MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 148 Takeaway

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After October, the temperature in B City dropped at an exaggerated rate.

When I looked into the school door that was getting closer to the window, I spoke out and asked, "Who is the next one?"

He took a look at him and was silent.

"Yesterday, you temporarily opened a meeting. After the meeting ended, Lianjun’s expression was good, but your expressions were all ugly... I have decided, right? Who? Let me be mentally prepared.” Overdone, look at him from the rearview mirror.

On the 5th, he quickly moved his eyes and stopped the car at the school gate. He stabbed him for a while. The thick face showed a slightly pitiful expression. His mouth opened and he replied: "It is me."

"What?" When he entered, he sat up.

"The tarantula sent the list over, and the 卦 ' 'dead', in the style of the prince, it is sure to retaliate back, the tarantula really needs to pay something to get the thorough trust of Meng Qing and Qi Yun. ......Jun Shao let me go to 'kill' the people on the list sent by the tarantula, send them to the companionship, and then I have to go." 卦五 answer, suddenly turned around Looking at the time, I promised, "When you are young, you can rest assured that I will come back again. I will not let you and Jun Shao alone face the future."

"Don't come back!" Shijin almost sternly pulled out this sentence, saw him look awkward, and he was too busy to tone, said, "After safety, don't come back for a while, wait for everyone to be completely safe, No... No, forget about us and have been to your own days."

"Low time." The five brows were wrinkled and their expressions were tight.

When he reached out and grabbed his shoulder, he pressed down and said, "Don't let Lianjun's heart and blood be wasted, let's go, be safe and peaceful." Then he smiled at him, picked up his backpack and opened the door. The car left and the head did not return.

On the fifth day, he watched him leave, his hand clenched his fist and slammed the steering wheel.


Lushan quickly identified the identity of the person they shot, and from the computer and mobile phone that the person left behind, intercepted some of the information that the system had not had time to destroy.

She was so excited that she said at the meeting: "We killed, it is the new generation of the Nine-Year that is always hidden behind the scenes, helping Lianjun to collect all kinds of information and information! This person actually participated in the past two years with Lianjun. The April meeting showed up in front of everyone, but because he always followed behind Yu Yi and Yu Er, I thought he was only a subordinate with Yu Yi and Yu Er. He didn’t pay much attention to him. I didn't expect him to be the ninth! Lian Jun really didn't bring people who were useless around!"

"Determining that he is a cockroach? He will be too young." Meng Qing is a bit skeptical.

"Absolutely, I remember that at the meeting of the previous year, this person has been following the time. At that time, it was only the first time that the newcomer appeared in the meeting. The people who were mixed with him, everyone took it for granted. It’s not a big role, but you look at it now. Isn’t it important to be in the position of being in the doldrums? How could the person who was with him then be really a small role?” Lu Shan said very much. Certainly, I took out a tablet. "There is information from the computer and mobile phone of the Nine-Nine. It also proves his identity indirectly. Now Lianjun must have known the death of the Nine, and guess When we got this part of the information, I will use this before he can respond to it, so that he can eat a loss!"

Meng Qing was slightly convinced when he heard the name of the time, but he did not immediately express his opinion. Instead, he looked at Qi Yun and asked, "What do you think?"

Qi Yun said: "Passively beaten for so long, we really have time to fight back, Lushan, can you pass the information you got?"

"Of course!" Lushan took a sigh of relief, glanced at them and said, "The next step is the time for close cooperation."


I still can't wait until the next week's holiday, and I will leave alone in the early morning. Time-in is a farewell text message that I saw when I checked my mobile phone after the morning training. The text message has only one sentence: I am leaving, I will come back.

He read the text message for a long time, then moved his finger and deleted the contact information of the five.


The tarantula suddenly participated in the economic pull of the annihilation, the noon and the snake, and also steadily removed several buried piles buried in the X and LD areas, destroying the attempt to destroy the X area and DL. The harassment network established by the district.

The business network of the Wumen and the Snakes was stunned and unstable. The two companies set off a counter-bite in the X and DL areas. Chiba and Tarantula actively helped.

In less than half a month, the dark lines that were destroyed in these two areas were pulled up by the wolf spiders. The business was also disrupted by the midnight door and the snakes, and the offensive had to be temporarily closed.

"Do you want to win the pursuit? Now the dark lines in the X and DL areas are mostly pulled out, and the business network is not stable. We may take the opportunity to eat this part of the business." Yuan Peng offered to make his heart full of enthusiasm. He is fed up with enough resources. If you can bite the broken meat, the snake teeth will be stable!

Lushan did not say any objection, nor did she say support. She only looked at Meng Qing, and the meaning of his idea was very obvious.

"Chasing!" Meng Qing made a fuss, full of enthusiasm, "to take advantage of this momentum, directly ruin most of the business network that has been destroyed abroad! See how it sits firmly first!"


When November came, the city of B began to rain continuously, and the weather became wet and cold. Fei Yujing, who had already raised the wounds, left the resort and went to his own business. The mountains seemed to be more and more deserted.

While holding an umbrella standing on the side of the pond outside the small building, watching the withered lotus leaves on the pool surface, sighed shallowly.

"What sigh?" The voice in Rongzhou suddenly sounded not far away.

He glanced at it and looked up at it in disbelief.

On the wooden bridge standing on the pond in Rongzhou, he looked at it and held an umbrella in his hand. He wore a long, casual, camel-colored coat with a black turtleneck sweater, blackened hair, a short cut, and all combed to the back, and it looked like a rare, mature taste.

"How come you?" It took me a long time to find my voice and asked in amazement.

"Looking for a broker for a few days off, I came." Rong Zhouzhong replied, relying on the past to receive his own umbrella, standing under the umbrella of the time, clinging to his shoulder, watching him with him The pond with a view, ask, "I missed me?"

When he entered the side, he looked at him, then smiled and turned him around and said, "How is it possible?"

"I just want you to miss me." Rong Zhouzhong also laughed, looking around this resort villa, asked, "What is fun here, I have been working for several months, I need to rest."

The mood of the time is so obvious that it is visible to the naked eye. "Where is there any fun here, it is raining again. If you come early for a week, we can still take the second brother to fight the landlord. Now he is gone... you eat. Have you gone to do something for you?"

"No food, starved to death." Rong Zhouzhong squatted and asked, "I want to eat steak."

"No, only noodles." He turned his eyes into a white eye, grabbed his arm and took him toward the small building.

Upstairs, at the window of the study, Lian Jun took back the sight of the downstairs, and finally gave up the attention to Zhang Zhuoyuan on the phone.

"...What the **** is going on? Don't you say that you have to destroy the other four foreign businesses first? I even helped you to manage all the foreign relations. I did all the things you requested, but now What happened? Just because you died under one of your subordinates and leaked some information, it caused all the lines you have been abroad to collapse. The extinction is now being pressed by the big organizations and they are still being beaten. Pulling a lot of meat in the past, are you ready to fatten them! What are you doing!"

Zhang Zhuoyuan said that the louder the voice, the worse the attitude. The public phone on the phone, the first and second in the room all heard this, and his face turned black.

"Leng Jun? Lianjun, you said something! I can't understand it. How can you have such a useless subordinate, die and die, actually leaked the information out, I knew it was like this, I will— —"

"What are you?" Lian Jun turned back to the desk and picked up the list sent by the tarantula. He asked the phone on the table faintly. "What do you want to do? Director Zhang, you are in a hurry." I understand, but I also hope that you can understand that I am here to die in an important subordinate relationship."

His tone was very weak, there was no ups and downs in the words, and no threats were said. However, the blood of Zhang Zhuoyuan’s punches suddenly cooled down, and he later realized that he had just “deliberately” and pressed his tone slightly. Said: "I didn't want to do anything, I am really anxious, and now even the snakes are steady, I am worried..."

Lian Jun interrupted his words and said: "The stability of snake teeth is only the moon in the mirror. The more business they swallow now, the more serious the follow-up will be. The director Zhang, don't worry."

Zhang Zhuoyuan finally got a bit of a word from him. He knew that he was preparing to sell the interests to dig the enemy. The hanging heart was loose, and the tone was completely lowered. He said: "Lian Jun, what are your plans for the future? It is best to say it to me in advance, I have a good preparation in my heart, and I can help it more -"

"You only need to help me to do what I want you to do." Lian Jun interrupted him again, and finally heard a little cold in his voice. "I am dead, and I may die a lot in the future." I haven’t been in a good mood for a while now, Director Zhang, don’t let me hear what you said, you’re just dying. I don’t guarantee that I will do something.” Broke the phone.

As soon as he looked at the instrument on the other side, he said: "Zhang Zhuoyuan is really positioning our position."

"Hey, how worried we are about stealing the road, we obviously stayed under his eyes. Fortunately, he didn't know that this resort was Lushan's, or he had to deal with his reverie." .

Lian Jun put down the list in his hand and asked: "Where is the fifth?"

One time back: "I have already led the team to the vicinity of the first target person and can act at any time."

"Let him start tonight." Lian Jun told him to sit behind the desk. "Hurry up, when the foreign affairs are finished, you should transfer to China."

Both the first and the second were all in a tight heart, and they should be in unison, and then quitted the study.

When I was outside, I saw them coming out and asked, "I am?"

"Jun Shao did not mention who the next person will go out." He answered.

Yan San sighed, but soon he looked awkward: "But... it should be me, you and Yuji must be left to the end... It’s me. I can still be with you this year’s New Year. Have you been together?"

It is only in November, the New Year is the end of January of the coming year. There is more than two months in the middle. It is obvious that Yu San can't stay for so long.

Both Yi and Yu were silent, and finally took a step forward and took a shot on the shoulder of the third person. He said, "Tomorrow will be sent back to school when you send it."

"What is this?" Three smiled, then lifted his hand and wiped his face and said, "Well, I will send it."


When Rong Zhouzhong accompanied the time to enter the mountain village for a weekend, the brothers did not image the game on the sofa all day, eating snacks, watching some unpopular popcorn movies, mixing squabbling from time to time, it is also lively.

On the day of returning to school, Rong Zhouzhong accompanied him into the mountain. He didn't have any image in the back seat and asked: "Small forward, your birthday is coming, how are you going to?"

When I used my mobile phone to play mahjong, I replied: "It is not a holiday, I have to go to class, but I don't want to be busy. You have a birthday every year, don't care too much."

"That can't be done. This year's situation is special. The second brother doesn't know where to go. Big brother is better not to come out for safety. The fifth child may have been stared at by the bad guys. It can come out when you come out, but it is not good to see you, lest you Exposing your whereabouts, the fourth child has no idea what he is doing recently, and the contact can't be contacted. Now I can only give you a birthday. This is a good opportunity to monopolize you. I have to pay close attention to it." Rong Zhouzhong deliberately said, hit him on the shoulder. "How, how do you want to go, I will give you a plane, how about candy in your school door?"

When I can't stand it, I can't stand it. "What is this bad note? Are you a little kid or a naive little girl? Can B city let you play the plane? Don't always think about making a big news. I need to keep a low profile. ""

"This is also true." Rong Zhou was not willing to give up this celebration plan. Seeing that he was really not interested in his birthday, he confirmed, "Do you really want to celebrate birthday?"

When he looked up at him, he said, "I don't want to, not at all!"

"That's okay." Rong Zhou compromised.

There was no way to go, and the car stopped at the school gate.

Before entering the car, Rong Zhou suddenly opened his mouth again and said: "Before I felt bad because I couldn't help you, now I am a little glad that I have not been able to help you before, let the bad guys know. I am also your brother. Xiaojin, now I can only come to you without pressure, so when you are in a bad mood, even if you come to me, I am very busy at the end of the year, I can come with you at any time."

When I looked back at him, I suddenly leaned over and hugged him. Then I saw goodbye with the driver and took the backpack and got off the bus.

People who are mixed in the entertainment industry will be idle at the end of the year?

He crossed the road into the campus and took his backpack to his back - how could it be. However, there is still a brother who can meet normally. He feels very happy.


The four offensives, even if they were destroyed, could not be parried for a long time. Soon, the extinction was forced to completely abandon the interests of the X and DL areas, and quickly retracted the business network.

The Meridian and the Snakes triumphed and pursued, and began to devour the interests left behind. Chiba and the tarantula, because the business center of gravity is not abroad, has converged and has given up most of the benefits.

This is the first large-scale victory they have ushered in since the establishment of the alliance.

Then one day, Lushan found something wrong.

"I was assassinated under an important subordinate of the R country." At the meeting, Lu Shan threw a photo of a man being shot and his face was heavy. "Everyone noticed that Lianjun's counterattack may come. ”

Meng Qing felt that she was doing a big fuss and said: "There is now being crushed by us, and the business network has been shrunk by half. There is still room for counterattack. It’s just that you are dead, you are too nervous."

"Meng Qing, collecting your conceit, I have been dealing with Lianjun for so many years. The rhythm style of his work is the clearest. Often the details that we don't care about, or that feel insignificant, are the beginning of his paving! "Lu Shan looked serious and stressed, "Can't continue to chase again, all of which will be withdrawn. In the following period, we must be prepared for prevention."

"No." Yuan Peng first raised an objection. "The new business network that connects China to the X zone will be completed. This time, it is equivalent to wasting the efforts of the previous period and biting it from the mouth." The meat that came down, a part of it was given to it, giving it a chance to breathe."

Lu Shan shook her head and said: "Don't be overwhelmed by the interests, Yuan Peng, too aggressive, be careful to be countered."

Yuan Peng couldn't listen to it. He had a hard time to live a comfortable life. With the support of Meng Qing, he got a bit of a voice in the league. Now he wants him to give up his interests. He honestly listens to Lu Shan’s words. Not willing.

Lushan frowned and looked at Meng Qing and said, "What do you think?"

Meng Qing’s distressed appearance said: “Everyone is acting together, and the interests are all involved. It’s not that you can retreat directly if you say back. Why don’t we wait and see for a while?”

This is not in favor of retreat.

Lushan’s expression sank and looked at Qi Yun.

"Look again, but Lushan is right. The Wumen and the Snake are now expanding too fast. It’s time to settle down. The mess that has been destroyed is too big, and it’s too slow to organize an effective counterattack. "You don't have to be so anxious." Qi Yun spoke and helped to say something.

Finally, after some discussion, everyone unanimously decided to look at it again, and then slightly close the offensive, first stabilize the current business network. Lu Shanming did not agree with this decision, but three to one, she finally had no choice but to compromise.

Two days later, Lushan was buried in an important subordinate of the H country and died silently.

Lushan directly bombed, and said at the meeting: "It must be an honest! I killed him a subordinate, he actually killed me two, well, very good!"

Meng Qing and Qi Yun heard a word and gave her a little comfort. Yuan Peng frowned, remembering that he also participated in the last incident, and he woke up in his heart.

The assassination is still going on, and the frequency is getting faster and faster. In December, Lushan has already lost six generals. The business chain from the outside to Baodao has lost several key leaders and entered. The state of temporary suspension.

"I have to withdraw the strength outside." At another meeting, Lushan said violently, the state looked terrible. "A total of six people directly pulled me a whole line! I did know a little about the extinction, but obviously Lianjun knows me better! No matter how I guard, my people are still dead one by one. If I continue to do so, I will not have to use the power to deal with the foundation of Baodao. I will collapse! I have to put it down. The power of the periphery is withdrawn to fill this part of the hole, and I will keep the few important subordinates that I have left. Don't stop me."

The other three people were also very scared of the slogan, and did not bother her, but also said that they can help.

Lushan quickly waved her hand and said, "Don't you, take care of yourself. The counterattack of Lianjun is absolutely not finished. Everyone is careful."


Two days before and after the birthday, the stroller had to return to the rivers and lakes. Time is a bit speechless, I did not expect that several brothers still sent him a lot of birthday gifts this year.

In fact, compared to last year, the number of gifts sent by everyone this year has been slightly restrained, but because this year, Rongzhou did not give gifts in advance as last year, but chose to send gifts by express delivery. And Li Jiuyi, who was inconvenient to come over, also sent a gift with courier, so the total number of boxes was not much less than last year.

"My Scorpio, a whole box of sunglasses, time to enter, this is a gift from your relatives, too..." Liu Yong’s expression is very difficult to say, take a sunglasses from the box and look at it, a little hand shake , "The trough, with pearls, is this pearl true or false..."

When I silently put on this box of sunglasses, I said, "My relative is a sunglasses enthusiast, so... what, at night, I invite you to eat, what do you want to eat, hot pot or stir fry?"

In the mood of Zai Tuhao, Liu Yong said seriously: "I want to eat seafood dinner!"

When I used it, I looked at him with a mentally retarded look: "If you can find a shop selling seafood at school, I will ask you to eat."

Liu Yong said: "Why your birthday is not on the weekend, but unfortunately."


At the dinner time of the day, Shijin received a call from the grandfather. He has some doubts, he has received all the gifts of his five brothers, how come there is a courier.

When Liu Yong’s eyes lit up, he immediately offered a small cart: “Is there another treasure?”

When he was confused, he shook his head and took him and Luo Donghao to the school gate.

The grandfather of the guards came to see him from afar, and he hurriedly reached out to the door and said, "Classmate, your takeaway!"


When I entered the accident, I looked at the place where my grandfather pointed. I saw that there was a takeaway dining car in an old restaurant, and there was a person wearing a waiter uniform outside the car. The man saw the time when he was calling by the gatekeeper. He was busy holding a greeting card and greeted him. He stopped at the time and smiled and handed the greeting card over. He said, "Is it Mr. Is it? I am the delivery staff of XX Restaurant. I am here to give you a birthday meal with your brother’s support and wish you a happy birthday."

When the greeting card was opened, a handwritten small print appeared in front of him: this year, I also want to eat longevity noodles, I wish Xiaojin a long life, happy birthday, my brother loves you [love].

He looked at the love and suddenly felt a sore nose, and he raised his hand and rubbed his nose.

Read The Duke's Passion