MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 158 Home (1)

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When I was sick, I was suddenly hot. Lian Jun was too anxious to get all the best doctors in the sanatorium.

When the doctor gave him time to treat, Lianjun looked for it and Wu Chong learned about it. When I heard it, I shot and killed Xu Jie. After a night of freezing, his eyes sank.

"A dozen hours of aircraft plus an afternoon car, after that, there was no rest, no dinner, and then spent another night outside." He tightened his fingers and pressed his heart's emotions, saying, "I really should. Come early... Why did he kill Xu Jie? What did Xu Jie do?"

At the time, Wei Chong now feels that his brain was broken last night. When he was allowed to sit outside for a night, he was silent for a while and replied: "Probably... it is to wake me up, my mom is not crazy. It is loaded."

So it is because of these brothers.

Lian Jun’s eyes covered the coldness in his eyes. After a few seconds, he looked at the time and said: “Please come back, you need to rest when you enter.”

When Wei Chong frowned: "Lian Jun."

Lian Jun blocked the door and said: "Mr. Mr., ten days later, I will let the sanatorium remove your room here and cancel all your extra rights. You can still visit your mother, but you must follow the rules of the nursing home. Come, time-limited time every month. If you disagree with this matter, then I will transfer Xu Jie back to China and send her to where she should go."

Where can Xu Jie go after returning to China, where can I go besides the prison?

Shiwei closed his eyes and closed his voice and said: "Leng Jun, I know you are angry, but..."

"I am not angry." Lian Jun interrupted his words, his eyes were indeed calm, and his tone did not even have any big fluctuations. "I just don't like it. Maybe you think that when you get aggrieved, there is nothing, but I don't want to." I will see him crying again. Sorry, I am just a selfish person. Everything in me must give way to concessions. He has forgiven your brothers and will not force him to forgive your mother. It is."

When Shiwei worshipped his eyes, he wanted to explain that he did not want to let his mother forgive her, but when she looked at Leng Jun’s face, she could not say anything.

He is a failed brother, and Lian Jun is obviously a very competent and excellent companion. In front of the other party, he can't say rebuttal and explanation.

"I understand." He finally only compromised. He looked at the door closed behind Lian Jun and said, "I will visit Xiaojin again... I am sorry, I have not taken care of him."

Lian Jun watched him leave, and the face that had barely brought negative emotions slowly sank. Through the window of the corridor, he glanced at the deepest place in the sanatorium. The lip line pulled down and turned back to the room.


When the outsiders seem to burn very hard, they actually sleep very comfortably. He didn't feel the heat of the body uncomfortable, but he felt warm, like returning to his mother's stomach.

I don't know how long it took, the warmth slowly dissipated, and the consciousness returned. He subconsciously moved his limbs, and immediately felt the body being carried into a warm embrace, and then the back was comforted. I took a shot.

This cherished feeling was too familiar, his heart pounded rapidly and opened his eyes.

In front of the eyes is the neck and neck of the Lianjun clavicle, the two limbs under the quilt overlap, the body temperature is interchangeable, appropriate and warm.

Not a dream.

He reached out and hugged the waist of Lianjun, looked up to find the position of Lianjun's throat, and bit his mouth.

Lian Jun’s body was instantly tense, and the larynx instinctively rolled, bringing out a vague squat. He pressed the body of the time into his arms deeper, rubbed his hair, and asked in a warm voice: "Wake up? Eat something and sleep."

It's all true.

When I stepped in and loosened my teeth, I didn't look up at Lianjun's face. Instead, I looked at the teeth on the skin of Lianjun, and then sticked out my tongue and rubbed it there. Then I kissed all the way, and I felt the pulse on the side of my neck. The place.

"Don't make trouble." Lian Jun's voice dumbed down and held his head. "Look at it."

I don’t want to swear a little at all. He just wants to slap the person in front of him. It’s best to scream this person so that he can really come back, not a dream he made.

He rubbed his body down and leaned over to the collarbone.

"Why did you cry before?" Lian Jun suddenly asked, and gently rubbed his hair.

The action of time advances, remembering all the previous ones, instinctively want to look at the progress bar in the brain, the result is naturally nothing. He had no strength at all, and he was in the arms of Lian Jun. For a while, he did not move, and then he reached out and tightened the body of Lian Jun, and pressed him to death, as if he were to embed him in his body.

Lian Jun noticed his uneasiness, his brow wrinkled, and hugged him more tightly, and he said, "I am here, nothing."

"...I won't leave me again in the future." Shijin finally opened his mouth and leaned his forehead on his chest. "It's been too won't come back, I will find someone else."

"No." Lian Jun sank his voice, and gently hit his back. After playing and slowing down, he gently followed, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry... I was prepared to finish after your final exam. I picked you up, and the delay of the flight was delayed. I heard that you came here after returning home, and I can only step up the procedures."

When I entered the heart, I licked his chest: "It doesn't matter, but it won't be the next time."

"Well, no next time." Lian Jun promised to bow his head and kiss him. "I promise."


When he entered the sleep, he retired, but his physical illness soon became better, and his "illness" was even heavier. He became very ignorant, often distracted, didn't talk for a long time, licked his head and ears especially frequently, and was particularly sticky. He almost went to the toilet and he had to stay at the door.

When Wei Chong looked frowning, he was very worried and wanted to let the psychiatrist in the nursing home give him a look. Lian Jun refused. He knew that there was no illness when he entered, and the time was just too tired. He needed to be quiet for a while.

This quiet is a week. During this period, I was under the care of Lianjun. I went to sleep on time every day, walked in the sanatorium in the morning, played mahjong in the afternoon, and watched the movie at night. The days were very regular and leisurely.

Lianjun tries to keep himself in the line of sight of every time and every moment. It is not just holding hands when holding time. If you can stay together, you will never sit apart, and you will be more sticky than time. He also re-applied a game account, bought back the couple's skin with the time-in-match, and under the eyes of the time, he re-bind the two accounts to the relationship.

The moment when the binding is successful, the sound comes up, and when I laugh, it is a very shallow smile. Lian Jun saw his eyebrows warmed up, raised his arms around his shoulders, and kissed his cocked corners sideways.

After being so sticky for a week, Shijin finally got a little bit of spirit. He seemed to finally come out of a certain mood, and the words gradually became more and more. He began to take the initiative to pull Lianjun around the sanatorium and turn around. Smile It is also getting more and more.

On the day when the ten-day deadline arrived, Shijin took the initiative to leave the side of Lianjun and went to the building in the deepest part of the sanatorium.

When Wei Chong settled down, Xu Jie came out of the building and saw the time when he stood outside. He squatted and quickly leaned over and looked around. He asked, "How come you, Lian Jun did not accompany you." ?"

"He is helping me pack my bags. I went to the town to buy too many pieces of things, and the suitcase couldn't be stuffed. He was thinking of ways to streamline." I was embarrassed to answer, and glanced at the building behind him, asking. "After returning to B, what are your plans?"

When Wei Chong took back his eyes and looked at him, he came into contact with his eyes to restore his eyes. The heart that was raised was put down and he replied: "I am going to go to my grandfather's house first. I heard that they have had a hard time in the past two years."

After Xu Jie was sent here, Lian Jun tried to save Xu Chuan from the prison. In the past two years, Xu Chuan did not toss Xu Jie’s mother’s family. The outsiders were troubled and lost the support of Ruixing. Xu The home is really sad now.

When I heard the frown, I couldn’t help but persuade: "Big Brother, you are living for yourself, don't wait any longer..."

Shi Wei Chong suddenly hugged him.

When I entered, then my brow wrinkled more tightly. I raised my hand and hugged him. I patted it and said, "I don't want to interfere with your life, but those people in Xu really..."

"I understand." When Wei Chong loosened him, the expression on his face was a rare ease and satisfaction in the past few years. "I don't care about them, how much capacity to eat, Xu family has relied on others for years. Helping to maintain, the foundation has long been unstable, it is time to settle down. I said that I have to go and see, just as a grandson who has not returned for a long time, to see the old grandparents. I will not manage the business of Xu. That is not what I should manage."

When I heard about it, I felt that I was too wide-minded and said: "In fact, if you really want to do something, it is also your freedom. If you want to do it, don't have a psychological burden. Anyway... Anyway, you are fine, remember not to let those people influence you."


This is probably the most beautiful sentence that Shi Wei Chong has heard in his life. He has a lot of family members, some of whom care about him and some who don't care about him, but without exception, each of them wants to get something from him, especially the Xu family...and his mother.

He paid everything for those people. In the end, he was actually the youngest brother he had hurt the most. He only hoped that he would be good and live for himself.

"Thank you." He couldn't help but thank him again, raising his hand and touching the head. Still sorry. He added in his heart. Thank you for your forgiveness, sorry for the owe and confusion of the past.

"Thank you... Really, don't touch my head, go, go and pack your bags, or you can't catch the plane." When he entered the hoe, he opened his hand and slandered and turned to signal him to hurry.

At the time, Wei Chong smiled and stepped forward.

The two said as they walked away, the figure was stretched by the sun, all the way forward, no one looked back at the small building behind him.


After returning to B City, Lian Jun took the time back to Wanpu Garden. After two months of rushing work, Wanpu Garden... is still a bit bare, and once again it becomes cold and clear - the workers have all gone home for the New Year.

The two men got off the taxi. Lian Jun took the suitcase from the trunk and took the time to the gate of the villa area. He opened the small door that had been repaired with the access card and took him in.

When I entered the direction of the guard room, I saw a glance in the direction of the door, and the window was completely closed. The window was completely locked. I regretted that I had regained my sight. It seems that the old man who kept the field also went home for the New Year.

Lian Jun caught his sight and thought he was looking at the bare land on the roadside. He explained: "Most of the facilities in the community are well-equipped, and only the greenery is still empty. Because it is winter, the land is covered with snow. The water freezes and becomes very hard. It is not suitable for greening, so it is dragged down and ready to go on spring and then continue."

When I read the words and looked at the land on the side of the road, I saw that it looked like a hard state. I nodded and said that I understood.

"The home has been re-arranged, only a few small items have not been added. After a while, you will see what is missing. Let's go buy it tomorrow. Yes, I heard that you took a driver's license and I ordered a car for you. I have already sent it a few days ago, I parked in the garage, you will see it later, I don’t like us to change it."

Time can't help but look at him sideways.

Lian Jun’s eyebrows stretched, with a little joy finally settled down, and continued to talk about the situation at home: “I have not asked for a long-term babysitter and chef. This kind of person at home must pick it up, if you don’t like it, It doesn't matter if you don't want these people. Just take care of you. I should be able to do it myself."

"Leng Jun." Time whispered to him.

"Well?" Lian Jun came over and his eyes were warm and warm, and the eyebrows were full of hopes and expectations for future life.

It’s a good look, it’s so relaxing now and looking forward to the future.

When he tightened his hand and clasped his hand, he kissed his cheek and said, "We are going home."

Lian Jun glanced, then smiled and nodded: "Well, we are going home."


Compared with the time, Lianjun is actually more like a spoiled young master. He has been taken care of since childhood, and he has been taken care of, dressed up, and treated. He wants to do whatever he wants or wants to do. He only uses a single sentence, laundry, cooking, and other household chores. In his first twenty years of life, Not touched at all.

However, after a period of nearly one year, I was shocked to find that Lian Jun suddenly became a house omnipotent.

After returning to the villa, Lian Jun naturally went to the kitchen to burn a pot of water, and then took advantage of the time to burn the water, and took time to turn around in the furnished villa.

At this time, I didn’t feel anything when I entered it. After all, it’s a personal city, and his attention is all on the already-furnished villas, and I don’t mind thinking about anything else.

After the villa was over, the water was burned. Lianjun rushed two cups of hot milk tea, and when he entered the cup, he drank it and warmed up. Time has still not found that it is wrong, rushing milk tea, it is also very simple, it will be nothing to be done.

Then, let the time into the magic thing come.

Lian Jun took away the empty tea cup and put it in the pool very skillfully and naturally washed, and then took it though he felt that something was wrong, but it seemed that there was no wrong place when he went to the second floor master bedroom and took it in the closet. Pajamas, sent him into the bathroom.

When I went in and took a shower, when I pushed the door out, I was shocked to find that Lian Jun was actually making a bed cover quilt! He watched Lian Jun stand by the bed, slender and beautiful fingers pinch the corner of the quilt, shake it gently, shake the quilt, pull the zipper, and then spread it on the bed, even after the paving, not even forget to adjust Let's regain the position of the five-pointed star pillow of the rivers and lakes!

Time advance: "..."

Lian Jun, the leader of the former violent organization, never knew what the housework was. He would cover the quilt and also know how to put a beautiful shape on the pillow.

Shi Jin felt that he had an illusion. He raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, trying to make himself awake.

Lian Jun noticed that he came out, and quickly put down the pillow and came over, touched his wet hair, and frowned and said, "Why don't you blow your hair out again." Then he put him on the bed and went to the bathroom to find it. The hair dryer, walked out and plugged into the socket on the bed to help him blow his hair.

The warm breeze is gentle, and the slender fingers massage gently on the scalp. When I have just showered, I can't help but sleepy. The flight of more than ten hours was still too tossing. He yawned and unknowingly refused to rely on Lianjun, and felt more and more dreaming.


Shi Jin was awakened by Lian Jun. He blinked in confusion and looked at the insane who had already put on a home service. His nose moved and he said, "I smell the smell of beef."

Lian Jun was teased by his sleepy look, bent over and kissed him, reached out and dug him out of bed, and said: "After eating and sleeping, the sky is already dark."

“It’s dark?” When I turned around and looked out the window, I saw that it was already dark. Then I finally woke up and went down the bed with the strength of Lianjun. I yawned and asked, “Are you a takeaway? It’s beef. rice?"

Lian Jun did not answer, stared at him after washing and took him to the restaurant. He sat down at the table and said, "Try it. If you don't like it, tell me."

When I looked into the three dishes and soups on the table, I smelled the smell of the food, and the stomach was immediately awakened. I picked up the chopsticks and put a piece of tomato burdock into the mouth. After carefully swallowing, I enjoyed the cellar. Blinking, said: "It tastes so strong... delicious! Where you are going to take out, it's really good."

"Try another one." Lian Jun still did not answer, indicating a few other dishes.

Time is really hungry, I heard that I was busy eating the dishes and I was more satisfied. The tomato burdock will not be said. In the other two dishes, the bamboo shoots are fresh and fragrant. The heart of the cabbage is tender and sweet. It doesn't look like a mysterious mushroom tofu soup. It tastes so sweet that he can't wait to swallow his tongue. . He tasted the taste and refused to talk. He took up the already good meal in front of him and ate it.

"Slowly eat." Lianjun poured a glass of water on his hand and sat down to enjoy his meal.

When I entered, I quickly ate my stomach, and the three dishes and one soup were very full on the table. Most of them entered his stomach. Lian Jun is accustomed to chewing slowly and eating only eight full, so when he finishes eating and eating in the chair, he still has half of the rice in his bowl.

When I was embarrassed, I said, "This dish is so delicious..."

"Then I will do it for you tomorrow, what do you want to eat?" Lian Jun took out a paper towel and leaned over to wipe his mouth, naturally asking.

When I think about it, I don’t want to go back and say: "I still want to eat boiled pork. The nutritious meal in the sanatorium is much more delicious. I have no taste in my mouth. I want to eat some homemade dishes now, and I have spicy chicken. I want to eat spicy now. ... Wait, who did you say this dish?" He finally reacted and sat up straight and looked at Lian Jun unbelievably.

Lian Jun evoked the corner of his mouth.

"You, you..." When I was stupid, I saw that there were more than half of the plates on the table, and I looked at the hands of the Supreme Master who looked completely different from the kitchen. The mouth grew up a little bit, for a while. Say, "Are you something that is strangely possessed? You can't even fry eggs before you leave!"

Lovers like to make their own dishes, it is a very satisfying and happy thing, Lian Jun smiled and said: "In the outside time, I took the time to learn a little, it is not good to give you a burnt egg. I used to take care of me and I will take care of you later."

Time is a bit of a crash: "Are you just learning a little?" This is all up to the old cook!

Lian Jun said that this is a bit strange. He said: "I really only learned a little. In fact, I was also very surprised. After the initial inability to understand my mind, I will learn almost all the dishes in the later period."

When I entered quickly, I realized what it was and my expression became weird. I asked, " officially learn to cook, before or after your body is completely good..."

The question was very strange. The expression of the time was too strange. The smile on the face of Lianjun was soaked. He looked at him deeply and replied: "After. Before I used the last medicine, I just fry. A plate of burnt eggplant."

Time to enter: "..." is right, it is the taste of reward, but why is the reward of Lianjun falling in this strange place?

He glanced at the Lianjun and didn't have a fat body. He wanted to swear the 10,000 words of God. Why, if you give rewards, give rewards. Why not give a little bit of strength? Lian Jun is weak, you should make his body strong! What is the use of lighting up his cooking skills!

No, it seems to be useful too. If you eat well, you can grow fat.

" should eat more, eat more." Shijin suddenly felt that there was a little tired, and there was a sense of guilty that took up the reward of the Lianjun. "I... I will take care of you." you.

Lian Jun quietly looked at him again and saw him with a guilty and distressed appearance, his heart softened, and the explorer touched his head.

Forget it, it doesn't matter what it is, as long as the time is good, it will be fine.


After dinner, Lianjun refused to let the time join hands, cleaned up the table, washed the dishes, wiped the cooking table, and put the grain rice into the porridge in advance, when the porridge was set, ready to eat breakfast tomorrow. Whole grain porridge.

When he entered behind him like a small tail, watching him busy, and after all kinds of magic and unreality, he felt a deep distress and asked: " learn to do housework is not It’s also very fast...” In the end, the progress bar gave the Lianjun some rewards, so that Lianjun would become a housewife to cook a small expert...

Lian Jun looked back at him, washed his hands and said: "Don't think about it, I am just enjoying the life of ordinary people, I can do this for you, I am very happy."

Time to understand his mood, but still feel uncomfortable, grabbed his hand to help him wipe the water drops above, said: "Then we do it together, housework should have been shared by two people. You If you don't let me help, I will feel guilty."

Lian Jun took his hand back, his mouth was slightly hooked, and he kissed him sideways and said, "Well, then go to the supermarket to buy food tomorrow?"

When he looked at his gentle smile, he remembered that he had to be careful and careful wherever he went, and his mood warmed up. He nodded. "Good." There is nothing wrong with it. The boss of the protected organization, he really hopes that Lianjun can become an ordinary person who wants to do what he wants.

Ordinary people do need a little bit of fire and smoke, but the most important thing is that Lian Jun is healthy now and the future is definitely healthy.

"We still have to prepare a new year's goods. Let's put a shopping list in advance and buy things in one go, so as not to run back and forth." Shijin quickly adjusted his mood and buried his head. "Spring festival couplets, small lanterns, candy, snacks... There are still a few storage boxes in the cloakroom. There are a few hooks in the kitchen. There seems to be no cling film in the refrigerator..."

Lian Jun listened to his chanting and watched him concentrate on thinking about what was missing at home. He couldn’t help but hold his arms and hugged him, licking his forehead with his chin and watching the surrounding life finally add a little life. The cold and clear kitchen meets the low sigh: "When I enter, I am very happy."

Shi Jin’s chanting stopped, looked up at him, raised his arm and hugged him, slammed his shoulder and said: “Me too.” Of course, if everyone can do it all... There is a small death.

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