MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 151 ending

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When he entered, he found that his and Lianjun’s progress bar began to rise. Lianjun’s gains were faster, and he was slightly slower. He felt a little flustered and urged the Lianjun to arrange his own retreat as soon as possible.

"No hurry, wait a year later, you go to school, then I will leave." Lian Jun appease, raised his hand and touched his face. "卦一和卦二 They have not confirmed safety, and Lu Xun has not escaped from the situation. I can't go now."

"At least not to stay in B city, go abroad, go abroad, you can remotely pay attention to the situation, it is too dangerous." Time is still not at ease.

Lian Jun shook his head and said: "I can't move. Once I move, Zhang Zhuoyuan will move, wait a second."

When the brows wrinkled, the emotions collapsed a bit: "This doesn't work either, it doesn't work... Why do you have to kill them so much..." He raised his hand and pressed his forehead, causing anxiety and pain.

Lian Jun clung to him with a distressed heart, slowly following his back, looking at the sky covered by clouds, saying: "Because the official does not need such a 'helper', I can never leave me in the new history. The name, for me, is a stain, a hidden danger, a existence that must be erased. Don't worry, I won't have anything."

When he entered, he held on to him and could not speak.


Lu Shan really went to negotiate with the Lianjun, and it was very fanciful. As a result, it is conceivable that Lian Jun is not willing to take care of her. Lushan told Meng Qing and others about this, and put up a pair of attitudes that "I have worked hard, but the other party does not succeed, and I have no way." Meng Qing and others frowned, and finally Qi Yun stood up to give advice, let Lu Shan go to Zhang Zhuoyuan to match the line, contact Lianjun. Lushan glanced at him mockingly and sneered.

That night, Lu Shan called Zhang Zhuoyuan, hoping that Zhang Zhuoyuan could help her to contact Lianjun, do the middle of the negotiation, and explain a little about the current situation of frequent exchanges between major organizations in China. It will be over soon, and it is a relief for Zhang Zhuoyuan.

Zhang Zhuoyuan faked the fake form with her, and then turned to the phone and gave a call to Lianjun. He said, "You don't really want to negotiate with Lushan. You should understand that the situation is now. I am not allowed to talk about it."

This is a bad saying that Lian Jun went directly to Meng Qing and others to go to die. I heard that I want to swear.

Lian Jun patted him appeasefully. He did not move because of Zhang Zhuoyuan’s words. He calmly asked: “In most of the domestic strongholds, the official people are staying. I am equivalent to giving you the entire family. You are asking me this now, want to insult me?"

Zhang Zhuoyuan stunned and said with a cheeky face: "But you don't have a batch of dark lines that didn't tell me..."

"Those you don't need to know, that's the card I used to end up with the organization such as Wumen. Director Zhang, you don't want the domestic violent organization to become a protracted battle, so the domestic economy will definitely suffer. Or, Have you already had another plan?" Lian Jun slowly asked, the tone is kind.

Zhang Zhuoyuan was shocked and said: "Of course, there is no plan. I just hope that you can say hello to me before you do anything. I am mentally prepared."

"Tell me."

Zhang Zhuoyuan stunned: "What?"

"The alliance of the four major organizations, the people who really sent to negotiate with me are not Lu Shan. Lu Shan is just the cannon fodder that they introduced to let me out. I really want to negotiate with me. It is Meng Qing of Wumen. He has sent people to I handed the news and told you in high-profile Lushan that she hopes to negotiate with me."

Zhang Zhuoyuan frowned, realized that it was wrong, and asked: "What do Meng Qing want to do?"

Lianjun’s tone is still calm, and he replied: “I’m probably able to guess a little about Meng Qing’s plan. He may have two plans. One is to simply send Lushan out and give me a gas. After I’m dissipated, he’s over there. The good condition to say goodbye to me, change my hand; the other is to tell everyone that Lushan is coming to negotiate with me, and then I will find a chance to kill Lushan, to blame me, to use the malicious competition clause you sent. Forced you to suppress me and give them a chance to breathe. From the current situation, I prefer the latter speculation, so Director Zhang, don’t pay attention to me again, if Lushan is really dead. The last fish net is broken, so let's organize the people."

The more Zhang Zhangyuan listened to his analysis, the more he was shocked, he refused to talk to him again, and then he hanged the phone after talking.

Lian Jun also hung up the phone, and when he entered, he immediately got in front of him, his brows wrinkled.

"In this way, recklessness can be released." Lian Jun looked at him, his mouth slightly hooked.

When he reached the arm and hugged him, his face smashed his head.


On the eighth day of the year, Lushan returned to G province from hiding place, ready to settle down and went to Zhang Zhuoyuan to let him arrange for him to meet with Lianjun. In the evening, the assassin sent by Meng Qing locked Lushan’s position.

Everything is ready, Meng Qing called Lian Jun.

Lian Jun directly refused.

"He refused." Meng Qing put down his mobile phone and looked at Qi Yun, who was opposite the video call. He said, "Lian Jun really wants to fight with us. I and Lushan handed over the olive branch. He didn't pick up. Lu Shan can only do it."

Qi Yun returned from the meditation and heard the words: "Let's do it, arrange the assassination personnel, don't blame it, but set fire to the body."

"Reassured, I sent all the good hands." Meng Qing was very confident and asked, "What is your plan for this wave?"

Qi Yun thought for a while, shook his head and said: "I said before, regardless of the appearance, the official secretly must be partial to help, this time even if we kill Lushan, let the back pot, the official is not It must really be ruined, and most of it will only do some surface work to deal with us. There is not much time for us to fight, we must make plans early."

Meng Qing frowned and asked: "Is the situation really bad?"

"No, it will only be worse than what we are seeing now." Qi Yun's face is a bit sloppy. "Old Meng, preparing for the gold shelling, is not the problem that we can kill it. It is the official will not put it." The problem of picking up our opportunities this time. The official attitude is already too obvious. We are probably not able to get through this robbery."

Meng Qing’s face changed and said: “But you are not still a few days ago—”

"A few days ago, it was because Yuan Peng was there." Qi Yun looked at him and had to say something straightforward. "Yuan Peng has no brains and does not create an illusion that we may still struggle. He estimates We will take the time to ignore the tears. We need time now... In short, you should try to arrange it. The official has not allowed large organizations to continue to exist. We can only hide them first, and wait for this storm to pass. Use another shell to find the future."

Meng Qing was silent, finally biting his teeth and said: "I understand."


At the beginning of the tenth year, Lu Shan set off from the province of G to B City, ready to find Zhang Zhuoyuan interview. In the evening, she landed in B City and stayed at a hotel under the name of Tarantula.

In the middle of the night, a suspected person appeared in the hotel of the Wolf Spider, and asked to contact Lu Shan to discuss the negotiation. The next day, when Zhang Zhuoyuan took people to the hotel where Lushan lived, and prepared to talk to Lushan, he found that there was a raging fire and smoke, and Lushan’s room had already been swallowed up by the sea of ​​fire.

Zhang Zhuoyuan was shocked and made a phone call to Lian Jun.

"It should be Meng Qing's hands, then you can do it." Lian Jun said on the phone, it seems that I expected the result today, "Director Zhang, you can do whatever you want."

Zhang Zhuoyuan looked at the hotel surrounded by the fire truck in front of him, and suddenly he raised a sense of unreality that his dream was about to be realized. He tightened the hand of the mobile phone and said, "Leng Jun, thank you."


Lushan died, the tarantulas had no heads, and the internal chaos became a pot of porridge. With the help of Meng Qing and Qi Yun, Yuan Peng took advantage of the strong presence of G Province and Baodao, and swallowed the business of the tarantula as an ally.

On the other hand, after Meng Lu and Qi Yun died in Lushan, they immediately killed the malicious competition and killed Lu Shan’s reasons. They told Zhang Zhuoyuan to kill the cards and punish them. Zhang Zhuoyuan was horrified on the surface, and he had to thoroughly investigate this matter, and he had already mobilized the official army disguised as a member of each branch. He did a good job of destroying the banner. Preparation of the door, Chiba, and snake teeth.

No one knows the darkness, Meng Qing and Qi Yun are carrying Yuan Peng secretly to divide their own power and urgently create the road.

The situation is on the verge, and then the New Year is over.


After using this month's medicine, Lianjun said to the uncle who is finishing the medicine box: "Go."

Long Shu packed up the action and frowned at him.

"You go with Dr. Li and go to Rongcheng. Someone will meet you and send you abroad." Lian Jun pressed the nausea and vomiting feeling after taking the medicine. When he got up and came to the desk, he pulled out a paper bag and handed it to Uncle Long. "This, your new identity, a total of three choices, you choose one yourself. Long Shu, for so many years, hard work for you."

Long Shu stood straight and looked at the file bag, but did not pick it up.

"Let's go." Lian Jun handed the paper bag to him in front of him, aggravating his voice, "Long Uncle."

Long Shu squinted and said: "The medicine every month..."

"Don't worry, just put a needle on your arm, I will, and there are not a few needles left."

Long Shu took another look at his head and silently sitting on one side, his palms tightened tightly, took the paper bag, bent over and lifted the medicine chest, strode to the door and opened the door, and then stopped after stepping out. The head did not say back: "Don't let me white hair people send black hair." Then I took the study door.

Li Jiuyi took the suitcase and waited at the door of the small building. Seeing Long Shu came out, he bent down and lifted the box, then stepped back two steps and looked up at the window of the study.

Shijin just walked to the window and saw a smile on his face. He waved his hand at Li Jiuyi.

Li Jiuyi also waved at him.

When Long Shu walked out of the small building and stopped, he turned his head and looked at it. Then he quickly took back his sight. He said nothing and did nothing. First, Li Jiu stepped forward and walked outside. Li Jiu took a moment, then quickly followed up, looking back and looking at the window while walking, very reluctant.

The figure of the two disappeared at the end of the road, and the hand that was raised and raised was put down, and the eyes were stunned.

All gone, only him and Lianjun.

Lian Jun hugged him from behind, kissed his ear and said: "After a few days back to school, I arranged for someone else to pick you up."

When he held his hand, he asked, "When are you going?"

"Quick." Lian Jun replied, resting his chin on his shoulder. "When everyone is safe."


Before the peak of the return to school of major universities, the fire conflicts between the major organizations broke out. The annihilation divisions across the country were shaken without warning, as if they had been hungry for a long time, and they rushed toward the strongholds of other large organizations. Snake teeth immediately counterattack, and the gates of the Meridian and Chiba follow.

The situation in various provinces has been turbulent, and the news of violent organization has been frequent. The domestic people are upset, and the resentment of ordinary people against violent organizations is slowly accumulating, gradually igniting the climax, and the call for official intervention is growing louder and louder.

Then one day, the dark line buried in the province where the major organizations were in the base camp was suddenly launched. In the way of life-changing, most of the middle and high-level personnel of the Wumen, Chiba and Snake teeth were assassinated overnight.

The counterattacks of Snake, Wumen, and Chiba immediately weakened and the defeat began.

Zhang Zhuoyuan was shocked. This is to know what the dark line hidden by Lianjun is. In the hands of Lianjun, he still holds such a team dedicated to assassination, and Lianjun has already placed nails in various organizations. Find out the distribution of their people!

When did it start? These dark lines, as well as the investigation of high-level personnel in the major organizations of Lianjun, when did these start? How long has the assassination plan been done?

Also shocked are Meng Qing and Qi Yun, who have carefully created the back road and they will become, and at most one week, they can push the snake teeth out to be cannon fodder, and then secretly take the Wumen and Chiba. The elite escaped, and as a result of this wave of assassinations, their plans collapsed directly.

"Impossible!" Meng Qing lost control and shouted. "I only contacted them yesterday and confirmed their safety. What happened today - no, impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

After Qi Yun was in the air, he suddenly relaxed and leaned back in the back of the chair. He said in a mute: "Escape."

Meng Qing’s expression is distorted: “What are you talking about?”

"Give up everything, escape, no way."

Meng Qing does not understand, and is not reconciled: "What do you say nonsense? How can there be no way to go, even if you can't take the elite, as long as we have small organizations that are secretly cultivated, and assets that are transferred in advance, we can start from scratch. Come again!"

"I can't come." Qi Yun raised his hand and held his forehead. His tone was utterly ignorant. "Meng Qing, don't be so stupid, can't you understand? Zhang Zhuoyuan and Lian Jun want to move more than our big organizations. And the whole underworld... You also suspected that the members of the domestically-destroyed divisions are too well trained, more like the official team, and those public opinions... Listening to the voices of the outsiders, no later, The gray world we are staying in has been completely broken in the hands of Lianjun, and the big cleaning is coming."

Meng Qing did not want to hear Qiyun’s words. Just Yuan Peng called and he simply hanged Qiyun’s call and reached out to the table. His expression was distorted and said: “What is no way, ridiculous... as long as I Meng Qing is still there! Everywhere is the way back!"


The Wumen and the Snakes began to fight back wildly, like the last struggle before death, and Chiba slowly calmed down, waiting for the end.

Everything was going according to plan. Zhang Zhuoyuan suddenly did not dare to contact Lianjun again, but he did not use it. Lianjun contacted him with a strange number one morning.

"卦一,卦二,卦七,卦十一, a total of four people, respectively, died in the assassination of the middle and high-level leaders of the Wumen, Chiba, Snake, and Tarantula." Lian Jun opened the door, calm The voice made Zhang Zhuoyuan shudder. "I paid for all of mine. In the end, there was only one request. Don't move in." He hung up the phone after he finished.

Zhang Zhuoyuan slowly put down his mobile phone. For a long time, he suddenly took a deep breath and stood up straight, shouting an assistant, and told him: "Prepare to issue documents, and destroy, Wumen, Chiba, Snake, and Tarantula for personal gain, regardless of international and domestic The situation, disregarding the safety of the people, triggering a large-scale firepower conflict, the economic losses caused by it are immeasurable, and it is a serious violation of the legal violent organization to bind the treaty. From now on, all the cards will be put into the clearance process. The internal wanted order will be issued and the leaders of the above organizations will be arrested. In case of rebellion... shot on the spot."

The assistant was shocked by the amount of information in his words and did not answer for a long time.

"Not too fast!" Zhang Zhuoyuan suddenly broke out, turning his head and yelling at him.

The assistant was scared and finally returned to God. He was busy and turned to his left foot and left his office.

Zhang Zhuoyuan sat down in the office chair after he left. After a while, he took out his mobile phone and called Liu Zhenjun and said: "Ready to finish, send someone to XX Resort Villa... arrest the Lianjun."


The day before I entered the school, Lianjun learned how to get in. He got a fire at the door of the small building, then lifted the small safe in the study and took out the information to start burning. When I moved in and out of a small horse, sitting on the side of the fire, while watching the things in the safe, I gave Fei Yujing and texted to Ao Ting.

One by one, the things in the safe are burning up very quickly.

Lian Jun threw the safe into the side, took out several tablets and mobile phones, and formatted the contents, then took a hammer, smashed them, pulled out the battery, and threw other parts into the fire.

When I saw a toothache, I said, "It’s a waste."

"Well, it’s not a waste." Lian Jun smiled at him and took out his cell phone.

When I sent a text message, I looked up and looked at him.

"Can't leave any traces." Lian Jun said this, press the phone screen, look at the photo on the desktop and the time, stop for a while, or choose to restore the phone to the factory settings, and then smashed out The battery was thrown into the fire.


When a text message came in, I looked down at my mobile phone.

Lian Jun stood up and came to him.

When I entered a stiff time, I looked up at him and raised my mobile phone. I asked, "Do you want to be this?"

"It must be cleaned up, this is also for you." Lian Jun touched his head and bent over his forehead, Wen Wen said, "If you don't want to, I can help you."

"No." When he squinted, he rubbed the back of the phone. "Wait a minute, my brother and I will say, lest they can't contact me."

Lian Jun should have a good voice and retired.

At the time, the brothers and sisters sent a notification message to change the contact information, and then returned to the mobile phone desktop, opened the album, opened the photo of himself and Lianjun, and looked at the past, and then turned over the photos of the first class and looked through it carefully. Once again, I finally pressed down and chose to delete all the photos, restore the phone to the factory settings, and handed it to Lianjun.

Lian Jun took it, and he returned to the fire and picked up the hammer.


The phone became a piece of debris and was also put into the flame.

When I looked at the flame, I tightened my palm and asked: "Today or tomorrow?"

Lian Jun looked at him through the fire and replied: "Tomorrow morning, I want to go alone to see the sunrise."

When I entered the heartstring, I understood what he meant.

On this day's dinner, Lian Jun insisted on doing it by himself. He actually can't cook at all, and the dishes made according to the online tutorials are not salty or defocused. He was embarrassed and wanted to dump the dishes, but he insisted on putting them on the table.

The two of them each sat down, and when they picked up a scrambled egg that was a little burnt, they tasted it and tasted it carefully. "Well... there is a lot of room for improvement."

Lian Jun smiled and gave him a glass of water to pass it over and said: "I thought you would praise me with your conscience."

"I am not so dishonest." When he took a sip of water, he poked his eyes and poked the rice in the bowl and said, "Next time... I have to see your progress." So be sure to have the next time. .

Lian Jun fingers tightened, got up and kissed his eyebrows in the past, and pressed his heart to the bottom of his heart.

After dinner, the two went to Shanquanchi to take a bath and then entangled in a tacit agreement.


When the sky was white, the time came to find that Lianjun got up. He did not move, still closed his eyes, pretending to be still asleep.

After half an hour, Lian Jun finished washing, came to the bed, bent over and kissed his forehead, whispered: "I went hiking."

Time is still closed and there is no movement.

"I have already arranged the baggage for back to school. The person who picks you up is around 9 o'clock. He will bring you breakfast. You can sleep for a while."

Time has not moved.

"After boarding the summit, I will call Zhang Zhuoyuan and tell him about their death. About half an hour later, he or Liu Zhenjun will bring people here to catch me. Don't be afraid, don't run. The person who picks you up will protect your safety and make you the greatest hero in this Qing Dynasty event."

The hand that entered the quilt couldn’t help but tighten.

"I love you."

The footsteps sounded, then the sound of the door opening and closing.

When he entered, he opened his eyes and the room was empty. He sat up and looked at the door.

"Go in, go and tell the baby alone." Little death could not help but speak.

"He won't come back, there is nothing to say goodbye." When he entered the face with no expression, he lay back on the bed and wrapped himself with the quilt. "Don't quarrel me, I have to sleep back."

Read The Duke's Passion