MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 6 Leave

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Later that day, there was a sudden movement of the doctor in and out of the main bedroom, which was separated from the guest room by a small courtyard. It was suspected that the body was too weak and the stomach was uncomfortable.

When I peeked through the door, I asked: "How long will the delicious buff last?"

The little dead voice is weak: "I don't know."

"You don't know your own things?" Time can't believe it.

The little death is more guilty: "Because this buff I have not used before, and the duration of the buff varies from person to person."


When I was helpless, I asked, "How long does it last?"

"One, one year?" Little death is not certain.

When I entered the face, I said, " are really great."

The little dead words are ashamed: "I am polite, I have only played a layer of skill."

Time advance: "..."

The doctor's movements continued to calm down until the early hours of the morning. When he saw the progress of the brain, he was stopped at the value of 620, and he sighed sadly.

Lianjun’s progress bar is really difficult to do. I don’t see a rise of 100 in five days. I’m going to eat a meal for 20, and the safety of five hundred is going to go to a fifth and add a little. I don’t know if it’s bad for him. The situation of the heart is how to live safely to the present, and it has become a suspected underworld.

"Small death, we have to think of a way to stay." When the time enters the mouth, the voice is depressed by the quilt. "On the case of Lianjun, I feel that he will hang up if he doesn't pay attention."

The voice of the small death is also upright, low and low, and added: "I have entered hard, thank you."

"Who is going to talk to someone, what do you say thank you." When he turned over, he looked at the sliding door with a light pattern, not far away, quiet for a while, suddenly asked: "If Lianjun is dead... ..."

"The world background in the book may be out of balance." Xiaochen replied.

What the book refers to, the time is very clear, but in fact, until now, he can not believe that he was born again in a book.

Forget it, think so much, and live a day. He pulled up the quilt and closed his eyes.

As soon as I feel the dawn, I will be alive again. With a new buff from a small death, he came to the dining room with great enthusiasm and pulled open the sliding door. He shouted: "Leng Jun, I want to follow you in the community!"

Hey, the tablets that Lianjun just picked up fell to the table.

The doctor-in-law who was on the side was unselfish, and took a few pills into the hands of Lianjun. He said, "Just less, you can continue to throw medicine, I still have a bunch, I can always let you eat."

When I was decisive, I pulled back and pulled the door. I said across the door panel: "I'm sorry, I just didn't see anything." At the same time, I secretly sighed in my heart. I didn't expect Lianjun to look very powerful, but I was afraid of taking medicine like a child. Sure enough, people have weaknesses.

Lian Jun’s eyebrows jumped, and the hand swung his eyes and closed the medicine directly. He looked at the doctor’s uncle and asked, “Can you?”

The uncle knew that he was a little angry now, and he did not answer the words. Instead, he gestured outside the door and asked the topic: "How do you plan to deal with him?"

Lian Jun replied: "Of course it is packaged and sent back to his brother -"

"No!!!!" When you open the door, you open the door and rush in. You can rush to the side of Lianjun and hold your thigh. "Jun Shao, you must take me in. My brother wants me to die, you can't send me back." Look at the one that I saved you once, leave me!" Speaking hard to lick one's thigh, and look up at Lianjun with tears in his eyes.

"Wow." The doctor's uncle took a step back and watched the movie against the wall.

Lian Jun was held a sigh, then he sank and said: "Release!"

"Not loose! Please God is easy to send God, you caught me, you have to be responsible for me!" Time to give up the face, squatting now that this body is young, sprinkling - just a little death to him After doing more with less buff, I also figured out that the success rate left by this is the highest, so this hand can never be loose!

Lianjun’s legs are naturally weak, and when they can’t open, the pale face doesn’t know whether it’s mad or how, it’s slightly red, the lips are tight, and suddenly a dagger is taken from the position of the gown’s belt. When I entered the neck, I threatened: "Let it loose, or kill you."

When the body entered a stiff state, some hesitated, and the little death was busy and loudly reminded: "Baby is scaring you! He won't do it for you. You see your progress bar, it doesn't rise at all! Don't be afraid to enter it. , take the baby!"

How strange this is.

When I entered, my heart settled down, and I was holding my Lengjun thighs loose. I had a mouthful, and I quickly said it to my family’s situation. Then I looked at Lianjun with pity and tried to sell miserable and flattering: Jun Shao, you are so good, certainly will not let me go back to die, right? And I am still young, do you have the heart to let me alone in the society? If you encounter a real underworld next time, I may be really It’s cold.”

Lian Jun’s eyes moved and he moved the dagger, but instead of asking him to sell, he asked: “Do you have four older brothers besides Wei Chong?”

"Yeah, yes, they can all be murderous." When he answered, he showed him the scar on his wrist. "Look at this, in order not to die in my brother, I have to exchange a little suicide." Breathing space, find a chance to escape, so don't send me back, I will die, really."

Lian Jun thought thoughtfully, and gently moved his weak legs, the tone relaxed a little: "Let loose, otherwise I will send you back."

Seeing that he softened, he slowly released his hand when he entered, and his heart was a little nervous.

Lian Jun did not look at him, pulled off the clothes, and waved his hand to show that the busy doctor left. After there was no other person in the room, he asked again: "What are you talking about?"

"It’s true than real gold." When I entered the package, I tried to increase my persuasiveness for my own words. "Remember the cucumber pillow I brought? There is blood left by me when I committed suicide. I used it to hide it. I got the documents and cash through my big brother, looking for opportunities to slip away."

Lian Jun did not speak, and his eyes showed his thoughts.

When he did not dare to disturb his thinking, he looked at him with his eyes.

"Leave you can also." After a few minutes, Lianjun finally let go.

The little death surprise screams: "Ah, ah, come in, your progress bar suddenly drops, 780!"

When you go in, then you are overjoyed - Lian Jun just said that he can stay, and the value of the progress bar has dropped by 100. Does this mean that he stays at the side of Lianjun, even if his whereabouts are exposed? The five brothers will not dare to do it to him because of jealousy? The progress bar is also up and down?

This is really a surprise! I did not expect that Lian Jun is such a powerful baby!

When I was so happy, it was too obvious. Lian Jun looked at his silly smile on his face and looked at it. Suddenly he felt... hungry.

He glanced at the table before the breakfast that seemed to have no taste, and doubted his appetite that rose up inexplicably. He frowned slightly and continued: "But I never leave a useless person around me. Time to go, your background is troublesome. You can let me leave you before, but you have to think clearly, in my case, you can't do your young master, you have to follow my rules."

Time does not hesitate to reply: "I don't want to do anything else, Jun less, I will try to become useful, so that you do not regret today's decision." This is also euphemistically told Lianjun, he does not want to Be a purely sheltered person, but want to follow the honesty in the true sense.

Lian Jun understood his meaning. The slender fingers knocked on the table, and his eyes swept across his face with a slight look. It meant: "If this is the case, then prove it to me."

Xiaodan’s incoherent cheers: “700! Go into your progress bar and drop it to 700! Oh, I’m so touched, baby is so good, it’s good to enter, I’m so tired, I’m going to see how we are monkeys. a few……"

I was very happy when I entered: " can shut up without speaking. Thank you."


When he was allowed to stay, he was led by Yan San and moved out of the courtyard building where Lianjun was located. He lived in a single dormitory where he lived in the first class, and received several sets of flower orchard overalls, which officially became a flower orchard. member.

“Our flower orchard is one of the major fruit gardens in Y Province. The main fruit is mango, black grape, red, pomegranate, pear, etc. The total area of ​​the orchard is several thousand mu, including three hills, two artificial lakes and four Small cultivating gardens and some other infrastructure. If you are new, let’s go to Mango Park with you for the first time. There is nothing to do there recently. You should familiarize yourself with the salary. Because you are coming in through the back door, so Look at the face of Jun Shao, we will directly give you the treatment of formal workers, including food and accommodation, six thousand a month."

When I listened to the explanation of Yu San, the excitement of joining the triad organization in my heart was replaced by stupidity. I couldn't help but ask: "That, that, are you not a triad?" How did you really grow the fruit?

Yan San seriously corrected: "We are not triads, they are serious businessmen."

The line of sight of the time fell on the holster between his waist, and there was no mouth.

"The basic situation is like this. OK, you go to work. Today, there is just a batch of mangoes to be shipped out. On the other side of the door, you should hurry and meet with you. Don't miss something." When I entered an orchard map and a new mobile phone, I couldn’t refuse to confiscate the old mobile phone that I entered, and then I left it.

When he saw him leaving, he took a slap in the mouth, took a look at the phone, and followed the map instructions toward the second door.