the way, the two went to the location of the first entertainment project - the carousel.

"Play? Don't line up." When using the salesman's tone, he encouraged the gentleman.

Lianjun has never played this kind of childish entertainment project. When he was a child, he had no chance. When he grew up, he had no time and no identity, so he could not play. He had thought that he had to miss these things in his life, but he did not expect that there are individuals who have tried his best to help him fill them.

"You said that I have to listen to me today, go play." When he saw him, he didn't talk, and suddenly changed his face. He said, "I know you don't want to play, but I must force you to play."

Lian Jun smiled and knew that he was handing a ladder to himself to "do something that did not conform to his identity." He nodded and said: "Okay, let's play."

"No regrets!" Shijin immediately became happy, and quickly got off the bus and moved him to help him down. He was afraid of the way he ran.

He sent two people into the carousel area, raised his hand and put on the top hat, and took out the camera - this is probably the easiest task he has done in the past ten years. The camera is right, he is very OK.

It doesn't take long for the Trojan to turn around. When you pull in the Lianjun, you can sit for three laps. It is enough to sit on the Trojan, the little carriage, and the double horse. Lian Jun was tossed by him, watching the lights that changed with the movement of the Trojans around the body, listening to the time and lingering around, the smile on his face continued to deepen.

For a grown-up, this naive game may not be interesting enough, but the minds of the people around him are really precious.

After the Trojan was finished, the two returned to the car and continued to follow the road in the park.

The lights in the front slowly light up, and there are cute stalls and bustling floats in the light. The two walked all the way, which is like walking into the fairy tale world from the world.

Another time to buy and eat, the second project arrived - jumping off the building.

"It’s a man who plays with excitement." When he looked at Lianjun, he deliberately challenged him. "Dare to play?"

Lian Jun held his face with his hand, his mouth twitched, his hand poked his face, nodded: "Dare."

"That's up!" When I entered, I immediately pushed the door and got off the wheelchair.

After sitting on the jumper, Lianjun found that there were two more people on the side—卦一和卦二.

"Compensate for childhood plus one of me." 卦二朝廉君 greeted and sat on the machine.

He also greeted Lianjun and said something similar to that of the third.

Lian Jun put his hand on the hand and said nothing, looking sideways to the side is obviously a little nervous time, raising his hand to help the protective gear.

"Don't be afraid."


The sound of comfort and the sound of the machine sounded together, the body floated, the air was stirred, the vision quickly rose, and the stunned eyes blinked. When the machine stopped, he watched the road under his feet and the time he walked in. Satisfy.

In the last person who was sitting on the jumper, I couldn’t help but scream.

卦 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无


Bumper cars, shaking heads, Chinese flying saucers, haunted houses, crazy carousels, 4D fantasy trips, roller coasters... The two followed the road in the park and played all the popular rides in the park. They also turned to the performance square. After a night of performances, I finally went to the last and still the only project in the entire park, the Ferris wheel.

“The Ferris wheel is in the middle of the park and rises to the top. You can clearly see the night view of the entire park.” When he got into the car, he pushed the Lianjun to the front of the Ferris wheel and took a look at the time. He said, “Now is ten. At 40, it takes 20 minutes for the Ferris wheel to turn around. After sitting until 11 o'clock, I have set up a holiday cabin for this park. I will rest here tonight, how about?"

Because of his mood, Lianjun looks much more rosy than usual. He looks up at the Ferris wheel that still has no lights at this moment. He nodded and said, "Okay, listen to your arrangement today."

"I know you will say that." Time to happily hold down his wheelchair armrest and step forward.

The two men followed the line to the Ferris wheel and walked halfway. Lian Jun heard footsteps coming from behind him. Later, I saw them and accompanied them to play several jumping projects such as jumping machines and roller coasters. I don’t know when I was all over.

"When is the driver's feeling?" He walked in front of him, and he exchanged his feelings as a coachman while walking. His tone was awkward.

He looked at him from the side and took off his hat and turned around, ignoring him.

As soon as he walked behind the two, it seemed that he did not want to care about the two mentally handicapped drivers. He held the mobile phone and the person in charge of the park to communicate with the holiday cottage.

After he was with him, he took a camera and patted everyone.

At the end of the ninth, the earphones were plugged into the ear, and they were playing with the customized game consoles sent in the park.

Everyone is very relaxed, just like the ordinary people who come to play.

Lian Jun took back his sight and touched the "Jun" embroidery on the top of his shirt. He whispered, "Thank you, time to enter." Give everyone who sees the darkness a chance to touch the beautiful.

The smile on his face deepened, as if he didn't hear him thank you, and picked up the song happily.

Several people each picked a cockpit and sat in it. The Ferris wheel started and took everyone to the heights and slowly. As the cockpit rises, the night scene of the park gradually spreads out, and the lights on the Ferris wheel light up in turn.

"Look, it's the music fountain square we came in." Shijin suddenly pointed to the position when the two had just arrived at the amusement park.

Lian Jun looked over and then snorted, just in the fountain square not far away, the fireworks rose and smashed the night sky.

“Thank you for the policy of not smoking in the amusement park.” When he entered the cockpit window, he looked at Lianjun and asked, “Is it beautiful?”

Lian Jun smiled and watched as if he had printed the eyes of the night scene and the fireworks, leaning over his face, kissing his eyes and whispering, "Good-looking." In all the scenery, your face The smile on the best is the best.


The cockpit rises to the top, and after a short stay, it slowly goes down.

I regrettably put down the camera and sighed: "It's a pity, I can't take it without sitting."

"Receive the heart, remember to check the security near the holiday cottage for a while."

卦 卦 脸 脸 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌 嫌

His face was black and he kicked his leg.


The date ended perfectly, and when I entered, I smiled and sat down, and woke up, and the reality was cruel.

"Going in..." The little dead voice was worried, and the weak said, "Your progress bar has risen again, and it has risen in the early morning. It is now 850."


When I crashed into the collapsed hair, I fell back on the soft bed, and the pain was low. I don’t think about it. The progress bar will rise and it’s definitely related to Xu Jie. When Wei Chong will not be again and Xu Jie Quarreled.

There was a sound of water in the bathroom, and it should be that the prince was washing.

When he put in his hand, he turned his head and looked at the door of the bathroom. He sighed and grabbed the quilt and covered his face: "Let's go up, it's better to rise to death." It is good to have a goal to eliminate.

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